Jun 07, 2008 23:26
A- Avaliable?: technically, yes!
A - Age: legal baby;)
A - Annoyance: my bod.
B - Best Friends: all of you!!!
B - Beer: mickeys!
B - Birthday: december 13th.
C - Crush: just came online and IMed me! :):):):):):):):):):)! im gay!
C - Car: wish i had one.
C - Candy: pleh.
D - Day or night: night!
D - Dream Car: whateverrrrrrrr. as long as it works and is smallish.
D - Dog or cat: CAT!
E - Earliest time you woke up: uhh i dunno. 5 somethin.
E - Easiest person to talk to: any of my close friends!
E - Eggnog: YUCK.
F - Favorite Month: july! heheh. for now.
F - Favorite colors: red. turquoise. black.
F - Favorite Memory: too many!
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms. real ones! i love them.
G - Giver or taker: giverrrrrr.
G - Gum: dont matter.
H - Hair Color: brownish lame and boring.
H - Height: 5'5"
H - Happy: yes indeed!
I - Ice Cream: i dont really like it. but i guess mint!
I - Instrument: guitarrrr. im getting into piano again though.
I - Idol: you!
J - Jewelry: im allergic to cheap metals. so i dont wear it much. ahg i need a new nose stud guy! grr money.
J - Job: i need onnnnnnnne. im gunna find one, i swear!
J - Jail: erb?
K - Kids: i love my babyyyyyy kenzer. poor kid is sick and pukey:(
K - Kickboxing or karate: kick boxing!
K - Kindergarten: it was great! i use to spend all of my play/free time making books! id just sit by myself and wrote stories and illustrate them. so good! i wish i could find all those.
L - Longest Car Ride: i dunno. probably driving from here to CA.
L - Last Kiss: last night/this morning:):):)!
L- Latest time you came home: uhhh never? dang i dunno.
M - Milk Flavor: soy.
M - Most missed person: a lottttttttt. erik larson! who is comin next month! cant wait.
M - Movie Last Watched: woah i dont remember. i think it was the weather man. that was a while ago!
N - Number of Tatoos: one. gay.
N - Name: bill.
O - ONE WISH: to have non-stop money.
O - One Phobia: one?! pff. water.
O - One regret: no regrets! whatever happens, happens.
P - Pet Peeves: the way most people eat.
P - Part of you you like the best: merrrrr. my right foot. woah my feets are dirtyyyyyy!
P - Part of your Personality you like best: you tell me!
Q - Quote: merpidee moop mooper der.
Q - Quick or Slow: slow? im a slow person in general.
R - Reason to smile: crush!
R - Reality TV Show: fear factorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
R - Reasons to cry: nice sweet touching movies.
S - Song Last Heard: mmmsomething i recorded earlier.
S - Season: whateverrrrrr. theyve all got their goods and bads!
S - Shoes: none, ever.
T - Time you woke: around noon i think.
T - Time Now: 11:49pmery.
T - Time for bed: i dunno im kinda tired! some hours.
U - U love someone: everyone!
U - Unpredictable: maybe.
U - Underwear: ;)
V- Vegetable you hate: yeh i dont really like corn. even though i DID eat it today. mer.
V - Vegetable you love: artichokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lettuce!!!!!! salad stuff! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
V - Vacation spot: somewhere warm and hoppin!
W- Worst Habits: i dont think i really have any!
W-Where are you going to travel next?: florida possibly?
X - X-Ray: wisdom teeeeeeeeths.
X - X-Rated Porn: woo! love it.
X - X-tra special someone(s): youre gaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Y - Year you were born: 1707.
Y - Year it is now: 1842.
Y - Yellow: pretty.
Z - Zoo Animal: ahhh all! i wanna go to the zoo! right now!
Z - Zodiac: sag, baby.
Z - Zoolander: never seen it.