Jan 30, 2009 21:07
To beat the winter blues I'm in the process of creating a "odd street people" bingo. I need to come up with 24 odd street people. So far I've got 15:
Hobo (must smell of urine to qualify)
Go girl (must have nails at least 1 cm beyond fingers)
Miniskirt in winter
Old guy in spandex pants
Morbidly obese person in poncho
Classic mullet
Kid in stroller who is obviously too old for stroller
Person in a costume obviously not for their vocation
Crazy subway beggar
Old ethnic guy yelling at a machine or other inanimate non-human object
Someone's dad talking loudly to no one in particular
A couple with a really tall girl and a really short guy
Guy who is clearly too old to be wearing a leather jacket and a band t-shirt
Winter jogger
Old woman with a big fur coat walking a tiny dog (preferably with dog-sweater)