alright can someone dowwnright explain exactly howw long ivve been asleep
i feel like i havvent movved in for fuckin evver
fuckin sucks
wwhat day is it evven
i dont evven remember goin to sleep
wwheres kar evven at
[After sending out the message on the SFC, Eridan chills for a moment, stretching and trying to work out the ache he feels in his joints. God, how long had he been laying there? He couldn't have gone to sleep voluntarily, because why the fuck would he have done it on this fucking rectangle human sleeping device, he had a perfectly good recuperacoon for that shit. ]
[For as much as he wants to look for Karkat, he's just gonna chill here for a bit before attempting to walk. He still feels pretty groggy after being in a coma for a week and all.]
((ooc: backdated to last night!))