I can never understand what motivates people to do these things. It hits me hard that people feel as though they are racially superior, but what hits me even harder is that people ACT on these thoughts. How could you, beat someone up based on their ethnicity. How could you almost kill someone?
I know racism is something that is apparent all throughout the world. I've seen racist remarks, racist attitudes and the like. BUT, I have never seen some of my classmates get beaten up, called names, and hospitalized.
I know this type of stuff happens all the time through out the world. I just never thought it would happen so close to home. At a quaker school. A good campus and school with great people. There are a few people that put to shame our good name.
http://www.cnn.com/2007/EDUCATION/01/23/guilford.assault.ap/index.html http://www.newsandrecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070124/NEWSREC0101/70123018