Unlock - Chapter Thirty-Nine

Apr 20, 2011 21:45

Title: Unlock
Authors: renichifreak and yeonah 
Chapter: 39/?
Fandom: SS501, cameos by KARA
Pairings: KyuSaeng, HyunMin (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N:  YoungSaeng and HyunJoong are played by renichifreak and KyuJong and JungMin are played by me.  Updates will be every Wednesday <3

Parting from the others, HyunJoong and JungMin headed past HyungJoon's room and toward his own. "You did good, Min," HyunJoong stated, eyes trained to the ground just in case the heat in his face had nothing to do with the persistent fever.

“Glad I can play a convincing psychotic murderer,” JungMin snorted, though his cheeks colored anyways. “You were awesome yourself, a born actor. Especially considering you were always asleep in practice,” he smirked.

"Yah," HyunJoong retorted with a smile. "I wasn't always asleep..." He paused.” I think I remember when you joined, plus a few others." 

Once they'd reached his room, he opened the door and sighed. They may have well just given him a single room with how often his roommate was there. "Come on in. I just have to grab the bottles."

JungMin slipped into the room. “Let me help,” he grinned, arms out. Truthfully he didn’t think alcohol was that good of an idea, and couldn’t be a good mix with electricity, but oh well. He’d just run for it if it got bad.

Chuckling, HyunJoong nodded and walked over to the closet. Moving around a few things, he crouched down and pulled out a few bottles. Two were soju, and one vodka. Standing, he picked up the three and handed two to JungMin.

"Sneaky~, having these in school." Taking the two he was offered, JungMin held them against his sweater so that the labels weren't visible. "How good are you with alcohol?" He bounced on his heels while waiting for HyunJoong to finish up.

Returning everything to where it was, the older boy closed the door and turned back. "You'd be surprised by how much I can drink," HyunJoong told him.

The redhead grinned at him. "Guess we'll have to see." He knew he himself was lousy with alcohol (hospital confinement once again), so this would be...interesting. He wasn't worried though. "Let's go let's go!" He hurried out of the room and into the hallway.

Pausing for a second, HyunJoong reached out into the hallway and tugged JungMin back in, careful not to make the other drop the bottles. Once the door was closed, he began shifting from one foot to the other. "Okay, Min, I wanna try something...can I?" he asked.

Blinking owlishly at HyunJoong, JungMin looked behind him at the closed door before returning his gaze to the older boy. "Sure? What is it?"

Placing his bottle on the table and then taking the two that JungMin had and placing them beside it, HyunJoong bit his lower lip in nervousness before resting his hands on JungMin's shoulders.

Focusing, he carefully closed JungMin's door, though left it open a crack before leaning in and kissing him, letting out something of a giggle as he felt only the slightest tingle from the redhead's lips.

Eyes widening as he felt the electricity leave except for a small tickle, JungMin's breath left him as HyunJoong's lips pressed against his own. The shock only lasted a second before he returned the kiss enthusiastically, throwing his arms around HyunJoong's neck and pressing close.

He didn't know why HyunJoong hadn't sealed his power completely, only that such a small amount of electricity wouldn't be dangerous. He took full advantage of the moment, basking in the contact and the taste of the older boy.

Sighing happily when JungMin kissed him back, HyunJoong brought his own hands up and, once he knew that his power was secure, carefully slipped JungMin's gloves off. Letting them fall to the floor, he placed his hands on JungMin's waist and lower back.

He was thankful for the wall behind him since he probably would have fallen otherwise.

The dull thump of his gloves hitting the floor reached JungMin's ears, feeling the air against his hands. Once he realized it was safe, he brought one hand to twine into HyunJoong's hair, the other rested against the back of his neck and caressing the soft skin, slipping under his collar a little. JungMin whispered HyunJoong's name against the other boy's mouth, pleadingly.

Hearing his name on JungMin's lips did little for his self-control, but since he was still somewhat unwell, HyunJoong needed all the control he could muster. Parting his lips, HyunJoong pressed a bit closer, lightly nibbling on JungMin's lower lip, hoping that was what the quiet plea meant.

