Roleplaying Meme

Jul 03, 2010 21:14

Taken from teh-kittycat at Dreamwidth

1. Where and when did you start RPing?
When I was 12 xD Passed the 7 year mark back in early June. Started roleplaying in the message boards of an old Pokémon MMORPG site called The Pokémon Crater. The old one, not the new one =.=;;

2. Do you RP anywhere other than LJ?
Mostly AIM, sometimes email. I have several accounts on Gaia Online though, and go there to gather people to roleplay with via email. Sometimes if I see something I like I'll rp on Gaia Online. Used to rp on Neopets and various private message boards.

3. Do you play in any public games?
Currently rping in nox_rp (Nox Noctis) and leame_rp (Le Âme Noire).

4. Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
Prose logging for sure. I've only done first-person a few times, and hate it with a passion >.<;;

5. What was the first character you ever played?
A young elven summoner named Chase...I'm sad to say she was one of my biggest godmodding characters ever, but also quite fun with reckless tendencies /grins

6. Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
I roleplay mostly in fandoms now, and I think everyone knows my favorite in fandom is Park JungMin because he's just a barrel of hyperactive, psychotic fun /coughs/ I'd list off my favorite original rp characters, but that would require a long description on them all cause no one here would know them anyways.

7. What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
My longest is 3 years. The character was a werewolf/lycan named Yannick, and I've roleplaying him across 5 different message boards because apparently lycans can fit in anywhere if you give them a proper background XD

8. What's your biggest RP pet peeve?
Damsels-in-distress. I'm pretty easy-going in rps, and over the years I've learnt people tend to turn that into a 'rescue me every ten seconds' spree. It's not a roleplay then, it's so one-sided it's disgusting. I don't care if my character ends up being the 'man' in the relationship and rescues a lot (which more often than not is what happens) as long as it isn't all the time and my characters get their share of trauma too. I love being able to develop my characters and get some of their plots moving too rather than just cater to the whims of others who want their characters to be matyrs. It's all about give and take...not take, take and take =.= /rants

9. Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme?
I used to read them sometimes, but not anymore. Mostly RP Secrets... RP Anon Meme got annoying far too fast >.<;;

10. If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
Community for sure. Journal leaves too many places to check all the time, and I was never one for checking the flists. Though I'm getting there. I just prefer all the logs being in one spot?

11. Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer?
That's a hard one. I'd have to say the second, because characters grow and change just like people if you give them the chance, so being anal-IC doesn't always sit with me. A great writer can turn even OOC characters into interesting muses. At the same time, it's important not to...butcher the characters too much >.>

12. Do you have a "RP partner"?
Several /sheepish grin/ Carey unnie (renichifreak ) is my main partner because apparently MinSaeng comes in a package /giggles/ We're everywhere together. My other partners are mi_iseul because few other people let me half-kill my characters whenever I want and really play up on their flaws and personal demons, and curionenene because she just comes up with the most awesome plots and I adore her tags so much ;~;

13. Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? Who?
The three mentioned above? /grins sheepishly/ And I occasionally look back at Suikoden Survival/Aisenfield to see what my old rp family is up to even though I'm hardly active there anymore.

14. In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
The more specific the app is, with specific reactions and stuff, the more annoyed I get. Surprisingly, I'd rather go nuts on a three paragraph story of my character's background than a simple statement like what my character likes to do on the weekends ._.;;;

15. Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
Journal layout yup XD It's the designer aspect. User info I hardly ever bother with, cause I don't look at most people's user info and I assume most people won't look at mine. Hell, even my main journal's user info is plain >.>;;;

16. What was your first game?
Erm...I've never played tabletop, but the first roleplay with a 'game' aspect to it that I've played was Pokémon Grand Master Dome, a user-run rpg where you literally have a team of 6 Pokémon and a few stored in the PCs, and have a list of moves for them all and stats and everything. The thread moderator had a die-count system of determining how much damage an attack will do, based off the stats right down to a Pokémon's evasiveness, level, etc. It was a bit complicated, but so much fun.

17. Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
Not really? I don't dislike particular fandoms, it's more if I don't like the person rping the character >.>;;; Though generally, the more stereotypical a character is, the more I'll avoid that character like the plague.

18. Most memorable scene in any thread?
Back in Suikoden Survival days, my rp family used to hold 'Holiday Skit Threads' where everyone's characters would all join in randomly no matter what verse they were from, and spam the hell out of the thread in Skit format. They are total nonsense btw and aren't supposed to make sense. I hosted a Christmas Bash at my main characters house in the middle of nowhere, and one of my friend's characters all hijacked Santa's sleigh to get there...except I still don't know to this day how 15 people managed to fit in one sleigh. The whole scene following is too long to explain, but it ended with a large explosion XD /has a thing for explosions

19. Do you RP sex?
...NO THANK YOU >/////< I'm a big fan of the 'fade to black' idea, thank you very much.

20. Do you play more males or females?
I think overall I've rped more males than females. I rped a lot of girls back in Pokémon Crater/FFL/Suikoden Survival because 80% of my rping family are guys, but after switching to Gaia Online and now most recently to LJ, I think I've been rping as a guy 90% of the time.

21. What won't you RP?
Smut. Duh. Other than that, I have very high tolerances. Oh, except for sparkly vampires. I like my vampires nice and toasty in the sun, thank you very much.

22. Dressing rooms: yes or no?
Not too sure I understand this question, so skipping >.<;;;

23. Ever RPed a pairing?
All the time 8D I've only had a few characters never in a pairing.

24. Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
I was a big fan for private games in Gaia Online, but I'm mostly an IM rper now. Except for if someone convinces me to join a public game.

25. Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
A little awkward at first, but then it's neat to find out the differences in characters, and if I see there's any IC bits I might be missing out on to make the character more realistic.

Tagging: renichifreak , mi_iseul  and curionenene , and whoever else wants to do this XD

me: meme

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