THE TV DOESN'T SHOW ANYTHING, OKAY! I'm serious. When I saw him that day on the streets, I fall in love with him all over again. :\ I can't even explain why. Probably because I didn't expect him to be that beautiful and charming. ;A;
Lol, yeah, I get insane when it's Infinite, so feel free to ignore my moments of OTP7 that sometimes turn ugly out of the blue.
That Polaroid is PURE LEE SUNGYEOL material. I'd never expected him to do anything less. He just exceeds all my expectation sometimes... Urgh... I will dress him up, and put buns and ribbons in his pwetty hair, and pretty earrings, and then I'll leash Myungsoo on him. >:D *sadistic* I solemnly swear that I will do it. :D And I'll send pictures. I think sending a guy in a mailbox might be a little too heavy.
;A; Run over by the road...? Those poor things... ;A; Sometimes I hate people so much because they're insensitive when it comes to animals. They should teach compassion towards the weak in school or something. :\ People are really cruel.
Our highest is 47/48, so I guess your region isn't a lot different in temperatures...? Though you have winter, now, right? It's supposed to be opposite of us. I bet your face is really smooth because of the good weather. Like clean pores and stuff. People in our country do everything they can to keep clean pores, but it's impossible. Ugh, sorry for talking about something so girly and shallow, but it's like a dream. While I was in Korea, my face became completely clear and flaw free, then I came back here, and I became a monster again, LOL.
What about the Olympics? The TV will show that right? (I have to wake up at 5.30am to watch the Opening Ceremony)
How much more beautiful can Sungyeol get? He is already so beautiful...ah, I guess he can, with each comeback I do feel as though he grows more beautifully. OTL. I'm so obsessed.
haha, feel free to ramble on forever over Infinite with me~ ^^
uwaaaaaaaah~ (please go kidnap Sungyeol ♥) I really want photos! AND VIDEOS. OMGOSH. With English subtitles please~ *daydreaming* awwwww, I guess the onl way you can send a person is to buy them a plane ticket, but if we do that, they'll know where Sungyeol is...and the kidnapping would've failed *sob*
Yeah? You don't get those there? Where wildlife gets runover by cars, trucks, what not. It's sort of normal, we have warning signs on roads where animals usually pop up from nowhere. Are you vegetarian?
O_O 47/48 sounsd so hot...'s winter here, right now, it's averaging around 10-13degrees. And raining, it was raining a lot today even though it hasn't rained all that much the whole week. It was a lot colder and there was heavier rain late June and early July. Nah, we still get pimples and all, it's all about skin care xD I've never lived in another country during their I don't know what it's like there, but the air here is really dry, so my skin dries up so quick, I have to keep slapping on moisturiser OTL
Lol, yeah! For us the Olympics starts in ten pm, so we'll watch it well, hehe... :D
I have come to the conclusion that Sungyeollie isn't human. Why is he so pretty, then? WAE?! ;A; Sungyeollie should come to his mamas out of his own free will, no kidnapping involved, because inspirits will spoil him rotten, and feed him americanos and tasty snacks, and brush his hair and love him, and make sure Myungsoo is always somewhere near by. Why wouldn't he want that? It's like paradise for him. He'll never have to worry about money or a place to stay at ever again.
I'm no vegetarian, at all, actually. I'm very carnivorous. I can't eat a meal without meat. :\ I really like meat! I just prefer that the animals having a quick death... We get wildlife runover, but it's not very common at all. But instead of this, people - mostly angry teenagers - do horrible things to little pets. Like abuse them and stuff like that. it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, people post it on facebook, and it sickens me. That's really horrible.
UGH, I WISH I HAD RAIN TODAYYYYY!!!! It's so hot, I'm dieing! Really? We use a lot of skincare, but nothing helps because of the humidity, lol. Ugh, I wish it was dry. Dry is better than humid, anyhow. So jelly. ;^;
LOL. I watched the opening ceremony with my siblings, and gosh, they won't stop telling me how disappointed they are with the opening =_= Seriously, they compare it to much to the Beijing opening. *rolls eyes* Can't they just appreciate everything? (and then they tell me that everything will lose its meaning if they appreciate everything...and I guess, I could understand that too...but still. OTL)
I think he'll lose a lot more privacy that way (and unfortunately, I do care about that *sob*) He is so pretty. I wonder if his younger brother is becoming prettier too. Not that they're the same. But seriously, I'm starting to look like a freak, continually staring at one picture for ages. My sister hit my head just before for doing so. But I can't help it~~~ His smile is so beautiful. I want to forever watch him smile. ;A;
LOLOL. We're different there then. I don't really like eating's hard to chew. I like...noodles. LOL. and eggs~♥ I think, that if it wasn't for roasted duck, I'd have stopped eating meat altogether. I seldom eat meat, only when it's thrust in my face, figuratively. urgh. This is why humanity is stupid.