JungMin's eyes fluttered shut, parting his own lips with a soft noise in the back of his throat. He stepped in closer, tugging lightly on HyunJoong's hair. Finally he had to break the kiss to breathe, panting against HyunJoong's lips. His fingers ran through HyunJoong's hair before cupping his face gently.

When JungMin pulled away, HyunJoong took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes. He was certain that the heat was not from the fever this time, nor was the lightheadedness. He released a quiet sound at the hand in his hair, tilting into the other hand cupping his cheek. His lips still tingled from the kiss, but it seemed to increase the pleasure he got from it, if that was at all possible.

Slowly regaining the ability to breath, JungMin opened his own eyes, staring into HyunJoong's. His fingers ran along HyunJoong's skin. "I meant what I said, about you being a good kisser," he murmured, just as red as his hair as he looked at the older boy.

HyunJoong felt his lips curve slightly at the compliment. "So are you. Far better than anyone I've ever kissed before...” Not that there were very many, of course.

JungMin blushed a little. He ran his thumb over HyunJoong's cheek. "You should probably let my electricity come back, huh?" he murmured. "Before you pass out again."

"That's actually part of the reason why I didn't close it completely," HyunJoong replied. "It's not quite as stressful on me to leave it partly open than to close it off." Pausing, his eyes turned away in a rare act of shyness. "Besides, I don't wanna stop quite yet..."

Blinking, JungMin's lips curled upwards slightly. "No? What do you want to do then?" His lips found the corner of the older boy's jaw, his hands sliding down to rest against HyunJoong's chest.

Lips parting at the caress, HyunJoong forgot what he wanted to say for a moment. "I just want to stay like this for a few more minutes," he answered, looping his arms around his neck somewhat loosely.

"We can do that." JungMin kissed HyunJoong's jaw again before resting his head on the other boy's shoulder. One hand trailed along HyunJoong's arm and pulled it away from his neck, twining his fingers with HyunJoong's. "I don't understand why," he murmured after a moment.

Gripping JungMin's hand lightly, HyunJoong pulled away slightly, looking at JungMin in curiosity. "What don't you understand?" he asked, head tilted.

"Why you're being like this to me," JungMin said quietly. It was a little easier to think now, head less clouded by the kiss. "Why you're helping me so much, letting me be able to do things like kiss you...I don't get it."

Blinking in surprise, HyunJoong blushed more than he already was. "I'm not entirely selfless here," he admitted quietly, playing with the hand holding his. "Somewhere along the line, I kinda got a crush on someone, and have been wanting to let him know for awhile, but something kept getting in the way," he explained before smiling and bringing his free hand to rest against JungMin's cheek. "Luckily, I developed this nifty little power to help with that."

Listening to him, JungMin flushed, leaning into the hand against his cheek. "Someone?" he murmured, but his lips were slowly curling upwards, realizing what HyunJoong meant. The hand against HyunJoong's chest curled into the fabric of his shirt. He definitely enjoyed HyunJoong's new power, that was for sure. Even the simple touch against his cheek meant so much.

"Yeah," HyunJoong said, returning the smile with a lopsided one of his own. "Some crazy redhead who drives me crazy in absolutely every way imaginable." He leaned forward to brush his lips against JungMin's. "And I wouldn't want it any other way."

Chuckling, JungMin returned the kiss, biting on HyunJoong's lower lip lightly. "Good, because I'm not about to stop anytime soon." He deepened the kiss, enjoying HyunJoong's taste, before slowly easing back. "They're going to wonder if we stayed here to drink all the soju alone though," he chuckled, not at all wanting to let go of this moment.

HyunJoong laughed, breath warm against JungMin's lips. "Let them wonder. I'm pretty sure they know something's up if the looks YoungSaeng's been giving me are anything to go by," he teased lightly before leaning forward again, already addicted to the unique flavor of the redhead.

They should probably get going, but JungMin definitely wasn't going to protest. Meeting him halfway in an open-mouthed kiss, JungMin pressed up against the older boy, desperately wanting to feel more, more than just rough clothing and leather that kept the others safe from him.

