First personal entry long? .___.

Jun 06, 2013 19:41

I literally can't remember the last time I posted something that wasn't a fanfic or an icon dump. Must have been over a year? Eeeee boy.

Side note, does anyone know how to change the friends page settings to default to a specific group? I don't want the million comms I'm in on my friend page default, because I want to actually keep up with my friends' posts and not have to dig through fanfics /o\

So, so...what's up with me? I've actually been in a bit of a rut since summer started. With school going, I was so busy I didn't have the time to really think about how we've moved out of province and I know absolutely no one around. But now I'm in this tiny farmtown without so much as a working bus line, and well...Yeonnie's unhappy ^^;; Listless, lonely, and because of some recent events my self-confidence has gone ka-poof.

I've rediscovered my love for KyuMin (KyuHyun/SungMin), mostly thanks to a very unexpected source *points at Carey* I think they're my second favorite SuJu pairing now after KiHae. Honestly I think the only reason I stopped liking them was cause everyone I knew didn't like them, and some of the fics in Miracle are...uh...well, just look at the KyuMin tag ^^;;

I want to write. The only thing I've written lately besides rps is the Pokemon!verse, and that's stalled at the moment. So I'm hunting for inspiration, cause dammit, I wanna feel like I can actually write decent stuff on my own again. That not all the ideas I come up with are crap. That's part of the self-esteem problem, I think. I have no confidence in my writing anymore, so I just don't write. Well, I'm gonna write >| And I need people to kick me in the ass if I stop. Any volunteers?

Oh, I'm in EXO fandom now apparently. Even if I can only recognize half the members on-sight. Anyone have any cute video moments they wanna share? And what ships have Yixing and Xiumin in them?

I might use the debut teaser with Chanyeol (El Dorado?) as inspiration for a fic. And Let Out The Beast's teaser with Kai and Xiumin. Cause those two videos were some of my favorites.

Holding out for a trip back to Montreal in a couple weeks ;A; I'm gonna go absolutely insane in this little farmtown all by myself.

Random rant is random. But it makes me feel better even if no one reads \o/ Might post more often about random stuff.


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That is all.

me: random

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