行ってきます [I'll be back home] - Chapter Three

Oct 12, 2011 20:39

Title: 行ってきます [I'll be back home]
curionenene and
Chapter: 3/8
Fandom: SS501
Pairings: KyuMin, HyunSaeng
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU
Summary: A story told about the times before, when they first set out in a journey, not knowing it would be a journey back rather than a journey forward. Right back to the discovery of what is truly their home.
A/N: Prequel to “お帰り(Welcome Home)”, KyuJong and JungMin’s story, followed by HyunJoong and YoungSaeng's. We hope our readers enjoy this insight into their pasts ^^

"H-hey, wai-" JungMin yelped as KyuJong jumped, shutting his eyes instinctively as they plummeted from the balcony. He should have just left without bothering KyuJong in the shower, they were both going to be pancake on the road now.

Feeling the updraft against his wings, KyuJong angled them so that they’d catch it, and pumping them hard several times, quickly gained height. Spreading out his wings, KyuJong began circling, looking down at the human in his arms. “JungMin? Where do I go?”

Opening his eyes again when he realized they weren't falling anymore, JungMin blinked owlishly at KyuJong for a moment before looking down. "U-uh...woah. Okay." He shook his head to focus, reorienting himself in the air before pointing. "Three blocks that way, west."

“Alright. Hang on.” KyuJong positioned himself, angling his wings to bring them forward. “I’m going to alight us on the nearest block, alright. So we can assess the situation before going in.”

"All right," JungMin nodded, one arm loosely around KyuJong's neck. He was still trying to register the fact they were flying. "The safehouse has about twelve non-humans in it now, and a few other anti-hunters are on their way, but we're one of the closest so I don't know if they're there yet."

“Okay. You should hold on tighter though. Just in case.” KyuJong cautioned, as he gently righted himself, flapping his wings mightily to get a gentle descent.

Finally, when they were safely on the ground, KyuJong lowered JungMin to the ground. “Can you stand?”

JungMin wobbled and had to grab onto KyuJong's sleeve for a moment before he regained his balance. "Uh, yeah. Wow. Well, you learn something new every day." He stretched out his limbs, pulling out his switchblade as he listened carefully, heading to the corner slowly to see what was going on. "You're putting those away though, right? Before someone punches holes in them?"

“Even if they’re hurt, I can heal them. But, for now, it’d be best to conceal them, should deception be needed as part of our plan.” KyuJong closed his eyes, concentrating again. And sure enough, his wings folded up behind him, disappearing in a shower of soft, silver light.

JungMin glanced back at him, lips quirked slightly; the ankou seemed much more confident now. Glancing around the corner, he winced when he saw the massive fight going on just an alley over; non-humans were fighting the capture with everything they had, the hunters deploying sleeping gas or outright shooting their targets. "Okay, we've got eight hunters fully armed. Some are aiming to capture, some...don't care. Oh, and I see one of the other anti-hunters in there. They're getting pummeled, let's go!" He ran around the corner.

“Hey! Wait!” KyuJong let out a sigh as JungMin ran straight in. Biting his lips, he ran after the human - was he always like this?

Granted, JungMin didn't just charge right up to the nearest hunter to be impaled. He stuck out of their line of sight right up until the last possible moment. The first hunter to realize he was there was shot in the arm, then received a hard blow to the side of the head with the gun's handle. He dropped instantly.

Whirling around, JungMin dropped to the ground to avoid a gun to his own head. "Watch it!" He swept the hunter's feet out from under him, rolling out of the way.

Okay, so the guy wasn’t that bad, but still, he was reckless. Sighing, KyuJong backed JungMin up, reaching up with an arm and whispering to the hunter. “Codladh.”

He fell like a sack of bricks.

Nearly being crushed by the falling hunter, JungMin blinked owlishly for a moment, wondering if he was dead or not. Glancing behind him and seeing KyuJong there, JungMin put two and two together and hopped to his feet. "Thanks Kyu!"

A small pixie was shrieking as she was stuffed into a bag. JungMin, seeing he was in range, wasted no time in tackling the hunter over and separating him from the bag so the pixie could escape. The hunter got a punch to JungMin's jaw in before he was knocked out with the edge of JungMin's gun.

