The Rebel Account

Jun 16, 2010 20:52

Title: The Rebel Account
Length: Drabbles (9)
Fandoms: SS501, Super Junior, KARA, SHINee
Pairings: KyuMin, HyunSaeng, KyuSung(SuJu), ninja!HyungJoon/JiYong
Genre: Action, Romance, Suspence
Rating: G-PG-16
Warning: Violence
Summary: A story can't be fully understood until you look at it from all angles.
A/N: A bunch of drabbles based off the assassin!verse described in Points of Authority.  That story will need to be read to understand these.  The drabbles aren't in any particular order, and are not chronological.


They say that killing rips the soul into two.

KyuJong wondered how many people he would have to kill before his soul was too torn to be human.

The door closed behind him. YoungSaeng looked up from his music sheets and leapt to his feet, crossing the room quickly to pull KyuJong into his arms. Jumping, KyuJong snapped out of the trance he had been in, his eyes focusing on YoungSaeng's worried face.

Slowly the tears started to fall, and he clung to the older boy for all he was worth, hands clutching his shirt and staining it red.

"It's okay, it's okay," YoungSaeng whispered, stroking KyuJong's hair. "It's over."

Until next time.

The man's face flashed across KyuJong's closed eyes, wide eyes staring blankly as his life ran out over the blade protruding from his throat, staining KyuJong's hands.

Remembering, the 14 year old gagged, and YoungSaeng was quick to help him into the bathroom where he was ill.

"JongWoon was sick too, the first time," the older boy murmured later as he brushed sweaty bangs out of KyuJong's face. "And every time after that, actually."

"Telling stories when I'm not here again?" A second set of arms wrapped around KyuJong, JongWoon settling beside them and rubbing the youngest boy's back. "You'll get used to it," he said gently.

KyuJong tried not to let them see how much those words distressed him. He didn't want to get used to death...he didn't want to get used to the feeling of life ending in his hands. He wanted it all to end, to wake up and have it all be a nightmare.

Even through the years, he still held on to the hope that this would all end one day. And until then, he could never forget the pain he felt at what he had been forced to become.

The second he became used to taking life was the second his soul would be shattered beyond repair.

On The Run

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

KyuJong hit the young woman over the head hard and she dropped, the gun she had leveled at JungMin clattering to the ground. "I told you to stay in the car, Min!" The assassin exclaimed as he picked up the gun and tossed it to his boyfriend.

"And watch you take on six of them by yourself? You're crazy!" JungMin caught the gun and shot at one of the men trying to sneak up on the idling car, HyungJoon inside and ready to hit the gas. "Besides, I'm not the only one." He pointed to HyunJoong taking out the assassin fighting with YoungSaeng.

"You're both idiots. Come on, let's go!"

Once they were all in the car and on the highway, KyuJong thwacked JungMin off the head, drawing a shriek. "Don't ever do that again."

"You know that's never going to happen," JungMin grinned widely at his boyfriend, and KyuJong groaned. He knew all right. JungMin never followed directions, especially when he had it in his head to be helpful.

"How about instead of trying to stop him and nearly getting both of you killed," YoungSaeng spoke up from where he was stretched across HyunJoong in the back of the large van, "you teach him how to fight instead?"

JungMin perked up. KyuJong eyed his friend. "Whose side are you on?"

"I just don't want to hear you guys arguing all the way to Busan," YoungSaeng replied, burying his face in HyunJoong's stomach.

"That sounds like a good idea though," HyunJoong mused. "The three of us are like sitting ducks all the time while you both do all the work. I think some training would be helpful."

"He'll shoot his own foot off," KyuJong protested.

"I feel the support," JungMin remarked wryly.

"I wouldn't mind some training, definitely," HyungJoon piped up. "Instead of always being the getaway driver because these two are too busy 'rescuing' their boyfriends to start the car."

"I doubt training will stop them from trying to get themselves killed," KyuJong sighed.

"It'll only make it less likely that we actually are," HyunJoong pointed out.

"..." KyuJong looking at JungMin and sighed. "Fine. But we're using plastic blades until I'm convinced you can fight without losing your fingers."

JungMin grinned widely and pulling him into a deep kiss. HyungJoon protested loudly when someone moaned.

"Not in the car!"

Risks We Take

When JongWoon showed up outside KyuHyun's back door, wide eyed and clutching a bloody arm, KyuHyun could only stare. Then JongWoon whispered "run" and pulled him out of the house.

