Personal Log, Janice Rand

Jun 25, 2009 16:06

 Security Access: Shipwide

I love this ship! She might be all shiny and new and pretty, but there are still small kinks to be worked out as a result of being sucked through about ten times more gravitational pull than she should have been, and it is AWESOME. Other people probably don't think that, obviously, since I'm sure they don't like having the ship fall down at random times around them, but I revel in it. Chaos is where I thrive, what can I say? Growing up with brothers does that to you.

Anyways, there was a massively exciting problem in Engineering today that led to what was almost a bloodbath and Lt. Masters totally almost kicked someone's ass. It was amazing. (And if you're reading this, ass-kickee, you got what you deserved.)

I'm itchy now, though....I might go to the gym and punch things for a while, which Jamie says is always the cure to anything. Of course, he's also a warp tech, so he likes things fast and rough.....good God, that really came out of my mouth, didn't it? I'm shameless. :D

I miss him, though. Missing a brother isn't the same as missing a twin. It hurts more when you're not together. I know that there's some time when we're together at the same dock at the same time, but I don't remember when it's coming--not soon enough, though. I miss my neices!! They are too freaking cute and I want to smoosh their little faces. Okay, that sounded weird. But I miss them!

Anyways. Gonna go find clothes, since I still haven't unpacked anything in this mess except my books and some clothes, and then go hit things. If you feel like sparring, hit me up!
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