The World Ends With You

Feb 24, 2009 10:12

Title: The World Ends With You
Chapter: 4/?
Pairings: ZhouRy (Main), many others
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Character Death, Angst, Apocalyptic Themes
Summary: Sequel to Till Death Do We Part. Zhou Mi had always been a failure of a necromancer. He botched up all his spells, brought back the wrong person, and the few times he had gotten it right, his ex boyfriend had taken it upon himself to send his successes back where they came from. But this didn’t stop him from trying… Until one day, the new boy next door happened to walk in on his ritual… And vanished into thin air. Determined to get Henry back, Zhou Mi set off for Korea, to find the only person he knew would be willing to help; Cho KyuHyun, his ex. But more people start disappearing, and the events set in motion would change all their lives, and the fate of the four worlds, forever.
A/N: Sorry for taking so long~! T.T *bows in apology* And it's a short update too...

Characters and Terms

Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three

Chapter Four

The following day, KiBum found himself waiting inside the airport along with his other friends. YeSung and RyeoWook were rather excited to be meeting Zhou Mi, despite the situation. SungMin was, understandably, nervous. He could barely stand still, walking around the waiting area and shooting KyuHyun anxious looks. KyuHyun himself seemed to be determined to keep a blank face, so it was impossible to tell what he thought about meeting his ex again.

KiBum himself was curious, but not overly so. According to KyuHyun, Zhou Mi had called in a frenzy and told him his neighbor had disappeared when a spell went awry. It was strangely similar to when EunHyuk had disappeared, which might have contributed to SungMin’s current state. Either way, it didn’t overly concern him, though he had caught the way KyuHyun had looked at him when he said that there were much more people here in tune with the supernatural, and that should make it easier to find out what had happened to this ‘Henry’.

The only one missing was KangIn. LeeTeuk was supposed to be showing up today; obviously he wanted to be with his boyfriend. They couldn’t see each other that often, thanks to the spirit guides job, but KiBum was envious of their relationship nonetheless. He would have given anything to see DongHae again.

“Kui Xian?” came a tentative voice. Everyone turned their attention back to the doors where the passengers of the plane were appearing. A tall, Chinese male was standing there, looking rather awkward and out of place as he looked around. KyuHyun called out to him in rapid Mandarin, and the others gaze was brought to their group. A bright smile lit his face as he walked over. “I don’t like him,” SungMin announced, thankfully low enough so that Zhou Mi couldn’t hear. RyeoWook covered his mouth to hush his laughter; the way SungMin was glaring daggers at the oblivious Chinese male was hilarious.

Zhou Mi stopped a few feet away from his ex, knowing better than to get too close and try KyuHyun’s patience. “Thank you for helping me,” He said, trying to be polite. Then, he noticed the others around KyuHyun. “Your friends?” His Korean had a large accent, but it was still understandable. KyuHyun nodded. “This is RyeoWook, Yesung, KiBum, and SungMin.” Each of the boys nodded in greeting, except for RyeoWook who tried to introduce himself in clumsy Mandarin that he’d probably spent all day trying to learn. Zhou Mi seemed to appreciate the effort, smiling brightly at the shorter male and chuckling at how YeSung pulled him in protectively. He seemed to either not see or ignore SungMin’s glares. “It’s nice to meet you all.”

“Let’s head to my place, my parents are gone all weekend,” Yesung offered as they left the airport. Zhou Mi looked at Kyuhyun, confused. “Do they…”

“They all know, Mi,” KyuHyun replied patiently. “I’ll explain when we get to YeSung’s house.” They all got into the large van YeSung drove, pulling out and heading towards the suburbs.

“Will KangIn be coming too when he meets with LeeTeuk?” RyeoWook inquired, excited about meeting the spirit guide again. KiBum nodded. “He should be.” Zhou Mi looked at KyuHyun again. “Just how many people know?” He asked, a hint of accusation in his voice. “Just two others,” KyuHyun replied, not in the least fazed.

The drive to YeSung’s house was tense, as Zhou Mi seemed to finally notice SungMin. “Is something wrong?” He asked, confused about the look he was getting. SungMin shook his head. KyuHyun sighed. “Min, it’s alright, okay? Stop trying to drill a hole through his head.”

“What did I do?” Zhou Mi inquired in Mandarin. “He’s my boyfriend,” KyuHyun replied in the same language. “And I believe you’re making him nervous.” Zhou Mi winced slightly. He had no wish to go against a jealous boyfriend.

Finally they got to YeSung’s house. As everyone filed inside, YeSung brought them up to his room. RyeoWook, who knew the inside of the house as well as YeSung himself did, brought them all tea. Watching them, Zhou Mi was reminded painfully of Henry doing the same thing for him. He had to look away.

“Okay, let’s start. First let me properly introduce you to my friends.” KyuHyun looked at Zhou Mi, who was paying full attention. “RyeoWook and SungMin are able to sense spirits similar to how we can, not as much obviously, but they have both made contact with ghosts in the past. KiBum and his older brother, KangIn, are both Entities.”

“You mean part Entity,” Zhou Mi replied, frowning.

“No, I mean full Entity. They can make contact with ghosts as if they are flesh and blood, just like the old stories say. KangIn is in a relationship with a spirit, who will hopefully be joining us later.” KyuHyun stopped to let his ex process the information. Zhou Mi looked stunned. “But… Didn’t all the Entities die out?”

“Looks like strains of the gene are reappearing. Either way, this will help our chances in finding what happened to your friend. Henli, was it?”

