Unlock - Chapter Forty-Nine

Oct 03, 2011 19:48

Title: Unlock
renichifreak and
Chapter: 49/?
Fandom: SS501, cameos by KARA
Pairings: KyuSaeng, HyunMin (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N:  YoungSaeng and HyunJoong are played by
renichifreak and KyuJong and JungMin are played by me.  Updates every Monday.

"Do you both need the entire couch to yourselves?" KyuJong laughed as HyungJoon attempted to sit down too and landed on the floor.

"Yes," JungMin sniffed, sprawled out across HyunJoong's lap and the rest of the couch, and kicking at anyone who tried to sit on his legs.

Chuckling, HyunJoong just ran his hand through JungMin's hair, amused by the redhead's antics. "Think of it as revenge for hogging the shower," he replied with a grin.

"Well what about me then?" HyungJoon pouted.

"You're just fun to pick on," he replied matter-of-factly.

Snickering, JungMin buried his face in HyunJoong's stomach, perfectly happy where he was.

"When are the girls coming over?" KyuJong asked, taking the large chair for himself and YoungSaeng, pulling his boyfriend down into his lap.

"I think later in the afternoon," HyungJoon sulked, arms folded over his chest where he was sitting on the floor. "What are we doing until then?"

JungMin wrapped his arms securely around HyunJoong's middle to discourage the idea of moving.

HyunJoong had to laugh lightly, bending enough to kiss the top of JungMin's head. "Apparently something that doesn't involve me moving," he answered.

"TV?" YoungSaeng suggested as he shifted to get comfortable. He didn't want to move either.

"Sounds good," KyuJong chuckled. They'd spent all of yesterday practicing (or trying to), and as a result they weren't going to be going very far today. Leaning over, he picked up the remote and turned the TV on, resting his chin on YoungSaeng's shoulder and pulling him back to rest against his chest.

JungMin squirmed slightly until he had turned himself around to see the TV, tapping his fingers against HyunJoong's knee. HyungJoon tried to sneak back up onto the edge of the couch and was kicked off again.

HyunJoong had just looked up when he paused, grabbing JungMin's hand. "Wait. Kyu, go back, quickly," he stated urgently, nudging for JungMin to sit up.

Once the channel was changed back, he watched closely, recognizing the city. "That's Shibuya in Japan. I was there with my dad a couple years ago." Watching, he realized that there had been yet another gifted discovery.

"...Oh no," KyuJong murmured, biting his lower lip as they listened in to the translated story. This one had been a girl around twelve, and far more obvious than the fire gifted in New York. It was hard to explain away your body flickering in and out of view in ripples.

There had been whispers of people with strange abilities since the incident at New York, a few more occurrences having happened between then and now. It was becoming more and more obvious that it wasn't just a few stuntmen or daredevils, but something very different.

"How many does that make it now?" JungMin asked quietly, sitting up next to HyunJoong.

"About a half dozen," HyunJoong replied quietly, eyes glued to the television. "Maybe more."

YoungSaeng had to turn away. The look in the little girl's eyes was way too familiar. "Why so suddenly? Is it puberty? I mean, a lot of these people are younger than us or our age."

"Well, that's when our gifts started coming out," KyuJong answered softly. "Or, if they were already present, they were relatively small until then."

"But this has never happened before," HyungJoon said, eyes wide. "Surely we can't be the first generation of people like us."

"Maybe there were just never this many before," KyuJong murmured, hugging YoungSaeng close. "Think about it. Even with your precognition bringing us together, Joon, if there are so many of us in one area..."

"The cities weren't quite as big as they are now, though," HyunJoong pointed out. "And the advances in technology make it impossible to hide. There are cameras everywhere."

"How long is it going to be before they realize it isn't just a handful of people?" JungMin asked, gripping HyunJoong's hand tightly.

"At the rate gifted are being discovered...it won't be long," KyuJong replied softly.

"Do you think I could see it, if I tried hard enough?" HyungJoon asked, looking up at them, his eyes wide with fear.

HyunJoong paused, taking his lower lip between his teeth. "Maybe I can boost your power a bit, if you really want to try," he suggested. He'd had little practice with the unlocking half of his ability, so he was a bit scared to try with a power that was still a bit unstable. "I can't promise anything involving the 1:10 accuracy, but if you want to try..."

