Always Online - Chapter One

Nov 15, 2011 15:57

Title: Always Online
Authors: yeonah and mskatness
Chapter: 1/4
Fandoms: U-KISS, cameos by SS501, Super Junior and MBLAQ
Pairing: KeMaru
Rating: PG-14
Warning: AU, Character Death (sorta)
Summary: He was created to be perfectly human in every way…except he wasn’t real.
A/N: Spinoff for our SS501 roleplay, Never Online, focusing on KiBum and Kevin’s story. It’s suggested to read Never Online first, to get an idea of the story context, but not needed.

Never was anything but quiet anymore, but KyuJong had purposely chosen the quietest spot he could find for what he had to do. The top of a mountain pass, the bluff overlooking the vast city sprawled out below. It was a place for him to go and think, and just listen to the birds and watch the clouds pass overhead. He went there in his free time often, sometimes alone, and sometimes accompanied.

Today though, he was here for a reason.

Wait for me in town, I'll let you know when it's okay, he sent the quick IGM to YoungSaeng before standing again with a sigh.

It was time to bring the project he'd worked on for nearly a year to life.

He brought up a window he'd programmed into his datapad, accessing his monitor back above where the files were stored. With a few taps on the small screen, the uploading sequence began. His heart raced in his chest, waiting for the program to be uploaded into the server completely.

"Time to wake up, KiBum," he whispered as he hit 'execute'.

The cliff remained empty save for KyuJong for a brief moment before a form started to appear a few paces away. At first it was just a black blob like form, a few inches shorter than KyuJong. The form flitted in and out as features appeared until a young man with short reddish hair was standing in front of him. Eyes opening slowly, the figure looked at KyuJong with a blank expression.

KyuJong had to resist giving a breath of relief; for all his preparation, and all the green lights, he hadn't been completely sure the uploading was going to work. But it was, he was here.

"Good morning," KyuJong smiled at him as he stepped closer to the young man. The blankness didn't worry him; it was a vast program after all, far larger than anything he'd created before, and a thousand times more complex. It couldn't be initiated in the space of a few seconds. It was the best moment to make sure everything was progressing smoothly, while the program still responded to commands from him alone. "Please run an efficiency check, and report if there are any errors."

"Processing," the program spoke in a clipped manner, eyes going blank as it went through lines of code. "Initial systems startup complete, programming running at 65% of capacity. Errors in personality clusters five, ten, and eleven. Running debugging protocols. Restarting personality and interface protocols. Good morning."

The man across from him frowned a little. Errors in the personality clusters? He'd gone over those thoroughly...but at least the adaptation protocols were fine. If the program could learn, then it could keep expanding beyond what KyuJong had given it.

"Please inform me when all errors are resolved. Do you know your name?" KyuJong asked.

"Name? Checking," the program's head tilted to the side. "Marumir project, version 2.3.1, designation, KiBum. Program now running at 70% capacity, errors resolved in personality clusters, personality protocols initialized."

"Good," KyuJong's lips curled a little. "KiBum is your name, but you will respond to both KiBum and Marumir. Do you know who I am, KiBum?" Asking simple questions like this were needed to help the program ground itself, and give it a frame of reference for how it should behave.

KyuJong had told the others that the first time they started the program, they'd have to watch how they behaved around KiBum; until the program learned to judge things for itself and drew on the personality KyuJong had given it as a base, it might try to copy those around it.

Might, because this was the first time KyuJong had actually created a whole new intelligence; it was anyone's guess how this would proceed.

KiBum blinked at the question, his expression still blank. "You are... the creator, my designer," he said. "You are Cue, or KyuJong. You created me."

"That is right," KyuJong nodded. "Here, inside Never, you have to refer to everyone you meet by their in-game handles. This is Never, KiBum," he motioned to the city sprawled out below them. "This is your world."

"Never," KiBum repeated, looking out where KyuJong had motioned. "NVR, Neural Virtual Reality. My purpose is to... search?" the first expression to cross his features was a slight furrow of his brow. "Files are incomplete, no reference on what is to be searched for."

"Because it's not something I could embed in your programming yet," KyuJong sighed softly, watching KiBum's expression. "Since I have no example of what it is we're looking for. It's going to be a lot of trial and error."

He sat down on the grass of the bluff, patting the ground beside him so KiBum could associate the motion with his next words. "Sit down, we have a lot to talk about. Do you have any immediate questions, KiBum?"

KiBum stared at KyuJong for a moment, the motion and words registering together as he slowly crouched down next to him. "Why did you create me?"

"The primary reason for creation was to help us in our goal of searching for these...pieces to a puzzle, hidden in the game's code," KyuJong smiled a little, resting his elbows on his knees. "The ability to blend in with the game users is very important, so I designed you to be as life-like as possible. That includes the ability to grow based off your own experiences, and expand on your programming in ways I can't help you with."

