Feb 21, 2011 23:08
I <3 popcap games. I played chuzzle first, it was awesome, but I got bored of it fast. I played peggle, it's fun but doesn't require a lot of strategy. Then I found insaniquarium. I played it for hours and hours, my eyes would just be pouring at 3am because I was so focused. But then it got really really hard. I tried plants vs zombies. I LOVED IT, and was super awesome at it. Unfortunately, an hour or so into it, it stopped me and said I needed to buy it to continue. :(
So I bought it. $20 from Target. So worth it. Even though it is totally not worth $20 realistically, it has brought me hours of entertainment ad joy. I love killin me some zombies.
I hate school, and don't wanna go tomorrow. I decided I could use the time that I would normally be in my morning class to clean my apt (and kitty's box) and relax a bit because work has been super stressful and busy and everyone's always cranky all the time. :/
I'm way excited to have this weekend off. Maybe an adventure awaits. Probably not...but maybe.