Dear friends,
As I sit at my desk, contemplating life, I realize I haven't talked to most of the people who read this in quite a long time.
A lot has happened since I've last seen you. I've gotten a laptop, a job, a life, a goal, as well as other things.
We'll start with the job.
I work at kroger. I'm a bagger, though really, I'm pretty much a stocker. On my last shift I did more stocking shelves than I did bagging, so whatever. I missed having a job. It was the last thing on my list to do before my life had no real concerns. I'm doing well in school, better than previous semesters at least. My parents are happy with me now, so I feel like a good son. Life is good.
Despite that however, I woke up today in a horrible mood. Most of my day was unproductive, and I mostly realized how much more I should get out of the house.
That in mind,
Jordan explored, while I mostly sat around and took pictures. The woods were very exciting, and all the trees were planted in rowss, so it looked really cool to sit at one end and just stare down the row.
They had a very spooky Zelda forest temple feel to them that I appreciated greatly, having spent many of my last hours playing Ocorina of Time.
After I had my fill of the forest, I headed out to the meadow.
I took way too many pictures like this one, so good or not, I felt like I had to at least post one of them.
I've been listening to more and more relaxed music lately. I've realized, that with a job, I will once again be able to afford going to shows, which is something I've really missed for quite a while. I'm sure it won't quite be the punk rock / ska shows that I used to be in to, but I'll go see someone. I hear idiot pilot is headed here in november, so maybe I'll go to that.
I'm thinking about sending my parents nice percentage of my paychecks, I mean, they've paid way too much of the stuff for me lately, seeing as I couldn't find a job for a while. They've b een very nice about it, I should probably pay them back. I think that would make me quite happy.
Either way, I just wanted to catch up. I don't really talk to most of you much anymore, I hope you're all doing well. Talk to you later.