KiBum nodded slowly, but it was impossible to know what he was thinking based on his expression. "And what is to be done when the pieces are found? What are they for?"

"They are to expose a danger that could risk everyone in this world, and outside it," KyuJong said quietly. "I know it's a lot to take in, but we could really use your help, KiBum. We're only human...we can't search the whole game ourselves. We'd run out of time. But you can give us the edge we need to save them."

"It is what I am programmed to do," KiBum said, confusion evident in his tone. "I wouldn't know what else to do other than what I'm programmed to do. Is that not what you designed me for?"

"It is what I designed you for, but you also have free will KiBum; I gave you that ability to make your own decisions. You have a life all your own." KyuJong smiled softly at him. "So instead of commanding you to do something like a basic program, I want to ask you instead. Because you're more than a two-bit program. Will you help us, KiBum?"

KiBum's brow furrowed further and he looked out again across the city. "What you are doing, what you designed me to do, it's important isn't it? If it's important to you, then yes, I will help you."

"It's the world to me," KyuJong smiled sadly, before his expression brightened a little. "Thank you, KiBum." The program was also starting to talk more naturally now, setting the older man at ease. "If you feel up to it, the others who work with me would like to meet you as well. They're my friends, and I hope you'll be comfortable enough around them to call them yours as well."

"I would like that," KiBum nodded, mirroring KyuJong's smile. He looked down at his hands and his knees and then back up at KyuJong. "Do I look like you? You seem taller than me."

KyuJong chuckled softly, taking out his datapad and typing a short message into it. "No, you don't look like me." As eager as he was for someone he could call family, KyuJong knew too much of a resemblance would bring his thoughts to EunAh.

"There is someone you do look like though," he smiled warmly at the program, standing and holding out one hand. "Are you ready to meet your older brother?"

That puzzled KiBum, the program slowly standing back up and taking KyuJong's hand. "...Brother? I have a brother? How? Explain."

"One of my friends, your program was designed in his image, though not precisely the same," KyuJong chuckled. "I guess he wanted a younger brother. It's probably easier to let you see for yourself."

Two seconds later, people were appearing in the clearing around them, KyuJong holding onto KiBum's hand lightly as he smiled at them. "Everyone, meet KiBum."

"Oh wow, he looks just like you, Joo-" The loud exclamation from JongWoon was cut off by ByungHee's hand over his mouth.

KiBum shrank back a little behind KyuJong, looking at the other people individually. His head tilted to the side slightly, eyes narrowing as he inspected each one. "Otter," he pointed at the man with red streaks in his hair, leaning up against another with brown reddish hair.

"Right," YoungSaeng nodded, glancing at KyuJong. "And this is-"

"Mir," KiBum continued, going down the line and pointing at everyone individually and saying their handles. "... and G.O."

"How'd he do that?" HyungJoon said, scratching at the side of his head. "I thought you weren't telling him anything about us right away?"

"I didn't," KyuJong chuckled, smiling over his shoulder at KiBum. "I think you're underestimating how quickly he picks up on things. Please treat him well."

"You make it sound like we're such horrible people," ChulYong wrinkled his nose at KyuJong. JongWoon tried to say something, but ByungHee still hadn't removed his hand, effectively preventing the older man from saying anything to agitate someone.

"Did I do something wrong?" KiBum looked to KyuJong with wide eyes.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong at all," HyunJoong said, stepping forward and holding out his hand. "Hi KiBum, welcome to the team." KiBum glanced at the hand, and then at KyuJong again.

"You take his hand in yours, and shake it," YoungSaeng said, lips curled upwards in amusement. KiBum's lips pursed and he awkwardly put out his hand, HyunJoong clasping it in his own and shook it lightly.

KyuJong chuckled softly, watching KiBum with a fond smile, like watching a child's first steps. In a way, KiBum was like a child of his, and already he knew this young man was much more than just a means to an end.


Progress went much faster than any of them could have expected with KiBum's help. Despite the very vague description of what they were looking for, and the many times he came back with false alarms, by the end of the fourth month, KiBum was helping them download the first piece of the puzzle.

It was more than KyuJong could have expected, and he made sure he let KiBum know how much it meant to him, giving the program some time off to just explore. He knew the prospect of a new world must be tempting. There were obviously many pieces to the puzzle they were looking for, but at the rate KiBum was finding them, KyuJong wasn't discouraged.

There were a few complications, though. Besides the strain on YoungSaeng and JongWoon, and their uploaders, there was a nagging feeling that they were being watched. KyuJong knew KiBum was aware of it as well.

"Great job KiBum," he pulled the younger man into a hug after scouting out another piece. It was nearly three years after the program was first initiated, and even they forgot that KiBum was created from code at times. "We'll analyze what we found, and let you know when we plan on moving, okay?"

