Unlock Arc II - Chapter Ten

Jan 09, 2012 17:15

Title: Unlock Arc II
renichifreak and
Chapter: 10/?
Fandom: SS501, cameos by KARA, U-KISS, Super Junior and BEAST
Pairings: KyuSaeng, HyunMin, SooBum (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N:  YoungSaeng and HyunJoong are played by
renichifreak and KyuJong and JungMin are played by me.

Taking KyuJong's hand in his own, YoungSaeng got to his feet and gave a small smile at the one his boyfriend gave him. He loved when KyuJong smiled at him because he just felt like he was the most important person in the world, something he desperately missed.

KyuJong's own smile widened at the one YoungSaeng gave him in return, stepping out of the room and heading towards the stairs at a leisurely pace. "Maybe we can go for a walk in the forest again one day," he chuckled softly.

"Does that mean that I would have to be the guide again when we get lost?" YoungSaeng whispered with a hint of amusement in his voice as they walked downstairs. "Because it's going to happen like it always does."

"We'll bring a compass and bread crumbs," KyuJong laughed, swinging their hands back and forth slowly. "And leave Joonie here."

"Or we can just ignore him like we usually do," YoungSaeng said, looking down to watch their hands for a moment before tightening the hold a bit, eyes softening.

"Or that, but he whines when we ignore him," KyuJong chuckled, smiling at the tightened hold. He stopped at the door to put his shoes on, waiting for YoungSaeng to do the same before opening the door.

Slipping into his shoes as well, YoungSaeng turned and waved at KyuJong's mother as she walked out of the kitchen toward the couch before walking outside, stopping again to take in the fresh air. It felt so good to be outdoors, no matter how comfortable he was in KyuJong's room, or uncomfortable in the hideout under the clearing.

Watching YoungSaeng's expression, KyuJong smiled and stroked his thumb over the back of YoungSaeng's hand before slowly bringing the older boy off the porch, heading at an easy pace towards the path cut out in the field.

Even though they had just come from that direction, YoungSaeng still looked around in awe, loving how beautiful everything was. It was a bit chilly, but he could care less, just enjoying the feeling of the breeze against his skin and KyuJong beside him.

They reached the clearing a few minutes later, taking their time. KyuJong steered away from the hidden entrance to the hideout and to the middle of the clearing where they always sat, drawing in a breath and sitting down. He brought YoungSaeng down with him, steering the older boy to sit in his lap.

Slowly settling down in KyuJong's lap, YoungSaeng leaned back and rested against the younger boy's chest, closing his eyes in relaxation. "I missed this place so much. It's so calming here," he murmured.

"It really is," KyuJong smiled, kissing the headful of hair and closing his eyes as well. He wrapped his arms loosely around YoungSaeng's waist, holding his boyfriend to him. "We should come out more often."

"We should," YoungSaeng agreed, hesitantly placing his arms over KyuJong's. "Tell me about the others, Kyu yah. What have I missed?" He knew that KyuJong had been gone for a long time, but when he returned, he was much the same as he had been and was far more open and receptive to the new people as well as HyunJoong and the others.

KyuJong hummed softly, nose buried in YoungSaeng's hair. "Well, you know Joonie's together with my sister..." he chuckled. "Still surprised about that. HyunJoong's the youngest cell leader here, the older cell leaders keep trying to outwit him and lose every time. Though he doesn't get nearly enough sleep, and is constantly being locked up in his room to get some rest by HaRa and Wookie."

"HyunJoong does seem to be tired a lot, even locked in a room with JungMin and RyeoWook ah most of the time," YoungSaeng said. "How about Nicole and HaRa?" he asked.

"They're both doing very well, they have complete control over their Gifts," KyuJong smiled. "They've been helping my parents get supplies and stuff for the others, and have picked up odd jobs here and there since they can hide easily. Nicole has a not-so-subtle crush on Xander, no one knows about HaRa."

"And HyungJoon's little brother is dating the teleporter, right? And had Joonie's prediction percentage gotten better?" YoungSaeng asked.

