Aug 15, 2005 01:10
So i have to go out and find a job. This is something I haven't done in years. Wait now that I think about the only two jobs I have ever had I was pretty much directed into there direction. My step father with the first job at publix, and my uncle got me the job at the airport where I worked for over 5 years. So start off the job search I applied to best buy, but more so the geek squad place. I know that I have to have a job, and one that gives me enough money to survive and pay my bills, but at the same time I don't want one that will put me in a rut or make me feel smothered and tired like the airport gig. And I know I can't really be picky, but I really want a job where I can keep my plugs in. I love them even if they are just small decorative objects. I also want to get my lip or nose pierce, but that isn't that big of a deal. So hopefully I'll get the best buy job which as long as they are hiring or have room I should be a shoe in since I have my A+ cert and an A.A. in Computer Science, and well I think I have some pretty damn good references. So I hope it works out cause come to think about I'd get some good discounts, as well as meet alot of people which another thing I'd like to do. Ok I am tired I've had a really long weekend, and I gotta wake up tomorrow so I can go to Valencia and take care of registering for the two Classes I need since I am short a Math and English Credit. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ~_~