Unlock - Chapter Forty

Apr 27, 2011 21:20

Title: Unlock
Authors: renichifreak and yeonah 
Chapter: 40/?
Fandom: SS501, cameos by KARA
Pairings: KyuSaeng, HyunMin (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N:  YoungSaeng and HyunJoong are played by renichifreak and KyuJong and JungMin are played by me.  Updates will be every Wednesday <3

Back outside HyungJoon's room, HyunJoong had just managed to get JungMin out and started towards their rooms.

"Hyun, I don't want to go back to my room," the redhead whined, having trouble walking straight. "Cause then I'll have to listen to KyuJong and YoungSaeng, and don't let their quietness fool you, they are loud. Very loud."

HyunJoong had to laugh at that. "Why am I not surprised by that one?" he asked. Shrugging, he slung JungMin's arm over his shoulder, making sure that his skin was covered of course, before winding his own arm around the redhead's waist. "You can crash out in my room, okay?"

JungMin brightened. "Okay!" He bounced a little happily, before tripping over his own feet and nearly bringing them both to the ground. "Oops, sorry," he grinned sheepishly. "I'll just...walk. Didn't drink that much..." he sniffed, giving a major pout as he leaned on HyunJoong.

"You've never drank before, so of course it's gonna hit you more," HyunJoong laughed as he led the drunk redhead through the halls and toward his room. Once they arrived, HyunJoong carefully got his key out and managed to open the door after a couple of tries. While he wasn't drunk, he was definitely feeling the alcohol.

“Well tell it to stop,” JungMin huffed, nearly running into the doorframe as HyunJoong brought him inside. He dropped down to sit on HyunJoong’s bed, pouting at him. “My head’s spinny.” He tugged on HyunJoong’s shirt to bring him down onto the bed too.

HyunJoong snickered at JungMin, watching him fall onto his bed. The snicker turned into a yelp as he suddenly found himself faceplanting onto his mattress when he was pulled down, his balance a bit off due to the alcohol.

Looking up, HyunJoong pouted right back at JungMin. "That wasn't nice."

“Neither is laughing at me, you jerk,” JungMin sniffed, wrinkling his nose at him before he started poking HyunJoong’s sides.

Squirming at the pokes, HyunJoong moved to do the same. "Let's see how you like it."

Yelping, JungMin squirmed and poked back. Suddenly HyunJoong got a ticklish spot hidden under the sweater he always wore and he shrieked, jumping and nearly falling off the bed.

Falling back as he was almost smacked in the face, HyunJoong reached out and grabbed JungMin before he fell off the bed. "So it's not just me that's ticklish here, is it now?" he asked smugly.

JungMin pouted at the older boy. “Stop looking so smug, or I’ll tickle you back.” He scrambled back up onto the bed properly, managing to sit up.

"You can barely stay on a bed. I don't think I have too much to worry about," HyunJoong teased, poking JungMin's cheek quick enough to only get a light zap.

“Is that a challenge?” JungMin glared at HyunJoong before suddenly all but jumping on him, gloved hands at his sides and tickling as best as he could.

Shrieking, HyunJoong began flailing about in an attempt to get JungMin off him, but the redhead kept hitting him in the spots that were the most ticklish. Not that he could move very well with JungMin all but pinning him down, of course.

Continuing to tickle the older boy, JungMin finally had to stop because he was laughing too much. He grinned down victoriously at HyunJoong, practically straddling his waist. “Can’t stay on the bed, huh?”

Taking deep breaths to regain what he had lost due to laughing, HyunJoong grinned up at JungMin. "Doesn't count since you're holding on to something, namely me."

“I’m still on the bed, so it does count,” JungMin stuck his tongue back out at him, gloved fingers curling into HyunJoong’s shirt.

HyunJoong returned the gesture, reddening slightly at the closeness. "You're such a brat," he muttered, amusement clear in his tone and smile turning his lips.

“I know. Are you complaining?” JungMin huffed at him. He wanted to kiss HyunJoong again, but even with all the alcohol knew that wasn’t a good idea…especially with the alcohol. So he rolled off of HyunJoong after a moment, landing on his back beside him with an ‘oof’.