Zhou Mi snapped out of his state of shock, nodding solemnly as he was reminded of his reason for coming here. “I don’t know what happened to him, but I have to find out. It’s all my fault, and I won’t allow him to be hurt.” He was determined, and it shown in his voice.

KyuHyun remarked his ex for a moment, before nodding. “Alright. We’ll help, right?” The others all nodded, even SungMin. Jealous he may be, he wasn’t heartless. “We’ll start with the spell you used that night.”


YooChun walked through the hallways, JunSu trailing behind him meekly. Whenever there looked like there was other demons around, he scolded the imp, to which JunSu would reply with stuttered apologies. But the second they were gone, YooChun replaced the scowl with a smile, and JunSu had to muffle his laughter. It made him so happy that YooChun was taking such a great risk for their love. Many times he would question whether it was wise to even be in a relationship, but YooChun would shush him with murmured compliments and gentle kisses. He had no idea why the clan leader had changed so much for him, but the lower imp was glad for it.

He could still remember the first time they’d met. It hadn’t been all laughter and kisses then. In fact, JunSu had made a careless mistake which resulted in breaking one of the clans’ treasures, a fragile orb made with blown glass and designed to hold magic. YooChun had chosen to give his punishment personally, and with HeeChul laughing from the sidelines, had hit him with the whip over and over. JunSu still had the scars down his back as a reminder.

From then on, YooChun had always been the one to punish him, never one of the other demons who loved to see the kind imp in pain. Slowly, so slowly it had escaped his notice, the number of times he was struck with the spiked whip lessened, until one day nearly a year later, after delivering merely one blow to the back, YooChun had dropped the whip and pulled the dazed imp into his arms. And kissed him.

That had started their secret relationship. YooChun would take him aside every now and then, to ‘punish’ him. But the whip was no longer used. Instead, he pulled the smaller male into his arms and kissed him over and over, whispering apologies as his fingers traced the web of scars across JunSu’s back. JunSu had been apprehensive at first, not used to being treated with kindness, especially from the one who had beaten him, but he had always been quick to forgive and YooChun had stolen a place in his heart.

HeeChul had ridiculed them for being so sappy, but hadn’t said anything. And then, a few years ago, HanKyung had appeared in hell. JunSu became instant friends with him, and through him he was introduced to first YooChun, then HeeChul. HeeChul took to ordering the new imp around, making him carry his bags, cook for him, and fan him when he was tired. He especially liked to hear HanKyung sing to him in Mandarin, even though he didn’t understand it (He pretended he did though). YooChun had been the one to tell HeeChul that he was like a love-sick puppy, always talking about HanKyung this and HanKyung that. The elder demon had gone into denial. He still didn’t admit it even today, but JunSu and YooChun knew better.

JunSu hummed absently to himself, watching YooChun walk ahead of him. A weird vibe went through the air, making the imp stop in his tracks. Shivers ran through his body, throat constricting until he had trouble breathing. YooChun walked on for a few feet before noticing his lovers footsteps had faltered. Turning, the clan leader looked back at JunSu. “Su? What’s wrong?” The imp had gone pale.

“I… I don’t know,” JunSu whispered. “It feels weird.” That vibe went through him again. “Do you feel that?”

“Feel what? Magic? Did someone put a spell on you?” YooChun demanded, looking at JunSu carefully. He could usually see spells as a colored aura, but there was nothing around JunSu. “There’s no spell on you, Su. Are you catching sick?”

JunSu swallowed, the humming in his ears growing louder. He felt ill, certainly. Like he was being covered in sheets of ice, ice that was so cold it burned. His voice wouldn’t come. The imp’s eyes hazed over, his knees giving way.

Seeing him fall, YooChun jumped forward to catch him. But as he reached JunSu, his hands passed through thin air. JunSu vanished right in front of him.

YooChun stared at the spot for a long moment, slowly withdrawing his hands. There was no sign of the imp, nor of any spells. It was as if he had simply ceased to exist. “JunSu?” No reply. He was gone, just like that.

Slowly, fury grew inside the demon. Who dared take his imp lover away from him? Scanning the entire hallway for traces of spells, knowing every single kind of teleportation spell there was, he could find none. Fuming with rage, YooChun stormed off towards HeeChul’s quarters. Whoever had done this would suffer the wrath of both leaders. No one messed with someone Park YooChun was close with, especially not his lover.

Throwing the door open without even knocking, YooChun was met with chaos. Everything in HeeChul’s quarters was torn and shredded to pieces, even the wallpaper the other demon loved so much. Fury replaced by confusion, YooChun stepped inside and closed the door behind him so no one could see the state of the room. Everything had been tossed upside-down.

“YooChun!” HeeChul flew out of the mess and stormed over to the other clan leader. The elder demon was literally shooting sparks in his anger, ones that YooChun had to put up a shield to avoid. “About time you got your ass down here! HanKyung’s gone!”

His stomach lurched slightly. “HanKyung too?” YooChun whispered.

HeeChul went off on a rant. “He was right here, I was yelling at him for not cooking fast enough, and he said something about feeling weird, and-“ Only then did he realize what YooChun said. “What do you mean, HanKyung too?”

“JunSu disappeared as well. There was no trace of any kind of spell.”

“Well, fuck,” HeeChul breathed. “What now?”

fandom: super junior, fanfic: the world ends with you, fandom: dbsk, writing: fanfiction, pairing: zhoumi/henry

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