Stumbling over the uneven ground, KyuHyun raced after JongWoon as the older boy pulled him towards the tree cover behind his house, a small forest. "What's going on?" he protested. "JongWoon, what happened to your arm?"

"No time to explain," JongWoon panted. "We have to get away from here. They're coming."


JongWoon tossed a desperate look over his shoulder. "The people who are going to kill us."


Feeling KyuHyun resisting him now, JongWoon released a despairing whine before pulling harder. "It's not a joke, KyuHyun! Please don't stop!"

KyuHyun hesitated then continued running, heart pounding. "JongWoon, tell me what's going on."

So JongWoon did. Running for their lives, he explained to KyuHyun as best as he could what he was, what he did, and what KyuHyun had unwittingly signed himself up for when he drew JongWoon aside and kissed him all those months ago.

"You're an assassin," KyuHyun stated, disbelief in his voice. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"I'm not lying!"

"But...but that's just crazy!"

"I'm sorry!"

Turning around when he felt KyuHyun resist again, JongWoon's eyes caught movement. "Look out!" He knocked KyuHyun aside, a gunshot ringing out. The tree behind them was chipped.

KyuHyun picked himself up off the ground in time to see JongWoon pull a gun out of his pocket with his good hand, and fire into the bushes. There was a loud scream, then silence.

"Got him," JongWoon panted, pushing himself to his feet and helping KyuHyun up as well. "We have to hurry...there are more."

"You're serious," KyuHyun said shakily, staring at the gun.

"I'm sorry," JongWoon whispered, fighting back the tears.

"And they want us both dead."



"Because when it comes to you...I'm emotionally compromised. They can't let such a breach of security exist. I'm sorry."

"...all right," KyuHyun drew in a deep breath. "If we're going to have any chance of surviving, I'll need a gun too."

The tears finally fell. "You don't have to do this," JongWoon said quietly. "I thought about it...if I stay here and you keep going, until the bus stop on the other side of the forest, you can get away. I can hold them off."

"And leave you here?" KyuHyun walked over to where the scream had come from. Seeing the body of the assassin there, he swallowed thickly and bent to pick up the gun clutched in lifeless fingers. "I'm staying with you."

"But KyuHyun...we'll both die."

"We'll just have to take as many of them with us as possible then."

JongWoon smiled and stepped forward, pulling KyuHyun into a kiss. The younger boy returned it.

"Though honestly, I never thought a klutz like you could be an assassin," KyuHyun chuckled when they parted.

"You'd be surprised," JongWoon replied with a smile as they stood back-to-back, free hands intertwined, and waited to die.

Saving Freedom

"Hey, kid." HyunJoong walked into the small room TaeMin shared with SeungWoo, the boy sitting alone on his bed and staring blankly at the wall. In his hands was the knife he had carried with him right from the day the young boy had snuck into their house with the intention of carrying out a hit on the rebel assassins.

TaeMin's eyes flickered up to him, then back at the wall as HyunJoong sat down. There was silence for a moment.

"I wonder if leaving him there was the right choice," TaeMin said finally.

"Your hyung?"

TaeMin nodded. "He's alone there now."

"Do you want us to bring him here?" HyunJoong offered quietly.

"I don't know if he would come, hyung," TaeMin admitted, looking up at him again. "He doesn't trust people."

"Does he like being a killer?"


"Then we'll get him here," HyunJoong said firmly. TaeMin smiled and the older man ruffled his hair affectionately.

Two weeks later, TaeMin stared as HyunJoong carried in a boy bound head to toe in rope, gagged and blindfolded. "Why did you bind him?!" He cried out, running forward as the boy was dumped gently on the couch. The other children gathered around curiously.

"He kept trying to stab me," HyunJoong shrugged.

TaeMin crouched beside the struggling boy, and carefully eased off the blindfold. When the older boy squinted against the light, then stared at him, he smiled.

"You're free now, KiBum hyung."

Saying Goodbye

"Let's break up."

HyunJoong could only stare at YoungSaeng, taking in the younger boy's blank expression. "What?"

"I want to break up," YoungSaeng repeated, louder this time so there could be no doubt about what he was saying.

"Why?" HyunJoong asked, pain flashing in his eyes. "What's wrong, Saeng ah? Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm just tired of this," YoungSaeng sighed, annoyed. "I'm breaking up with you, alright? That's it, that's all. Goodbye."

