Jun 03, 2011 02:15
Took today and tommorrow off of work to get stuff done at home. Things started with an early call by Orkin to get rid of the OMG ANT INVASION! that had been going on for some days. We've had so much rain in the last 2 months that they're being flooded out of their hills and are coming inside. NOT COOL.
Went to get my hair cut and decided to go for something a bit different. No pics, so can't post proof but I do like it. Darker color and shorter. My neice (and hair stylist) said it was now 'more modern and youthful'. I'm good wit dat.
Picked up my new Rx sunglasses. I've never had Rx sunglasses in my life so I'm excited about the prospect of not squinting outside this summer. I like them. This goes with the new frames I got last month with my new regular glasses Rx. I like them, too.
Took my mom and sister Debbie out to a local ice cream parlor and we all had a fun. Ate ice cream, chatted and came home and sat with Deb on the deck and chatted some more before she headed home.
Minxie is doing much, much better. She was taking a turn for the worse 2 weeks ago but now we put her on a different hypoallergenic food and she not only likes it (and Pinnacle eats it as well), but she REALLY likes it and has gained her weight back. The hope is that her problem has been a food allergy (assuming chicken) and that the Hills Rabbit and Green Pea formula (i.e., 'the rabbit food') that contains NO chicken will remove the chronic source of imflamation and that she can start to eventually lead a normal life, without doses of prednisone and antibiotics. She's having some diarrhea now, but at least she's not having the full on symptoms of short bowel syndrom (she the poor girl that lost 18 inches of small intestines during the removal of a mass 2 years ago). So, I'm very hopeful there.
Thanks all for the good thoughts and wishes from the last post. I hope the depression is finally kicked for now and I can move forward again. It helps to get things done that need to be done (like cleaning up my bathroom last night for one) and to just ... 'be', I guess.