The younger boy's eyes widened further at the idea; they all remembered clearly what had happened the first time HyunJoong used his unlocking ability, and though they had gotten a warning from HyungJoon amid the feverish ranting, it had been painful for the youngest.

After a moment, HyungJoon nodded slowly. "I...guess we can try? You're not gonna leave me on the floor if I pass out, right?" He asked.

JungMin wordlessly shifted into HyunJoong's lap, giving HyungJoon the rest of the couch to sit on so he would be more comfortable than on the floor.

"Hey," HyunJoong began, noticing the look. "That was the sickness that made me go crazy like that. I'm gonna do it slowly, so just concentrate and tell me if you need me to stop, okay?" he said, voice reassuring, wrapping his arms around JungMin to steady himself mentally. HyungJoon wasn't the only one scared.

HyungJoon climbed up onto the couch, nodding nervously. "Okay, let's do this," he drew in a slow breath.

JungMin rested his head on HyunJoong's shoulder, kissing his jaw. "Don't give yourself a migraine," he murmured, squeezing his hand lightly.

Closing his eyes, HyunJoong went through the usual procedure he did with the others, imagining the doors again. Coming up on HyungJoon's, he very slowly began to nudge it open. He didn't go too fast so he wouldn't overwhelm either HyungJoon or himself.

The youngest's eyelids fluttered slightly, head falling back against the couch as he gasped softly. KyuJong watched, biting his lower lip as HyungJoon's eyes hazed over, lips parting as he started to murmur softly to himself.

It usually took a bit for HyungJoon to focus; even with his power forcefully activated by HyunJoong, that didn't change. For a bit there was absolutely nothing to do with what they wanted to know, HyungJoon's eyebrows furrowing as he tried to narrow down what he was seeing.

"This could be a while," JungMin murmured, watching HyunJoong worriedly in case his boyfriend started to tire.

Brushing his hair out of his eyes, HyunJoong rested his forehead against JungMin's back as he opened the door a little bit more. It was also much harder to do since he was also keeping JungMin's power locked and forgot to unlock it. He couldn't stop to do it, however, needing to concentrate on HyungJoon.

It was obvious when HyungJoon was getting closer; he started squirming uncomfortably in his seat, hazed-over eyes wide open and staring at the ceiling. After a moment a choked whimper escaped him, gasping as he arched off the couch.

KyuJong stared at him, worry mounting. The younger boy didn't seem able to speak, mouth opening and closing without a word. "Maybe we should stop," the time traveler said.

Suddenly HyungJoon started to scream.

The second HyunJoong heard the scream, he slammed the door shut completely, which was almost like a mental whiplash. Still leaning against JungMin, HyunJoong panted, the exertion more than he expected.

"Joon, you okay?" he asked quietly.

The second HyunJoong had cut off his power, HyungJoon collapsed against the couch beside him and JungMin. KyuJong carefully got YoungSaeng out of his lap before hurrying over to the youngest's side, crouching next to him. "Joon?" He whispered.

"E-everything was white," HyungJoon whimpered, gasping for breath as tears spilled down his cheeks. "I could hear them screaming. Machines, everywhere. It smelled of death. They're hurting people, people are dying-” He reached out blindly for them, before his eyes hazed over again and he passed out, going limp on the couch.

YoungSaeng quickly got up and let KyuJong check on HyungJoon. He paled the more the youngest spoke. The way that sounded...

When HyungJoon passed out, he got up and grabbed a pillow from the chair and placed it down, moving HyungJoon so he could be comfortable.

"What's going on?!" KyuJong's mother hurried down the stairs, EunAh right after her.

KyuJong looked back at them, eyes wide as he returned his gaze to HyungJoon. "He...was predicting something for us," he said softly, EunAh gasping as she saw HyungJoon passed out on the couch.

"What did all that mean?" JungMin asked, looking up at them even as he ran his fingers through HyunJoong's hair. "Was it real?"

"It was real," HyunJoong murmured, head throbbing and feeling nauseous. "I think he means experiments..." he murmured, wincing and burying his head in JungMin's shoulder.

"Experiments?" JungMin looked at his boyfriend, wide-eyed. "What kind of experiments?"

