Spirit Wars: ch 16

Sep 30, 2013 23:41

Name: Spirit Wars
Chapter: 16/?
Fandom: SS501, Super Junior, TVXQ, EXO, U-KISS, others
Pairings: HyungJoon/KyuJong, HyunJoong/KyuJong, KyuHyun/SungMin, YooChun/JunSu, KiBum/Kevin, more to come
Rating: PG-16
Warnings: Angst, violence
Genre: Modern fantasy
Summary: KyuJong was little the first time he saw a spirit battle. Years later, he transfers to a university in Seoul and finds himself right in the middle of Korea's largest gathering of spirit beasts and their human Keepers. Intrigued by the battles only he could see, he is drawn into growing conflict as Keepers and Hunters pour into the city in the hopes of challenging their Spirit King and claiming the title of Asia's strongest Keeper. But this year is different...the stakes have changed, and there is far more to be lost than just a title. The Spirit Wars have begun.

KyuJong spent a good part of the night tossing and turning, trying to figure out how he felt about his newfound task of saving the world. Unlike other boys, KyuJong had never really dreamed about being a superhero when he was little, or the realistic equivalents of firefighter or policeman. Even being a doctor, saving lives, was something he’d picked up on to help support his family and not because he had any delusions of grandeur. That just wasn’t him. Everything about KyuJong screamed ‘plain’, and to be perfectly honest he would have been content to spend the rest of his life working on his family’s farm out of sight of the world.

So he was understandably having a hard time reconciling the fact that all these Keepers and spirit beasts, powerful entities that have lived for centuries, were looking to him for some sort of miracle against a deadly enemy. How had the American Center coped? Had he or she been as scared as KyuJong, or had the idea of saving the world been embraced with open arms? How had he or she done it? More than anything, KyuJong wanted to meet this other Center to ask that…get advice from someone.

Because as much as he wanted to bury his head in the sand like an ostrich, hide from his new reality, he knew he couldn’t. From that moment he’d synched with Pantera to save KiBum from certain death, he knew he couldn’t just leave all these friends he’d made to deal with their enemy alone. He’d never known so many friends before…KiBum, SungMin, DongHae, even KyuHyun and JunSu…and he didn’t want to let them down.

By the time his next free day had rolled around, KyuJong had made up his mind. SungMin and KyuHyun had said Daniel had contacts in America…maybe he would know how KyuJong could get in touch with their Center. The language barrier was of course an issue, since he didn’t understand a lick of English, but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying.

He arrived outside the hospital a bit before noon, stepping inside and looking around. After a moment of hesitation, he approached the front counter. “Uh…hi? Is Doctor Daniel Lee working today?”

The receptionist looked up at him, blinking. “Mm…yes, he is. Do you have an appointment with him?”

“Ah…no,” KyuJong faltered. “I just need to talk to him.”

“I’ll send him a message, but chances are he’s too busy to see you right now.”

“…You’re looking for Daniel?”

Jumping at the sudden voice behind him, KyuJong turned around. A young man a little older than him stood there, long black hair framing a slightly chubby face as he looked at KyuJong quizzically.

With a start, KyuJong realized he’d seen the man before. Wasn’t he the defeated otter Keeper? “I-I am,” he tried not to stutter.

“I have a check-up with him now. Heebon noona, can I bring him with me?”

The receptionist, in the middle of typing out a message, frowned before sighing and nodding. “Go ahead, YoungSaeng. In the future, please make an appointment.”

“Yes miss,” KyuJong bowed his head sheepishly before turning to follow YoungSaeng into the waiting room beyond.

“Really, do as she says next time,” the man named YoungSaeng glanced back at him. “HeeBon catches hell from her bosses whenever she lets random people in to see Daniel hyung.”

Still trying to wrap his head around the fact that the former otter Keeper was standing in front of him, and seemed to have no memory of ever meeting, KyuJong nodded in understanding. “It happens often?”

“Very often. Daniel told her that if anyone ever comes looking for him, to let him know right away. The superiors don’t like it too much and have threatened to fire her before for letting people in.”

“Oh,” KyuJong winced.

They went to sit down at the far end of the waiting room, KyuJong trying not to be too obvious in watching YoungSaeng curiously. “So…why do you have a check-up?”

“Hm?” YoungSaeng blinked. “Oh…I have regular check-ups with him every month or so, since I used to have throat cancer.”

“Throat cancer?” KyuJong’s eyes widened.

YoungSaeng nodded. “Used to sing in bars for money, but had to stop. I’m cancer-free now, but Daniel still insists on regular visits to make sure it doesn’t come back.”

