Unlock - Chapter Eight

May 29, 2010 16:58

Title: Unlock
Chapter: 8/?
Fandom: SS501
Pairings: KyuSaeng
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N: This is an ongoing roleplay between myself and Carey (renichifreak  ).  I play KyuJong and she plays YoungSaeng, and this is our logs jammed together xD

YoungSaeng gasped at the feel of KyuJong's lips against his own. Not knowing what else to do-not that he wanted to do anything else-he leaned into the older boy and returned the kiss shyly, hands resting on KyuJong's chest.

When YoungSaeng started to return the kiss instead of pushing him away or something equally painful, KyuJong relaxed slightly. YoungSaeng's possible reaction had been the reason why he'd never followed up on the many times he'd wanted to kiss his roommate, as well as the fact he hadn't been quite sure himself what he was feeling. But now was different, he was sure what he felt wasn't just a simple crush brought by years of informal 'house arrest' and having a beautiful roommate.

KyuJong carefully moved his hand from YoungSaeng's cheek to the back of his head, his other hand finding YoungSaeng's waist. The kiss was even better than listening to YoungSaeng playing the piano, the younger boy's lips soft against his own. KyuJong couldn't help but sink deeper into it, eyes closing.

Why had he waited so long? YoungSaeng melted against the older boy making a small sound as KyuJong played with his ponytail.

This is what he hoped it'd be like...

The small sound YoungSaeng made was like electricity flowing through his veins, KyuJong loved it. Pulling back slightly to breathe, he ended up coming back, gently pecking the younger boy on the lips, fingers carefully pulling the other's hair out of the ponytail so that he could twine his fingers lightly through the soft locks.

After another long kiss, KyuJong finally broke it again, resting his forehead lightly against YoungSaeng's and half-opening his eyes again. His breathing was uneven, cheeks flushed.

YoungSaeng loved the feel of KyuJong's long fingers brushing through his hair, as well as the amazing lips pressed against his own.

Once the two broke, YoungSaeng kept his eyes closed as he tried to calm his racing heart.

KyuJong watched YoungSaeng's expression for any sign that he hadn't wanted the kiss, not moving away. After a moment, he lifted his head slightly and pressed a gentle kiss to YoungSaeng's forehead, the other boy's bangs tickling his nose.

"I...I really like you," he murmured shyly against his roommate's soft skin. "Probably a lot more than I should. More than I thought was even possible." Exhaling softly, he brought his forehead back against YoungSaeng's, gaze tender and somewhat nervous. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...would you go out with me?" His voice went so quiet it could have come from YoungSaeng.

YoungSaeng blinked, looking at KyuJong in shock. He'd always been the outsider...the freak. It was hard to believe that someone liked him in the romantic sense, but his heartbeat was rapidly drowning out his negative thoughts.

He tilted his head at the question. "You...with me?" It didn't sound negative in the least, but clearly showed his confusion.

Swallowing, KyuJong nodded. He'd never thought he'd be asking this so soon after starting to attend a normal school, much less to another guy. He'd never considering himself gay. But it didn't feel odd to kiss YoungSaeng, or to be around him. It felt right.

"Yeah," he murmured. "I mean...would you be my boyfriend?" He was so nervous, unsure how YoungSaeng would take the question even though he didn't seem to be disgusted.

YoungSaeng continued to stare at KyuJong. He had come to terms with his sexuality a few years ago when he felt nothing for the hot neighbor girl down the street, but couldn't say the same about her older brother.

"I...I-" he paused before resorting to his comfort zone and nodding, blushing and smiling softly.

When YoungSaeng nodded, a relieved smile broke out across KyuJong's face as well as a faint blush. "Really?" He couldn't believe the turn of events, nor did he really try to make sense out of it. The hand he'd buried in the younger boy's hair ran through the soft strands gently and then cupped the side of YoungSaeng's face as KyuJong gave his roommate another light kiss. "Thank you," he murmured against those rose-petal soft lips.

"Why are you thanking me?" YoungSaeng whispered against the other boy's lips. "I haven't done anything worth thanking."

"For saying yes," KyuJong replied softly. "For talking to me. For opening up to me." He smiled into the kiss, breaking it slightly so he could look at YoungSaeng. "For trusting me," he finished.