EunAh ran back up the stairs after a moment, returning with a blanket. She stepped over beside the couch, draping it over HyungJoon carefully.

"Maybe you should get upstairs and rest, HyunJoong," KyuJong suggested quietly.

"..." YoungSaeng had no idea what to say since EunAh was in the room, but his eyes said it all. Experiments to see how they work.

Sighing, HyunJoong nodded his head, which only served to make him dizzy. "I have to let go of your power now, Min. I'm barely keeping it locked as it is," he murmured. The backlash from suddenly shutting down HyungJoon's powers was intense.

Nodding, JungMin fished out his gloves from his pockets and pulled them back on, climbing off of HyunJoong's lap. "All set," he murmured, holding out his hands to help HyunJoong stand.

Swallowing, KyuJong hugged YoungSaeng close, looking down at their unconscious friend. "Maybe we should do some research," he murmured, looking at his boyfriend. "See if we can find any others, before this happens."

Taking the hands held out to him, HyunJoong slowly got to his feet, stumbling slightly, but catching himself pretty quickly. "We can try," HyunJoong replied, exhaustion washing over him.

"You're not trying anything, you're going to sleep," JungMin frowned at him. He carefully eased beside the older boy so he could support him without zapping him, looking at the others. "Let us know if anything happens?" He glanced at the unconscious HyungJoon.

"We will," KyuJong nodded, watching them as JungMin helped HyunJoong towards the stairs.

Slowly, using both JungMin and the wall, HyunJoong managed to get to the room they were sharing. Smiling at JungMin, HyunJoong walked over to the bed and just dropped down, letting out a relieved sound. Opening his eyes, he held out a hand and waved for JungMin to come closer before shifting over a bit himself. The backlash had let him feel a bit of what HyungJoon had, and after that, he just wanted JungMin close.

Stepping closer to the bed, JungMin lied down beside HyunJoong, scooting as close as he could without shocking him. "You okay?" he frowned at his boyfriend, gloved fingers playing with his collar a little.

Chuckling tiredly, HyunJoong shrugged. "That sucked," he finally replied. His head was spinning, but JungMin's familiar touch helped immensely.

"Certainly looked like it," JungMin murmured. "Get some sleep, all right? You look dead." The premonition had scared him immensely, but there was nothing they could do about it now other than do some research and wait for more news.

Nodding his head, HyunJoong rested his head against JungMin's chest and closed his eyes again. He was out within seconds.

Watching the two head upstairs, YoungSaeng looked back at KyuJong. "Hyun's the only one of us who can sense powers," he reminded him. "After everything that's been happening, anyone else will be hiding."

KyuJong nodded, looking down at HyungJoon and fixing the blanket around him. "We have to do what we can though...I don't know about you, but just sitting here waiting for news is driving me crazy," he said softly, looking to his boyfriend.

"No, I agree," YoungSaeng replied. "I just don't know how to go about researching something like this."

"We have a computer here, we can try looking things up," KyuJong suggested, frowning as he thought. "Weird occurrences in Korea. Anything. Even if nothing happened that was serious enough to catch the world's attention, there must be some trace of people like us...we didn't just pop up out of thin air."

"Maybe we should call the girls," YoungSaeng suggested, nodding his head. It sounded like a good place to start. "Should we only search in Korea, though?" he asked.

"They'll be here later, we can tell them then. And no, but I'm thinking Korea might be a good place to start, we're more likely to find something since we don't know English." KyuJong hugged YoungSaeng close. "I think I'm going to bring my laptop down here so we can keep an eye on him while we look things up," he murmured.

"Um, I can watch him," EunAh spoke up, still hovering. "No need to be distracted while you look, right?" she added.

YoungSaeng smiled at the girl thankfully. "I'm sure that he'll be hungry when he wakes up, which probably won't be for a little while."

She nodded, stepping around to sit down on the edge of the couch. KyuJong smiled at her, taking YoungSaeng's hand and heading towards the stairs. "Guess we've got a busy afternoon."


It had been a few days since the incident with HyungJoon's prediction and they were still no closer to learning anything than they were before. Deciding to take a bit of a break to relax, they were all spread out around KyuJong's living room, Nicole and HaRa having stayed the night.