Letting out a quiet laugh at the 'oof', HyunJoong rolled onto his side and smiled. "Why would I complain?" he asked, teasingly poking him in the side again.

Yelping, JungMin squirmed. “Stop that you.” He poked HyunJoong’s stomach. “And just because. I’m gonna tickle you again if you don’t’ stop.”

Having too much fun, and letting the alcohol drive him a bit, HyunJoong smiled and poked him again.

Scowling, JungMin put both hands out and under the edge of HyunJoong’s shirt, tickling him again.

That set off another round of laughter. HyunJoong was glad that it was still somewhat early and that his roommate wasn't around, because he truly enjoyed the time he could spend with the fiery redhead.

The hands on his skin, though, were tugging his mind into another direction altogether.

By the time JungMin had stopped tickling him, he had squirmed closer and gotten half on top of him again, pouting at HyunJoong in mock anger while pinning the older boy’s legs down so he couldn’t get away. “Now, you behave.”

"Lucky for you that I can't really move then, huh?" HyunJoong responded, squirming a bit in discomfort.

“I can sit on you again if you want,” JungMin huffed, wrinkling his nose. Both his hands were still under HyunJoong’s shirt, one against his side and the other flat against his stomach. He could feel the warmth through the gloves.

HyunJoong looked up at JungMin with a smile. The feeling of his hands on his stomach and side felt good, even if it was the leather of his gloves. "You practically are already, Min," he said back.

“Practically isn’t the same,” JungMin pouted down at him. “This is sitting on you.” And with that he straddled HyunJoong’s waist properly, knees pressing into the bed on either side of the older boy.

Eyes widening at JungMin's alcohol-induced boldness - or so he thought - HyunJoong bit his lower lip, not a clue as to what to say that won't make him sound like a stuttering fool.

Grinning down at HyunJoong, JungMin poked at his stomach lightly under the shirt. “See? Now you can’t move even more.” Of course HyunJoong was more than strong enough to dump JungMin off the bed, but JungMin would enjoy his victory while it lasted.

Hesitating for a moment, HyunJoong blinked up at JungMin, request in his eyes. "C'm'ere," he said, smiling slightly at the redhead.

JungMin blinked at him questioningly. After a moment he leaned down more. “Like this?” He didn’t want to get too close, lest he zap HyunJoong; the alcohol was doing funny things to his electricity.

"Closer,” HyunJoong said as he slowly and shakily activated his power. If this was how he would get practice at using it, he would never shut it down.

The redhead’s eyes widened as he felt the electricity leave his veins, staring down at HyunJoong. The block on his ability wasn’t solid, he could feel how shaky it was due to the alcohol, but it was holding. He wasn’t dangerous.

And that was more than enough for him to lean down the rest of the way, pressing his mouth against HyunJoong’s insistently.

Sighing happily as JungMin kissed him, HyunJoong shifted enough to wrap an arm around his neck, resting the other hand against his cheek as he returned it with just as much urgency.

"Gloves, Min..." he murmured against his lips when they parted for air.

“R-Right,” JungMin gasped, eyes only half-open as he fumbled to pull off his gloves without removing his hands from under HyunJoong’s shirt. When his bare fingers brushed against HyunJoong’s stomach, the redhead brightened, kissing HyunJoong and biting lightly on his lower lip.

Between JungMin's lips pressed firmly against his and his fingers against his stomach, HyunJoong could do little more than moan loudly at the attention. Parting his lips, HyunJoong let his tongue slip past JungMin's lips, running over teeth before exploring his mouth in an attempt to familiarize himself with the redhead.

A muffled moan came from JungMin at the tongue in his mouth, pushing back playfully. His legs tightened their grip around HyunJoong's waist, fingers exploring under the material of the other boy's shirt. When he felt HyunJoong's bare arm brush against the sweater collar, he released a whine of frustration at the lack of contact. He really hated his sweater.

Hearing the whine, HyunJoong broke the kiss for air, gauging his energy as well. Looking at JungMin, he brushed his lips over his slightly. "I can keep this up for another five minutes. You won't hurt me if you take that off, I promise," he murmured, playing with the sweater collar.