Hesitating for a moment, HyunJoong parted his lips, tongue slipping into the other's mouth and twining around JungMin's teasingly. Feeling JungMin's desperation, HyunJoong took one of JungMin's hands and placed it on his waist, just under the t-shirt he was wearing. He understood that all JungMin wanted to do was feel, and he had no problem allowing it within reason.

A low moan slipped from JungMin at the tongue in his mouth, pressing back and moving his tongue against HyunJoong's. It felt amazing, and was only getting better. When he felt warm skin under his fingertips, he slowly caressed HyunJoong's waist, enjoying the sensation.

Breaking back a little to breathe, JungMin was back again, a little bolder as his fingers brushed further up HyunJoong's side.

Taking a deep breath when JungMin pulled away, whatever HyunJoong had gained back was quickly stolen as the redhead returned, the hand moving on his side sending shivers through his body. Running a hand over the back of JungMin's neck, he had to say that he preferred this heat to the one he'd been feeling for the past couple weeks.

An almost mewl escaped JungMin's lips at the hand against the back of his neck, the fingers against his skin making him press back into HyunJoong's hand, nearly breaking the kiss in favor of feeling more of that touch. Opening his eyes, he stared into HyunJoong's eyes, fingers curling around HyunJoong's side a little more.

Thankful for the air, but sad to be away from those lips, HyunJoong swallowed as he met JungMin's eyes. His own were glazed over from both his power and the feelings running through him. Not pausing in his actions, HyunJoong brought his free hand up to run down JungMin's arm lightly. "Time to head out now, I suppose..." he murmured finally giving in before the others came looking for them.

The fact that he could feel a trickle of a headache didn't help either.

"...Yeah," JungMin murmured, slowly coming down from the high and regaining his breath. After a moment he leaned in to kiss HyunJoong again before reluctantly pulling back, crouching down to pick up his gloves. Straightening, he slipped them back on, wishing he had more time. But he was thankful for the time he did have, even if it was only a few minutes.

Once JungMin had his gloves on and HyunJoong had deactivated his own power, he watched the redhead for a moment. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" he asked suddenly, looking around the room; anywhere but at JungMin.

JungMin blinked at HyunJoong, adjusting his gloves. "Tomorrow?" He shook his head. "Nothing in particular. Why?" He picked up the two bottles of soju again.

"Because, tomorrow we won't have the others to get back to," HyunJoong stated, face bright as he picked at his shirt nervously, watching JungMin out of the corner of his eye.

Blinking owlishly at the older boy, JungMin took that in and flushed, chewing on his lower lip. But his lips quivered before curling into a smile. "So, I guess I should consider myself booked?" he murmured, eyes brightening at the prospect.

Looking up at JungMin's reply, HyunJoong slowly smiled at the redhead. "Unless there's someone else you'd rather spend the day with," he chuckled quietly. Inside, however, he was practically doing cartwheels.

JungMin wrinkled his nose, making a show of thinking. "No one comes to mind, no." His eyes danced. "Come on, let's go have fun!" He bounced to the door, energy returned with the electricity.

Laughing at JungMin and his crazy energy, HyunJoong nodded his head and followed after the redhead. "Calm down, Sparky. I'm right behind you," he teased, unable to resist.

The redhead blinked owlishly at HyunJoong, mouth open. “Sparky?!” He tried to scowl at HyunJoong, and failed utterly because he was also trying not to laugh. “Yah, I’m not some Pokémon, and I didn’t see you complaining when you didn’t seal the electricity all the way.”

"Well I could definitely say that same for you, Min," HyunJoong pointed out, nudging him playfully.

“Why would I complain, I got to make out with you,” JungMin grinned, adjusted his grip on the soju bottles.

Blushing, HyunJoong smiled at the comment. "Well, I definitely enjoyed that myself," he replied, wrapping his arms around the bottles he himself had.

Grinning wider, JungMin managed to return to a somewhat normal color as they reached HyungJoon’s room. “We’re here~” he announced, bouncing inside.

