fucking atheists

Apr 11, 2006 22:15

Ok, for all intents and purposes I am an atheist. I have my doubts - and I cherish my doubts - but realistically I'm an atheist.

Doesn't mean atheists are always rational though. Brian Flemming of the mediocre documentary "The God Who Wasn't There" has announced a new campaign: On Easter secret atheist forces will hide 666 copies of his movie in various churches around the country along with accompanying Easter Eggs to be found during the Easter Egg hunt explaining what is going on.

I wish that was a joke. Aside from being a pointlessly shitty, hateful, mean-spirited action it is also the stupidest fucking thing I can imagine.

What is it that fundamentalist Christians believe about atheists? First, that atheists have a secret agenda to attack Christianity. Does this action (particularly since it is snarkily being called "The War on Easter") do anything to dissuade them from that belief? NO! Second, they tend to believe that atheists are at best doing the work of the devil and at worst are actively Satan worshippers. Atheists tend to respond to these accusations by reminding our Christian brothers and sisters that we don't believe in a devil any more than we believe in a god. But what does handing out 666 DVD's (the Christian "number of the beast") prove other than that atheists really are in league with Satan? If five people actually watch the fucking DVD it will be a miracle but Christian apologists will be using this as proof that atheists are in league with the devil for decades because now the most prominent atheist in America has aligned himself with the number of the beast. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Everything about this is wrong and wrongheaded. I can't believe I ever rented Flemming's fucking movie and the jackass has now made money off of me. I wish I could take it back. This is one of the most infantile, ridiculous, and counter-productive things I have heard about in a long time. I am so angry I can hardly even think about it.
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