
Dec 05, 2008 13:21

is it just me, or does it seem like all this Prop 8 business should have happened, oh, i dunno, maybe before it was voted on? just a thought. mostly brought on by this monstrosity. nothing like a totally star studded atonal wank fest to really bring em on over to our side, especially since most of these people did pretty much nothing before the damn thing passed. it just seemed like this whole thing was very half-hearted and poorly planned, mostly relying on straight politicians, celebrities (not that straight allies aren't a help, but by and large i think pushing straight spokespeople to the front to try and make the whole thing more palatable somehow is a mistake. people need to learn exactly who it is this proposition effects. it is only by directly getting to know the individuals in the gay community and therefore realizing that none of them is going to molest your children or sodomize your husband and that most of them are actually quite a lot like them that people will calm the fuck down about the whole thing) and hipsters (do not depend on these sad people for anything, ever. their glasses don't even have frames!) instead of the gay community itself, and then when the time came it was suddenly Oh Shit.
sigh. i hope we can get it together this time, although it would have been much, much easier to just not let the fucking thing pass in the first place instead of trying to repeal it.
oh and it would have been nice to have MILK come out before too, hm? yeah, gus van sant, "oops" is right.

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