Absolute - Chapter Eight

Jan 02, 2010 16:18

Title: Absolute
Chapter: 8/?
Fandoms: TVXQ/DBSK, Super Junior, SS501
Pairings: Various (a LOT O.o; )
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, Violence, Character Death
Summary: Seoul’s All-Boys Night School is just like any other night school in the area, but there’s one thing that sets them apart from all the others, and that is their students. Seoul has been the battleground of an underground, interspecies cold war for centuries, with populations of vampyres, lycans, and all those in between. Even so, no one saw it coming when young members from practically every division ended up in the same night class, along with several unassuming humans. How do you deal with suddenly having to play nice with those you were raised to hate? A dangerous game of cat and mouse begins, where the only rules were to get rid of the enemy, not be caught by the humans… And not to fall in love.
A/N: So, updates will be on Saturday for the next little while xD My job's been keeping me REALLY busy, but hopefully it will be done soon and I'll be able to get back to writing. Thank you to mi_iseul for betaing~~~ ^-^

Teaser Trailer | Characters and Terms | Prologue & Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

No one was prepared when first thing the following class, YunHo walked into the room and punched HeeChul straight in the jaw.

HyunJoong stopped pretending to sleep instantly and jumped to his feet as YoungWoon did the same. HeeChul staggered slightly and then turned around to stare at the Lycan, mostly out of surprise YunHo had actually gotten him. Then anger filled his expression.

“What the hell, furball! What was that for?”

If the other students in the class hadn’t noticed the conflict, they did now. Only a few students were present: HyunJoong, YoungWoon, LeeTeuk, JunSu, and YooChun. JaeJoong and KyuJong walked in and stopped in the doorway when they saw what was going on.

“You know what that was for,” YunHo replied, his normally calm voice shaking with anger. He clenched his fist at his side, eyes narrowed. “Breaking the treaty wasn’t enough for you, was it?”

“What?” HeeChul stared at him like he’d grown a second head. “I’d say you’re breaking the treaty by punching me. Someone pull your tail the wrong way?”

“The alpha of our wolf pack,” YunHo started, voice laced with fury, “my father, was found dead on your territory.”

JunSu gasped. HeeChul’s eyes widened, and he stared at the wolf. “What the fuck. You serious?”

“Do you think I would lie about something like this?” YunHo had reached the end of his patience, reaching out to grab the front of HeeChul’s shirt. The Vampyre stared at him, eyes hardening.

“I had nothing to do with it,” HeeChul answered. “Do you think I’m that stupid? Or my Sire, for that matter? The old mutt was probably one of the more reasonable wolves, and I’d rather deal with him than you any day.”

“Then one of your Vampyres did it.” YunHo’s grip tightened. “I don’t care. He’s dead, he was found by Sulli in your territory, and it is obvious Vampyres did it.”

“We didn’t know anything about this,” HyunJoong said, walking over to them. “Neither of us killed him either.” JunSu nodded in agreement.

“Then bring me the one who did.”

“You think I’m going to just hand over one of my vamps to you?” HeeChul questioned, voice darkening as his protective streak came through.

“I think you are. It was a severe violation of the treaty between us, and my father’s death means I’m the new pack leader. Give me the one who did it, or I will bring this issue to the next level.”

“War?” JunSu’s frightened whisper echoed through the room.

KyuJong tried to usher JaeJoong out of the class, but his adoptive brother was watching them with wide eyes, caught up in what was happening. He made a mental note to tell SiWon about this.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” HeeChul snapped. “I understand it was your father that bit the dust, but to involve everyone? Do you have any idea how many lives would be lost, fleabag?”

“That’s why you’re going to give me the one who killed him,” YunHo replied, eyes hard. There was no compromising on this. YoungWoon started to move to support the other wolf but noticed LeeTeuk’s eyes on him and hesitated, his hands curling into fists on his desk.

“I don’t sell out my allies.”

“Then let’s hope your Sire is more responsible than you are, or I guarantee this won’t end here.”

“Not in class guys,” JunSu whispered, paler than usual at the idea there could be a war.

“We’ll look around for the one who did it,” HyunJoong promised, pulling HeeChul back slightly. “Okay? Give us a few days. It could be a Vampyre acting on their own, and in that case, it could take a while to find out who did it.”