Opening his eyes at HyunJoong's words, JungMin swallowed, sorely tempted. Being able to touch was amazing, and he couldn't get enough of it. But the light touches against the back of his neck was driving him crazy, especially when he knew he would be able to feel so much more if the sweater wasn't there.

The younger boy gave in after a moment, pushing himself back up into a sitting position before pulling the sweater over his head, his shirt coming up as well before he tugged it back down. Like usual, he was wearing just a thin, sleeveless shirt underneath.

HyunJoong swallowed when JungMin's shirt rode up with the sweater, mouth going dry at the sight of the pale flesh. Looking him in the eyes, HyunJoong slowly ran his free hand down JungMin's chest before slipping it beneath the sleeveless shirt.

The hesitant touch quickly became a hand against JungMin's stomach, as HyunJoong was amazed at the heat of the body above him.

Setting the sweater to one side, JungMin was caught entirely by surprise at the hand first against his shirt, then under his shirt. A strangled noise came from his throat as his face exploded into a blush, breathing becoming less even. It felt good, more than good.

Lips parting to let out a shaky breath, JungMin arched into the hand against his stomach, desperately wanting to feel more of that contact. His own hands slowly ran up the length of HyunJoong's arms, feeling the strong muscles, then along his clothed chest.

When JungMin pressed into his hand, HyunJoong leaned forward and kissed the redhead, allowing his hand to travel further up his chest, exploring every inch.

He sighed happily when he felt JungMin's hands run down his arms and chest as well, loving the hesitation and care.

A moan spilled from JungMin's mouth as he felt HyunJoong's hand against his chest, arms shaking as he tried to stop himself from falling forward. Kissing HyunJoong back, he jerked slightly and moaned whenever HyunJoong's hand brushed over a sensitive spot, the redhead unused to physical contact of any kind, let alone this.

Heart pounding in his chest, JungMin's fingers pressed against the material of HyunJoong's shirt, running along his sides. He wanted to push his hands back under the older boy's shirt and feel his skin again, but that would mean interfering with the hands under his shirt and he wasn't doing that ever. He whispered HyunJoong's name against the other boy's mouth, finally breaking the kiss to breath unevenly against HyunJoong's neck.

JungMin's reactions sent shivers through HyunJoong's body, loving the way his body felt under his fingertips and how his name sounded when breathed out against his lips. If there was one thing that HyunJoong wanted at that moment, it was to never stop touching and learning about the body straddling his own.

Unfortunately, HyunJoong's still horribly underdeveloped power disagreed as he felt his control begin to slip, the door rattling slightly.

Lost in the sensations running through him, JungMin gave a startled squeak when he suddenly released a static shock against HyunJoong's neck. The redhead sat up, arms shaking as he looked down at HyunJoong, his entire face and neck flushed.

Now that he was focusing, he could feel the electricity fighting to come back, nestled inside his body and waiting to shoot out through his limbs. "We should...probably..." he murmured, shivering at the hands that were still against his chest.

Stunned by the sudden shock, HyunJoong opened his eyes when JungMin sat up so suddenly. Feeling just how unstable his power was getting, HyunJoong nodded shakily, just as flushed as JungMin.

"P-probably a good idea," he murmured, but made no effort to move. A moment later, however, something suddenly struck HyunJoong, making him look at JungMin nervously.

"Sorry, but I...” Pausing, HyunJoong felt himself lean forward, brushing his lips against the scar that ran across the redhead's neck, kiss feather light.

Blinking in confusion, JungMin's breath left him at the kiss against the scar, eyes widening in utter shock. Even when HyunJoong had pulled back, the redhead stared at him with his lips parted in surprise at the action.

Inexplicably, he could feel tears starting to prickle the back of his eyes, lips quivering a little as something swelled up in his chest and made it hard to breathe.

Then he had jumped forward and kissed HyunJoong full on the mouth again, screw static shocks, shoulders shaking a little before he threw his arms around HyunJoong's neck.

HyunJoong fell back with a muffled cry as JungMin all but attached himself to him, lips firmly attached to his own. He ignored the small jolts when he noticed the shaking of JungMin's shoulders.