"I'm bored," HyunJoong yawned, curled up on the couch, all but in JungMin's lap. "If I watch the news or look at another computer screen, I'm gonna break it," he complained.

Snickering, JungMin covered HyunJoong's eyes with one hand, his gloves in his pocket again. "Then walk around with your eyes closed."

"No, because then we'll have a repeat of the door incidents, with a wall," HyungJoon laughed, sprawled out on the floor playing a game with Nicole and HaRa.

"As if he needs a reason to do that,” YoungSaeng remarked with a chuckle, laughing a bit more as HyunJoong pulled down JungMin's hand to glare at him. "Don't even try denying it, Hyun."

HyunJoong said nothing, turning his attention back to his boyfriend.

Laughing, JungMin kissed him to make him feel better before resting his head against HyunJoong's, staring down at HyungJoon and the girls in amusement. "What game is that anyways?"

"Pick-up sticks," HaRa chuckled, watching HyungJoon try to carefully wiggle a stick loose from the pile.

"Who's winning?" KyuJong asked, resting his chin on YoungSaeng's shoulder and wrapping his arms more securely around his boyfriend's waist.

"Not HyungJoon oppa," HaRa laughed as half the pile moved when the boy sneezed.

Snickering at the pout on HyungJoon's face, YoungSaeng reached out and pat him on the head. "Try turning away when you sneeze, Joonie," he suggested with a smile, placing his hands over KyuJong's.

KyuJong smiled wider, kissing YoungSaeng's neck softly and leaning back against the chair.

The front door opened, KyuJong's father coming in. "Hey kids," he chuckled when he saw the bunch in the living room. "Not running around in the snow today?"

"Too cold outside," KyuJong chuckled, shivering at the bit of cold air that came in and burrowing himself against YoungSaeng's back.

YoungSaeng let out a quiet sound as the cold hit him. "Appa, close the door," he whined, shooting him a look. Lately, he had taken to referring to KyuJong's parents as Umma and Appa, and they actually both seemed to encourage it, which amused him greatly.

Laughing, KyuJong's father did as asked and closed the door. He placed away his boots and jacket before heading into the room, ruffling YoungSaeng's and KyuJong's hair as he headed into a different room.

EunAh came down the stairs to say hi, and HyungJoon beamed at her. "Hey EunAh, want to join in?" He motioned to the game in front of them.

The girl nearly ran into the wall at HyungJoon's invitation, but quickly collected herself. Debating, she finally nodded her head and walked over to sit beside HaRa, casting constant 'discreet' looks at the boy.

HyunJoong had to chuckle at how cute it was, especially when HyungJoon would blush and look up to see that EunAh had again looked back down.

Chuckling to himself, JungMin watched them playing the game, absently kissing along HyunJoong's jaw and playing with the older boy's hand. After a moment he rested his head back on HyunJoong's shoulder, closing his eyes. "Aren't you getting tired? You've been holding my power back all day," he murmured, getting sleepy.

HyunJoong's eyes fluttered at the kisses to his jaw, but he froze at JungMin's words. Blinking, he turned himself to look at JungMin, eyes widening in realization. "JungMin, I'm not holding your power..." he responded.

Closing his eyes, he checked and realized that JungMin's powers were indeed not locked by him. He also then noticed that they had been like this for a couple hours, no buffers between their skin.

How hadn't he noticed before?

JungMin's eyes opened in confusion, then widened. "W-what?"

HyunJoong hadn't been the one holding back his electricity? But then...

The second he realized he was holding it back himself, he instinctively pulled his hand out of HyunJoong's, scared to shock him by accident, eyes wide behind his red bangs. KyuJong watched them both with wide eyes, having heard. "Keep calm, JungMin," he said softly, seeing the panic flare in the younger boy's eyes and the slight spark on his fingertips.

JungMin drew in a shaky breath, staring down at his hands as, slowly, the sparks that had appeared faded again, the redhead in shock.

HyunJoong sat up on his knees as he watched JungMin panic before listening to KyuJong, finally calming down again. Taking a breath, HyunJoong reached out and took JungMin's hand again, making sure not to surprise him. "Don't think about it, Min. Focus on me, okay?" he murmured, relieved that there was no shock. After a moment, HyunJoong smiled widely before wrapping his arms around JungMin and kissing him. "I told you that you could do it!"