YunHo nodded, lips pressed in a thin line. It was rare for the usually calm man to be so angry, as he normally offset HeeChul’s random bursts of temper, but it was his father’s death so no one could blame him. It was a sign of how deeply the situation was affecting him to see his jaw muscles clench as he tried to restrain his anger.

“Well, this secret is just going down the drain, isn’t it?” YoungWoon murmured, watching JaeJoong and KyuJong in the doorway. Glancing at LeeTeuk, he saw the human was still watching him and looked away quickly.

HeeChul shook off HyunJoong’s hand on his shoulder, looking back at YunHo. The Vampyre seemed about to say something more but then decided against it, walking to his seat and sitting down. YunHo did the same, his head down. YooChun watched him with a small frown.

When the others came into class, no one commented on the tense atmosphere. No one went near YunHo either, leaving the new wolf pack leader to himself.



YunHo looked up from where he was sitting against the brick wall to see YooChun approach him. “Hey,” he greeted quietly, deciding he really didn’t care right now if the slayer was going to knife him or not.

YooChun paused and then walked up to him, sitting down beside the Lycan and looking up at the night sky. YunHo had vanished as soon as break was called and it had taken him a while to find the other man.

There was a long stretch of silence.

“I’m sorry.”

The quiet words from the slayer drew YunHo’s attention away from the night sky, the Lycan tilting his head slightly to look at the other man. “For what?”

“For your father,” YooChun specified, eyes following the path of an airplane far in the distance. “I suppose even non-humans feel pain when they lose someone close to them, right?”

YunHo nodded, returning his gaze to the sky as well. His eyes found the moon, his gaze tracing the glowing crescent against the inky blackness surrounding it.

“What was he like?”

“… He was a good man,” YunHo replied, fingers twining into the grass beside him. “Always was the voice of reason, especially when dealing with the other hot-headed elders. He was the one who started the treaty with the Vampyre clans in the first place; it’s thanks to him that we’re not at war right now.”

“And now the responsibility has fallen to you?”

“Yeah.” The Lycan sighed, rubbing at the corners of his eyes slightly. “I wasn’t… I wasn’t expecting to have to take over for another ten years at least. He was strong, and healthy. There was no reason to think… This might happen.”

“You can never really plan for death,” YooChun murmured, closing his eyes. “So you’re the alpha now?”

“Not yet. The ceremony’s tonight. The elders won’t be happy. Like most adults, they dislike the idea of someone younger than them in charge.” YunHo’s tone went bitter. “I’m afraid I might not be Alpha for long before someone challenges me. Or several someones.”

“I think you’d be a great leader,” YooChun commented. “You’re calm in most situations, and responsible. Well, except for this morning, but no one can really blame you for that. Do you really plan on bringing this to war?”

“I’m not sure,” YunHo murmured.

“Well… As a slayer, I’d say fantastic, because if you’re busy killing each other off there’s less for me to worry about. But…” YooChun turned his head to look at YunHo again, opening his eyes. The Lycan glanced at him as well, their gazes meeting.

“As a classmate, and as a person, I’d ask if your father would really be happy to know his son was risking everything for a fit of revenge. And if you’re really ready for all the death that will follow…on both sides.”

YunHo thought about that for a long moment, deep brown eyes sad. “…No. I’m not ready for that,” he replied softly. “I won’t bring it to war.”

YooChun smiled at him and clapped one hand on his shoulder. “See? You’ll be a great leader. Even when you have every right to want revenge, you have your people’s best interest at heart.”

YunHo returned the smile after a moment. “You’re a strange slayer. Do you play counselor on a regular basis?”

“No,” YooChun replied with a chuckle. “I just thought you might need someone to help clear your head.”

“What happened to being enemies?”

“Oh, we still are. But we have a truce on school property, remember?” YooChun stood after a moment, stretching. “So I don’t see why I can’t share some friendly advice. I should go make sure KiBum’s keeping his end of the truce as well.”

“If he hadn’t been, I would have heard of it by now,” YunHo replied, patting the ground beside him. “Why don’t you stay? Since we have a truce and all.”

YooChun looked down at him through a curtain of long bangs, eyes lingering on the Lycan’s smile which was so much more sincere now.

“Don’t see why not,” he answered, taking his seat again. Adjusting his position so he could rest against the brick wall, the slayer hid a smile of his own and pretended not to notice how YunHo’s expression brightened ever so slightly.


Neither man noticed the figure watching from a classroom on the second floor, leaning against the windowsill. With the window slightly open, their words drifted up to him and KyuJong was able to hear everything they said.