"A little," KyuJong chuckled. "He's been able to fine-tune what he sees when he's having a vision, but sometimes he'll get the odd vision that's...so way out in the middle of nowhere. He saw a desert and camels a month ago."

YoungSaeng let out a quiet snort of amusement. "Only HyungJoon," he remarked. "And you? How have you been? I mean, I heard that hyung unlocked your power, right?"

"I've been all right," KyuJong smiled, nosing YoungSaeng's hair. "Moving in time is less tiring and I can hold places still in time for much longer now. Moving in space is exhausting though."

"Well, that's because it's a newfound ability that'll need to be practiced, yes?" YoungSaeng asked, turning his head a bit and relaxing even more. There was nothing like being held by his boyfriend.

"Yeah, though it doesn't come as easily as time travel," KyuJong shrugged a little, kissing YoungSaeng's temple. "It's...not my specialty, I guess you could say. That's all right, I keep practicing."

"Can you ask, um, SooHyun sshi to help?" YoungSaeng wondered, taking a moment to think of the teleporter's name. "I mean, a teleporter would know what to do when it comes to traveling through space, right?"

"I've been taking pointers on how to make the experience less painful, but that's about it," KyuJong shook his head. "How have you been feeling about practice?" he asked softly.

YoungSaeng paused at the question. "I actually have a lot more control now," he replied slowly. "Two years of my power being in a constantly activated state left me little else to do," he added. "I wouldn't mind practicing with you again, though."

"That's good at least," KyuJong smiled, kissing YoungSaeng's temple again. "Let me know when you want to give it a try. If your control's gotten good enough, HyunJoong might be able to unlock your gift if you want him to." Once JungMin got better; HyunJoong still hadn't left the infirmary, though that was a combination of JungMin's condition and RyeoWook keeping him there with threats.

"What's it like?" YoungSaeng asked after a moment. "Unlocking, I mean. Is it anything like when he got sick?"

"No, he's got far more control over it now," KyuJong smiled. "It's slower rather than all at once, and he won't do it unless you have full control to avoid any backlash. I got a bit of backlash with mine, but that was because I had two years less practice than they did. It...HyunJoong's explanation was that it doesn't just strengthen your gift, it shows you all your hidden potential, everything you are capable of doing that wouldn't have even occurred before."

Listening quietly, YoungSaeng found himself nodding. It made an odd sort of sense. "Kyu, can I ask you something? Can you tell me what happened to JungMin?" he questioned after a moment. "I know you were trying to spare me, but he's so weak and I can tell that it's frustrating for him." He paused. "Besides, I know what they do on that floor, having been there a few times myself."

KyuJong chewed on his lower lip, watching YoungSaeng worriedly. He wasn't sure how to best explain; he'd heard what had happened from HaRa when YoungSaeng had been asleep, and it hadn't been pleasant to talk about.

After a moment he sighed, resting his head lightly against YoungSaeng's and closing his eyes. "From what HaRa told me, they had him hooked up to energy transformers and had his gift forcefully activated like with yours," he said quietly. "He was powering the building, and they were taking so much energy from him they needed life support to keep him alive." JungMin had been essentially turned into a human battery.

What little color YoungSaeng had regained since the rescue drained from his face at the information. He had almost lost his best friend and wouldn't have even known until it was too late. "Oh God..." he whimpered. "I-is he alright? I mean, he is, but...” He wasn't sure exactly what he meant, but he had to ask.

The time traveler ran one hand along YoungSaeng's arm to calm him. "He'll be fine Saeng, the danger's past," he said gently. "But like you can see he's very weak...it's a combination of being completely drained of energy and not moving for nearly 2 years. And..." he hesitated, not sure how to say what he was thinking.

"...And?" YoungSaeng asked, heart jumping. "There's an and?"

KyuJong hugged YoungSaeng tighter, trying to calm him. "You've noticed that he keeps slurring his words if talking too fast, right? And his muscles randomly give up on him halfway through an action. HaRa told me that when they were disconnecting him from life support, they nearly lost him. He was clinically dead until they got his heart beating again, and for that time there was no oxygen going to his brain."