Following behind JungMin, with all the air of a concerned parent over a hyperactive child, KyuJong had grabbed the bag before it fell to the ground, setting it down softly. “Go hide.” He instructed the pixie, shooing it off.

Wiping away a bit of blood from a split lip, JungMin glanced around quickly. More anti-hunters had arrived, and were working to free the non-humans who were being loaded into the back of a van. The hunters would be outnumbered soon, and some seemed to realize that, running off. That still left a few stubborn ones, JungMin's eyes widening.

"Move, shinigami!" Lifting his gun quickly, he shot the hunter who was aiming at KyuJong, catching him in the stomach.

Surprised, KyuJong took a step back at the warning. Eyes widening as he realized what happened, his eyes whipped back to JungMin, staring at the human in surprise.

One of the anti-hunter's partners took care of the rest of the hunters with a shockwave that knocked those it caught out cold. The rest who were still able to move ran for it, and were chased. JungMin climbed back to his feet, panting a little as he looked around. Spotting an anthro struggling against ropes, he went to free her.

It was over.

KyuJong, still rather stunned at the turn of events, followed after JungMin, and realizing what JungMin was doing, severed the ropes with a swipe of his hand.

“You saved me.” He said softly, still not sure what to make of that.

"Huh?" JungMin looked up at KyuJong as he pulled the severed ropes away, helping the anthro to stand. "Well, I'm hardly going to let someone shoot you in the back. Healing or no healing."

“No one’s done that before…” KyuJong explained. “You’re the first human to do that, and honestly, I didn’t think you’d be able to protect even yourself, let alone others.”

JungMin's lips twisted slightly, the smile a little strained. "I protect anyone I can. One of the great things about being an anti-hunter." He stood up, looking around. "The others have it here, we'll just be in the way. We should go." He really just wanted to be out of the way before one of the others noticed him there and threw more snide remarks. Or noticed KyuJong.

“Huh?” KyuJong looked around, before nodding slowly. Then, compelled by a strange feeling inside him, KyuJong reached out, grasping JungMin’s arm. “I just want to say… thank you. And… ask, how I can repay you.”

"Huh?" JungMin blinked at KyuJong, looking at the grip on his arm and back up to the ankou's face. "Well, you also saved me, so I think we're even, no? You don't ever need to repay me for anything," he chuckled. "Unless you want to give me a thank-you kiss, I wouldn't say no to that," he teased, placing his hand over the one on his arm and squeezing lightly.

“A thank-you kiss?” KyuJong blinked, and then tilted his head. “If that’s what you want.”

"I was just teasing you," JungMin snorted, tweaking the ankou's nose affectionately. "You don't have to give me anything. Come on, let's make ourselves scarce."

“Eh… but…” KyuJong wanted to protest, but he noticed the area getting crowded, and could sense JungMin wish to leave. So, he nodded. “Alright. Which way?”

"Back this way," JungMin started to walk towards the corner they'd came from, but a voice made him stop.

"What'cha got there, Park? Who's your friend?"

KyuJong had no choice to stop as well. The hunters were all subdued, so it wasn’t a hunter, and he seemed to know JungMin.

But why then, was the new arrival’s voice filled with sarcasm and ill intent?

Giving a long-suffering sigh, JungMin turned around to face the man who'd came up to him, one hand on his hip. "I don't see how that's your business, YongSoon."

"If you're walking away with one of the safe house kids, it is my business," YongSoon snorted, an inu standing next to him and eyeing KyuJong.

"You think I'd do that?" JungMin bristled. "He's staying with me for the moment, I'm looking after him."

Well, it was obvious from that why JungMin had wanted to leave early on. Feeling like he’d messed up again, KyuJong racked his brains for a plausible way out of this.

"You, looking after him? You can't even keep your own head on your shoulders some days, unless he's meant to be your babysitter?"

JungMin was trying not to let the comments get to him - he'd heard worse - but it was all he could do not to punch the guy. YongSoon was always after him for something or other.