Once they parted, but not without a few returns and butterfly kisses along the way, HyunJoong tilted his head at the redhead. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly, hand moving to run through JungMin's hair soothingly.

It took a moment for JungMin to recover enough to realize what HyunJoong was asking, breathing uneven as he opened his eyes again. Swallowing, he wasn't sure what to say, but the simple action had made him feel so relieved.

"You're...okay with this," he mumbled, one hand going to his scar, fingers trembling slightly. The hand in his hair helped to relax him, JungMin leaning into it. "It's...not...It's not something that's easy for me to..." he didn't know how to explain it. "Everyone hates it," he said after a moment, looking down. "I hate it."

HyunJoong listen closely before smiling, moving his hand down to JungMin's neck. "We all have scars, Min. Look at Saeng. The mental scars are horrific. Yours just happen to be a bit more visible," he explained quietly. "Besides, this is part of who you are, and I kinda fell for the crazy nutjob you are, after all," he added with a small chuckle.

JungMin's lips quivered, and he couldn't help but smile at that. "Admit it, things would be boring if I wasn't," he snorted, but he'd relaxed more, leaning into the hand against his neck. "...Thank you."

He knew he was keeping things from HyunJoong, but he wasn't going to ruin this now. Not when he finally felt at peace.

"I don't even remember what normal is anymore, you crazy redhead," HyunJoong grinned. "And there's no need to thank me, but I'll accept it just the same."

Chuckling, JungMin kissed HyunJoong again, reluctant to break the contact he had craved for years. But he could feel HyunJoong's hold on his power was slipping, and after accidentally releasing another static shock the younger boy broke the kiss, climbing off of HyunJoong. "We'll have to continue this when we're not intoxicated," he smiled, then yelped as he nearly toppled backwards off the bed.

Still flustered somewhat from the kiss, HyunJoong choked on a laugh and reached out to catch JungMin before he fell off the bed. "Slow down there, Drunk Wonder," he teased lightly. "If you want to change into something a bit more comfortable to sleep in, you can go through my clothes." He hesitated before continuing. "You can also take my bed and I'll sleep in my roommate's."

HyunJoong had recalled what JungMin had said about sharing a bed when they were at KyuJong's, and as much as he wanted to, he understood.

Steadying himself, JungMin blinked at what HyunJoong was saying and nodded along, the silly smile on his lips fading somewhat at the idea of being in different beds. He wasn't so drunk that he didn't know why sleeping in the same bed just wasn't possible though.

"All right," he said, standing unsteadily and looking around for HyunJoong's closet. "Being deadly sucks," he muttered to himself, finally seeing it and going to find something to change into.

Hearing the comment, HyunJoong got to his feet and padded over to his closet as well. Making sure he had enough control to do it, he wrapped an arm around JungMin's waist and dropped a kiss to the back of JungMin's neck. "I suppose that we just need to work on making you a little less deadly, huh?" he said before reaching out and grabbing a pair of pajama bottoms and a sleeveless shirt.

Flushing at the unexpected kiss, JungMin looked over his shoulder at HyunJoong. "Can't wait for that," he murmured, lips curled upwards a little before he found a pair of long-sleeved pajamas that looked like they might fit. "You can let go of my electricity now," he said, bending down to pick up his gloves from where they'd fallen on the floor and pulling them back on.

Nodding his head, HyunJoong kissed JungMin a final time for the night before releasing his hold on JungMin's powers. Once that was done, a slight dizzy spell hit, causing HyunJoong to have to sit down for a moment. "Well, I'm gonna sleep well tonight," he chuckled. It had been worth it, though.

JungMin licked his lips a little, still able to taste HyunJoong. He definitely couldn't wait until his own control was better...if it would get better.

"Good,” he grinned. "No peeking," he kicked HyunJoong's shin lightly before going into the bathroom to change. He was careful to make sure the gloves were secure before flipping on the light switch, closing the door.

"Damn, you caught on to my brilliant plan," HyunJoong stated, pouting playfully as JungMin entered the bathroom and closed the door. Once he was stable again, he stood up and changed quickly, depositing his clothes into the hamper in the corner and dropping onto his roommate's bed while he waited for JungMin to come back out.