"Yeah... sure," KiBum nodded, patting KyuJong's back. He'd been distracted the entire time they had been working, nearly getting them all caught because of it. "I've got an idea of the next piece..." he stopped in midsentence and got that far away look in his eyes. "I got you now!" promptly disappearing.

KyuJong blinked in confusion, quickly pulling out his datapad to see what was going on and ignoring the exclamations of surprise from the others.

One intersection over, a boy not even in his teens watched with wide eyes before turning around and bolting down a side street.

The teen didn't make it far, KiBum appearing a few yards in front of him with his hands on his hips. "You! Why are you following us?"

The little kid skidded to a halt, already large eyes even wider in alarm. "Huh? I don't know what you are talking about mister." He backed up towards the main street again.

"Uh huh, sure," KiBum scowled at him, eyes narrowing. "Don't follow us anymore kid, or I'll boot you off this server so fast your head will spin."

"I'm not following you!" The kid backed up a little more. "And you don't scare me!"

"You are too!" KiBum retorted. "Go play somewhere else kid," he said, giving the kid one more scowled glance before disappearing to head back to where the others were, keeping a watch on the kid's movements.

That was close, Kevin thought with an inward sigh. That one guy was far too perceptive. But Kevin had at least one thing going for him; he knew enough avatar hacks that he hadn't spied in on them in the same avatar twice.

It was stupid to think that guy could see right past his avatar, because that was impossible. He'd fooled NVR Security walking around like a kid before, he knew what he was doing.

And whatever that group was doing was too interesting to be scared away from. Why were they messing with the structural code? What was in it?

As curious as he was, he forced himself to wait five minutes before changing his avatar (this time into a schoolgirl), and moved to a different spot before trying to see what they were up to. If they were still there.

They were still there, waiting for KiBum to get back since he had just sent them a message to stay where they were for the time being. KiBum knew the kid wasn't going to give up so easily, and he was right.

"I warned you," KiBum appeared next to the schoolgirl, shaking his head. "Bye!" waving his hand, he gave a tilt of his head. The virus he had been working on for the past few months went into action, severing Kevin's connection to the game at the router and forcing him out.

For a split second the avatar changed back to it's default, before the blond teenager disappeared entirely.

Kevin's eyes snapped open to see the ceiling of his bedroom. "Dammit," he swore quietly in english, trying to connect to the server again. Errors popped up on his monitor; he was locked out.

Calming himself, Kevin drew in a breath before carefully starting to debug the problem. He wasn't letting that guy get the better of him.

Grinning cheerily, KiBum returned to the others. "Got rid of our shadow, for the time being at least," he said, rocking back and forth on his heels. "He's good though, let's see how long it takes him to get passed my virus."

"Can we go now?" YoungSaeng sighed, rubbing at his forehead. "My head is about to explode."

Smiling widely at the news, KyuJong clapped KiBum's shoulder lightly. "That's great news KiBum, hopefully he'll stay off our tail for a long time." He looked back at YoungSaeng then, eyes worried, before turning back to KiBum and hugging him tightly. "We have to leave for a bit, are you going to be okay here?"

"Of course, I'll be fine," KiBum said, mirroring KyuJong's smile. "I've got plenty to do, I think I already know where the next piece is, some building downtown. I'll send you the details once I've researched it a bit more okay?"

"Thanks KiBum, let's go guys, before Otter throws another fit," HyunJoong said, taking out his datapad. "Mir, keep your boyfriend distracted for a little while please?"

"Yes sir," ChulYong grinned, snagging YoungSaeng by the waist and pulling him closer to kiss the back of his neck, ignoring the whines of protest from JongWoon.

"Keep me updated," KyuJong nodded at KiBum, smiling softly. He hugged him close again before stepping back towards the others, his own datapad out. One by one the group disappeared.

The smile disappeared once they were all gone, KiBum sighing heavily as he disappeared as well. Thoughts of their shadow were plaguing him, wanting to be rid of him, yet at the same time, was interested in some of the things the kid knew how to do. Not that he could afford to be distracted right then, there was work to be done.


A month later, KyuJong drew KiBum aside to talk. With the amount of pieces they'd been finding lately, they were sure to be at the end. And that brought up an entirely different worry than before.

"Walk with me for a bit," he smiled at KiBum, steering the program away from the crowds of the marketplace. "How have you been doing? Apart from finding us pieces every week."

"Good, great," KiBum said, bouncing along next to him. "We're almost done right? Light at the end of the tunnel and all that?" he chuckled, glancing to the side and seeing HyunJoong walking towards them. "Why, what's up? You've got that serious face on, what's wrong Appa?"

