Jan 29, 2005 02:29
so i just got back from the jazz trip or whatever it's called and i'm left in a pretty manic state-- mind you not manicly happy or depressed, just manic, as in at 0 as opposed to a (-) or (+). i had my extreme highs (e.g. "backstreet's back" chorus and weed at the crack o' dawn) and my extreme lows (cannot be summed up in a pair of parentheses). basically, sometimes i just wanna shank a bitch-- or two. I looked around and it suddenly seemed like romances were blossoming up all around me. jesus, and then to top it all of they break out into "can you feel the love tonight?" (what a bunch of bullshat.) to which i responded, "no actually, not really."
honestly, who would have thought up some of these random-ass pairs, anyhow? does God really hate me that much? and if he does, what'd i ever do to him-- that might have been the lamest question to ask, ever. if i didn't know better, i'd say the whole world was pretty much against me, though. I swear like 75% of this weekend was just scenes from a reality tv show, like whatchamacallit... high school reunion?-- like there was hardcore rigging for people to throw mess in my face and me to get pissed, and then, i just really, really kept hoping for there to be a sudden surge of "SMILE! you're on can-did cam'ra!"... but it never came. so basically elodia j. fernandez and i spent the ride home griping about this thing blossoming between n.a. and a.d. and i basically was on the verge of stabbing them both. and they kept cheeeeesing at me like i was s'posed to be happy for them or something... psh. my ass. but anyway... there were good times too! i swear.
i fucked up my solo part the first time what with my being off key in nine different ways, but i semi-redeemed my self in finals, which we made. by that time i'd set the bar so low, i didn't even have to do a fantastic job with my "solo" to redeem myself; it was sheerly a matter of being on key. hmmm... what else can i say about this? let's see, ben bryan and ian mackenzie were there, so there was obviously some halo going on. there was some pizza staining, some idiot-playing, which i won at for once (and that was a real feat for me, seeing as how i never win at card games-- next comes spoons, then e.r.s.), some porn watching on good ol' channel 15, some pickup karaoke, and so on and so forth. we came in 2nd at the lil' jazz fest and all in all it was a good trip.-- with the exception of various racial slurs, some cheesy ass clark college vocal jazz ensemble that,like, superimposed themselves on us all, and was shitty and illegitimate to boot, and all the random coupling.
shit. i just evaluated that and reaffirmed that, yes, that was basically the entire trip. oh well... on the bright side, i made some new friends, rediscovered some old ones, and was psychoanalyzed by some folks. hale vj gals got called collectivley ugly, or at least told that we paled in comparison to fife vj gals, according to one source, the difference between the two being lost on me, but then i flirted with a hot guy with a hole in his jeans, so i felt less defective, and was able to forgive my insultor.
the end.
i hope y'alls finals went swimmingly. god knows mine didn't. and there's still the matter of physics... sigh.
p.s. my mom things i'm cutting class (rightly so) and wants me to get all my teachers to sign something to verify that i'm not (but i am) so if anyone can forge a john hancock, holler back. I love you guys all! peace out.