Which would explain why YoungSaeng still appeared to know Daniel, despite no longer being a Keeper. KyuJong thought about how JunSu said his mind had filled in the blanks left behind by his loss of memory, and wondered how YoungSaeng had filled in the gaps in his own memory.

“Why are you looking for him?” YoungSaeng’s question pulled KyuJong out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see the older man looking at him quizzically.

“Oh…I just had some questions for him,” KyuJong said, not sure how to explain the real reason why he was trying to find Daniel.

“Heo YoungSaeng?”

They both looked up to see Daniel approaching them, clipboard in one hand. Writing something down on it, Daniel looked up and spotted KyuJong. “Good morning, KyuJong. Are you here for me?”

“Yeah,” KyuJong nodded. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“All right.” Daniel smiled at them both. “Follow me.” They both stood and tailed Daniel out of the waiting room and into the maze of hallways further into the hospital.

They stopped outside an office door. “KyuJong, I’ll leave you in here while I take care of YoungSaeng,” Daniel said, unlocking the door and opening it. “It will just take fifteen minutes or so.”

“Okay,” KyuJong nodded, stepping into the office. He watched them leave before closing the door and looking around. It was small and cozy, various paperwork taking up a good part of Daniel’s desk along with a computer. KyuJong sat down in the chair, looking around. It wasn’t the neatest office ever, but he’d seen much worse. HyungJoon and KiBum’s apartment was much worse.

A photograph on a corner of the desk caught his eye, and KyuJong picked it up, bringing it closer. In the picture were three people, one a smiling Daniel. There was a young woman next to him, and in her arms a small baby slept peacefully.

Was this his family? KyuJong smiled softly down at the image, seeing how happy they were. He wondered if Daniel’s wife was aware of her husband’s position as Keeper, one of the longest-running Keepers in the city.

Daniel had to be one of the strongest Keepers to survive this long, certainly… KyuJong had even wondered if Daniel was the elusive Spirit King he’d heard so much about. That would mean that the Chinese hunters were after him, and KyuJong did remember running into them in the hospital before.

Out of nowhere, worry twisted inside him. If Daniel were to ever lose a challenge…would he forget about his family? Exhaling slowly, KyuJong placed the photograph down. It was a horrible thing to even consider, and he hoped that wasn’t the case. It could be why all the other Keepers he’d been around avoided naming the Spirit King directly. All it took was word reaching one of the Hunters, and Daniel could be in serious trouble.

He waited in the office for a while, just listening to the murmur of voices out in the hallway and trying not to snoop through the various papers. Finally the door clicked open and Daniel stepped in. “Sorry for the wait.”

“I’m the one who showed up out of nowhere,” KyuJong smiled sheepishly, watching as the doctor sat down at his desk. “How’s…YoungSaeng sshi?”

“Clear for another couple months,” Daniel chuckled, marking something on his clipboard before setting it aside. “So…what can I do for you, Center?”

It still startled KyuJong whenever someone called him that, even though it really shouldn’t. Of course Daniel would know who he was. Drawing in a breath, KyuJong sat up straighter. “SungMin and KyuHyun told me last night about another Center in America…I was wondering if I could get in touch with them, somehow.”

Daniel looked at him with a raised eyebrow from over his glasses. “I’m assuming it’s not just curiosity about another Center that’s prompting this.”

“Well…no.” KyuJong looked down at his lap, chewing on his lower lip. “I…I’m not cut out for this sort of thing. And what they told me, about having to stop the Darkness and save people…it just has me a little anxious. I wanted to know how this other Center did it.”

“No one’s really made for this sort of thing, KyuJong.” Daniel watched him. “Despite having higher than normal spiritual energy, Keepers are really no different from anyone else. Some succeed, some fail. Many fail.”

KyuJong shivered. “I don’t know how that’s supposed to make me feel better.”

“It wasn’t meant to make you feel better, just to point out the facts,” Daniel chuckled. “The other Center is really no different from you, or from any of us. She wasn’t made to be any sort of hero, or a beacon of hope for Keepers…but she stepped past her fear and became one anyways. There is no such thing as great people, just ordinary people who can do great things.”

Taking in those words, KyuJong looked away. “…What if I can’t do great things? What if I fail?”

“Then all of South Korea…no, the whole world...will have a dark era ahead,” Daniel said simply. “Are you giving up?”

KyuJong’s eyes snapped up to him. “No! No, I’m not giving up.”

“If you’re so convinced that you’ll fail, why don’t you?” Daniel inquired, gaze unreadable.