Staring at their hands, JungMin squawked when he was pulled into a hug and kiss, blinking owlishly at HyunJoong.

After a stunned moment, his lips quivered before he broke out in a wide smile and he threw his arms around HyunJoong's neck, kissing him back before burying his face against the other boy's neck, sniffling. "Thank you," he whispered, voice breaking a little.

"Stupid," HyunJoong murmured, tightening the hug. "You did it all on your own."

YoungSaeng watched the two happily, moving to rest his head on KyuJong's shoulder. He himself felt about ready to cry, knowing just how much pain JungMin had been in when it came to his power.

KyuJong smiled as well, running his fingers through YoungSaeng's hair as he watched them. "So you've been holding it back for a few hours now, Min," he pointed out softly. "Be careful when you stand." JungMin had fallen onto his face a few times after a full day of practice.

JungMin nodded a little against HyunJoong's neck as he clung to his boyfriend tightly, sniffling quietly as he tried to compose himself.

Pulling away slightly, HyunJoong cupped his boyfriend's face with both hands and smiled softly at him. "When did you become such a crybaby? I thought that was HyungJoon," he said, though it was impossible to miss the misty quality to his own eyes as well.

"Hey..." HyungJoon protested behind them, and was drowned out by the girls squealing over how cute the two were.

"Shut up," JungMin sniffled, pouting at him before lifting one hand to wipe at his eyes.

"Do you think, in the summer, I'll be practiced enough I can get rid of this?" JungMin asked HyunJoong with wide eyes, fingers tugging on his sweater sleeve.

"Min, you were just holding your powers back for three hours and didn't even realize it. I think if you focused, even right now, you could take it off whenever you want," HyunJoong replied, poking JungMin in the forehead.

EunAh was the first to notice HyungJoon trying to speak, an oddly hazed-over look in his eyes. "Um, Kyu oppa? I think something's wrong with HyungJoon oppa..."

Looking away from the two on the couch, KyuJong's smile faded as he noticed what was going on. Another premonition? "Joon?" He called softly, not sure if the youngest could hear them. "HyungJoon, what do you see?"

JungMin, wrinkling his nose at the poke, blinked and looked over HyunJoong's shoulder at how quiet the room suddenly was.

HyungJoon was silent before jumping to his feet, gently pulling EunAh up as well. "Grab your parents and hide somewhere. Take the girls with you," he ordered, voice firm with a hint of panic in it. "Whatever you do, do not come out unless one of us tells you to."

The girl looked frightened at the serious look HyungJoon was giving her, but shakily nodded her head, running into the kitchen where her parents were.

Nicole was the first to speak. "Joonie, what-"

"They're coming."

KyuJong pulled YoungSaeng off his lap to stand. "Who's coming?" He asked quietly, but a chill had gone down his spine at the words. How had they not seen this? They had been warned months ago, why had they not seen that this was going to happen?

They're coming, run away, they're coming...

The vibrations of a large engine outside the house snapped them to attention. JungMin squirmed out from underneath HyunJoong on the couch and ran to the window, peeking out carefully. "...Shit..."

Three large vans had pulled up, and people were getting out. Lots of people...

HyungJoon paled even more as he pushed the girls toward the kitchen. "I said to hide," he stated firmly. "Protect them, got it?" Sighing when they finally nodded, he ran back to the others, jumping at the knock on the door. "No one answer it," he hissed.

Getting to his feet, YoungSaeng gripped KyuJong's arm with both hands. He had a really bad feeling about this. Would they only stop with the gifted?

How had they been found in the first place? They'd all been careful, there hadn't been any slips...

"I don't think not answering it is going to help," KyuJong whispered, wincing as the knock was repeated, louder this time. He wanted to tell YoungSaeng to hide too, but he knew his boyfriend wouldn't listen to him.

The family car was in the driveway, so they couldn't even pretend they weren't home...

The knocking stopped, JungMin slowly backing away from the window so that he wouldn't be seen, and he wondered for a moment if the people were going to leave. That was before he heard a soft scratching noise, and the lock slowly twisted to the side, unlocking. JungMin backed up into HyunJoong, eyes wide, KyuJong pulling YoungSaeng behind him.

