Feb 22, 2007 02:42
idk why but ive felt really bad about wronging hella people in the past and fucking up relationships and shit. im hella pissed about shit ive fucked up and like ruining really good things. im pissed for going to fast wih that first guy. i feel like i wasted so much time with people that only hurt me too. i let it go on too long with both brett and genesis when i knew shit was so bad. i feel bad for hurting people when i was with them that i really did care about like scott and my close friends. and then when i finally had something really good with chris i fuck up once and he let it go and then shit goes bad anyways. then i find something hella hella good with jaer and chris wants me back and i let it go coz i hella liked jaer and then i had to go and fuck it up with genesis. which is even stupider because i wish i never went to that fucking rave and let that fucker get my fucking number and fucking up something fucking beautiful!!! fuKCK!!! FUCKKkk ive been so pissed lately!!! FUCK and i feel so fucking stupid because the people that i cared about most wont fucking look at me and the ones i dont give a fuck about still want to hang out and shit. fuck.