Look UP

Feb 23, 2009 14:34

I am passing on this gem which a friend found on the Net:

It seems to me as if a lot of people are feeling unsettled, insecure,
troubled and scared about the changes that are happening all
around us. There is bad news coming from every angle and it gets
more and more difficult to stay upbeat and positive about life in the
face of such a constant barrage.

The temptation to go with the flow and join in with the
hand-wringers and the doomsayers is strong. It feels a bit like 'if
you can't beat them, join them' because, when your energy is low,
the line of least resistance looks very inviting!

If you ever start to feel like giving up hope and sinking into the
abyss of fear, look up. That simple physical act of raising your head
and your eyes to look at what's above you gives you an instant lift.
It also has a knock-on effect of causing your shoulders to drop and
your breastbone to lift. Dropping your shoulders helps you relax.
Raising your breastbone, raises your energy and your confidence..
And all of this immediately improves your posture. So now you're
standing, sitting or walking taller, looking the world in the eye.
Those of us who can keep our feet on the ground and our eyes on
the stars are vital to the future of the world right now. Without us,
the fear and darkness will take over and lead to all sorts of societal

So take a good deep breath and look up towards a better and
brighter future. It's there, on the other side of the fear, waiting for
us to come and claim it.

Are you ready?

breathe, despair, uplift, relax, stress, persistence, mood

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