There was a click as the door unlocked and then suddenly it burst open, uniformed men stepping in. "Is this the Kim residence?" one barked.

Hearing the sounds of the lock being picked, HyunJoong made sure that JungMin was behind him just as KyuJong had done with YoungSaeng. HyungJoon was desperately trying to pull himself from the trance, succeeding just as the door swung opened.

"You aren't allowed to come in here without a warrant," KyuJong said, managing not to let his voice shake. "This is breaking and entering."

Pulling out a piece of paper, one of the men held it up. "You mean this?" he asked.

"What the hell do you want? Warrant or not, who gives you the right to pick a lock like a common criminal?" HyunJoong demanded, eyes narrowing.

The man who looked to be in charge ignored him, looking at each of the boys in turn. His gaze caught, and eyes narrowed.

"You are Heo YoungSaeng, correct? If you could please come with us?"

KyuJong's blood turned cold. No...out of all of them, YoungSaeng was the one they were after?

"Why?" he demanded, not letting YoungSaeng step out from behind him. "You can't just take someone away without reason!"

"We've received a tip-off that YoungSaeng possesses strange abilities, and we would like to have a few words with him," the man replied shortly. When he took a step forward, KyuJong took a step back, pushing YoungSaeng farther back as well. JungMin shuffled out from behind HyunJoong to guard YoungSaeng's side, eyes narrowed.

Upon hearing that it was him that they were there for, YoungSaeng found himself shrinking even more behind KyuJong, grip tightening on his shirt.

A tip-off? Who would possible say something like that?

"That's crazy!" HyungJoon exclaimed, trying to bluff their way out of this. "Who told you this, maybe their mental state is what you should be checking!"

"I did," came a voice from outside. Recognizing the voice right away, all of the color drained from YoungSaeng's face. There was no way.

Looking around KyuJong, YoungSaeng indeed saw his father enter the house.

"You can't be serious..." HyunJoong muttered, eyes wide at the new discovery.

Staring at the man, KyuJong started to shake as he saw red. How could someone do that to their own son?

"Heo YoungSaeng, if you could come with us," the officer said again, and KyuJong, looking at them again, realized with a jolt they all had their hands at their hips, as if ready to draw a weapon.

"No," his eyes narrowed, and he took another step back, hands out behind him to hold on to YoungSaeng. "You can't take him. He's done nothing wrong!"

By this time, HyunJoong and HyungJoon had joined the other two in front of YoungSaeng, forming a human barrier. "Over our dead bodies are you taking him with you," HyunJoong all but growled, eyes dark.

Seeing the men go for their weapons, YoungSaeng struggled in the hold. "Leave them alone! Appa, how could you?!" he yelled, looking at the man over their shoulders.

"You're dangerous, and these men say they can cure you," his father explained.

"Cure me? Cure me from what?! I'm not sick!" he shouted.

"There's nothing wrong with YoungSaeng, why can't you see that?" KyuJong yelled at them. "He's not dangerous, he's not sick! You have no right to treat another person like this!"

"He will either come with us willingly, or he'll be brought with us by force," spoke the officer, eyes hard. In his hands he held something that looked like a gun, but wasn't. KyuJong had seen enough movies to recognize a tranquilizer.

Seeing the gun in the man's hand and seeing that while it didn't fire bullets, it would still hurt them, YoungSaeng managed to get out from behind everyone and throw his arms out.

"Get out of here!" he shouted, eyes going black. "Just leave us alone! No one's sick. No one's dangerous. You're the ones who broke in here carrying guns, not us, so who are you to tell us who's dangerous?!"

The group of men jumped back in shock at his pitch-black eyes, some of them letting out curses. If they hadn't thought this was a serious call before, they did now.

Gaze lifting from the back of YoungSaeng's head, KyuJong's heart stopped as he saw one of the reactions shoot straight from fear to violence, a hand diving into a pocket and pulling out a gun that was very much real.

A gun that he aimed at YoungSaeng.

"SAENG!" KyuJong snagged his boyfriend around the waist, pulling the younger boy back behind him, trying to protect him.


HyungJoon and JungMin shrieked, covering their ears instinctively at the loud noise, echoing through the house.