“Because…” KyuJong looked down at his hands. He thought of KiBum and Kevin eating pizza and laughing. He thought of KyuHyun trying to hit Yuetu with the café menu. He thought of JunSu timidly approaching HyukJae in the school cafeteria. He thought of HyungJoon…oblivious, smiling HyungJoon offering him friendship when he expected none. “Because I can’t just leave them to face this alone…I have to help my friends.”

“Why help them? This is their battle, not yours. You don’t have a spirit beast, and despite being able to see them, you are for all intents and purposes an outsider.”

KyuJong glanced up at him. “I stopped being an outsider the minute I became their friend,” he said quietly. “If I can do anything to help…I will.”

Daniel met his eyes, seeming to search for something in them. Finally he smirked and clasped KyuJong’s shoulder, startling the younger man. “You’ll be fine.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because you won’t give up. That alone gives me all the faith in you I need.”

KyuJong couldn’t help but smile a little. If Daniel believed in him…maybe he could do it. “Could I…still talk with the Center from America?”

Daniel chuckled. “She doesn’t speak Korean, so unless you know English, there’s little hope of you understanding each other. But…I might be able to introduce you to someone who was there when everything happened.”

The door to the office opened. “Knock knock.”

KyuJong looked up, and his eyes widened. HyunJoong stood in the doorway, lazy smirk in place and body leaning against the doorframe. KyuJong could see his guitar case slung over his shoulder.

“…Saying ‘knock knock’ doesn’t take the place of actually knocking,” Daniel sighed, turning around with an amused expression. “You didn’t get HeeBon in trouble again, did you? She’s going to kick you out one day.”

“She’s fine,” HyunJoong chuckled, before his eyes went to KyuJong. “Am I interrupting something?”

“You’re always interrupting,” Daniel replied, professional mannerisms dropping slightly as he snarked at the younger man. “Before you ask, YoungSaeng’s testing went fine. He’s cancer-free, and gone back home already. If you leave now, you can still catch him.”

“Trying to get rid of me? I’ll catch up to him later.” HyunJoong straightened. “Well? What’s going on here?”

“Not used to being out of the loop, are you,” Daniel chuckled, nodding to KyuJong. “KyuJong, HyunJoong will see you out. I have actual patients I have to see today.”

“…Okay,” KyuJong blinked repeatedly before nodding, standing. “Thank you for your advice, Daniel-sshi.”

“It’s just Daniel,” the doctor picked up his clipboard. “Have a good day.”

KyuJong stepped out of the office, looking at HyunJoong. The guitarist quirked a lop-sided smile at him before turning to head back down the hallway. “Find the answers you were looking for?”

“…Not really,” KyuJong replied, following along beside him. “But I think I got what I needed to hear.”

“Good. It’s fine to be nervous, you know.”

“…How much do you know about all this?” KyuJong looked at HyunJoong in confusion. “You keep talking in riddles.”

“What would be the fun in saying things straight out?” HyunJoong laughed. “I know exactly what I need to, KyuJong. That’s how they work. We know no more or no less than we’re able to handle at a time. If you don’t know something, it’s because you’re not ready to know. Would you have been able to accept the task set out for you if you knew it that first day we met?”

KyuJong thought about that. The day he’d met HyunJoong, he’d been reeling from how suddenly his world had turned on it’s head. If he’d known then that he was expected to save the world, he probably would have run for the hills. “…No,” he admitted finally.

“Then trust that if you’re meant to know something, you’ll know it eventually.”

KyuJong nodded slowly. “So…I guess you don’t want me asking you any questions then.”

HyunJoong laughed. “I don’t mind questions, but I’m not obliged to answer.”

“Fair enough.” KyuJong pushed the doors to the hospital open and stepped out onto the street before looking at HyunJoong. “How long have you been a Keeper? Or is that an off-limits question.”

“I can answer that one. It’s been three years now.”

“With your tiger…?”

“Baihu. His name’s Baihu. If you’re asking if I’m a Twice-Blessed, then no.”

Three years seemed like a relatively short time compared to Daniel, SungMin and DongHae, but HyunJoong seemed to know just as much as them. If not more. He had an otherworldly air about him, and something about how he smiled made KyuJong believe he kept the vast majority of his knowledge to himself.

“Did you know YoungSaeng while he was a Keeper?” KyuJong asked.

HyunJoong nodded. “He was one of the first Keepers I met. And he was a phenomenal singer, before the cancer.” There was a quiet note in his voice that hurt KyuJong’s heart, and made him look closer at HyunJoong’s face.