He sighed softly. "She explained that the lack of oxygen made some brain cells die, namely the ones that help us do things like walk, swim...he didn't lose full functionality, thankfully, but he's having to relearn how to do things like talk properly." And they'd have to see what happened when he first tries to stand.

YoungSaeng just stared wide-eyed at KyuJong when he spoke, unable to believe what had happened to JungMin. And knowing that HyunJoong was right there...

"What did we ever do to them?" he finally murmured. "Why do they feel that they can just do whatever they want with us, Kyu yah? I don't get it..."

"I don't know," KyuJong sighed, kissing YoungSaeng's cheek and rocking him back and forth slowly. "People are scared by things they don't understand...they don't understand what it is we can do, and why we're like this, so they do things like this." His eyes were sad. "If we could just show the world we're not what they think we are..."

YoungSaeng didn't move, calmed by the gentle embrace when a thought finally came to him. "KyuJong, does HaRa still have our medical records? The ones explaining what was being done to us, I mean."

The time traveler bit his lower lip. "I think she does...she brought them back with us in case something went wrong with one of the patients. Why?" He looked down at the older man.

"Well, are we so sure that the general public knows exactly what hunters are doing to the people they capture?" YoungSaeng asked, pulling away just enough to meet KyuJong's eyes. “Maybe if we somehow managed to release them to the masses..."

Blinking, KyuJong looked into YoungSaeng's eyes. "There's an idea," he murmured, smiling a little. "If we could send copies to newspaper manufacturers, post it online...we might be able to start something." He kissed YoungSaeng's nose. "You're brilliant, Saengie."

"I don't know what others will want to do, but regardless of what my file says, we can use it," YoungSaeng said, slightly hesitant. He was sure that it documented the many suicide attempts, but wasn't sure if MyungDae's actions were listed as well. If it would help, though, he'd share it.

Smiling sadly, KyuJong nodded. "All right. We'll have to ask around and see who's okay with having their files sent out." He ran his fingers through YoungSaeng's hair. "We can worry about that later though...let's just rest for now, okay?"

Nodding, YoungSaeng moved until he was lying down, tugging KyuJong down with him. "I like that idea," he replied, closing his eyes and allowing the tension in his body to relax.

KyuJong chuckled, laying down when he was pulled and nuzzling against YoungSaeng's soft hair. He was perfectly fine staying like this the rest of the day.


"Can I?" JungMin looked at HyunJoong imploringly, lower lip out in a pout. "Please? I can't stay still anymore."

It took everything in his power to not laugh at the look his boyfriend was throwing him. It was more than clear that JungMin wanted out of the infirmary, even though RyeoWook was still against it. Chuckling, HyunJoong rolled his eyes and kissed JungMin before getting to his feet and holding his hands out to the redhead.

Brightening, JungMin carefully pushed himself to the edge of the bed and swung his legs down, wincing at the sensation of pins and needles from staying still for far too long.

"Careful, hyungdeul," RyeoWook frowned from the other side of the room, watching with worry.

JungMin reached out and took HyunJoong's hands, biting on his lower lip. Okay, he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried. After a moment he placed his feet flat on the floor and slowly stood. His legs shook and he nearly fell over, trying to balance himself and holding on to HyunJoong's hands tightly.

HyunJoong was quick to catch JungMin, letting him rest as much weight on him as he needed to. "Careful, Min. It's been a while since you've moved around," he pointed out.

They had made a point to explain to JungMin exactly what was going on with his body so that he knew what to expect when he began trying to walk again. That, mixed with his still depleted energy were both at the forefront of HyunJoong's mind.

Resting against HyunJoong, JungMin drew in a slow breath, biting his lower lip. "I'll be fine," he murmured, waiting for his legs to stop shaking. He was going to get better, he told himself firmly, wanting nothing more.

Slowly he shifting his weight from HyunJoong back to his own feet, breathing slowly and evenly as he found his center of gravity. When he was only holding HyunJoong's hands again rather than lean on him, he looked up at the older man, biting his lower lip. After a moment he took a shuffling step forward, wobbling a little.