He was too tired and dazed to think rationally about what was going on between them, so HyunJoong stored it in the back of his mind for later.

The redhead returned a minute later, clothes in his arms to drop out of the way; he'd deal with it in the morning. The leather of his gloves felt rough after HyunJoong's soft skin, but he sucked it up and climbed onto the bed HyunJoong had vacated, collapsing with an 'oof'. "I didn't drink enough for a hangover, right?" He doubted he'd be able to sleep, not with the electricity back, but that was fine.

Looking up when JungMin returned, HyunJoong shrugged lightly. "All depends on you really. I rarely get hangovers, but that's because I have a way better tolerance for alcohol," he explained. "You shouldn't though, but don't be surprised if you wake up with a headache."

"Fun," JungMin drawled. "If I do, it's your fault." He buried himself under the comforter, inhaling deeply. It smelled like HyunJoong.

"I didn't exactly force you to drink, y'know," HyunJoong laughed quietly.

JungMin was silent for a long minute, only his eyes showing from under the blankets as he looked at HyunJoong across the room.

"Aren't you scared I'm going to kill you?" he asked quietly.

Hearing JungMin's question, he looked over, just looking. "No," he finally replied.

"Why?" JungMin asked simply. His eyes were tired now, but it wasn't a physical exhaustion. "I could kill you. Several times today alone, I could have killed you. Just by touching your hand."

"I don't know why. I just know that while you could, you won't," HyunJoong replied honestly.

"You don't know that," the younger boy murmured. "It could be by accident again. Either way, you'd be dead. I won't be mad if you're scared of me, you know. I scare myself sometimes. So out of control." It wasn't clear if it was the alcohol making him talk, but it probably was.

HyunJoong listened to JungMin before he finally answered. "I'll admit that your ability may make me nervous, or at least did, but not once have I ever been afraid of you."

There had been something off with what JungMin had said, but he couldn't place his finger on it until after he had spoken. "Wait...again?" he asked.

Blinking at HyunJoong uncomprehendingly from under the blankets, JungMin seemed to go over what he had said before paling. The only reaction visible under the comforter was a slight recoil, but it was enough.

"...Accident...” he mumbled. "It was an accident," he repeated, curling up more under the blankets.

Blinking, HyunJoong got up out of bed and padded over to where JungMin was, crouching down so he could look JungMin in the eyes. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell me about it, but I'm here if you need to, okay?" he said, voice soothing.

Maybe drinking wasn't such a good idea after all, because JungMin was talking more than he planned to, and it was getting to be far too personal. As were the tears he could feel building but managed to keep back. "I didn't mean to," he whispered. "You would be right to be scared of me. And stupid not to be. I don't want to hurt you. You don't know what I can do. Please say you're scared of me."

"Min ah, listen to me, okay? Yes, you have a dangerous ability. Yes, you can cause some serious damage with it if you tried. But I am absolutely without a doubt, not afraid of you. You are a good person, and so endearing. So I will never be afraid of you; ever."

JungMin just looked at him for a long moment. "You should be," he said quietly. "It's safer to be, because then you'd stay away from me." He swallowed thickly. "Promise me something?"

HyunJoong blinked, confused and more than a little worried. "What is it?"

"If I lose it...they can't let me back out again. Just tell them that."

HyunJoong felt his heart drop into his stomach at that quiet request. Not caring if he overdid it, he locked down JungMin's power and kissed him, hoping that the reassurance would help even just a little.

The press of lips against his finally seemed to make something snap, and JungMin disentangled his arms from the comforter to wrap them around HyunJoong's neck, all but attaching himself to the older boy. Tears slid down his cheeks, fingers trembling as he curled them into HyunJoong's collar.

He had never been so scared before in his life.

Pulling away as he felt the tears against his cheeks, HyunJoong smiled and wiped them from JungMin's eyes. "Yah, I'll say this much. If they try to lock you up, they'll have to go through me, you got it?" he murmured, lips brushing JungMin's lightly.

Sniffling a little, JungMin's lips curved into a wobbly smile against HyunJoong's. "Then you're crazier than me," he whispered, swallowing thickly as he clung to HyunJoong for a while longer, needing the comfort. "Thank you."