A slight frown crossed his face as he closed the window as quietly as he could. He hadn’t expected this. The death of the wolf leader was supposed to start a full-out war between the two races, and weaken them. Weaken them enough for the slayers to make their move.

But KyuJong hadn’t counted on two things. One, the nobility of the Alpha-to-be, YunHo and two, a slayer named YooChun.

How could YooChun help out their enemy like this? Wasn’t he concerned with how many more human lives could be lost? Whatever happened to putting their cause first?

But KyuJong couldn’t ask any of these questions of YooChun. No one knew KyuJong was a slayer and he needed to keep it that way. The more people who knew, the more chances there were for this to leak out, and it needed to stay secret.

Slinging his bag over one shoulder, KyuJong walked out of the room, turning the corner - and colliding hard with someone walking in his direction.

Falling to the ground, a muffled yelp reached his ears, and he realized he’d fallen on top of the other person. Pushing himself up and apologizing over and over, KyuJong met the confused eyes of one of his classmates.

“Sorry,” he apologized yet again, getting off of him and standing. The other man sat up slightly, rubbing the back of his head with a wince. “It’s alright,” the downed classmate replied, blinking up at him.

KyuJong offered one hand and the feminine-looking man took it, standing up again with KyuJong’s help. His hand was cold…really cold. “Thanks,” the other man said with a small smile, hair falling into his eyes.

Voices echoed down the hallway, and his classmate’s eyes widened. “Oh. Hide me, quick.” He pulled KyuJong into the classroom beside them, hiding in the shadows. KyuJong was severely confused by now, but just went with it.

Two other students went by, looking around. One zoomed by with such speed KyuJong was positive he couldn’t be human, leaving the other man running to keep up. Soon their footsteps faded again.

The one beside him sighed and then realized he was still holding KyuJong’s hand and dropped it quickly. “Sorry,” he murmured. “Somehow I got pulled into a game of hide and seek. Since I’m already playing, I might as well make it as hard for them as possible.”

“I understand, I think,” KyuJong laughed softly. Hide and seek at their age?

Catching his expression, the other man grinned sheepishly. “I know. It’s weird. It was JungMin’s idea though, which, if you consider all the other strange things that man does, makes it considerably less weird.”

“JungMin?” KyuJong hadn’t paid much attention to the others in his class, focusing more on those he knew to be non-humans.

“The one impersonating a cyclone,” his classmate explained. “And the one running after him was HyungJoon, my adoptive brother. I’m assuming JungMin found him first, so now they’re just looked for me.”

Adoptive? “You’re adopted too?” KyuJong questioned, surprised.

“Yeah. I was adopted when I was little. Those two are really the only family I have.” He smiled faintly.

KyuJong absently wondered what JaeJoong was doing.

“Anyways, my name’s Heo YoungSaeng,” he continued. “They let me keep my real last name. You’re Kim KyuJong, right?”

KyuJong nodded. “Right. JaeJoong’s adopted brother.”

“I thought so. You both seem to come and go together often.” YoungSaeng looked back out into the hallway. “I think they’re gone.” They both walked back out into the hallway.

“Your friend JungMin was very fast,” KyuJong noted, frowning inwardly. Speed was a common non-human trait.

“Yeah, he’s always been like that.” YoungSaeng looked back at him. “Why?”

“Nothing really,” KyuJong replied with a slight shrug, though he made a mental note to keep an eye on JungMin from now on. Just how many non-humans were there in his class?

YoungSaeng looked at him for a long moment, their eyes meeting. Then he smiled faintly. “Next time JungMin has any crazy ideas for a game, want to join in? It may be childish, but it’s more fun than just hanging around in the dark.”

KyuJong considered it. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to ‘join in’ while knowing JungMin wasn’t human, but the slayer needed to keep up his façade for now and interacting with non-humans would make his position as innocent bystander more believable.

Thinking about it, KyuJong finally nodded. “Sure, why not?”

YoungSaeng smiled at him. “Great. Until next time, then.” He turned and walked off down the hallway in the opposite direction of where his two friends had headed.

KyuJong watched him go until the other man had turned a corner and vanished. About to leave himself, a loud “THERE you are!” and a squeak of alarm got his attention. As the empty hallway filled with laughter, KyuJong smiled to himself, shouldering his bag and heading off in the opposite direction.



