
Jun 29, 2008 21:45

Title: MatchMaker
Chapter: 2/?
Pairings: EunHae, KiHae, SiHae, SiChul, KiHan
Side Pairings: KangTeuk, KyuWook, YeMin
Rating: PG-16
Summary: They were known as the school MatchMakers; if you wanted a steady relationship with someone you’d love forever, they were the three to go see. But the MatchMakers can’t find someone for themselves! When a new student transfers in, will their situation change for the better... Or worse?
A/N: Thanks for all the positive reviews, I was sure this would turn out to be a dud X.X I've never done a sequel before.

“So you must be the friend KyuHyun was talking about?” RyeoWook smiled brightly at the tall boy standing beside KyuHyun, looking around him with wide eyes. The first thing RyeoWook thought of when he saw DongHae was the sun, bright and cheerful all the time. DongHae looked ready to burst with excitement, and nodded to confirm RyeoWook’s statement so fast he resembled nothing short of a bobblehead. RyeoWook chuckled to himself; he could already see the new boy was going to be fun to have around.

“I’m Lee DongHae, it’s nice to meet you RyeoWook sshi!” He bowed low, then straightened with a grin. “This place is so huge! My old schools were nowhere this big, since we lived in the country I guess, and there so many people, it’s like a whole city in one building, and-“ KyuHyun and RyeoWook shared knowing smiles, listening to DongHae babble.

It had been a week ago when KyuHyun had first went to his new job, and encountered DongHae. DongHae was a hyperactive, happy-go-lucky guy who just happened to be starting at their university soon. As soon as KyuHyun had heard of this, he had invited DongHae to hang out with him and his boyfriend. Not that DongHae would have trouble fitting in and making friends, with his boundless energy and sunny outlook on life. Those just meeting him might think he was a bit simple, but KyuHyun had gotten to know DongHae enough over the week to know the boy was very thoughtful and intelligent.

“- And already, already on my first day here, I get to meet your boyfriend and your friends and I’m already fitting in, and I thought it would be hard to be accepted in such a big place but you guys already have!” DongHae beamed at them, not at all disturbed by the fact he hadn’t taken a breath once during his long monologue. “So are you really lovers? That’s so cute!”

RyeoWook blushed faintly, and KyuHyun smiled before intertwining their fingers. To DongHae watching, it looked like he was determined to never let go. “Yes, we are. I hope that doesn’t make you uncomfortable, DongHae hyung.” Though from the way DongHae was still grinning ear to ear, he doubted it very much.

“No, no, not at all! Love is love is love!”

“Hey guys,” A soft voice called from behind them. Turning around, DongHae examined the new arrivals with keen interest. One was wearing an unusual amount of pink in his clothing for a guy, and the other looked dark and secretive, though the faint smile that graced his lips made him look less intimidating.

“Hello,” RyeoWook said softly. “DongHae hyung, this is SungMin hyung and YeSung hyung. Guys, this is the new student KyuHyunnie was talking about.”

“Hello!” DongHae said brightly, gaining an instant smile from the pink-boy. The smile faded a tad as he noticed KyuHyun and RyeoWook’s interlocked hands, but then YeSung was saying something, and SungMin turned to look at him with expectancy.

“We should introduce him to some others,” YeSung said. “It would be good for him to have some more friends besides just us.”

“But you guys are great friends, why would I need more?” DongHae asked, looking puzzled. SungMin laughed as YeSung replied. “It’s called socializing, country boy. Not that you should have a problem with it.”

DongHae thought about it for a second, then was nodding like a bobble head again. “Okay!”


By the time lunch came around, KiBum was wondering what would be the most effective way to shut HyukJae up. He was a nice guy, but when he started talking he wouldn’t stop for a few hours at least, and most of the time it was about stuff that KiBum didn’t want to hear. SiWon was easier to be around, because although he made polite conversation he wouldn’t intrude on KiBum’s silence. HyukJae on the other hand, didn’t know when enough was enough.

Fifteen minutes through lunch, SiWon found them and asked HyukJae if he could help him find a book he was looking for in the library. KiBum threw SiWon a thankful glance as HyukJae followed the taller man, SiWon returning the smile over one shoulder.

Finally, some peace and quiet. KiBum returned to the papers he had been looking over, tapping his pencil against the cafeteria table to a constant rhythm.

Then, a shadow covered his work. “Can I sit here?” Asked a bright voice that kiBum was sure he’d never heard before. Giving an internal sigh - Get rid of HyukJae and someone else comes to disturb him - KiBum turned around to see who it was. Looking up, his gaze met the most entrancing pair of eyes he’d ever seen.

The boy wasn’t one he’d seen before, looking at him with bright puppy-like eyes. If he had born a wagging tail behind him and two dog ears, KiBum wouldn’t have been surprised in the least; he just bore that kind of air about him. Realising he had been asked a question, he nodded. “Sure.”

The boy plopped down on the seat beside him, his smile so bright and goofy that kiBum couldn’t help but return it, his annoyance at being interrupted vanishing. “My name is Lee DongHae, I’m new here!” He said happily.

“I’m Kim KiBum,” KiBum introduced himself. “Is this your first day? Have you made any friends yet?”

DongHae nodded his head to both. “But I can’t find them, this place is too big,” He whined cutely, pouting. KiBum chuckled a bit. “Well, they’ll find you eventually.”

“Until they do, can I stay here and talk with you?” DongHae asked. KiBum agreed, giving up on the idea of ever working on his studies, and turning his full attention to the boy beside him, who was now chattering about something or other.

He looked so innocent, so clueless, and that was something rare to see in people their age. His chestnut brown hair partly fell into his eyes, which danced with life as he talked away. KiBum found himself captivated by the energy the boy possessed.

“kiBum sshi, do you believe in aliens?” DongHae asked, drawing kiBum out of his thoughts. “Aliens?”

“Yeah! Big green people that go around and abduct people! There were a few sightings in the USA, and people saw them! I think they must be in some plot to take over Earth and make us all their slaves!” The seriousness with which DongHae said this made KiBum laugh softly. “Really?” He asked, amused.

“Yeah! They would make us do all their dirty work and power their UFOs while they go around and abduct people from other planets to poke and prod them and use them as lab rats for all their weird chemicals!”

KiBum shook his head, grinning. “Whatever you say.” He couldn’t bring himself to openly disagree with the boy.

“DongHae, there you are! Over here!”

KiBum looked up, seeing a group of four people waving to DongHae at the other end of the cafeteria. He was interested to see RyeoWook and KyuHyun were part of the group. “Ah! There’s my friends!” DongHae said happily. “Thank you for talking to me, KiBum sshi!” Even though it had been DongHae doing most of the talking. KiBum was a bit sad though that their conversation had ended.

“See you around,” KiBum said softly. DongHae nodded and ran off towards his friends. KiBum watched them leave his line of sight, then returned to his studying, his mind still on the new boy.

Lee DongHae…

pairing: siwon/donghae, fandom: super junior, fanfic: matchmakers, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae, pairing: kibum/donghae, writing: fanfiction

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