Title: X Marks The Spot Pairing: Tamamori/Miyata Rating/Warnings: PG AN: In which I write ridiculous fluff and blatantly ignore the reality of concert scheduling? XD Ninja-betaed after posting by timeripple.
Kita is like an after school special. TaiP gagging. Nika being an ass. Love that you incorporated Senga feeding Nika the yakisoba. XD Hama-chan appearance! <3 And aww Gokusen cheer, yay. And of course TamaMiya are total happy sparkley gay love. And Crave It~~~~~~~~~that song will kill me.
I think there was only one show on Saturday though, but whatever.
-random- Everyone calls in the Gokusen cheer, but they do it in normal schools, too. Before my track practice every day we all get into a circle and do that.
-had to point that out-
Miyata's so helpless. In the good way. xD Fujigaya and Nika being all... mean? Ahaha. And then Tamamori totally knowing about how helpless Miyata was without him. <3 <3 <3
OKAY, FIRST: I LOVE MITSU JUST KNOWING. lol, sourangel said it best. xD "after school special." and then ahaha, fujigaya and nikaido. "Are you serious?" Fujigaya asks skeptically. /"Are you retarded?" and senga force-feeding nikaido yakisoba, wkhwjkhwe. xD xD that episode was hilarious. LOL, ALSO: UNLIKE ARASHI. poor senpai. 8D
"So I hear you can't live without me," Tamamori says in greeting and Miyata doesn't even try. /"I can't!" he wails ADORABLE. i think that was my favourite line. retarded love is brilliant. xD
Comments 13
Kita is like an after school special. TaiP gagging. Nika being an ass. Love that you incorporated Senga feeding Nika the yakisoba. XD Hama-chan appearance! <3 And aww Gokusen cheer, yay. And of course TamaMiya are total happy sparkley gay love. And Crave It~~~~~~~~~that song will kill me.
I think there was only one show on Saturday though, but whatever.
Was there? OOPS. XD Shh, let's pretend.
Gokusen cheer! :D:D:D:D:D
:D :D
Mostly I imagine the rest of them falling over in hysterics when Tama tries that. XD
-had to point that out-
Miyata's so helpless. In the good way. xD
Fujigaya and Nika being all... mean? Ahaha.
And then Tamamori totally knowing about how helpless Miyata was without him.
<3 <3 <3
OKAY, FIRST: I LOVE MITSU JUST KNOWING. lol, sourangel said it best. xD "after school special." and then ahaha, fujigaya and nikaido. "Are you serious?" Fujigaya asks skeptically. /"Are you retarded?" and senga force-feeding nikaido yakisoba, wkhwjkhwe. xD xD that episode was hilarious. LOL, ALSO: UNLIKE ARASHI. poor senpai. 8D
"So I hear you can't live without me," Tamamori says in greeting and Miyata doesn't even try. /"I can't!" he wails ADORABLE. i think that was my favourite line. retarded love is brilliant. xD
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