Hearing the gunshot as he was suddenly spun around, YoungSaeng cried out, seeing HyunJoong instinctively cover his boyfriend and HyungJoon.

"Stop, what are you doing!" yelled the officer in charge, snatching the gun away. "We need him alive!"

KyuJong staggered backwards slightly, nearly falling into YoungSaeng. Standing in front of his boyfriend, a choked breath escaped him as red slowly spread along the front and back of his shirt, spilling out of a hole in his chest.

Hearing the choked breath in his ear, YoungSaeng gasped, turning quickly to see the look of sheer pain and fear on KyuJong's face.

The older boy's hand fell out of YoungSaeng's, and his knees buckled before the time traveler disappeared, leaving only drops of red on the floor and smudges of blood on YoungSaeng's shirt.

"K-K-Kyu...?" YoungSaeng whimpered before the older boy started to fall, disappearing before hitting the floor. Shaking, he looked down to see the red smeared on his shirt. Falling to the ground in shock, he stared wide-eyed at the ground where KyuJong had been before looking up at his father and the man holding the gun.

"What...just...” HyungJoon stared where KyuJong had just been standing, now completely gone. "I-is he..."

"Subdue him, quickly," ordered the officer, and one of the men lifted his weapon and shot a dart into YoungSaeng's neck.

"Saeng!" JungMin yelled, diving to catch him before the older boy could hit the ground, scrambling to pull the dart out.

Screaming when the dart hit, YoungSaeng scrambled to pull it out, but it was too late. The powerful tranquilizer was already working, his limbs growing heavy and vision blurry.

Looking over at JungMin and the others, who had run over, he grabbed hold of JungMin's hand as best he could. "HaRa has to stay right here," he murmured, too low for the men to hear. "He'll come back to this exact spot...she'll have to...be right here to heal him..."

"Saeng, wait, don't," JungMin pleaded, hugging his friend close. "Stay awake!" But YoungSaeng was already slipping away, going limp.

"We have to get him away," HyungJoon insisted, voice shaking as he pulled YoungSaeng out of JungMin's arms and tried to stand with him.

JungMin clenched his shaking hands into fists, sparks appearing as he looked up at the men who came over to collect YoungSaeng. "Stay the fuck away from him!" He exploded, jumping to his feet and punching one of the men hard.

The man staggered back while another rushed forward to restrain him, grabbing his wrist and twisting it around behind his back. JungMin yelled and struggled, his control slipping.

Sparks flew and the man holding him jerked back, mouth open in a scream before falling to the ground, JungMin sent sprawling as he was suddenly released.

"Back the fuck away!" HyunJoong shouted, eyes dark with anger as one of the men dared touch JungMin. Without taking his eyes off of them, he quickly locked down all of their powers before they suspected anything else. "HyungJoon, get him out of here, now," he practically ordered, grabbing the nearest thing to him, which happened to be a coat rack.

Moving before JungMin, he reached down to help him up, getting him behind him. "You touch any more of my friends and I swear to God that I am going to kill you."

JungMin scrambled to his feet, hearing some of the men exclaim that he was one too.... "a freak," one of them called him. Shaking, he tried to get behind HyunJoong, but before he could he felt a stab of pain in his shoulder.

A yelp escaped his lips as he scrambled to pull out the dart, tearing it out of his skin. Throwing it away, he staggered as dizziness swamped him, nearly falling into HyunJoong before he sank to his knees.

Hearing JungMin fall, it took everything that HyunJoong had not to turn around. The second he did, they would all be on them. Not knowing what else to do and mind quickly falling into panic, he finally threw the rack aside and charged the man with the gun, tackling him to the ground.

HyunJoong was able to get in a few good hits before he felt something connect with the back of his neck, knocking him out cold.

JungMin struggled to remain conscious, vision swimming as he fell down onto his stomach. He could see HyunJoong be taken down right in front of him, pulled off the man he’d attacked. HyungJoon was yelling and trying to fight back the people coming for YoungSaeng, until a dart found his neck and he slumped over onto the ground.

Blinking back tears, JungMin strained to reach out for HyunJoong’s limp hand, and felt himself being pulled away as everything finally went black.