YoungSaeng smiled at him. "You never pushed me," he explained, voice slowly rising to a normal pitch for the first time since meeting the boy. "You never tried to get me to open up...you just let me. You have no idea how grateful I am for that."

KyuJong gently ran his hand through the younger boy's hair. "I want you to do things at your own pace," he said, smiling as YoungSaeng's voice slowly went to a normal level. "Why would I force you to do something you're not comfortable with?"

"It's been my way of life for as long as I can remember. Forced to go into that house, forced into a hospital...medications that never helped, false diagnoses, shrinks demanding that I tell them what's wrong with me when I know that they'd never believe me if I told them..."

The younger boy sighed, leaning into KyuJong. "I like not being made to do something for a change."

KyuJong wrapped his free arm around YoungSaeng's waist, the other hand still stroking his hair gently. "I'll never force you to do something you don't want," he promised softly. "You always have the choice." Not having any measure of control in his life must be terrifying, but KyuJong was willing to give YoungSaeng as much control as he could.

YoungSaeng relaxed into the embrace, unable to show his gratitude in any other manner.

KyuJong pressed a gentle kiss to YoungSaeng's temple and closed his eyes, feeling perfectly content and happy. "I love you," he whispered, words only for YoungSaeng to hear, no one else.

YoungSaeng's eyes flew open-when had they closed? -at hearing the whispered statement. Leaning back, he looked KyuJong in the eyes, shock and confusion evident in his wide eyes.

"You...with me?" he forced out. He didn't understand. He was still finding it hard to believe that KyuJong liked him, but love...

As shocked as he was, there was no negative reaction to the words, a rarity to his ears.

Reopening his own eyes, KyuJong met YoungSaeng's shocked gaze. A light blush appeared on his cheeks again as he nodded in confirmation. Maybe it had been too early to say that? But it was how he felt.

"I love you," he repeated. "Heo YoungSaeng." It was there in his voice; in the tender way he spoke the other boy's name.

Blushing in return, YoungSaeng buried his head in KyuJong's chest, taking everything in.

A chuckle left him as YoungSaeng hid his face against his shirt, holding his new boyfriend close. Boyfriend... It had a nice ring to it.

Hearing the bell ring, a soft sigh left him, resting his head against the top of YoungSaeng's. He didn't want to leave this.

"Stupid bell..." YoungSaeng mumbled, not pulling away. He had his session later, and he was not looking forward to it, especially since he didn't know which parent would be picking him up.

KyuJong agreed with YoungSaeng inwardly. Though he normally looked forward to music class, he would much rather just stay here right now.

He held on to YoungSaeng for a moment longer, then pulled back slightly. Long fingers gently tilted the younger boy's face upward, and KyuJong kissed him lightly, enjoying the contact.

YoungSaeng returned the kiss, entwining a hand in the other boy's hair gently. "I wanna stay here...no session...just you and me," he said, voice nearly pleading.

The younger boy's hand in his hair felt nice, KyuJong closing his eyes briefly before opening them again. "What would happen if you didn't go to your session?" He questioned softly. The idea of not going anywhere was very enticing, he wanted nothing more than to be with YoungSaeng.

"I don't know, but if I miss enough, they'll send me back," YoungSaeng replied softly.

KyuJong winced slightly at that. "Want me to go with you?" he asked, hand gently running along YoungSaeng's back. The punishment for skipping class was much less severe than YoungSaeng missing his session. Maybe if he talked to his teachers, he could get his free period switched so it was the same time as YoungSaeng's.

YoungSaeng sighed, relaxing into the embrace. "I want you to...but you can't. It's one-on-one sessions."

It had been worth a try. KyuJong didn't like the idea of YoungSaeng dealing with an insensitive shrink by himself. "I'll be waiting for you when you come back then," he murmured.

YoungSaeng smiled against KyuJong's shoulder. "Thanks."

"I wish I could do more," KyuJong sighed softly, running his fingers through YoungSaeng's hair before starting to gather it up for the high ponytail again, his touch gentle.

Laughing, YoungSaeng handed his boyfriend-THAT will take some getting used to-the hair tie. "You're doing more than you know, Kyu-yah."

A smile curved KyuJong’s lips upwards again as he took the hair tie and carefully tied YoungSaeng's hair up again. "As long as it helps." He got up from the piano bench, wishing they didn't have to go to classes. He was perfectly content to stay here with YoungSaeng, or in their room, or anywhere alone with the younger boy actually.

