9th ♒ Audio

Dec 02, 2011 08:39


[When the feed comes on there's the sound of something in the background, probably a TV or something, who knows. It takes a moment or two for Eridan to start talking, obviously distracted by whatever is making the sound. For those who are movie-savvy and can make out some of the lines, it might very well be from a romcom, ( Read more... )

halp?, romance sure is hard, sure am dating the expert what do, eridan's got questions, not above asking for advice

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filtered text; psiinusoiidal December 2 2011, 18:58:34 UTC
2uggestiion: iif 2tealth ii2 an ii22ue iin attemptiing two obtaiin thii2 iinformatiion, openiing diialogue viia audiio may not be your be2t optiion.


filtered text; yerawizarderri December 2 2011, 19:01:49 UTC
excuse the fuck outta me he wwas kinda NOT in the fuckin hivve
he came home earlier than i anticipated so wwhatevver
if youvve got nothin to suggest then you can take your mustard colored text and get the fuck outta my post


filtered text; psiinusoiidal December 2 2011, 19:09:32 UTC
IIf you in2ii2t, chiild.
An actiiviity tangentiially relevant two hii2 iintere2t2 of whiich he ha2 liikely not previiou2ly engaged.
Perhap2 utiiliiziing data obtaiined 2urreptiitiiou2ly.


filtered text; yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 05:14:05 UTC
you are provvin to be completely fuckin useless
the wwhole point a this FILTERED post is to be surreptitious
an i knoww a shit he likes but its a pretty fuckin broad spectrum so im askin for ideas on wwhat wwould be preferable to focus on
noww if youre done bein a absolutely no fuckin use
you can take your ugly fuckin text that servves no fuckin purpose to me other than a goddamn reminder a wwho you ARENT an leavve me the fuck alone


filtered text; psiinusoiidal December 3 2011, 05:22:55 UTC
[ Wriggler, please, he doesn't have to obey children.

Mostly. ]

General queriie2 gaiin general iinformatiion.
2peciifiic data obtaiined 2urreptiiciiou2ly from the 2ource ii2 more liikely two be appliicable.
E2piionage ii2 a valiid tactiic.
U2e of a thiird party ii2 adviised.


filtered text; yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 06:08:58 UTC
[Hey man, he's JUST below the shade in which enslaved him broski, so Eridan will throw around orders all he wants!]

[He does, however, appreciate the distinct lack of yellow... Maybe you aren't so bad.]

gam kinda suggested bein my double agent in a wway so maybe that IS the best route
just i hope to fuckin fuck that he can remember hes evven gonna be on that fuckin tactical information retrieval mission


filtered text; psiinusoiidal December 3 2011, 09:28:42 UTC
[ That's why he's being so helpful. S-sob.

And why would you send Gamzee on that task? Oh, child, no. ]

You may wii2h two recall your operatiive.
Con2iider deployiing a uniit wiith hiigher level2 of dii2cretiion.
IIdeally, iit would also po22e22 per2onal motiive.
Do you know of human Lily Evans?


filtered text; yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 09:33:33 UTC
[Aaw Psii so sweet! Even if not really...]

wwell he wwas the one wwho offered but like i said im not exactly sure if his results wwould be anythin desirable
or if there wwould be any at all
i do but do you really think shed help wwith this


filtered text; psiinusoiidal December 3 2011, 09:42:31 UTC
[ Never in his life is Psii more sure that this is some sort of bizarre hallucination than when he's giving some random seadweller kid romance advice. ]

Human Lily Evans ii2 iinvolved iin a mate2priit2hiip analogue and ha2 expre22ed an iintere2t iin cro22-cultural under2tandiing.
Addiitiionally, 2he po22e22e2 per2onaliity attriibute2 that may 2way her two your cau2e.
Ye2, 2he ii2 a potentiial candiidate.
2ugge2tiion: iif you reque2t her aiid, do 2o wiithout u2e of expletiive2.


filtered text; yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 09:51:37 UTC
i knoww that im vvery wwell awware a this shit wwith lil ivve knoww her for a wwhile noww
i knoww kar wwill get suspicious if she just up an asks him some shit
at least gam has eq to use as a excuse evven if theres a fuckin chance he might not evven remember wwhat hes doin
also fuck you i will use expletivves all i fuckin wwant she doesnt mind my language so wwhy should i


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