Smiling reassuringly, HyunJoong let JungMin move away from him, though made sure that he was close enough in case he was needed.

"Just focus on each step, Min. Don’t worry about falling because I'll catch you. Just worry about walking, okay?" he murmured, voice soothing.

Nodding slowly, JungMin's lips were pursed in concentration as he took another wobbly step. Both arms were up slightly for balance, and he felt rather like a little kid trying to walk, his legs not being very cooperative.

"Is...is it working?" His legs were starting to ache already, and he was only on his third step.

With every step JungMin took, HyunJoong would take one back, eyes focused on his boyfriend's. "Three more steps than you'd taken in a while, Min ah. Think you can get to RyeoWook?" he asked, motioning to the younger boy standing by the door.

JungMin's gaze shifted to the healer, and his brow furrowed slightly before he tried going in that direction. "I think I can..."

"Careful around the desk," RyeoWook frowned, keeping a close eye on them. Taking a step, them another, JungMin slowly worked his way across the room.

Suddenly his mind blanked for a second, forgetting how to move his feet in the middle of a step, and he collapsed with a yelp.

Gasping when JungMin collapsed, HyunJoong moved to catch him, hitting the desk with his hip and wincing slightly, but he ignored it in favor of JungMin. "You okay?" he asked. "You made it over half way there, Min. You did great."

Breathing unevenly, JungMin blinked and nodded a little, holding on to HyunJoong's shirt lightly. That had been very disorientating. "I'm fine," he murmured, drawing in a shaky breath and looking up at HyunJoong, trying not to sulk. "This is going to be very annoying." He already felt frustrated, having looked forward to walking again.

Smiling softly, HyunJoong reached up and ran a hand through JungMin's hair affectionately. "I'm sure it will be, Min, but you'll get through it. You're strong."

It took a moment for HyunJoong's heart to settle, it dropping when JungMin fell. "If you want, I can piggy back you down to the training room and you can meet some interesting people," he suggested, shooting a look toward RyeoWook, daring him to argue. JungMin and he had been cooped up in the infirmary for too long and a change of scenery would help lift JungMin's spirits.

JungMin's expression brightened at that. "Can we?"

RyeoWook sighed, giving up. "Okay, just make sure JongWoon hyung doesn't explode anything too close to him."

The redhead smiled widely, looking forward to getting out of the room. Leaning up, he pressed his lips against HyunJoong's.

HyunJoong shot the healer a bland look. "Do you honestly think I'm letting JongWoon anywhere near him with his power unlocked?" When he turned back to JungMin, he nodded his head and smiled when JungMin kissed him.

Winding his fingers through his hair, HyunJoong allowed the kiss to linger before pulling away and turning, crouching down to give his boyfriend an easier time getting on his back.

Standing shakily, JungMin got onto HyunJoong's back with some difficulty, wrapping his arms loosely around the older boy's shoulders. "This okay?" He rested his chin lightly on HyunJoong's shoulder, wondering if YoungSaeng and KyuJong were down in the training room too.

Making sure he had a secure hold on JungMin, HyunJoong stood up and smiled. "It's fine, Min," he replied, nodding to RyeoWook as he opened the door for them.

Leaving the room, HyunJoong sighed happily as he walked down the hallway, taking the right couple turns before reaching the stairway. Carefully, he made his way down before stopping in front of the room. "Ready for this? These people are nuts and only half of them have control," he chuckled.

"Then I should fit right in then," JungMin grinned, blinking at the door. He could hear laughter from the other side, and it was uplifting.

Chuckling, HyunJoong knocked once, grinning when everyone shut up. "JongWoon! If you have any orbs in there, cancel them out, and Hae hyung, if you're on the ceiling when I get in there..." he threatened teasingly before opening the door and walking in.

"I wasn't doing anything!" JongWoon protested, sitting meekly in the corner.

"Neither was I!" DongHae piped up, and it would have been entirely convincing if he hadn't been floating upside-down in the middle of the room and trying to pretend he'd been aiming for that all along.

Laughing at them both, KyuJong blinked when he heard someone else laughing and looked back towards HyunJoong. His smile widened when he saw JungMin on the cell leader's back. "JungMin!"