YoungSaeng looked up to see the two enter the room, the redness clear on HyunJoong's face and a hint left on JungMin's. "You were gone for a while. Did you find something better to do?" he asked casually, though the teasing was clear to those who noticed.

“Maybe~” JungMin grinned back at HyunJoong before placing the alcohol down on the recently cleared desk, dropping down on the unoccupied bed.

HyungJoon closed the door once they were in, watching the two girls in case they started squealing. “We have glasses,” he said, pointing at the clear plastic cups on the desk. “HyunJoong, your alcohol, wanna do the honors?”

"Sure, why not?" HyunJoong said. "Everyone, pick your poisons, as the saying goes." Picking up the soju, he filled his glass and looked around the room.

"I think I want to try vodka," YoungSaeng said finally. Nodding, HyunJoong poured him a glass.

“Soju,” JungMin chirped, bouncing. KyuJong nodded and asked for the same. HyungJoon voted for vodka, the girls divided between the two choices.

Once everyone had their drinks, HyunJoong went over to the bed and kicked JungMin lightly in an attempt to get him to move over before sitting down next to him.

Yelping, JungMin pouted before scooting over to make room.

“So, are we doing a toast?” Nicole asked, eyes dancing. “To a performance well-done?”

“Here, here!” HyungJoon lifted his glass and nearly spilled his drink.

KyuJong shifted so that he could keep one arm around YoungSaeng’s waist and hold his glass with his free hand. “Careful Joon, you haven’t even drank anything yet,” he laughed.

"I'm fine," HyungJoon pouted before taking a sip of the drink. A moment later, he gasped. "Holy shit, that's strong..."

YoungSaeng smiled and snuggled into the hold before taking a drink himself. His expression said that he felt exactly the same.

KyuJong took a bit of the soju in his hand, blinking. While it wasn’t as strong as the vodka, he didn’t have any doubt that he’d be tipsy before the glass was up. “Is it good though?” he asked his boyfriend, rubbing YoungSaeng’s side lightly.

Taking a swallow of his own drink, JungMin sneezed. “Wow, haven’t had alcohol in…well…ever, I think.”

"Very," YoungSaeng smiled, taking another sip, more this time. "I had some before, but not much," he added, replying to JungMin's statement.

HyunJoong hesitated a bit before adding his own two cents. "When the headaches would get really bad, I used to use it to dull the pain. I was lucky enough to stop before I got hooked on it, but I still drink sometimes." He chuckled a bit. "I also learned that I can drink a couple bottles of soju before getting really drunk."

“So at least one of us will be sober after this,” KyuJong chuckled. “Because I can tell you right now I won’t be.”

“I’m fine with alcohol,” Nicole shrugged. “HaRa giggles at everything and HyungJoon runs into walls.”

“I do not!” HyungJoon protested loudly.

"I can see it," YoungSaeng stated with a smile, laughing lightly at the images in his head. "How about you, Kyu yah? Ever drink before?" YoungSaeng asked, tipping his head back to look at his lover.

“Once or twice,” KyuJong laughed. “I don’t remember much of it.”

“Kyu’s a lightweight then,” JungMin grinned. "This’ll be fun. Should we play a game?”

"How many drinking games do you know?" HyunJoong asked lightly.

"What about truth?" YoungSaeng asked. "Nothing major, but it could be interesting."

“Truth? No dare?” JungMin pouted.

“I’m kind of scared what dares you come up with,” HaRa giggled.

“Sounds like fun,” KyuJong smiled. “Who starts?”

"Half of us have no idea how alcohol will affect our powers, so it's safer to avoid the dares," HyunJoong spoke up. "And how about you, Kyu?"

KyuJong blinked. “Sure, okay then.” His eyes danced mischievously as he glanced to YoungSaeng then back at HyunJoong. “Here’s a question for you, HyunJoong. What exactly were you and JungMin doing while you were taking so long bringing the alcohol?”

Choking on the drink he had just taken, HyunJoong coughed a few times before blushing brightly all over again. "Um, practicing..."

The time traveler was looking more amused by the second. “You can’t clarify that a little?” Glancing at JungMin to see his reaction, he saw the redhead looked like he was trying not to laugh at the older man, but there was a tinge of pink in his cheeks.