Pouting, YoungSaeng stood up as well, tightening the ponytail a bit more. "It does."

KyuJong leaned over and kissed the pout lightly, straightening with a smile and the usual blush. He picked up his books for class, adjusting his grip on them slightly. "Ready?"

"No, but let's go anyway," YoungSaeng sighed, gently brushing his lips against the other boy's.

"The sooner we go the sooner it'll be over," KyuJong chuckled, starting for the door. Opening it, he noticed the majority of the students were either already in class or lingering around the doors chatting. Looking back at YoungSaeng with a smile, he walked down the hallway towards the next class on his schedule.

YoungSaeng smiled before following him out. "I guess I'll see you after my session then." Giving the older man's hand a firm squeeze, he walked toward his next class.

"I'll be here," KyuJong replied, his thumb brushing against the back of YoungSaeng's hand before his boyfriend moved away, heading in a different direction. Watching him for a moment, KyuJong smiled and walked to his acting class, certain he wouldn't be able to concentrate at all now.


YoungSaeng stormed into his room, slamming the door behind him. Dropping his things on the chair in the corner, he dropped onto his bed and curled up, fighting back the tears of frustration. God, how he hated his father...

KyuJong jumped in surprise when YoungSaeng's reappearance was accompanied by a slam of the door. Turning away from the desk where he'd been looking over his papers, his eyes widened slightly when he saw the state YoungSaeng was in. Abandoning the work, he crossed over to YoungSaeng's side of the room and crouched down next to the bed, gaze worried. "Saeng, what's wrong?" he asked softly, reaching up and gently brushing strands of long hair out of his boyfriend's face. "What happened?"

Afraid to speak for fear of crying, YoungSaeng rolled over and tugged on KyuJong's shirt, silently asking him to join him. He also hoped that the boy hadn't seen the red mark on his cheek when he'd brushed his hair away.

KyuJong withdrew his hand when YoungSaeng rolled away, seeing the unusual red to the other boy's cheek. At first he thought it was due to frustration, but then noticed it was too red. Like he'd been struck. Anger rose inside him as KyuJong stood up again, lying down beside YoungSaeng with his arm wrapped protectively around his boyfriend's waist. Shifted so his other hand was free, he gently brushed cool fingertips over the red mark. He didn't ask what had happened again, waiting for YoungSaeng to recover enough to tell him, but the anger didn't fade. Who had done this to YoungSaeng? The shrink? Or had that bully found him again?

Rolling back over, YoungSaeng buried his face in KyuJong's chest, allowing the other boy's heartbeat to slowly calm him. When he was calm enough, he whispered, "He still doesn't believe me."

When YoungSaeng hid his face against his shirt KyuJong moved his hand away, the one at his waist starting to run along his back gently. "Who?" Going over everything YoungSaeng had told him, it clicked whom the other boy must be talking about. "Your father?" he asked softly. YoungSaeng's dad was the reason why he was like this? How could someone do that to their own child?

YoungSaeng nodded, not moving away from his only real source of comfort. He knew that he should tell him what happened, but he was still too emotionally unsteady.

KyuJong felt the nod rather than saw it. Closing his eyes, he pushed back his anger. Why would his father hit him? How could anyone hit someone like YoungSaeng?

Ducking his head slightly so YoungSaeng's long hair tickled his face, KyuJong continued to gently rub his back, waiting for YoungSaeng to be ready rather than press him for details.

"Th-there was a huge accident on the way back..." YoungSaeng whispered. "People died." Taking a deep breath, YoungSaeng went on. "My eyes...he thought it was an odd reaction to the medication, or something. We argued, and he-” He shivered slightly, remembering the confusion the dead souls had felt.

KyuJong listened quietly, not speaking. How anyone could be so dense as to think one's eyes could turn black from medication alone he had no idea. Maybe his father was just in denial, but that wasn't helping YoungSaeng. And neither was hitting him. "Some people have a hard time facing the truth," he murmured, resting his head against YoungSaeng's.

YoungSaeng’s emotions were all over the place, mainly due to theirs, as well. Some didn't realize they were dead, and once they realized that he could see and talk to them...he was still lightheaded from the bombardment. He had nearly passed out in the car and he was sure that he was still deathly pale...