When he turned to leave, HyunJoong reached out and took his hand. "Wait," he pleaded. "It can't just...please, let me know what's wrong. I'll do anything you want me to do, just don't leave like this."

YoungSaeng's reply wasn't verbal. Turning around quickly, he slapped HyunJoong hard across the face, sending the other man staggering and forcing him to let go.

"Stay away from me," YoungSaeng hissed. "Don't talk to me, don't even look at me. We're over."

Turning away, he walked away from the shocked boy. When he took the corner, arms wrapped around him and KyuJong hugged him tightly.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.

YoungSaeng turned around and returned the hug, burying his face in the younger boy's shoulder as KyuJong rubbed his back gently. "I'm sure. It's for the best," he whispered through the tears choking him.

I'm sorry, HyunJoong. Goodbye.


They were too late.

KyuJong bit his lower lip and stepped around the body of an older businessman, ushering the others in with a small wave and a finger pressed to his lips. It was another group hit, one they had tried to prevent...but the Child's Play assassins had already completed their task and left.

HyungJoon picked his way around the bodies, looking at each of them in the hopes one was still alive. None of them were. "It was a massacre..."

"We should leave before the police show up," YoungSaeng sighed. "There's nothing for us here."

They were about to file out when HyungJoon heard scratching from somewhere. Pausing, he looked around until his gaze landed on a closet door. Walking over, he tried the doorknob and pulled the door open.

There was a scream of fear and HyungJoon jumped backwards to avoid being impaled on the end of a broomstick. A young woman attacked him, tears falling down her face. "Murderer!" She screamed.

"Hey! Wait! I'm not-OW!" He raised his arms above his head to stop the broomstick from making contact again. "We're not the ones who killed them!"

She paused, and JungMin took advantage of her distraction to take the broomstick away.

"We're trying to stop the ones who did," KyuJong said quietly. "But we were too late. I'm sorry."

She looked at them all with glassy eyes. "You're..trying to stop them?"

"That's right."

"Guys, we need to go," YoungSaeng whispered urgently. "The police." Sirens could be heard in the distance.

They all started to leave when the woman stepped forward. "Wait! I...I want to help you."

The group looked at each other hesitantly.

"This is too dangerous for a girl," HyungJoon announced, and shrieked when she grabbed the broomstick back from JungMin and hit him again.

"I like her," JungMin announced.

"Whatever you decide, decide fast," YoungSaeng warned.

"You all can stay at my house for a while," the woman replied. "I don't live far from here. You can rest. I want to help bring the murderers to justice."

They all looked to HyunJoong as the oldest for his decision. "She can come with us," he nodded.

"What's your name?" HyungJoon asked, rubbing his head and wincing as they headed out through the back.

"Kang JiYong."


"How many hits have you taken, anyways?" JungMin asked one night. They were curled up on the bed of the hotel room, a cheap room they'd managed to get to themselves. A rare moment of peace and quiet since they'd left the school a few months ago.

"I'm not answering that," KyuJong mumbled into his boyfriend's shoulder. "I don't want to think about it."

"No estimate?"

"No, Min."

JungMin opened his eyes and turned his head so he could see the older man. "I was just wondering. Those are a lot of scars."

They were both shirtless. The upper half of KyuJong's body was covered in scars from blades and guns alike.

"They're mostly from training," KyuJong explained.

JungMin sat up, looking down. "This many?" He traced the marks with one finger.


"Before you were 14."


"That's insane. How can people do that to kids?"

"They just could." KyuJong's breath hitched when JungMin's finger glided over the soft skin of his stomach. "JungMin, if you don't stop that I'm going to jump you."

"I can live with that." JungMin's smirk was mischievous.

"HyungJoon's going to complain if we stop him from sleeping again."

"Then you'll have to be quiet."

"I'm not the noisy one," KyuJong replied, then drew in a sharp breath when the younger man's hand went lower. "JungMin," he warned.

"Don't even pretend you want me to stop."

"You are going to be the death of me one day." KyuJong crushed their lips together.

Glow Sticks - Requested by renichifreak

"Are you sure we have to go in there?" YoungSaeng eyed the moving crowd beyond the doors, squinting against the brightly flashing lights.

"The guy we're looking for is in there somewhere," KyuJong confirmed. "We need to find him before they d-JungMin!" And he was running after his boyfriend, who apparently had no qualms about leaping into the rave headfirst.

YoungSaeng gave a long-suffering sigh before looking up at HyunJoong. "Well, might as well start looking..."