"I hope you aren't just now realizing that. I mean, look who I hang out with," HyunJoong chuckled, tucking the redhead's head under his chin after climbing back into the bed with him for comfort.

JungMin blinked as he felt the bed dip under the added weight, peeking up at the other boy through his bangs. "Isn't this a strain for you?" he murmured, not removing his arms from around HyunJoong's neck.

"A bit, but this is more important right now," HyunJoong explained matter-of-factly. "We'll think of it as practice if it helps, but I'm not letting go until I absolutely have to," he assured.

"You're going to knock yourself out good," JungMin muttered, but he wasn't complaining, burrowing against the warm body and trying not to think about how in a few minutes at the most, this would have to end. "Why can't I have control like the rest of you?"

"I don't care if I do," HyunJoong said. "And I'm surprised that I'm able to control this. Maybe it's because I want this so much and this ability isn't too far off from the other one."

That said, he found himself pausing. "I have an idea to help if you're interested."

Lips quirking upwards slightly at hearing that HyunJoong wanted to be able to do this, JungMin opened his eyes and blinked up at him. "What's the idea?" He was slowly calming down now, the tears having stopped except for a slight sheen over his eyes.

"It's a way for us both. You get to work on control, and I can learn to fine tune," HyunJoong began. "I can lock down most of your power and you can try working to control that. Once you can do it, I'll let out a bit more, then a bit more after that. Your power is so strong because electricity is so powerful in and of itself, yes?"

JungMin thought about that, biting his lower lip. "When this was just starting...I used to be able to stop it for quick things," he murmured, fingers twining into the material of HyunJoong's shirt. "But when it started getting bad, I couldn't do anything to stop it." He looked up at HyunJoong. "You think it would work?"

"I think it could," HyunJoong replied. "You said that you could control it in the beginning when it was less, so I don't see why you couldn't do it again."

"I hope you're right," JungMin murmured. "We can...try in the morning or something." He buried his nose in HyunJoong's collar, closing his eyes again. "I want to be able to do things like this on my own."

"You will, Min. It may take some time, but you will," HyunJoong murmured, placing a kiss to the top of JungMin's head.

HyunJoong knew that he had pushed it a bit too far when he could feel the strain of forcing his ability. The pressure in his mind felt as though he was being stabbed with a sharp object as he let out a quiet hiss of pain. He knew that he should let go, but both he and JungMin needed this at the moment.

JungMin's eyes opened at the hiss, swallowing as he realized time was up. If HyunJoong didn't let go now, he risked making himself sick again.

"It's okay, you can let go of me now," he said quietly, leaning up to kiss HyunJoong's jaw lightly. "Thank you."

HyunJoong's eyelids fluttered at JungMin's lips against his jaw. "If you're sure," he said quietly, head ringing. Turning his head slightly, he kissed JungMin before moving just enough so that JungMin wouldn't shock him, but he still kept his arms around him. Shutting his own power down, HyunJoong sighed as the strain finally eased.

The redhead had his cheek pressed against the material of HyunJoong's shirt, looking at his gloves holding on to the shirt loosely. "Should I go to the other bed?" he asked quietly. HyunJoong didn't seem to have any energy left to move, and he wouldn't blame him.

"No, I can move..." HyunJoong mumbled before slowly moving to sit up, body sluggish. After a minute, he got to his feet and padded to the other bed on shaky legs, finally dropping down with a sigh. After another minute of fighting with the blanket, which was sadly winning the fight, HyunJoong was comfortable, barely awake.

JungMin watched HyunJoong go in case he fell, curling up into the warm hollow the older boy had left behind.

"Night," he murmured, though he knew he wouldn't be sleeping. That was okay. He could watch HyunJoong like this.

Reaching out to turn off the light, HyunJoong opened his eyes enough to look over at JungMin. He smiled tiredly at the sight. "Night."

He was out within seconds.

Smiling a little, JungMin burrowed himself under the comforter again. He kept a hole for him to look out with though, watching HyunJoong as he slept and wondering what it would feel like to fall asleep next to him, without gloves or sweaters or anything in the way.

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/jungmin, writing: roleplay, fandom: kara

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