Title: Sanctuary
Chapter: 11/?
renichifreak and
yeonahFandom: SS501
Pairings: KyuMin, HyunSaeng
Rating: PG-16
Warning:Angst, AU
Summary: In this era, people are bought and sold as though they are cattle. The human life is only worth what one is willing to pay for it. What happens when two such people end up in the possession of two brothers who
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KyuJong was silent. He was aware that what he was about to say would raise more questions than anything, but he spoke up anyway. "My father leaves me alone. He never comes to my room, so he'll never know."
Kyu, your brother's right, Jungmin's just scared:
"There's always something. Just give me tasks whenever you go somewhere, alright? Something visible, that other people would notice. Don't you have work or school or something? I can do something with those. And stop standing up for me in public. Even the okay masters don't do that."
And this one goes with the last, but I wanted to say something separtate about it as well:
JungMin looked at him for a long moment, then sighed. "I'm a slave, KyuJong. You can't stop it all. And while you're still sticking with the idea of treating me like a human being, I'd rather do a few tasks for you and get in trouble a bit to make it convincing than get hauled off to be beaten up daily by someone else." He tugged his sleeves down a little.
That paragraph made me think we might be making a speck of progress. Not much - but at least a small nudge in the right direction.
"...We'll see," he said cautiously. He'd dropped his guard quite a bit that day and was confused by his actions. YoungSaeng was unsure as to what was so special about HyunJoong.
*looks pointedly, but doesn't say anything*
I know I already mentioned this, but it's too good a paragraph to pass up:
HyunJoong just smiled a little sadly. "Sometimes it's needed to always act. It would make it more credible and realistic when such a situation does arise. Even if you hate slavery...if you want to keep him, you'll have to be a slave owner, and act convincingly enough. At the very least, run through scenarios with him. If he wants you to order him around...it's probably because he's afraid."
Hyunjoong speaks The Truth. *solemn nod*
(The boldfaced line is just because I really, really liked that one. So many meanings~)
I felt that this paragraph said a lot about Youngsaeng:
Once back in the room, YoungSaeng had gone straight into the bathroom to shower once he'd gathered a clean change of clothes, almost excited at the concept of owning his own clothes. The water helped to sooth the stress that had built up during their excursion, something that happened whenever he left his owner's home.
And, in an effort to save you from still more spamming on my end, I'll just state that that whole "Let me know when you're interested in being something more," conversation was excellent.
Interestingly enough, my favorite line this chapter:
HyunJoong, however, was the hardest-working person he'd ever seen.
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