KyuJong shifted position slightly so he could slip his free arm underneath YoungSaeng and wrap both arms around him in a gentle hug. "Saeng, look at me?" he whispered, lifting his head off the other boy's a little.

Slowly, YoungSaeng did as he was asked. The red mark would luckily not bruise, but it was bright against his skin, still horribly pale. His eyes were no longer black, but infinitely darker than normal.

Meeting his boyfriend's eyes, KyuJong lifted one hand from the other boy's back to gently brush back locks of hair, wincing inwardly at how red the mark was. "We should get something for this," he murmured softly, fingertips just barely touching the other's cheek. "You'll be able to reach him one day."

YoungSaeng nodded slowly, but didn't move. "Not feeling too well at the moment. Can we just stay like this for a while?" he asked softly, curling against KyuJong. He was always affected by his gift, and there were times when it just manifested physically.

"Of course," KyuJong replied, returning his hand to YoungSaeng's back and running up and down lightly. He knew how exhausting having a gift suddenly activate could be, and with an accident as well as his father YoungSaeng must be exhausted.

"Thanks, Kyu-yah," YoungSaeng murmured, closing his eyes. He just lay there, savoring the warm comfort that he so rarely felt.

KyuJong fell silent, listening to the sound of the other boy's breathing. He could feel YoungSaeng's heartbeat and it was calming.

After a long silence, he started to hum softly, a gentle tune to help YoungSaeng relax.

The quiet song helped relax YoungSaeng’s tensed muscles as he allowed his tension to slip from his body, leaving him more pliable and receptive to KyuJong's comforting touch. "You should sing more often...love your voice," he whispered, barely awake at this point.

A quiet chuckle interrupted KyuJong’s humming. "Only for you," he murmured, noticing the sleepy quality of the other boy's voice. He continued to hum softly, the tune shifting into a soft song, KyuJong closing his eyes and feeling YoungSaeng relax against him.

Between the gentle ministrations and the calming song, it took YoungSaeng no time at all to fall asleep.

Noticing the change in YoungSaeng's breathing pattern, KyuJong smiled faintly and let his voice gradually fade out. He kept his arms protectively around the younger boy, eyes closed. KyuJong didn't sleep himself, instead keeping quiet watch over YoungSaeng while his boyfriend slept.


It was probably only a couple hours later when YoungSaeng stirred from his slumber. Blinking, he brought a hand up to rub at his eyes and run down his face a bit, wincing when it hit his sore cheek. Looking up, he saw KyuJong, peaceful expression on his face.

He liked that most about the young man. He was always able to calm his soul.

"Hey," he whispered, shifting to bury his face in KyuJong's neck.

Feeling YoungSaeng stir slightly, KyuJong opened his eyes and looked down at the younger boy. He'd been listening to the sound of his boyfriend's steady breathing, feeling his heart beating. He never took moments like this for granted, seeing YoungSaeng completely relaxed like this.

"Hey," he murmured, blushing slightly when YoungSaeng buried his face in his neck. He lifted one hand from his roommate's waist, running gentle fingers through the other boy's soft hair. "Sleep alright?"

"Better than alright," YoungSaeng muttered sleepily, not wanting to move. He was finally calm after the stress of his powers and his father. At that, he lifted his hand and brushed his fingers over his cheek carefully.

KyuJong smiled tiredly. "That's good." Watching YoungSaeng touch his cheek lightly, the smile faded somewhat. "Does it hurt?" he asked softly. They should get a cold cloth for it.

YoungSaeng was quiet for a moment. "He's never done that before...hit me, I mean," he answered. "I think that hurt more than the actual slap did."

KyuJong nodded slightly in understanding. "When's the next time you see him?" he asked, cupping YoungSaeng's face on the side that hadn't been hit. He wanted to be there the next time YoungSaeng saw his father, just in case.

"I don't know. Umma took me there, but when I was done, Appa was waiting for me. Whichever one is available is the one who takes me to the session," YoungSaeng explained, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch.

KyuJong frowned slightly as he considered this. "Are you sure I can't come to your sessions? I can stay outside if I'm not allowed in." Anything that would make the sessions less stressful for YoungSaeng...and give him support if his father showed up.