Before he could ask, HyunJoong shook his head and the sadness disappeared, replaced by his usual lopsided smile. “How is your practice going with the rabbit and spider Keepers?”

How did HyunJoong know about that? Just another of the man’s many mysteries. “It’s going well,” KyuJong nodded, thinking of the regular nightly practice. “KiBum’s gotten better at his syncs, and I can sync with Anansi too now.”

“Good. Keep practicing. Any Keepers you consider friends, learn to sync with their spirit beasts.”

“Can I try with Baihu?” KyuJong asked immediately, and HyunJoong snorted.

“Mm….maybe another time. You’ll need to rack up a little more experience before you can handle Baihu.”

“Is he really hard to work with?” KyuJong blinked. Upon learning to sync with Anansi, he’d realized that each spirit beast had their own unique qualities that either made it easier or harder to sync with them. Pantera was patient and motherly, while Yuetu was a ball of energy that, once he got moving, ended up knocking KyuJong back into his own body more often than not. Anansi was mischievous, and would occasionally block KyuJong out for no other reason than because he felt like it. KyuJong had heard KyuHyun laughing at him mentally in those few moments he’d managed a full sync with the trickster spider.

“You could say that,” HyunJoong gave him that absent-minded smile again, the one that never failed to send KyuJong’s heart racing.

The younger man ducked his head to hide the blush rising in his cheeks. “Okay. Um…I guess I should get going,” he said reluctantly, not really wanting to leave just yet.

“Are you free on Friday?”

“Hm?” Blinking, KyuJong looked up again as he thought about that question. “Uh…I think so, yeah.”

“I’ll be with a group of musicians in Hongdae Park, putting on a small show. Why don’t you stop by sometime in the evening?”

KyuJong’s smile widened at the offer. “Sure! I mean… I’d love to hear you guys play.”

HyunJoong chuckled. “I’ll see you there, then.” He clasped one hand on KyuJong’s shoulder lightly, before turning to head down the street.

“See you.” KyuJong watched him go for longer than he probably should have, waiting until HyunJoong was completely out of sight before continuing on his own way. He could feel the smile lingering on his face.

He’d come to the conclusion a while ago that he had a small crush on HyunJoong, but hadn’t really wanted to hold any hope of it being returned. HyunJoong’s mysterious and easy-going personality had drawn him in like a moth to a flame (okay, maybe it was thanks to his extremely good looks too).

Maybe…just maybe…it wasn’t a one-sided attraction.

“…What are you three doing here?”

KyuJong had barely made it onto the school campus the following day when he saw a small scuffle near the front gate. Upon closer inspection, he realized he knew all three involved. Kevin was trying to fend off JongIn’s attempts to push him farther onto the campus, while KyungSoo stood nearby looking embarrassed for his friends.

“Hyung, save me!” Kevin spotted KyuJong quickly, and ducked behind him. JongIn was thwarted from chasing after him, the wide grin on his face spelling mischief.

“Oh come on, you can’t chicken out now hyung. You said you were going to do it, now go do it!”

“Do what?” KyuJong looked behind himself at Kevin, and yelped when JongIn tried to push by to reach the young man hiding behind him. Kevin kept KyuJong firmly between them, spinning the poor guy around.

“JongIn, stop.” KyungSoo seemed unable to handle any more public embarrassment, pulling JongIn away. “It’s up to him if he wants to anyways, maybe we should just stay out of it.”

Dizzy from the spinning, KyuJong shook his head to clear it before looking between them. “What is all this about?”

“Nothing-“ Kevin started.

“He wanted to ask KiBum out on a date,” JongIn interjected. “But he’s chickening out, so we came along as motivation.”

“It’s not a date,” Kevin’s face exploded into a blush. “KiBum likes girls you moron.”

“Sure, he likes girls, that’s why he was checking out your ass last photosh-OW!” JongIn ducked away, both hands over his head where KyungSoo had whacked him.

“…You like KiBum?” KyuJong blinked, looking at Kevin.

“…” The blond-haired model sighed, looking away. “Doesn’t matter. I was just going to ask him if he wanted to go catch a movie later tonight. It’s my first actual day off in forever.”

“Okay.” KyuJong didn’t quite understand. “So why not do it? You guys hang out all the time, no?”

“Yeah, we do,” Kevin rubbed the back of his head. “But I don’t know. He’s been kind of distant and distracted lately. Maybe I shouldn’t bother him.”

KiBum had been distracted lately, but KyuJong couldn’t exactly tell Kevin why. There was no feasible way to explain that KiBum was practicing overtime with Pantera so he’d be ready when Henry challenged him. Every instant KyuJong had seen the younger Kim brother, KiBum had been working on his sync with the panther spirit.