“Min-ah, who’s this annoying fella?” KyuJong casually draped himself onto JungMin sighing. “You left me all alone in the apartment just now I just had to come down to find you. Even if it’s work, you should have gave me a goodbye kiss.”

"...?" JungMin blinked at KyuJong owlishly, having no idea what the ankou was going on about. Opening his mouth to ask what the other man was doing, he was overridden by YongSoon.

"Wait a second...you're together?" The anti-hunter raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Of course.” KyuJong stared at the other anti-hunter like he’d asked a stupid question. “He’s so brave you know, he even saved me from one of those hunters earlier.” And since the inu was staring suspiciously at them, KyuJong used his mouth to play with JungMin’s ear, hoping to make it look more convincing.

JungMin quickly swallowed a noise that was trying to escape his throat at the soft mouth against his ear. He had caught on to KyuJong's idea though, so even though there could have been a million question marks hovering over his head, he looped one arm around KyuJong's waist. "Come on, let's go, you can do that at home," he chuckled, drawing KyuJong back towards the entrance to the alley.

“Oh you…” KyuJong hoped he was fooling the two who’d spotted them. The anti-hunter seemed convinced, from the way his jaw was on the ground. But the inu still looked a tad suspicious. So, KyuJong looped his hands around JungMin’s neck, pressing his lips against JungMin’s in what he hoped was a sultry kiss.

Caught off-guard entirely by the kiss, JungMin froze for a moment before appearing to return the kiss, startled KyuJong would go so far. Not that he had any problem with a kiss, but the ankou had been flinching away from him just this morning.

"Okay, okay, I get it, don't be gross," groaned YongSoon, one hand against his forehead. "Get out of here, Park."

JungMin separated from KyuJong, smirking lightly at the other anti-hunter before pulling KyuJong back towards the corner. "Come on, let's go."

They were just about at the corner when it seemed like something clicked in the inu's mind. "Hey...aren't you an ankou?!"

KyuJong froze at the accusation, before snorting lightly and giving the inu a strange stare. “What? What the hell is an ankou? You calling me names?”

The inu was staring at him, both ears straight up as she sniffed the air. "Your energy is like one. How do we know you're not one?" she growled lowly.

Inus were always annoying when it came to such things. Seeing no other choice, KyuJong quickly grabbed JungMin, beginning to run. “Hold on tight!”

Yelping as he was suddenly picked up again, JungMin wasn't given a chance to protest. Wincing a little, he shut his eyes tightly and did as he was told.

Not wasting any time, KyuJong extended his wings, flapping them furiously. It wasn’t the ideal taking off ground, but desperate times meant desperate measures. Especially, since he could feel the inu gaining on them.

Managing to catch an updraft, KyuJong let out a sigh of relief when they were fully in the air, the two figures of the anti-hunter and inu far below them. “Okay… that was close… What do we do now?”

Opening his eyes again, JungMin pursed his lips in a pout before sighing. "Well...let's just go back to the apartment for now, we can figure out the rest once we're on the ground." He glanced down below them. "Well, this is a mess now."

“Mhmm…” KyuJong nodded as he took them back in the direction of the apartment. “Why didn’t you want them to find out about me anyway?”

"Because they'll probably insist to keep tabs on you, and that you work with them, and I didn't want you to have to worry about that right away," JungMin sulked a little. Not to mention they'd take KyuJong away from him. He enjoyed the ankou's company...

“But you’ll stay with me right? You’re my master.” There was a sincere, simple look in KyuJong’s eyes. He could also sense the underlying reason why JungMin was so niffy about letting others see him and found it confusing. “If you want to stay with me, I’m sure you can.”

"I don't want to be your master, KyuJong," JungMin shook his head. "I'd much rather be your friend. And I...have a horrible enough track record they'd probably veto any bid to have you as my partner. We don't have 'masters' or 'servants' in the anti-hunter organization, we have partners."

“Then, you’ll be my partner.” KyuJong stated simply as he gradually began his descent, alighting upon the balcony with a few simple strokes of his wings. “What’s so hard about that?”