HyunJoong smiled and placed one hand against YoungSaeng's back protectively as they headed inside. HyungJoon and JiYong were waiting outside with the car ready. Their job was to get to the target and escort the man safely out of the building before Child's Play got to them first.

The first thing to do was fit in. Glancing around for the target subtly, YoungSaeng let his body move with the music, ignoring the brush of too many bodies. Half of them were probably stoned, the other half so drunk they would probably pass out within a few minutes. Some already had.

Someone was passing out glow sticks. YoungSaeng squeaked when one was shoved down the front of his shirt, whirling around to catch a wide grin on JungMin's face before he took off again.

"Does he understand this is a mission?" He asked KyuJong when the older man reappeared, panting.

"I think he's inhaled a bit too much of this smoke." KyuJong replied, exasperated, before running after the other man again.

YoungSaeng sighed and turned around, taking HyunJoong's hand. "Let's keep looking."

The three of them were halfway through the crowd when an arm slid around YoungSaeng's waist, and he was pulled up against a moving body. "Hey, you're cute."

"Let go," YoungSaeng snapped, trying to keep walking only to find he was being held still. Clenching his teeth when a hand wandered, he restrained himself from stabbing the drunkard with the blade up his sleeve. It would cause a scene they couldn't afford.

"Hey, he said to leave him alone." HyunJoong was beside him, eyes hard.

"Fuck off," the man snarled.

"He's drunk," YoungSaeng sighed, squirming. "Be gentle. We can't attract attention."

HyunJoong actually considered being calm about it, and getting YoungSaeng away without any fuss. But then the man's hand wandered under YoungSaeng's shirt, and he saw the panic flare in the assassin's eyes, and without thinking he punched the man in the face.

YoungSaeng bolted behind HyunJoong the second he was released, the pair ignoring the loud swearing coming from the man and disappearing into the crowd.

It turned out to be a good thing everyone had been focused on the drunkard and the fuss he created right after being hit. By the time they reached the exit, KyuJong and JungMin were already there with their target, the young man looking rather confused.

"Are you okay?" KyuJong asked worriedly.

YoungSaeng nodded. "Yeah." He adjusted his shirt, blinked, and then burst out into laughter.

"Err..." HyunJoong blinked at his boyfriend.

"H-he took the glow stick Min ah shoved in my shirt," YoungSaeng giggled helplessly, leaning against HyunJoong.

"I'm never taking you clubbing again," HyunJoong sighed.


YoungSaeng woke up with a jolt at the sound of screams echoing through the halls of the house. Staggering to his feet and nearly tripping over the blankets that dragged on the floor, he cast HyunJoong a glance before padding to the door of their shared room, peering out.

The door beside his own opened, and KyuJong looked out as well. "Is it SungHee yah?" he whispered when he saw YoungSaeng listening as well.

The older man shook his head. "No...that's not her voice." It wasn't a voice he recognized at all.

Going to investigate, they followed the sound of cries and sobs to the room at the very end of the hallway. TaeMin looked up at them helplessly as he tried to console the 5-year-old boy JungMin and KyuJong had rescued just two weeks prior.

"He won't stop crying," TaeMin whispered, voice panicked.

YoungSaeng crossed the room to sit on the bed beside the child, KyuJong flicking on the light as he followed. The tousle-haired boy was sobbing into the blankets, recoiling from the comfort TaeMin tried to offer.

The boy hadn't spoken a word since he arrived here. They hadn't even been able to draw a name out of him.

"Sh, it's okay," YoungSaeng whispered, reaching out. When the boy flinched away and his cries grew louder, YoungSaeng withdrew his hand, eyes sad.

"Nightmares," KyuJong supplied. He remembered waking up like that too many times to count.

YoungSaeng and TaeMin could only nod as they watched the child draw in heaving breaths, face flushed red as he tried to recover. When he was calmer, YoungSaeng tried again. The boy stared up at him.

"I won't hurt you," YoungSaeng spoke as gently as he knew how.

The child sniffled, and YoungSaeng pulled him into a warm embrace, rubbing his back slowly. After a moment, the 5-year-old boy relaxed into the warmth and cried into the man's shirt.

KyuJong smiled faintly, reaching out to gently stroke the child's hair, TaeMin settling down beside them and leaning against KyuJong's side. The only noise was the sound of their breathing, and small sniffles from the boy, as they slowly began to heal.

length: drabble, fandom: super junior, fandom: ss501, fandom: shinee, fandom: kara, writing: fanfiction

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