With a quick look at JungMin, HyunJoong took a long drink. "Let's just say that Min's a really good kisser," he said before looking back at KyuJong. "Tell me. Just how far along are you two, Kyu?" he asked as payback.

YoungSaeng reddened at the question, wondering exactly what KyuJong would say.

KyuJong blinked and turned bright red at that. JungMin started to laugh, grinning as he watched the couple.

“…Far enough along that we don’t have to worry about walking in on the other showering anymore,” he said after a moment.

Nicole released such a strange noise he had to look over to make sure she hadn’t killed herself on one of the alcohol bottles.

HyungJoon smiled brightly. "So the clothes-sharing comment is closer than I thought," he replied only to yelp when YoungSaeng's foot connected with his shin.

KyuJong laughed. “I think you set yourself up as a target, Joon.” He nudged YoungSaeng after taking another drink. “Want to do the honors?”

"Hey Joonie. What do you think of EunAh?" YoungSaeng asked with a smile.

HyungJoon blinked at him. “She’s…a very nice girl?”

Nicole thwacked him over the head, earning a yelp. “You need to do a little better than that.”

He rubbed his head ruefully. “She is nice! And kinda confusing, and she laughs a lot, and she’s kinda cute.”

KyuJong raised an eyebrow at that.

"Well from what I could see, she thinks the same about your oblivious ass," HyunJoong pointed out, chuckling as the two girls agreed.

“Eh?” HyungJoon blinked at them in confusion. “About me being confusing?”

“That too,” HaRa sighed, shaking her head.

“I’m a little worried about handing off my little sister like this,” KyuJong chuckled.

HyungJoon blinked a few times at KyuJong's statement. "Hand her off? To who?"

HaRa just stared at him before sighing. "I think I am, too, oppa."

JungMin was starting to giggle, KyuJong looking at the redhead with amusement. The alcohol must be getting to him. "Your turn, Joonie, pick someone," he said, returning his attention to the youngest.

Looking around, HyungJoon’s eyes fell on Nicole. "Yah! Do you have a crush on anyone?" Pausing to hiccup - 'lightweight' YoungSaeng thought - he added, "And why are you so mean to me?"

Nicole folded her arms across her chest. "One question, not both," she stuck out her tongue. "Choose one."

"First one," he said, pouting and waving his glass at HyunJoong with wide puppy eyes.

"No," she replied with a grin. "No crush at all. JungMin oppa," she started, turning to the redhead. "Moving away from love lives...if you're constantly super-charged, how do you shower?"

JungMin nearly snorted into his drink, coughing. When he'd recovered, he grinned. "Well away from anything electric, there are no plugs near the shower. It doesn't hurt, it's just very bright. And tingly."

The game moved on like that, the questions getting weirder and weirder the more they drank. By the time the two bottles were finished, Nicole and HyunJoong were the only ones somewhat sober. HyungJoon had fallen onto the floor and stayed there, JungMin half-hanging from the bed and playing with one of the bottles.

"I think it's time to call it quits," Nicole laughed, then bit back a squeal when KyuJong pulled YoungSaeng more securely into his lap, nose buried against his boyfriend's neck and eyes closed.

YoungSaeng moved a bit, making it easier for KyuJong before he smiled at Nicole. "What is with you and the fangirling over us? Seriously," he laughed.

"It's just so CUTE!" she whined. "Why do you both have to be so adorable, all the time, even when completely drunk?"

"We're not drunk, are we?" KyuJong blinked at YoungSaeng sleepily.

"Can't say anything about me, but you are most definitely drunk," YoungSaeng teased, taking KyuJong's hands and pulling his arms tighter around his waist. He felt extremely relaxed, which was a very nice feeling considering how often he was on guard, even unconsciously.

"Am not," KyuJong pouted, kissing YoungSaeng's neck. "Okay, maybe just a little."

YoungSaeng shivered visibly at the kiss to his neck, but didn't say a word.

"I am," JungMin said happily, and yelped as he finally leaned too far over and toppled off the bed to join HyungJoon on the floor. "Ow."

