Oct 06, 2017 15:15
I reeeeeeeeeally want to write a Merlin ghost or horror fic, but I can't seem to wrap my head around any specific idea. I think I'm having trouble thinking about making any of the characters creepy (and I want creepy) or making horrors befall them, and yet, I LOVE reading stories that make the characters something new and different. I mean, they still need to be in character, but I love when writers are willing and able to twist the characters into a sort of demented or perverse version of themselves or something. (Not always, obviously; I love nothing better than pure canon AUs, after all!)
I think what it is is that I need to be braver in my imagination, instead of just being in awe of people that are able to make Morgana a creepy apparition, or explore Arthur's traits if some darkness were really introduced or magnified in him.
Idk. Maybe if I tell myself that I can include an AN that explains this isn't *really* how I see the characters, but rather a creative exploration for a different kind of story, I could do it.
I wish my fic-tac-toe board was bringing me little drabble plot-bunnies, but I've never completed one square of any bingo card, ever. *Sigh*
merlin fanfic,
halloween fic,
horror writing,
writing woes,
talking through my block (i hope)