About to leave the class, YoungWoon stopped and looked behind him. LeeTeuk walked up to him, a nervous smile on his lips. “Hey.”

“Hey,” the other man said gruffly, looking away again and continuing to walk out. Now JungSu was talking to him after nearly a week of ignoring him? He wasn’t sure what to think, knowing JungSu was under no obligation to talk to him. Even so, YoungWoon felt annoyed at the silent treatment.

LeeTeuk followed along behind him. “Can I talk to you for a moment? In private?”

Looking back at the older man, YoungWoon sighed and headed into a different, empty classroom rather than walking outside like he’d been planning to. He was worried about YunHo and how the other Lycan was coping but he wasn’t going to say no if LeeTeuk wanted to talk to him. Even though he had every right to, with how the other had been ignoring him.

Dropping his bag on a desk, he looked back at LeeTeuk. “What’s up?”

LeeTeuk shifted from foot to foot, trying to figure out how best to say this. Just when YoungWoon was about to become impatient and leave, the human finally spoke.

“I know what you are.”

YoungWoon froze, blinking at the other. “You what?” he questioned, hoping he had misheard. Not that it had been hard to figure out… He should have seen it coming, with all the fighting in class.

“I know what you are,” LeeTeuk repeated. “I’ve known for nearly a week. That’s why I was acting so distant. I’m sorry. I just needed time to think about everything.”

YoungWoon watched him, watching LeeTeuk’s expression for any hint of what he was thinking. “And? Do you think I’m a monster now?”

LeeTeuk shifted again, then sighed and pushed himself up onto one of the desks.

“No. No, I don’t. I was just… Confused? It was a lot to take in and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. But you’re a great person, and I think that’s what matters most, not what you are.”

“If only everyone else shared the same opinion,” YoungWoon replied darkly, sitting on a desk as well. “So, you’re not going to run screaming?”

“No. I’m here, aren’t I? Talking to you alone, with no one else around. If that isn’t a show of trust, then I don’t know what is.”

YoungWoon suppressed a grin of relief. “Why were you hanging out with JunSu? Do you know -“

“I know what he is too,” LeeTeuk confirmed. “He helped me out of a hard spot, and it’s really hard to imagine him as a bloodthirsty Vampyre, so I suppose that made it a bit easier to stay around him.”

YoungWoon tried not to feel jealous of the bubbly Vampyre.

“So, what was going on before?” LeeTeuk questioned. “Is the different races why YunHo and HeeChul have been at each others’ throats since day one?”

YoungWoon nodded. “It’s a lot to explain.”

“We have time.”


The large clearing was quiet. YoungWoon patted YunHo on the shoulder, throwing him a reassuring smile before taking his place in the circle of Lycans. Sighing inwardly, YunHo looked around and noted the two empty spots in the circle.

One belonged to his father and would soon be filled by his son, but YunHo knew the atmosphere would never be the same again. The elders didn’t like him - it was obvious from the way they watched him. They didn’t trust him to do as good a job as his father. He was still young, so how could he be expected to be able to watch over one of the largest gathering of Lycans in the world?

The other empty spot belonged to KyuHyun. YunHo tried not to frown as he looked at where the pup should be standing. Snarky though he was, the younger man had always supported YunHo wholeheartedly. He would have liked the support right now, even though the elders hardly listened to a pup like Kyu.

Where was KyuHyun anyways? He hadn’t been in school for days…

Shaking his head slightly to clear it, he returned his gaze to the others. Normally packs would gather in their wolf forms for meetings, but since they lived in the city, everyone had decided keeping their human forms was much more practical.

“You all know why you are here,” YunHo started, watching as their attention went to him. “This time last night my father, the Alpha male of this pack, was found dead. The cause of death and follow-up measures will be discussed at another time. I called this meeting to officially declare I am taking over my father’s position as Alpha male. Anyone who wishes to challenge this, say so now.”

YoungWoon straightened, walking up to YunHo. Their eyes met, and then YoungWoon knelt in front of the other Lycan, lowering his head and baring his neck in a traditional show of submission. It was the formal way of saying he approved of YunHo’s claim to Alpha and would support him.

Another one of the younger Lycans who got along with YunHo well did the same, dropping to his knees and ducking his head. Sulli followed, giving YunHo a reassuring smile before crouching down, brushing her hair aside with one hand to bare her neck.