HyunJoong snorted when JungMin hit the ground. "You okay down there?" he asked, laugh clear in his voice.

"Uh-huh," JungMin grinned, rolling over onto his back to look up at HyunJoong. "Don't think I can get back up though."

"Time to get going then," HaRa giggled.

Smiling brightly, HyunJoong stood up and held his hands out to help JungMin to his feet. "Let's go, Min."

YoungSaeng watched the two with a happy grin on his face. It was so good to see JungMin so happy and HyunJoong was a great guy.

"Okay," JungMin chirped, reaching up to take the offered hands and climbing to his feet, staggering into HyunJoong a little before he got his balance back.

"We should get going too," KyuJong said, but he couldn't move with YoungSaeng in his lap, nor did he seem to want to remove his arms from around his boyfriend's waist.

Nodding at KyuJong, YoungSaeng chuckled at the lack of movement. Shifting out of KyuJong's lap, he turned back and smiled. "Let's go, love. We can relax again in the room."

"All right," KyuJong smiled, carefully standing up. Once he was sure he wasn't going to have the same fall-on-the-floor reaction as JungMin and HyungJoon, he wrapped one arm around YoungSaeng's waist, bringing him to the door.

"Relax?" JungMin grinned at them. "You sure that's what you're going to be doing?"

KyuJong had enough coordination left to kick him in the shin.

Laughing at KyuJong's reaction, YoungSaeng allowed himself to be led out of the room, but not before offering goodbyes to everyone, plus a teasing wink to JungMin.

They headed back to their dorm room slowly, neither of them really up for fast movements. "That was fun," KyuJong chuckled. He hadn't really just relaxed like that in a long while. "We should do it again sometime, especially now that we know our gifts can handle it."

"It was, and it's good to know that HyunJoong's practicing his gift in a very beneficial way," he chuckled, resting his head on KyuJong's shoulder. It was fun to be so relaxed around people other than KyuJong and he found himself wanting more of the feeling.

It wasn't too much longer before they reached their dorm room. Unlocking it, YoungSaeng opened the door and slipped his shoes off, padding over to the closest bed and falling onto it, bouncing slightly.

"Though I'd much rather be here with you, of course."

"Same," KyuJong laughed, taking off his shoes and locking the door before going to join his boyfriend on the bed. "Though I might be slightly biased." Leaning down to kiss YoungSaeng, his fingers found the younger boy's sides and he leaned back before suddenly starting to tickle him.

Smiling when KyuJong joined him, YoungSaeng returned the kiss happily. A moment later, though, he let out a squeal as his lover began tickling him, automatically flailing around to break the grip.

"Kyu! Kyu stop!!!" he laughed.

"I don't want to," KyuJong laughed, doing his best to avoid being knocked off as he tickled his boyfriend mercilessly. That lasted until a foot planted into his side and he flopped onto his back on the bed with an 'oof'.

Laughing brightly, YoungSaeng rolled over to lay on KyuJong. "You totally deserved that," he stated, arms folding and coming to rest on KyuJong's chest.

All air leaving him when YoungSaeng rolled on top of him, KyuJong grinned cheekily up at him. "It was fun while it lasted." He poked YoungSaeng in the side again before running his hand up the younger boy's back.

Squeaking at the poke, YoungSaeng placed his chin against his arms and smiled up at KyuJong, perfectly content with remaining there.

"Are you going to fall asleep there?" KyuJong chuckled, running his hand up and down YoungSaeng's back slowly before slipping it under his boyfriend's shirt, running along his skin.

YoungSaeng let out a pleased hum at the feel of the hand against his skin. "Well, I am quite comfortable here..."

KyuJong pursed his lips at the younger boy. "But I'm not tired yet, don't fall asleep on me." He trailed one finger down YoungSaeng's spine.

Smiling at KyuJong, he looked thoughtful. "Well, we're in bed already. What else is there to do besides sleep?" YoungSaeng asked casually, leaning up to brush his lips over KyuJong's lightly.

