Title: Gekokujou - Success
Pairing: Yara/Senga
Rating/Warnings: R
AN: I totally forget why I wrote this. Gekokujou is the term for when a person of lower rank surpasses someone of higher rank, like a disciple beating their master at something.
'So the student becomes the teacher.' )
tiny!yaraemon observations never fail to make me giggle. HE'S SO WEE. ♥ and kjwhjkwhjwe slutty sengaaa~ HELLO. and HELLO ALSO, THE BEGGING FOR A SEQUEL. 8DD ...i would like to see that. >:D >:D (you'll write it, won't you? :D) it'd be interesting to see their personalities clash in the arena where nika's not so chicken~~~ 8D
"No?!" Yara says, entirely indignant.
"No," Nikaido repeats, and calmly closes the door in Yara's face.
Later, Nikaido and Senga laugh themselves silly when Nikaido relates the episode.
"You should have seen his face," Nikaido gasps, clutching a pillow to his stomach.
Senga's already curled into a ball on the couch next to him, cackling. "Best joke ever, right?"
"You're awesome," Nikaido agrees, meeting Senga's fist-bop as Senga sits up. "Thanks."
And that's all it takes for Senga to be happy, because more than anything, more than feeling Nikaido fall apart beneath him, Senga loves to make Nikaido smile.
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