More Lycans followed, mostly the younger ones, giving the same gesture of submission to their ex-Alpha’s son. A few of the elders followed as well, those who had been close to his father and knew YunHo had the pack’s well-being at heart.

That still left most of the elders and two of the younger ones. One of the older Lycans stepped forward with his head held high.

“I will challenge your claim to Alpha, Jung YunHo.”

He should have expected it. This particular man had always been headstrong; he’d challenged YunHo’s father several times over the years. He’d always failed, but seemed to think he could snatch up leadership now from the deceased leader’s young son.

YoungWoon, Sulli and the other Lycans who’d given YunHo their allegiance moved to stand behind him as YunHo faced the challenger. He’d been hoping to avoid a fight, but with this man he needed to give it his all.

“I accept your challenge,” he said formally to be polite to the older male. There was only one way to settle this, and it was as wolves.

Taking off his shirt, YunHo dropped it to one side, watching as the older man did the same. The other Lycans formed a circle, leaving YunHo and the challenger to pace back and forth, waiting to see who would make the first move.

It was the elder who attacked first. There was the rip of clothes tearing as he shifted and the wolf leapt forward, claws ready to open YunHo’s chest. The younger Lycan shifted as well, dodging to one side and leaping onto the attacker, sending them both rolling in the dirt.

The elder wasn’t particularly fast for a Lycan, but he was strong and batted YunHo off his back easily. Rolling to his feet, YunHo avoided a lunge for his throat, growling and snapping back. Springing free, the two returned to circling each other. The Lycans watching them were silent.

The elder may be strong, but he tired easily. YunHo could see the other wolf’s body moving up and down with each pant. He’d seen this Lycan fight his father so many times he knew exactly how to beat him. Wear him down.

So YunHo didn’t attack unless he needed to, avoiding the other wolf’s attacks and letting him wear himself down. Small scratches appeared, drops of blood matting his fur when he wasn’t able to get away in time, but they were all minor injuries.

When he judged he’d let the fight go on long enough, YunHo retaliated with a quick snap to the other wolf’s legs, forcing him to go on the defensive instead. He attacked over and over, knowing it was just a matter of time before the elder wolf made a mistake.

There it was, a slight shuffling of the hind legs as the other wolf struggled to keep his balance. YunHo took advantage of the moment, colliding hard with his opponent and knocking him onto his side. The other wolf snapped at him, then stilled when YunHo bit down lightly on his exposed throat. If he applied too much pressure, the Lycan would bleed to death within minutes.

A faint growl came from the elder wolf but he didn’t move. YunHo pressed down lightly then let go, backing away. He’d won.

Shifting back into human form, YunHo took the pair of jeans YoungWoon offered him and pulled them on while watching the wolf slowly sit up. Sulli and the few females present averted their eyes politely.

“I claim my place as Alpha of this pack,” YunHo said, turning his gaze to the others who hadn’t accepted him. “Are there any other challengers?”

There was silence for a long moment and then one by one the remaining Lycans knelt, baring their necks to their young leader. He had proven himself, and so they would follow him…for now, until he made a mistake. YunHo looked down at the elder Lycan who’d challenged him, the wolf staring up at him with burning hatred in his eyes. He’d have to watch out for this one in the future.

He called off the meeting, watching as the majority of the Lycans vanished into the shadows. Picking up his shirt and pulling it on, YunHo turned and looked at YoungWoon, Sulli, and TaeYang, the second Lycan to submit to YunHo’s claim to Alpha. They, along with KyuHyun, were the ones who he knew would follow him regardless of where he led. They were his true pack.

“Where is KyuHyun?” he questioned softly, worried for the snarky pup.

“We’ll look around for him,” TaeYang promised. Sulli nodded. “He’s probably just not feeling well?” she offered.

Perhaps…but even sick, KyuHyun would have attended the initiation ceremony. The length of time he’d been absent was strange.

“He’ll turn up, he always does,” YoungWoon said, clapping YunHo on the shoulder. “You should get some sleep, and do something about those scratches.”

YunHo looked down at the cuts littering his body, spots of blood starting to appear on his shirt. “All right. You all stay safe and contact me if you find out anything about KyuHyun or my father’s death.” They nodded and left just as silently as the others.

YunHo sighed and looked up at the moon, almost completely gone from the sky. He had no idea what he was getting himself into but it was too late to back down now.

fanfic: absolute, fandom: super junior, fandom: ss501, fandom: dbsk, writing: fanfiction

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