The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay.What comes to mind when you hear....snow?:cold ..rain?:wet ..tornado?:funel cloud ..summer love?:Grease (the movie) ..Jon?:Johnny (South African that says Soory all the time) ..Mike?:some dude from my freshman year in College ..Shea?:Shea the Elf ..banana?:Diariaha ..dizzy?:spinning bed ..Laura?:Hartley (need I say more?) ..Juan?:Juan Carlos (don't know who that is but thats what comes to mind) I borrow it? ..white?:snow ..peppermint?:bad breath ..New Found Glory?:huh? ..placebo?:fake matzah (we were talking about this in class today) juice?:breakfast ..candid camera?:funny skits ..sister?:Lauren and Alyssa (they're mine) it be nice to have one? ..hate?:I hate quizes school blows!!! ..President?:Dumb Ass ..rap?:bad ..pop?:hot chicks ..rock?:classic rock ..punk?:fast and short please! ..death?:Kaddish wants lots ..duuude?:...where's my car? ..the end?:can't wait for the next in the series
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