“…HyunJoong oppa…HyunJoong oppa, wake up, please…”

A cool hand was pressed against HyunJoong’s forehead, smoothing back his bangs and fingertips rubbing his temple slightly as the person hovering over him sniffled softly.

HyunJoong slowly came to as he felt the soothing touch. Clenching his eyes tight as the throbbing from the strike returned, he hissed quietly before slowly opening his eyes. Hovering above him was HaRa, tears in her eyes.

"HaRa?" he murmured, confused. He closed his eyes again and tried to remember what happened. He remembered strangers wanting YoungSaeng, and then a fight. After that, JungMin...

Gasping as his eyes flew open, HyunJoong shot up, ignoring the intense vertigo the action caused as he frantically looked around the room.

"JungMin?!" he called out, panicking as he remembered what had happened.

The living room was silent except for soft sobbing, KyuJong’s parents holding EunAh tightly as she cried. Nicole was shaking HyungJoon’s shoulders in an attempt to wake him up, the youngest completely unconscious and a used dart lying beside him.

There was no one else.

“Oppa, you need to calm down, you were hit hard,” HaRa whispered, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Ignoring her, HyunJoong continued looking around before he tried getting to his feet, the dizziness bringing him right back to the ground, hand going to his head.

"Fucking hell," he murmured, eyes closed in an attempt to rid himself of the vertigo and the ringing in his ears.

"They're gone, aren't they?" he asked after a minute of silence. Not waiting for an answer, he continued. "They wanted Saeng. His father turned him in for having powers," he mumbled. "One saw his power activate and pulled a gun, but Kyu...he vanished after he was hit," he explained before looking up at HaRa. "Saeng said for you to stay here to heal him the second he comes back."

HaRa stared up at him, lower lip quivering as she tried to stop her tears. “B-but…we don’t know if he’s going to come back,” she whimpered.

It was true. Lost in time, KyuJong could appear at any moment. It could be ten minutes…ten days…or a hundred years in the future or past. And there was no guarantee he would be alive when he did reappear.

“HaRa, I need you over here, he’s not waking up,” Nicole sniffled. HaRa crawled over to where HyungJoon was laying, placed her hands lightly on his forehead.

"H-He'll come back," EunAh murmured, muffled by her father's shirt. "He always comes back," she stated, more for herself than anyone else in the room.

Smiling slightly for the girl's sake, HyunJoong looked over at HyungJoon. "Those darts took Min and Saeng out almost instantly," he explained. "Joon was probably out before he even hit the ground."

“I can wake him up, I just need a moment,” HaRa murmured, closing her eyes as her hands started to glow softly.

“So what are we going to do?” Nicole asked softly, wiping away her tears and looking up at HyunJoong. “What are they going to do with YoungSaeng and JungMin oppadeul?”

Laying back down on the floor, HyunJoong sighed, draping his arm over his eyes. "I don't know," he finally replied. A quiet groan drew his attention, though, as HyungJoon came to.

"What hit me?" he mumbled, words a bit slurred.

"That would be a tranq dart," HyunJoong explained.

“Don’t move too fast, I can’t get rid of it completely,” HaRa whispered, pulling her hands back and resting against Nicole.

HyungJoon slowly sat up, wincing as he rubbed his eyes. “What happened?” he murmured, looking around slowly. EunAh started to cry again as HaRa and Nicole re-explained what had just occurred.

Listening to the girls explain everything, HyungJoon suddenly jumped. Looking over, he saw that HyunJoong had slammed his fist into the ground, practically shaking. Swallowing, HyungJoon struggled up, smiling gratefully when Nicole helped him over to their friend's side.

"Hey, it's okay, HyunJoongie Hyung. Kyu'll come back eventually and then we'll all go get Saeng and Min together."

HyunJoong listened to HyungJoon, but was unable to speak for a while. "...I hope you're right, Joonie..."

They would just have to wait and hope that KyuJong returned quickly.

If he even returned at all.




Well, this is sort of the end...of Arc 1 =P  Why isn't this marked "Unlock Arc 1" then?  Because we didn't plan that far in advance Because we're sneaky like that.

Starting next monday, look forward to "Unlock: Arc II"! \o/

(No, we have no idea how long this thing is gonna be)

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/jungmin, writing: roleplay, fandom: kara

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