The redhead grinned at him and YoungSaeng, waving with one hand.

Perking up at KyuJong's exclamation, YoungSaeng got to his feet and padded over to where HyunJoong was standing, waving at JungMin, glad to see that he was out of the infirmary. After making sure that he was more or less in one piece, YoungSaeng looked around before returning to the long couch that he and KyuJong had been sitting on and cleared it off for HyunJoong to set JungMin down.

He wasn't sure how he'd fare with JungMin so close to him, but he missed his best friend, so he decided to risk it.

Smiling at YoungSaeng, HyunJoong walked over and knelt down, letting JungMin ease himself off his back. "We escaped and I figured Min here would enjoy the brand of crazy that only this cell could provide."

"Our crazy is the best kind of crazy," DongHae chirped, floating around happily. JungMin carefully got off of HyunJoong's back to sit. His legs decided he was taking too long and gave out on him halfway down, and he dropped onto the couch with a squeak.

"All good there Min?" KyuJong smiled, one arm lightly around YoungSaeng's waist from the other side.

"Yeah," JungMin grinned at them. "No more white walls!"

"Until Wookie comes down to pester," JongWoon chuckled.

"Wookie pestering? That never happens," KiBum muttered teasingly from his boyfriend’s lap, eyes closed as SooHyun ran his fingers lightly through his hair.

Taking a seat, HyunJoong pointed around the room. "You've sort of met SooHyun, but the one using him as a pillow is his boyfriend and HyungJoon's little brother KiBum. The floater is DongHae, and the guy sulking in the corner is JongWoon," he introduced.

"I am not sulking," JongWoon whined.

"No, you're just whining," DongHae grinned at them upside down.

JungMin looked from face to face, eyes bright. "What is it everyone can do then?"

"Self-explained," DongHae waved at him, already floating upwards.

"JongWoon blows up stuff," KyuJong chuckled, the older man protesting loudly.

"Medium," KiBum murmured, raising a hand.

Smirking and sending a wink at the group, SooHyun teleported a few feet away, chuckling as KiBum squawked as his pillow vanished, making him hit his head against the padded floor. Sitting up, the younger pouted, rubbing his head. "Well that was uncalled for..." he grumbled.

SooHyun walked back over and sat down, pulling KiBum into his lap and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Teleporter," SooHyun finally replied, dropping a kiss to the head of black hair.

Laughing, JungMin smiled widely, leaning against HyunJoong beside him. "So everyone's practicing right now?"

"Sort of," KyuJong chuckled. "Either practicing or just hanging around. DongHae was practicing...I think."

"I was!" DongHae chirped, still upside down. "Look, look!" He pointed at JongWoon.

"Huh?" JongWoon blinked owlishly at them before he yelped as he suddenly 'fell' against the wall, flat against it with his feet sticking out. "Not funny!" he protested, squirming around until he ended up sprawled out on his stomach on the wall.

"No spirits around for me to channel, so I'm just watching JongWoon hyung and DongHae hyung make fools of themselves," KiBum replied snarkily.

YoungSaeng hesitated before leaning close to JungMin. "He's like his brother, only snarkier," he murmured quietly.

Looking at YoungSaeng, JungMin snorted. "Does he whine like Joonie does?" His eyes danced, obviously enjoying being out of the infirmary.

"No one whines like hyung does," KiBum stated with a grin, yelping as SooHyun poked him in the side, an apparently very ticklish spot if the squirming was anything to go by.

A moment later, HyunSeung entered the room, scratching his head. "Why is RyeoWook pacing the halls of the infirmary?" he asked before seeing HyunJoong and JungMin on the couch. "Oh. Nevermind then."

DongHae laughed loudly. "They escaped!"

"So I'm guessing this isn't the first time he's locked someone in the infirmary?" JungMin asked HyunJoong after blinking owlishly at the newcomer.

"You're lucky if you're ever allowed out once you're there," HyunSeung explained. "Besides, he's been trying to get HyunJoong hyung to rest and relax forever now." He paused before smiling. "JungMin sshi, right? I'm HyunSeung."