KyuJong let himself feel a sense of pride in KiBum for how far the program had come since that awkward first day, before he focused back on the task at hand. "We just wanted to talk to you about something," he said, looking back at HyunJoong as he approached them.

They stopped at an intersection a while away, with only a few people walking by to worry about. KyuJong turned back to KiBum once HyunJoong had caught up, eyes worried. "We are getting very close to finishing, and that's a good thing, we couldn't have done it without you. But...and I'm sure the idea's crossed your mind as well...once we send out the results of all this to the public, the game might-" He drew in a breath. "They might shut it down." It was more than just a possibility too.

And while it was what they were aiming for, to stop the corruption in the game, one of them wasn't able to migrate freely back to the real world.

"And?" KiBum blinked, looking between. "I thought that was the goal?"

"It is.... but KiBum," HyunJoong sighed a little. "If they shut the game down, that means that your program would be shut down as well."

"I know," KiBum nodded. "Look, I realized that on the first day, but I still agreed to help. I'm just a program, and even though I am self aware and more than a little scared about it, I'm ready to die for this cause."

"You shouldn't have to die though," KyuJong watched KiBum with pain in his eyes. He had known from the start that this would happen as well, but they'd all grown attached to KiBum; he was more than a program, he was family. KyuJong didn't want to lose family again, even if it had been something they'd known from the start. "We're going to find some way to keep your program going if Never is shut down, okay? We're not leaving you here to die."

"No, I don't want you to be spending time on something like that," KiBum shook his head, crossing his arms. "If there's a way, great, but we're too busy, and far too close for you to spending time worrying about it." Stepping closer to KyuJong, he put his arms around the man's waist. "I know you don't want to lose anyone else Appa, but this is my choice."

Wavering at KiBum's words, KyuJong held back tears as he wrapped his arms tightly around the younger man, burying his face in KiBum's hair. "You're family KiBum, I'm not giving up on you," he whispered, breathing in slowly. "If there is a way, we'll find it, I promise."

"And it's okay if you don't," KiBum said, closing his eyes and sighing softly. "I'm just happy I was able to help," he pulled back a little to look up into KyuJong's eyes. "I don't want you going around telling everyone though about this, I don't want them pitying me or anything."

"Everyone knows already KiBum," HyunJoong said, wincing a little at the hurt look on the program's face. "It's kind of obvious, knowing what you are and what we're doing. Everyone is sad and wants to help. Joon gets all choked up at just the thought of it."

"Yeah well he's a crybaby," KiBum muttered, hugging KyuJong tightly again. "I don't want pity Appa, I just want to do what I was programmed to do."

A tear slipped down KyuJong's cheek as he hugged KiBum back. "I'll never be able to thank you enough for everything you've done," he whispered in the younger man's ear. "You're more than just a program KiBum, you always were. Don't undervalue yourself."

KiBum just smiled at that, hugging KyuJong tighter for a moment before he pulled back, looking between them. "I really do appreciate you guys thinking of me, and wanting to help, I do. It's not like I haven't been looking myself while I'm running protocols, it's just my program is too big now. I can't download myself back into your server Appa, I wouldn't fit."

"We can buy bigger servers if it meant saving you though," HyunJoong said with a frown. "Like Cue said, we'll keep looking for a way. We're not giving up on you, and this won't be the last time we talk about this."

"Oh geez," KiBum sighed dramatically. "Is this what having parents feels like? I'm fine, I'll be fine, and we don't need to keep discussing this. Now, I have some things to do if you don't mind, and so do you. Are we done?"

"Don't be sassy with us KiBum, we are pretty-much your parents," KyuJong chuckled softly, tugging lightly on one lock of hair to reprimand the younger man. "We'll let you go for now though." He smoothed out the program's hair before stepping back, wiping at his eyes. "Let us know when you find something."

"Yes sir," KiBum saluted, grinning cheekily and giving them a wink right before disappearing.

HyunJoong sighed, looking at KyuJong with a frown. "You think he's telling the truth about being okay with it? I don't know how well you programmed him to lie."

"His personality has evolved far past what I initially gave him, it's hard to tell," KyuJong smiled sadly at HyunJoong. "I'd suspect he isn't entirely okay with it...who would be?" Even programs had the urge for self-preservation.

"I'm not giving up on this though, no matter what he says."

"Didn't think you would," HyunJoong said, putting his arm around KyuJong's shoulder. "Let's go, we've got other things to worry about right now, and we've still got a while yet before we need to think about it."

"Yeah," KyuJong sighed softly as he leaned into HyunJoong a little, pulling out his datapad. "Time to go back."

This conversation would always be at the back of his mind though, left to think about in the middle of the night when he couldn't sleep, doggedly working to save one of the few family he had left.

roleplay: never online, pairing: kibum/kevin, fandom: ss501, writing: roleplay, fandom: ukiss

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