this is not burger king.

Apr 06, 2005 17:55

mkay so i'm about to go to rehearsal in like a half hour which is just enough time for me to address the matter of updating. when did this become sucha chore?! jeeze.  i think the obvious answer is "when i stopped having uncontroversial things to say." -- hate when that happens.. grumble. so my life's been fairly good the last few days i guess. the show hasn't altogether sucked-- aspects of it have, but not too much the show itself.  folks keep asking me "so how is it??!" and i'm like-- as if i'd know. i have sucha two-bit role that if i shine like the brighest star in front of whatever his name is's chinese theater or if i fuckitup like pauley shore, no one's really gonna know the difference. lol. either way it doesn't merit calling the show a success or a failure.  and it's not like i can see what's going on or anything.... as far as i know the folks that matter have been doing a gr8 j-o-b, so i'm satisfied. i feel so middle aged right now-- God only knows why. feel free to psycho-analyze me. but anyway, let's recap the last few days in highlight style (as opposed to play-by-play, which is boring for everyone). WEEEELLL:

by day i was an academic failure, but i never gave up because my middle name starts with a "P" which on any given day can stand for "perseverance" (which i'm not sure i spelled correctly), and i kinda made some progress in a couple of my classes. i was intimidated by mr. renouard, but it turned out to be a good thing because as we all know by now, the only way you're gonna get my best work is by means of intimidation. and i produced a fookin' brilliant rendition of some scene or othere from hamlet. I turned in some rreaaaally reallly old homework that you'd swear we got at the turn of the century on account of it was so yellowed and wrinkly, and i played volleyball in a p.e. class i was not supposed to be in and even tho i blew, it rocked. it's been like a decade since i last touched a volleyball not counting that day. *sigh* the shenanigans don't end there tho!! after that-- or maybe before, i can never remember things in sequence-- we put on another show with it in mind to go have a  dancestravaganza after. and it turned into big booty on the side of the road, which was heavenly, then to dick's, which was heaven-on-earthly, then to being insulted by some urine-soaked bum who called me white!-- which was pure bullshit.  oh and then after that i got launched through some bitch's windshield practically-- can't i exaggerete a little?! it's not like it's that far from the truth, and i said "practically"-- which was a thrill-ride for me i must say, amusing if shocking 'til i felt the blood dripping in my eye and realized my lip was big enough to wrap around star jones' ass, then less so, i must admit. and is an apology too much to ask??! apparently so. but being told to "walk it off" certainly isn't. bitch.

but lucky for me spirit week followed which has thus far been the shit. participation is a good thing kids! don't think of it as helping your class win some silly good-for-nothing competition in the long run! think of it as the one day you get to wear roller blades in the halls and skorts anywhere and get away with it! isn't that worth it?! kind of a weak argument in retrospect, but hell, it's worth it to me. lol. i got a lot of compliments on my kindergarten day ensemble, especially the "nice touch" of the band-aid on my forehead. little did they know... *trailing off* --nathan barnett suggested that i wear my kinder-getup like, on a daily basis.  is that how little he thinks of me?!-- or on the other hand how highly if he thinks i could pull that shit off any other day. lol. anyhoo, it's about that time for me to blow this joint. so there you have it.
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