YoungSaeng bit his lip in thought. "I can ask tomorrow..." he offered. In all honestly, he'd like nothing more than to have KyuJong there with him.

KyuJong nodded again with a smile. "Alright." Not really thinking about what he was doing, he brought his hand to YoungSaeng's chin and brushed his thumb across the other boy's lower lip, the motion gently extracting his lower lip from between his teeth.

YoungSaeng's eyes opened at the action. "Sorry. Nervous habit," he replied, smiling sheepishly.

Blinking, KyuJong promptly flushed a deep red, looking away as though that would hide the blush. "Do you think one day we could compose a song together?" He asked suddenly. "I've never composed something before though."

YoungSaeng smiled. "I'd like that a lot. It's not too hard, so I could show you how, if you'd like."

"That would be great," KyuJong replied, looking back at YoungSaeng after a moment and smiling as well. His gaze was tender as he ran his fingers lightly through YoungSaeng's hair again, enjoying the contact between them.

YoungSaeng sighed, relaxing as the fingers ran through his hair. He didn't think he'd fall asleep, but he curled up to KyuJong.

KyuJong closed his eyes again, perfectly content like this. He ducked his head slightly to brush his lips against the top of YoungSaeng's head, feeling his heart jump as he did so. "You hungry?" he asked softly, noting the time inwardly. It was getting late.

YoungSaeng nodded slowly. "A little," he admitted. He hadn't eaten a thing since breakfast, and even that was small.

"We should head to the cafeteria then, before it closes," KyuJong murmured. Wrapping his arms around YoungSaeng in a warm hug again, he carefully sat up after a moment, pulling YoungSaeng up with him.

"Um, can we bring it back here? I don't know if I can deal with my power activating so soon after the last time," YoungSaeng asked, allowing himself to be pulled up as well.

KyuJong nodded, understanding. "Of course we can." He didn't let go of YoungSaeng just yet, hand lightly against the small of the other boy's back. "If you want, I can bring yours up," he offered. "Just let me know what you want." So that YoungSaeng wouldn't have to enter the cafeteria.

"No, I'll come, too. I just can't stay there for long. There are a couple spirits in there. One of them is okay, but the other is a wicked one..." YoungSaeng explained slowly as he stood up and slipped his shoes on. "It was a murder/suicide. Evil thoughts and bad spirits tend to make me sick, like the last time we went to the cafeteria."

KyuJong listened to the explanation as he stood as well, doing the same as YoungSaeng. "Why are they there though?" he questioned, frowning. "I mean...why haven't they moved on?" He tried to combine what YoungSaeng had told him about spirits with what was explained in stories and legends, though he tried to avoid the Hollywood version of reality.

"The bad spirit. I don't really know much, but the good spirit, who's a girl named SunHae, wants to. She can't until her boyfriend does, though, and that won't happen anytime soon, I don't think." YoungSaeng paused. "If she wasn't there, I think I'd pass out immediately. Her calming nature acts as a bit of a shield from him, so I can focus on it and deal with his overpowering spirit."

It was a very complex situation, but there wasn't much he could do.

KyuJong frowned, going to the door. "I wonder what it would take for the bad spirit to pass on...” It would be nice for YoungSaeng to be able to go into the cafeteria without worrying about his Gift. "Have you ever helped spirits pass on before?"

YoungSaeng shrugged. "I tried it once when I was younger, but I got overwhelmed and passed out," he explained. "I was unconscious for a day and a half."

KyuJong winced slightly. "Somehow I guessed it wouldn't be as easy as it sounds." Opening the door, he walked out into the hallway and waited for YoungSaeng, pulling out his room key to lock the door after them.

"I could always try again. I mean, I was really young then, and I have more control over it now than I did," YoungSaeng mused as he watched his boyfriend close and lock the door. "I'd like to see her rest..."

KyuJong nodded slightly as he locked the door and returned the key to his pocket. "Not today though," he said, taking YoungSaeng's hand after a moment and starting to walk. "You've had enough of spirits for one day." he kept his voice quiet in case there were others around, though the hallways were more-or-less empty.

"Trust me, I wasn't planning on doing anything power-related for the rest of the day," YoungSaeng chuckled.

He started a bit when KyuJong took his hand, but squeezed back, soft smile and a blush forming on his face.

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, writing: roleplay

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