"I'm a horrible partner," JungMin frowned, carefully standing up straight again once they were on the balcony. "And I don't want you to feel like you have to be my partner just cause of this bond thing. I told you, we're going to break it, then you can go and do whatever you want. You won't be bound to any human ever again."

“A horrible partner wouldn’t be able to save my life like what you did earlier on.” KyuJong retorted, but he knew JungMin’s heart was closed to any negotiation. Sighing, he looked at JungMin, biting his lip. “Is the bond all that… unpleasant to you?”

"I hate it," JungMin said bluntly, meeting KyuJong's gaze. "It's used to bind you to a horrible life when you deserve much more than that. I'd rather know you are here because you want to be, not because you have no other choice." He shook his head, leaning back against the railing. "And I swear I'll break it if it's the last thing I'll do."

“But I…” KyuJong started, then shook his head, looking away. “Nevermind. I understand.”

Looking at him, JungMin sighed after a moment before straightening, walking past him and inside. "Come on, we need to figure out what's going to happen now. They'll probably show up here eventually, they can track us."

KyuJong sighed, “Why don’t you just let them find us then, since you want to break the bond. You need their help, right? We’ll just say the whole incident earlier was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought they were threatening you and wanted to extract you of the situation.”

"They weren't threatening me, don't worry about that," JungMin shook his head, dropping down onto the couch inside with a sigh. "Those two are just assholes. And I'd rather go see my superiors on our own rather than be dragged there looking like criminals. Or rather, I'll be the one looking like a criminal."

“I know they weren’t, just that I misunderstood it.” KyuJong sighed, scratching his head. “Or we could just beat them to it and go to that anti-hunter HQ that you told me about?”

"We could," JungMin nodded, tilting his head to look at KyuJong. He'd rather hoped to spend more time with KyuJong, but he couldn't keep on delaying it. "They'll know how to break the bond for sure. There's not really anything else we can do."

“Fine. Let’s go then. Show the way.” KyuJong swallowed, unsure why he was so annoyed with this human. His own feelings were in disarray - at one point he was frightened of the human, the next confused, the next dismayed, the next… well…

The point was, he didn’t know how to deal with this new master at all.

Confused at the tone of KyuJong's voice, JungMin stood up with an inward sigh, nodding. "Yeah, let's get going." He was probably eager to get away, JungMin wouldn't blame him. He'd spent who knew how long chained to hunters.

Going back to the door, JungMin pulled it open and stepped out into the hallway, making sure his gun and switchblade were hidden.

“Alright.” KyuJong said softly, stepping out the door. He wouldn’t let these emotions get a hold of him. It was stupid - he was an ankou. He shouldn’t be affected by a mere human.

JungMin strolled towards the stairs, heading down and humming softly to himself. "HQ isn't that far away, maybe a ten minute walk."

KyuJong nodded, honestly unsure as to what to say. And they continued down in silence, KyuJong’s eyes inevitably being drawn to JungMin every few seconds.

Linking his hands behind his head as they stepped out onto the street, JungMin was quiet as they walked. There wasn't really much that could be said, was there?

"Your injuries, have they healed completely?"

“Mmm… yes. They have. Like I said, I heal fas… wait, you got punched in the fight earlier, didn’t you?” KyuJong paused, stepping up to examine JungMin’s jaw.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," JungMin brushed his fingers lightly over the split lip that had stopped bleeding, and the slowly appearing bruise. "It's not that bad, I've gotten much worse. Kinda forgot about it."

“But still…” KyuJong reached up, gently touching the wound. “I should do something for you…” And closing his eyes, he summoned up some power, projecting into JungMin’s skin and speeding up the regeneration.

“There… it should be fine now.” KyuJong let go, pleased to see that the bruise had disappeared.

Blinking owlishly at the tingling in his jaw, JungMin brushed his fingers against the same spot, startled to feel the pain was gone. "What did you do?"

“I healed it.” KyuJong explained. “When I said I had power over death and I could stop it from happening? Well, I found out that if I don’t fully exercise my powers, I could heal simple wounds as well.”

"Woah." JungMin lowered his hand, looking at KyuJong. "You didn't have to you know, it would have healed on it's own eventually."