"Nice to meet you," JungMin grinned. He looked up at HyunJoong. "I do remember him lecturing you about that several times."

KyuJong chuckled, running his hand along YoungSaeng's arm. "DongHae hyung, are you ever going to let JongWoon hyung go?"

"Oh, I forgot about him," DongHae blinked. JongWoon, trying to stand up with the wall as the floor, suddenly fell onto his face with a yelp as his center of gravity was returned to normal.

"I swear, the two of you spend more time injuring each other than actually practicing," HyunJoong sighed, wrapping an arm around JungMin.

SooHyun had to smile when he watched the pair. He had never seen HyunJoong so relaxed and at ease before. He had heard the stories of the elder's boyfriend and two best friends from Nicole, so it was nice to see them all together again.

JungMin made himself comfortable against HyunJoong, watching DongHae and JongWoon squabble with amusement. After a minute of just playing with HyunJoong's hand, he looked to YoungSaeng. "How have you been, Saengie?" He'd been asleep the last few times YoungSaeng and KyuJong had visited.

Looking over at JungMin, YoungSaeng gave him a small smile and a nod of his head. "Better," he murmured. "You? I really missed you, Min ah."

"Missed you too Saengie," JungMin smiled widely at him. "Feeling much better now." Though he would be even happier if he could walk properly. The redhead threaded his fingers with HyunJoong's, playing with the older man's fingers happily.

KyuJong smiled at HyunJoong over their boyfriends' heads, glad that they were both looking much happier now.

Returning the grin KyuJong sent at him, HyunJoong settled in, chuckling as JungMin played with his hand, smile bright on the redhead's face. While he still had a ways to go before he would recover, just being out of the infirmary seemed to help so much.

HyunSeung huffed playfully. "Well why can't I find a good looking guy to cuddle with?"

"Because you never leave the compound," KiBum chuckled.

"That JunHyung kid is kinda cute," SooHyun teased.

HyunSeung glared at them both. "You both suck, you know that?"

"Oh, what's that?" DongHae perked up. "Does Seungie like someone?"

"You're stuck now oppa, DongHae oppa's never going to let it go," EunAh laughed quietly, leaning in the doorway. "Has anyone seen my boyfriend?" She smiled brightly at the four on the couch. "Oppadeul!"

"Hey EunAh," KyuJong laughed, JungMin grinning and waving happily.

"I barely even know who this JunHyung guy is," HyunSeung protested, whine to his voice.

"Hyung's out picking up some supplies for HaRa noona," KiBum explained.

"I see," EunAh smiled, stepping in to sit with them.

"He knows you," DongHae bat his eyes at HyunSeung. "Asking us what your name is~"

"Troublemaker," KyuJong chuckled, shaking his head.

HyunSeung turned to HyunJoong, eyes wide and pleading. "Hyung, make them stop!" he whined loudly, pointing at the others who were all grinning mischievously.

HyunJoong laughed at the blond. "Calm down, Seungie. They're just teasing you." He then looked at the others. "Who's this JunHyung you're talking about? I haven't had a chance to meet any of the new guys yet, or look at the paperwork." He paused, volume rising as a particular power caught his attention. "Because someone wouldn't let me do anything in the infirmary!"

There was a scuffle near the stairs as a tiny figure disappeared back into the upper level.

"He's persistent for a little guy," JongWoon laughed, stretched out on his stomach on the floor. "Hyung, can I practice? I promise not to explode anything too big."

Chuckling, HyunJoong nodded, but pointed a bit away. "If it's anything larger than a marble, go over there, okay? These two are still healing," he said, referring to YoungSaeng and JungMin, particularly the latter since he was only just released temporarily. He then looked up. "Focus on your mom again, Hae."

"I'm trying, but I'm hungry and I keep thinking about her cooking instead," DongHae grinned sheepishly from his spot on the ceiling. JongWoon got up and crawled over to the other side of the room to put some distance between himself and the couch before flopping back down onto his stomach.

"Think of it this way, Hae Hyung. How can you eat her food if you're up there?" HyunSeung asked with a chuckle.

