K-Pop Fic Remix Challenge! [2 Remixed, 1 Received]

Oct 19, 2013 13:56

So I'm an idiot and forgot to post these before now. A while back I did the K-Pop Fix Remix over at kpop_ficmix, along with some other really awesome people. One remixed fic and one pinch-hit later, here's the results of the challenge for your amusement!

Fics I Wrote
Recommended to read original fics first

Fandom: Super Junior/Wonder Girls
Rating: G
Pairing(s)/Focus: Donghae/Sunye
Length: 2,837 words
Summary: Don’t go outside. It was her rule, her mantra, her prison.
Work Remixed: Disquieted by kisoap
Don't go outside.

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun
Fandom: B1A4
Rating: PG
Pairing(s)/Focus: Sandeul/Gongchan
Length: 3,760 words
Summary: In which Sunwoo is blamed for being a bad influence on Chanshik, even though it wasn’t his fault at all.
Work Remixed: Dealing with the villains, I'll be your Foxman by hwanjin
"…How did you get yourself up there?"

Fic I Received

Remagination by almostkiwi
Fandom: Super Junior
Rating: G
Pairing(s)/Focus: Donghae-centred (Donghae/Kibum friendship)
Length: 1,489 words
Summary: Donghae’s first memory had been about Kibum -- everything Donghae knew was tied with Kibum.
Work Remixed: Imagination by yeonah
"Hi, I'm KiBum."

Participating in the remix was so much fun, and I got to root through and play in the sandboxes of two really awesome authors. I highly recommend you read the original fics before you read the remixed ones, because they're both so awesome. And a huuuuuge thank you to almostkiwi for the fic she wrote, it couldn't have been more perfect.

I'm definitely going to be doing this again next year, and I recommend it to you guys too :3 It's a little scary at first to be playing in someone else's sandbox, but it was so much fun. I have never written B1A4 or Wonder Girls as main characters before, so it was an awesome experience.

type: challenge, pairing: sandeul/gongchan, length: one-shot, pairing: kibum/donghae, writing: fanfiction, fandom: super junior, pairing: donghae/sunye, fandom: wonder girls, fandom: b1a4

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