“You look better this way.” KyuJong said cryptically before turning away. He was unsure as to why he had healed the wound either - he’d never healed a wound voluntarily before, only on orders. And like JungMin said, it wasn’t a serious wound - not even one that could be called a proper wound even.

But somehow, KyuJong just didn’t want to see JungMin hurt.

The redhead eyed KyuJong in amusement. "Well, thanks then, I guess," he snorted, hands going behind his head again as they walked. "It would have probably gotten sore eventually, so thanks."

“It’s no problem.” KyuJong mumbled, before settling into awkward silence again.

They continued walking for a few more minutes before the silence got to JungMin. He'd never been a very big 'quiet' person. "So how long were you...with that hunter for?" he asked, glancing back at KyuJong.

“Uh…” KyuJong thought for a while. “Maybe… a month or so?”

"Ah," JungMin nodded. "And before that? Did you live with your family?"

“No… Ankous do not go through the same birth process as do humans… We, to put it simply, come out of the void, fully self-aware and conscious. It’s a complicated process, and even we ourselves are not very sure how and why it happens.” KyuJong explained.

"Really?" JungMin was intrigued by that. "So, you don't go through being a kid or anything? How old are you?"

“We don’t keep track of such things… but it’s been twelve human years since I’ve been abducted into the human world.” KyuJong paused, closing his eyes to bite back a sigh. “So by your standards, I guess that would make me thirteen? Time is fluid back in the other world, so I’m not too sure.”

"...Thirteen?" JungMin blinked owlishly at the ankou. "You're a minor? But you look my age!"

“We can look whatever age we want.” KyuJong shrugged. “Or whatever age our masters want us to look. But even if I’m thirteen by human standards, I’m already a full-grown ankou.”

"But...you're thirteen," JungMin pouted. Okay, he was turning eighteen in a few months, but since he'd been more or less on his own for years, he already considered himself an adult.

“By human years. And if I remember, some other non-humans have their own methods of defining adulthood as well.” KyuJong had to hide a smile, shaking his head.

"Yes, but still," JungMin sighed, still pouting. "At least I'm not eighteen just yet, or I could be thrown in jail for kissing a minor," he snorted, shaking his head.

“I don’t think they throw people in jail just for kissing.” KyuJong raised an eyebrow, amused.

"Yeah, well, you never know, at the least I'd be called a pedophile," JungMin nudged KyuJong a little.

“Only if you like me that way.” KyuJong sighed, deciding to humor JungMin.

"Well, you're definitely cute," the human snorted, taking a corner and heading down the side alley towards the hidden entrance to HQ.

KyuJong paused, taking aback by JungMin’s statement. “Eh?”

"I said you're cute," JungMin winked back at KyuJong, heading further on. "Come on, we're just about there."

Dumbfounded, KyuJong had no choice but to follow JungMin, muttering under his breath. “First he calls me a minor, then he flirts with me…”

They arrived at the entrance to HQ a moment later, JungMin stepping inside with KyuJong. They weren't let into the second set of doors until their identities were verified, JungMin looking at where he knew a non-human was hidden and watching them warily.

Then the second door opened for them, JungMin stepping inside and motioning for KyuJong to follow. "Well, let's find my boss."

KyuJong instinctively shrank closer to JungMin. He could sense many auras in the area, and most of them strong ones.

"Hey, you okay? There's nothing to worry about in here, it doubles as a safe house sometimes," JungMin said, heading down a corridor.

KyuJong looked up at JungMin and swallowed. He was being irrational again. Straightening, he tried to force himself to calm. “Sorry… it’s just instinct. There’s a lot of strong auras in here.”

"That's a good thing," JungMin grinned at KyuJong. "Those strong auras are on our side after all." He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked, remembering the way to his boss's office.

“Our side.” KyuJong repeated, but there was doubtful look in his eyes. Somehow, what he’d seen wasn’t that all convincing that they were all on the ‘same side’.

"Yup!" JungMin turned the corner and was nearly bowled over by someone going the opposite direction, a long rabbit ear nearly smacking him in the face before the individual continued on, obviously in a hurry. "Oh, and they're always dealing with some crisis or another."