hahaha, I think dry is better than humidity too...but I've always felt that I think like that because I'm use to dry weather. My skin still hates it though of course. It thrives so well in slightly more humid weather. But I guess either extreme isn't good for the skin. *sigh* So demanding. But yeah, of late, we've been having on and off heavy down pours. Our grass is green~ It's so nice ^^
I am too disappointed! :( They said they're definitely are going to do something better and prettier, but the truth is Beijing rocked ass! My parents too, think it's better not to compare because every country does it in its own style.
His younger brother is really good-looking too. It's kind of funny, though, whenever he comes to the concerts to support his older brother he hangs out with Moonsoo, Myungie's little brother. It's like Myungyeol second generation! XD Ugh, Yeollie is just... the prettiest guy on earth! :D
Lol, I just like to eat overall! I like noodles and eggs as well, and meat too, and cheese and sweet stuff like cream puffs and muffins and cakes ;A; Is roasted duck tasty? *never had one before*
:D Our grass is green only two monthes a year, hahahahaha!!! Just say thanks for being blessed with your nice weather! I'm sitting here in my panties, sweating like a pig and drinking cola with 5 ice cubes It's just... so, so, hot!
Yeah, and London has done it 3 times already xD Ah well~~~~ Beijing is just...(well, they are Asian.) I need to stop stereotyping.
Oh? I didn't know that Daeyeol hung with Moonsoo...xD That's news to me. I guess they're friends too ^^ I remember when I first saw Daeyeol, on Sesame Player, I was really jealous that he looks like his brother. They might as well just pass off as twins, really. Because my siblings don't look like me at all. *cries*. Do you resemble your siblings?
Hm~ Roasted duck is my fav. type of meat, but I've been sick of it lately, you should try it when you get the chance ^^ I really like to eat too, there really isn't anything I don't like to eat. LOL. But I just prefer sweet things over everything else. Ah, but meringues aren't really my thing xDDD
hahaha, our grass is green a lot more. Usually, when there's rain. ^^ Otherwise, usually it's just too dry. OAO wow. Must be really hot. It's cold here, still. But today's weather was rather nice, there was sun, little wind ^^
xDxDxD Whatever you do, Asian do better! :D That's why western music could never get close to kpop! :D
;A; I didn't know until a while ago somebody posted pictures of them talking in the back-stage and going around the stage during rehearsals together. They're basically the same age, both of their older brothers are in the same group... so why the hell not. :) I can't help but think of it as cute... >__< Ah, I also think Daeyeol and Sungyeol look very much alike as well! I don't think I look like my sister at all, but sometimes they catch us in strange angles where we look like alike. Does that sounds strange? Although she's older, she looks younger and she's also shorter, so yeah. She's also a lot prettier. I'm fat and really tall (176) and tom-boyish, and she's so perfect ;A; I'll forever look up to her. *big sister issues* How about you and your siblings? :)
Ah, I wonder where can I get roasted duck in my country... :D I'll be glad to try it out. I'm trying to think of things I don't like to eat and besides certain kinds of soups, I can't think of anything ;A;
My favorite weather is when it's windy and there's no sun. Even though I get chills, it just feels kind of nice and full of feels. But here we get that perhaps twice-four times a year lol. I want to live in london or canda, or somewhere where it's rainy and cold and nice most of the year. :) Besides, winter clothes always look so much better on me. They hide away all my fats, haha XD What about you? Do you like sunny weather better?
eeek, that wasn't exactly what I was trying to say...haha. It's just, Asians are usually very motivated to do the very best *starts singing Pokemon*
oooooh~ *nods* I think that it would be cute. I really hadn't imagined that they'd be let backstage though, since it's already so hectic with just the performers and what not. I wonder if they talk bout their brothers a lot. haha.
