Sep 11, 2006 07:40
i haven't slept, all night.
i fear i'm even missing the point of sleep.
anyway. i thought since today is 9/11, I would discuss the importance of what it's really about.
now, for some of you "conspiracies are always more fun to believe than the truth"
take this simple quote into account:
"the hardest part about this war has been trying to tie it to Iraq"
quoted from none other than our amazing president george w. bush.
on wed, live t.v., in an interview with katie courick.
fantastic isn't he.
his idocy has really made me.. i don't know..
angry?? anyone else?
it's not just HIS idiocy, it's our countries idiocy in that they over look that simple quote.
no one in the media has said one thing about it.
how can that not raise attention?
why are we fighting in Iraq?!
so the richer get richer and poorer get poorer?!
how is that democracy?
can someone tell me.
why didn't anyone care about the 2004 election.. why didnt anyone put into effect that this would be affecting US, OUR PEERS, OUR AGE GROUP the most??
didn't he say in the beginning "Afghanistan is the cause.. blah blah.. i'm a jackass.. blah blah?"
back to where I was.
today is 9/11
and for those of you who are unaware,
wipe away your ignorance by checking out
you'll learn some things.
not everything is what they tell you.
your government has lied to you and always has.
don't be a slave to their propaganda.
then again, you shouldn't listen to EVERYTHING this video says, be astute and create your own ideals.
that is what your brain is for, not mindless myspace/livejournal drib.