KyuJong had felt the massive amount of energy miles before it even came close, and he’d strayed far to the side away from it. Watching the individual run past, he nodded slowly, walking back to JungMin’s side.

Finally JungMin reached his boss's closed door, glancing back at KyuJong. "Well, here we are." He drew in a breath before knocking lightly.

JungMin’s boss felt… well, he was shielding himself - a very good practice, in KyuJong’s opinion. That way, he wouldn’t be ambushed - if he had, in fact, a low spiritual level, he could bluff his way out, if he had a high level, then, surprise was always the best advantage. But since this was the ‘boss’, a high spiritual level was most likely. KyuJong had to take a few deep breaths, reminding himself that, like JungMin said, he was ‘on the same side’.

He tried to ignore the way his stomach was churning.

When he heard a call to "Come in," JungMin pushed the door open and stepped into the room. Sitting at the desk working on something was his boss, a man in his late twenties who JungMin looked up to.

"Hey TaecYeon hyung! I have a question for you," JungMin grinned, walking in and motioning for KyuJong to follow him.

"You always have questions," TaecYeon snorted, looking up from his papers. His eyes caught on KyuJong, and he blinked. "Who's your friend?"

"Actually, he has to do with that question," JungMin coughed.

"Are you picking up strays?"

"Hush and listen," JungMin pouted, looking back at KyuJong before turning to TaecYeon and beginning to explain their situation. How he'd tried to get KyuJong away from that hunter, and accidentally ended up bonded to the ankou.

KyuJong kept quiet the whole time. JungMin was doing an accurate job in relating the story, and honestly, KyuJong wouldn’t know what to say. This TaecYeon guy was tall and muscled - a rather intimidating figure.

When JungMin was finished explaining, TaecYeon was looking at KyuJong thoughtfully, chin in one hand. "Hm...that's quite the predicament. But you're in luck. I think I'd be able to break that bond for you. The question is, what's your ankou friend planning on doing afterwards?"

KyuJong bit his lip, looking down. Frankly, he had no idea either… He didn’t know anyone, and he didn’t have anywhere to go. He could go back to the other world… but he didn’t know if he’d be welcome there. He’d been kidnapped, at a time where they’d term him as a child, and grew up without proper guidance. Maybe they didn’t consider him an ankou anymore?

JungMin glanced back at KyuJong, then returned his gaze to TaecYeon. "It's up to him whatever he decides to do. Can we start with this?"

"Yes yes, impatient as always," TaecYeon chuckled, standing. "It's a blood bond, wasn't it?"

KyuJong nodded slowly. “He happened to be bleeding then, and when he accidentally touched one of my wounds, it just… happened.”

"Lucky for us, accidental bonds like that are easier to break than if it had been done on purpose. A simple spell should do it." TaecYeon stepped around his desk to them.

"If it's simple, why couldn't I do it," JungMin pouted.

"You have practically no spiritual energy JungMin, it's kind of needed for any sort of spell."

KyuJong hid a smile, but then stiffened a little when TaecYeon stepped close. “Is it going to hurt?” He asked softly - if it did, he needed a little time to prepare himself.

"Uh...that would depend." TaecYeon folded his arms across his chest, looking at KyuJong. "How long have you been under bonds to a master? However many masters you've had."

“I’ve… changed many masters over the span of twelve years… since I was… brought here.” KyuJong looked down, rubbing his arm. “I can’t remember… exactly how many. They all seemed the same… except JungMin here.”

"Twelve years, huh...” TaecYeon motioned for them to stand closer together. "I can't say if it'll hurt or not, but with it being that long, it will be more than a little dizzying. You've probably gotten used to the feeling of a bond being a constant thing. Ready?"

KyuJong swallowed, closing his eyes before nodding. “Alright.”

JungMin nodded as well, watching KyuJong as TaecYeon started the spell.

He wasn't expecting to feel anything; he'd barely noticed the bond happen after all. But he could have sworn he did feel like something was missing a second later as TaecYeon put one hand on both of their shoulders. Something had disappeared.

The blood bond between them snapped like a twig, crumbling into nothing.