"Hm..." KyuJong kissed YoungSaeng back, tapping his fingers against the edge of YoungSaeng's jeans and dipping them under slightly. "You tell me."

Moaning lightly as KyuJong's fingers slipped past the waist of his jeans, YoungSaeng shifted up and kissed him, one hand resting on KyuJong's hip while the other cupped his cheek.

Shifting into the light touches, KyuJong parted his lips to invite YoungSaeng in with a soft noise in his throat. His eyes closed as he slid his hand further past his boyfriend's jeans.

YoungSaeng purred quietly as he allowed his tongue to meet KyuJong's, wrapping together as he found himself pressing into the hand slipping further into his pants. The hand on KyuJong's waist shifted, moving beneath the shirt to feel the soft skin hidden underneath.

He was unable to tell if it was the alcohol relaxing him or KyuJong's presence, making him a bit bolder in his actions.

A moan slipped from KyuJong into the kiss as he arched up against the hand pressed to his stomach. His hand now fully down the back of YoungSaeng's pants, he returned exactly what he got, the kiss becoming more and more heated as he pushed YoungSaeng's hips down and against his own.

A loud almost-whisper slipped from YoungSaeng only to be swallowed by KyuJong's lips as he felt himself pressed against KyuJong. The need to be closer was driving him crazy as he allowed his hands to move, one up his shirt to lightly trace patterns on his chest and the other slipping slightly beneath KyuJong's pants, teasing the small patch of skin.

"S-Saeng," KyuJong gasped, arching up more into the contact. The hand that wasn't down YoungSaeng's pants was pulling up on his boyfriend's shirt, trying to remove it. He didn't know whether it was because of the alcohol, but he had very little patience left, wanting desperately to feel more of his boyfriend.

Whining at the idea of pulling away from KyuJong but needing to feel more of him and quickly, YoungSaeng broke the kiss just long enough to get his own shirt off right before he began tugging on his lover's. "Need you..." he moaned quietly before shifting down enough to press his lips against KyuJong's chest that he had uncovered.

YoungSaeng had never been like this before, and KyuJong's mind stuttered to a halt somewhere along pulling off his shirt, a strained whimper escaping him at the lips against his chest. After a moment he managed to regain enough mental process to pull his shirt off the rest of the way, the material dropping over the edge of the bed.

"Saeng, please," he gasped, wanting more of this more forward, dominant side to his boyfriend. His free hand ran along YoungSaeng's back before slipping between them to fumble at YoungSaeng's jean zipper.

Something about the way KyuJong sounded struck a chord within YoungSaeng. When he felt the button and zipper unfasten, he shifted his body to allow KyuJong to slip them down, kicking them off before turning to look at KyuJong.

Using one hand to keep himself up, YoungSaeng brought his other hand down to work on his boyfriend's pants.

KyuJong opened hazed-over eyes to watch as YoungSaeng shifted around, breaking the kiss to steal a few gasped breaths of air. His pants loosened from around his waist and he had to squirm a little to get them off, gasping when he arched up and bare skin brushed against bare skin.

Finally the annoying material was off, and he could only stare up at the boy on top of him, one arm hooked loosely around YoungSaeng's shoulders and the other around his waist, fingers pressing into the bare back.

Leaning down to steal a quick kiss, YoungSaeng let a hand run over KyuJong's side, barely touching. "Switching, huh?" murmured against KyuJong's lips, moving slightly before moaning at the friction it caused.

"Y-" KyuJong broke off with a moan, arching into YoungSaeng's body. "Yeah," he breathed, opening his eyes again. Bringing one leg up, he experimentally ran it against YoungSaeng's and moaned softly. "Have I told you I love you?"

YoungSaeng smiled down at KyuJong. "As often as I've told you, but I never mind hearing it again," he murmured. With a pause, YoungSaeng's smile turned deeper. "I love you, too," he whispered against KyuJong's lips before kissing him, eyes closing with the feelings that were spreading through him.

Gaze softening, KyuJong returned the kiss, basking in the love he could feel as he wrapped his arms more securely around YoungSaeng and let himself fall even further for his boyfriend.

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/jungmin, writing: roleplay, fandom: kara

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