“He’s just been busy,” KyuJong settled for, smiling at Kevin. “I think a night out at the movies might be just what he needs to wind down.”

“You think so?” Kevin perked up a little.

“Why do you listen to him but not us,” JongIn put in, still rubbing his sore head.

“Because you’re my bratty dongsaengs and he’s my reliable hyung,” Kevin retorted, ignoring KyungSoo’s “don’t lump me in with him.”

“…Well will you look at the time,” JongIn suddenly said, looking at a non-existent watch before hooking his arm around KyungSoo’s elbow. “We’ll see you both later!”

“Huh?” KyuJong watched them go, the two younger men ducking back out of the gate with JongIn practically dragging poor KyungSoo.

“Hey, Kevin, KyuJong!”

Turning around, KyuJong saw KiBum walking towards them with a smile. He looked like he was just coming from class, backpack slung over one shoulder. Pantera padded along beside him, tail swishing idly from side to side. “What are you doing here, Kev?” he asked, stopping beside them.

Kevin looked at KyuJong nervously before smiling at his friend. “Uh…I just wanted to see if you were free tonight? I got the day off, so I thought we could go watch a movie.”

“Tonight?” KiBum thought about that, glancing down at Pantera.

Guessing where KiBum’s thoughts were, and seeing Kevin’s expression fall slightly when KiBum didn’t immediately agree, KyuJong reached out to Pantera. Tell him he should go, stressing out about Henry is just going to wear him out. Besides, Henry’s probably still in the hospital.

Pantera relayed his words to KiBum, and the young Keeper glanced at KyuJong before smiling at Kevin. “Sure! I don’t think I have anything to do, and you know I wouldn’t miss one of your rare days off anyways.”

Kevin brightened. “Really? Cool! Are you done classes now?”

“I have one later, but I was going to head back to the apartment instead of waiting around here. You wanna come with, play some games?”

“Yeah!” A wide grin spread across Kevin’s face.

“I’ll see you both later,” KyuJong smiled at them, and Kevin smiled in return, cheeks slightly pink. He watched the two walk away, Pantera following.

KyuJong really hoped things worked out for them, if Kevin did like KiBum. They were both good kids, and cared about each other a lot. Kevin brought KiBum out of his shell, and KiBum made sure Kevin didn’t neglect his health in the face of the modeling industry’s rigorous standards. He could see them being together for a long time.

Turning back towards the campus, KyuJong’s attention went skywards when he saw a purple glow out of the corner of his vision. A crow spirit was flying around overhead, cawing. Muninn?

It flew in circles right above him for a moment before darting off. Confused and wondering if something was wrong, KyuJong followed the crow quickly. JunSu wasn’t in trouble, was he?

Watching where the crow went, KyuJong slowed when he saw it dip down out of the sky to land on the shoulder of a young man standing in the middle of the paved path. That wasn’t JunSu. He’d just had time to feel a little apprehensive (had he walked into a trap?) when the other man turned around and smiled at him. His eyes were purple, identifying him as the crow spirit’s Keeper.

“Excuse me…do you know where Lecture Hall A is?”

“…Uh?” KyuJong blinked repeatedly. “Y…yeah. It’s just over there,” he pointed at one of the larger buildings farther down the path.

“Thanks.” The strange Keeper didn’t say more than that, turning to walk in that direction. The crow on his shoulder flapped its wings to stay balanced, cawing.

KyuJong watched him go, confused. That hadn’t been Muninn…right? He would have known if JunSu had been defeated in a challenge. JunSu didn’t even take challenges. And yet that crow had looked so much like Muninn…

Concerned now, he pulled out his phone and found DongHae’s number (he’d gotten it a week or so ago). Typing out a quick message, he asked JunSu is still with Muninn, right?

His phone beeped a minute later, DongHae’s reply coming back. Yeah Y?

Frowning in confusion, KyuJong tapped at his phone. I saw a Keeper w/ a crow that looked like Muninn.

Waiting for the reply to come, he jumped when DongHae called him instead. Answering, he held the phone to his ear. “Hi?”

“Another crow Keeper? You sure? Same purple color and everything?” DongHae asked, voice excited.


”Oh, I HAVE to be there when he finds JunSu.” And with that, DongHae hung up.

“Hey!” KyuJong looked down at his phone in confusion. What had that been about?

fandom: ss501, fanfic: spirit wars, fandom: ukiss, writing: fanfiction, fandom: super junior, focus: kyujong, fandom: epik high, au: spirit beasts

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