LOL. Yes, it does make sense that you can look like each other at certain angles. ^^ Ooooh, you are very tall. 176 is like average Asian male height isn't it? (it is I might be 175 actually...or possiibly even shorter) My brother is around that height. I hate standing next to him, I feel like a midget. I remember the days where I was taller than him. *sad* He grew up so fast. I'm around 163cm. You're more than 10cms taller than me ;A; My sister is...a lot cuter than me, and she has the prettiest eyes every even though she doesn't have double eye lids. (They're big and long, I really, really like her eyes.) I think if she did have double eye lids, her eyes might just look too big and may sometimes look too overwhelming. haha. Oh, but she seems to have them sometimes. haha. Strange, right? And when she smiles, she is the cutest thing ever. *squeals* But she likes to make funny faces more than smiling. She really is adorable. >w< My sister is 159cm, she always complains how she only needs 1 more cm to be 160. She's a tomboy too, probably because she has an older brother and sister. So she ended up liking what my brother and I both like. My brother has the smallest eyes in the family. He has a dimple on one of his cheeks, and his eyes are occassionally double eye lid, sometimes not. He has pale skin too. But like me, our skin is really bad, we both have eczema (and seems that my sister is the one without nothing, not even allergies so far...) TT__TT And he has asthma too. Poor brother. *pats his head* Actually, I take back my sister being the cutest when she smiles, my brother is (Sungyeol can come in at #3 after all. sorry. m(_ _)m). He doesn't smile too much at me, so I really feel like dying when he smiles at me >w< ahhhh~~ both my siblings are cutest! Ah, now I sound like I have a sibling complex, doesn't it? (I admit, I sort of do have a really small, small one.) Ah...and they both have neither long nor short eyelashes xD So yeah...typical?
LOL. Perhaps we're both gluttons? *A* Roast duck, go visit a Chinese restaurant?
Nah, I like winter more than summer. I rather wear more clothes than wear barely anything as I sprawl across the floor trying to cool down. I don't like wind messes up my hair (and then I can't see), and since I'm usually wearing a skirt or a's annoying sometimes. (I need to start exercising more T^T) Hm, London is probably too rainy for me...and Canada is too snowy for me...I'll go crazy with depression in both places I think. hahaha. I want to live in a country that is constantly in Autumn. OTL
TT_TT I know I'm really tall. It one of the things that makes me very, very shy and insecure. Usually the man I like are lower than me. You should be happy to be 163~ It's a perfect height!!! :D When men are higher than you, they usually look at you with interest. :)
Aaah! Your family sounds so awesome and cute!!! :D Imagining the both of them like you described them, made me feel that you're a very beautiful family! Dimples are the cutest things on earttttthhhh!! :D It also sounds fun being more than one sibling in the house. ;A; makes me want to go back to the times where my sister still lived in the house with us. *sighs* Asthma sucks! I used to have it when I was small and sickly... but it stopped for some reason when I grew up. I think probably because we moved to a warmer country, where there isn't much temperature change most of the year.
We don't have much Chinese restaurants, but the one that we have, have fitted Chinese food to Israeli taste buds... It's like before Chinese food was disgusting to us... so they changed ingredients and meals and made it more... common-taste fast food stuff. :\
LOL, I sprawl across the floor as well! It's the only thing that helps against the heat ;A;
I like depressing weather, I guess, haha O.o Oh well, whatever gets me inspired! :)
Hahaha, I think, usually when someone is shorter than me, I treat them like a little brother? Just...automatically? ^^" 165 sounds better though...only 2cm more! T_T To be honest, I don't like guys who are a lot taller than me. I feel intimidated. ;A;
=_= really? You think dimples are the cutest things on earth!? *headdesk* It's like someone took out a chunk of your cheek! OAO I don't know why people obsess over dimples so much. I don't find them especially attractive or anything.
*patpat* so long as you still have memories, it's all good! ^^
!!! My asthma stopped when I was really young too (my mother tells me me swimming got rid of my asthma...but I don't know how much I believe her.) It's troublesome, asthma, have to carry a puffer everywhere. I wonder what it's like to live in a country without much temperature change...>< so curious. I wonder if I'll adapt well. lol.
ahhh~ yeah, a lot of restaurants adapt to the country they're in. I once had McDonalds in Hong Kong...tehy put PRAWN in their burgers, and I was sooooo shocked since we don't have that here *laughs*
Yup, just lying on the floor and waiting for the heat to stop buggering you. ^^
I guess, you would crave for cold weather since you're living in such a humid and hot area. xD It's been quite rainy and cold here lately, so I'm not so fond of it at the moment.
I'm serious. When I saw him that day on the streets, I fall in love with him all over again. :\ I can't even explain why. Probably because I didn't expect him to be that beautiful and charming. ;A;
Lol, yeah, I get insane when it's Infinite, so feel free to ignore my moments of OTP7 that sometimes turn ugly out of the blue.
That Polaroid is PURE LEE SUNGYEOL material. I'd never expected him to do anything less. He just exceeds all my expectation sometimes... Urgh...