"I'll float it up?" DongHae laughed.

"We're not cleaning up a mess on the ceiling again, oppa," EunAh smiled. The boy pouted, before focusing on trying to get himself back down.

Watching JongWoon create a ball of light the size of a pea in his hands, JungMin blinked before looking at HyunJoong. "How big can he make those?"

"Big," SooHyun explained. "The biggest I've personally seen was basketball sized."

"When I first found him, I had to keep his power locked because his power was out of control," HyunJoong explained, watching JongWoon with pride in his eyes as he was able to control the size much better. "It was about the size of a truck tire."

"How big of an explosion was that?" JungMin blinked.

"If from what we've been seeing is any indication, and a marble can chip the floor...I'm guessing it left quite a big hole in the ground," KyuJong mused.

"It didn't go off. I locked him before it had a chance, otherwise he'd be dead since he was holding it in front of him," HyunJoong explained. "He's gotten a lot better, but I can't risk it to unlock him until he's gotten more control since it's so destructive."

"He had great control during the breakout," KyuJong said, looking at HyunJoong. "Did SooHyun tell you? He broke doorknobs without damaging the door itself, and broke short chains without hurting who they were attached to. I think the orb would've fit on the tip of a pencil."

SooHyun flushed. "Sorry, hyung. I was going to tell you, but you were worried about JungMin sshi, and then you ended up collapsing," he explained, apologetic.

"It's fine SooHyunnie." He then turned to JongWoon. "Woon Hyung, cancel your power and come over here for a sec, would you?"

Blinking, JongWoon pursed his lips and made the orb between his fingers disappear before getting up and walking over.

"You collapsed?" JungMin blinked owlishly at HyunJoong, tugging on his sleeve repeatedly to get his attention. "When was this? Why?"

HyunJoong blinked before reddening. "Um, that would be when HaRa needed energy to bring you back and I kinda shoved everything I had at her to do it..." he murmured before turning toward JongWoon. "Did you really have such fine control during the rescue operation like Kyu and SooHyun said?"

Looking at him, JongWoon shuffled uncomfortably. "I...guess? I did break the locks..." He looked at a loss for what to say. JungMin was still looking at HyunJoong worriedly, holding on to his sleeve.

"Well then, I'll make you a deal. It'll be slower than the others due to the nature of your ability, but if you can show me by the end of the week that you've improved, I'll start the unlock process," HyunJoong bargained, smiling.

JongWoon brightened, eyes wide. "You mean it?! Okay, I'll do my best," he grinned widely, seeming encouraged by HyunJoong's words.

"You can do it hyung!" DongHae cheered from the ceiling as JongWoon promptly returned to his corner, intent on practicing.

HyunJoong had to laugh at how excited JongWoon was at the idea of being unlocked. He knew that the older boy was frustrated by the fact that he wasn't unlocked despite being older than the others, so he was glad that he was finally taking that step toward control.

He then looked up, brow raised. "You know, Hae Hyung, the only reason you're still up there is because you lack concentration," he said, lips quirking in a smile as he shifted and leaned against JungMin, who was still holding onto his arm.

"What else is new," DongHae chuckled sheepishly. "And it's interesting seeing everyone upside down. It's like I'm on the floor and you all are the ones on the ceiling."

"I think he knows how to get back down, he just doesn't want to," EunAh laughed, amused.

"Wouldn't be surprised in the least by that," HyunSeung chuckled, glad that DongHae had dropped the subject of the new gifted in their midst.

Shaking his head in amusement, HyunJoong looked over at JungMin and smiled gently. "So what do you think?" he asked, meaning the others.

Looking back at HyunJoong, JungMin grinned after a moment. "I like them," he laughed, resting against the older boy.

"We got approval!" DongHae cheered happily.

KyuJong laughed at them all. He could easily see JungMin getting on amazingly with them, especially DongHae and Xander. Already the redhead was shuffling a little on the couch, like he wanted to run around but obviously couldn't.

fandom: super junior, pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/jungmin, fandom: beast, writing: roleplay

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