But to KyuJong, it was like someone had torn a vital part straight out of him. Letting out a cry, KyuJong fell to his knees, gasping, tears inevitably escaping from his eyes.

Eyes widening in surprise, JungMin dropped to his knees in front of KyuJong, hands lightly against the ankou's shoulders as TaecYeon stepped back. "KyuJong? You okay?" he asked worriedly; it was that bad for him?

It was like there was something important missing inside - a gaping hole that was once filled with companionship - even if it was of the twisted sense. He felt terribly alone, like he was the only person in the world.

Feeling JungMin close, KyuJong reached out, clinging onto him. He didn’t care if he’d startle the human, or if he was being irrational again. He needed someone close by.

“Please… don’t leave me… I don’t want to be alone.” He whispered, sobbing incessantly.

Yelping in surprise, JungMin automatically wrapped his arms loosely around the ankou, surprised. As KyuJong cried against his shirt though, he swallowed thickly, glancing up at TaecYeon before securing the grip around KyuJong, resting his cheek against the headful of hair.

"Hey...it'll be fine. You can stay with me as long as you want, okay? You're not alone."

KyuJong sniffled, arms tightening into JungMin’s waist as if should he let go, JungMin would disappear. “I don’t believe you… you let this happen.”

JungMin tried to ignore the stab of guilt. It was better for KyuJong that he not be bound to anyone. JungMin didn't want to be his master...he'd rather be his friend. "It'll get better," he murmured into the other man's ear. "It's better this way, I promise."

“Liar.” KyuJong whispered, but there was less heat in it, the irrational sense of isolation slowly calming itself. But there was still a gaping hole there - the feeling of something that should be there but wasn’t.

"I'm many things, but a liar isn't one of them," JungMin ran one hand slowly along KyuJong's back.

TaecYeon watched them for a long moment. "Take him back with you, JungMin," he said leaning against his desk. "We'll talk again once he's had time to get used to the bond missing."

Nodding, JungMin ran his fingers lightly through KyuJong's hair. "Let's go back to the apartment, okay Kyu?"

“So that you can throw me away after you get tired of me?” But KyuJong didn’t believe JungMin, and the heartache that came with the thought of being left behind made him defensive. He pushed JungMin away, angry tears in his eyes. “So that after I become used to you, you tell me to go on my way and tell me it’s for my own good?”

"Huh?" JungMin blinked at KyuJong in confusion. "You're free KyuJong, you can do whatever you want. I'm not chasing you away, I'm giving you a choice."

Affronted, KyuJong shook his head, standing up. “You always say that, but did you even think I wanted that choice. Don’t push things onto people when they don’t want it!”

JungMin just didn’t understand, that KyuJong didn’t know how to ask. He’d always had the things he wanted taken away from him, he was used to accepting his lot. Now, with things suddenly turned topsy-turvy, KyuJong didn’t know what to do anymore, even if happiness was so easy - just a simple decision.

He just didn’t know how.

Confused, JungMin slowly stood up as well. "I...I'm sorry, I thought that you'd like having your free will back. I don't want to be your master...” KyuJong was so scared of him at first, it had hurt him to watch. Maybe now KyuJong could see them as equals instead.

“So you took away the only good thing that had happened to me in a while.” KyuJong could feel the tears in his eyes threatening to overflow again. “I hate you.”

And turning around, KyuJong fled, unable to stand arguing anymore.

Eyes widening in shock and hurt, JungMin stepped forward. "Wait, KyuJong!"

But the ankou had already gone, and when JungMin looked out into the hallway, he couldn't see him. Swallowing thickly, and trying to ignore the pain in his chest, the redhead looked back at TaecYeon. "What did I do wrong, Taec?"

"Hard to say," TaecYeon sighed. "Some races think differently than we do. Go back home, Min, we'll look after him here. Give him time to cool down."

Ducking his head, JungMin nodded, stepping out of the room. He'd thought he was doing the right thing...but KyuJong hated him now.

And it hurt more than he thought it would.

fandom: 2pm, roleplay: okaeri, fandom: ss501, pairing: kyujong/jungmin, writing: roleplay

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