I will dress him up, and put buns and ribbons in his pwetty hair, and pretty earrings, and then I'll leash Myungsoo on him. >:D *sadistic* I solemnly swear that I will do it. :D And I'll send pictures.
I think sending a guy in a mailbox might be a little too heavy.
;A; Run over by the road...? Those poor things... ;A;
Sometimes I hate people so much because they're insensitive when it comes to animals. They should teach compassion towards the weak in school or something. :\ People are really cruel.
Our highest is 47/48, so I guess your region isn't a lot different in temperatures...? Though you have winter, now, right? It's supposed to be opposite of us.
I bet your face is really smooth because of the good weather. Like clean pores and stuff.
People in our country do everything they can to keep clean pores, but it's impossible.
Ugh, sorry for talking about something so girly and shallow, but it's like a dream. While I was in Korea, my face became completely clear and flaw free, then I came back here, and I became a monster again, LOL.
How much more beautiful can Sungyeol get? He is already so beautiful...ah, I guess he can, with each comeback I do feel as though he grows more beautifully. OTL. I'm so obsessed.
haha, feel free to ramble on forever over Infinite with me~ ^^
uwaaaaaaaah~ (please go kidnap Sungyeol ♥) I really want photos! AND VIDEOS. OMGOSH. With English subtitles please~ *daydreaming*
awwwww, I guess the onl way you can send a person is to buy them a plane ticket, but if we do that, they'll know where Sungyeol is...and the kidnapping would've failed *sob*
Yeah? You don't get those there? Where wildlife gets runover by cars, trucks, what not. It's sort of normal, we have warning signs on roads where animals usually pop up from nowhere.
Are you vegetarian?
O_O 47/48 sounsd so hot...'s winter here, right now, it's averaging around 10-13degrees. And raining, it was raining a lot today even though it hasn't rained all that much the whole week. It was a lot colder and there was heavier rain late June and early July.
Nah, we still get pimples and all, it's all about skin care xD I've never lived in another country during their I don't know what it's like there, but the air here is really dry, so my skin dries up so quick, I have to keep slapping on moisturiser OTL
I have come to the conclusion that Sungyeollie isn't human. Why is he so pretty, then? WAE?!
;A; Sungyeollie should come to his mamas out of his own free will, no kidnapping involved, because inspirits will spoil him rotten, and feed him americanos and tasty snacks, and brush his hair and love him, and make sure Myungsoo is always somewhere near by. Why wouldn't he want that? It's like paradise for him. He'll never have to worry about money or a place to stay at ever again.
I'm no vegetarian, at all, actually. I'm very carnivorous. I can't eat a meal without meat. :\ I really like meat! I just prefer that the animals having a quick death...
We get wildlife runover, but it's not very common at all. But instead of this, people - mostly angry teenagers - do horrible things to little pets. Like abuse them and stuff like that. it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, people post it on facebook, and it sickens me.
That's really horrible.
UGH, I WISH I HAD RAIN TODAYYYYY!!!! It's so hot, I'm dieing!
Really? We use a lot of skincare, but nothing helps because of the humidity, lol. Ugh, I wish it was dry. Dry is better than humid, anyhow. So jelly. ;^;
I think he'll lose a lot more privacy that way (and unfortunately, I do care about that *sob*)
He is so pretty. I wonder if his younger brother is becoming prettier too. Not that they're the same. But seriously, I'm starting to look like a freak, continually staring at one picture for ages. My sister hit my head just before for doing so. But I can't help it~~~ His smile is so beautiful. I want to forever watch him smile. ;A;
LOLOL. We're different there then. I don't really like eating's hard to chew. I like...noodles. LOL. and eggs~♥ I think, that if it wasn't for roasted duck, I'd have stopped eating meat altogether. I seldom eat meat, only when it's thrust in my face, figuratively.
urgh. This is why humanity is stupid.
hahaha, I think dry is better than humidity too...but I've always felt that I think like that because I'm use to dry weather. My skin still hates it though of course. It thrives so well in slightly more humid weather. But I guess either extreme isn't good for the skin. *sigh* So demanding.
But yeah, of late, we've been having on and off heavy down pours. Our grass is green~ It's so nice ^^
They said they're definitely are going to do something better and prettier, but the truth is Beijing rocked ass! My parents too, think it's better not to compare because every country does it in its own style.
His younger brother is really good-looking too. It's kind of funny, though, whenever he comes to the concerts to support his older brother he hangs out with Moonsoo, Myungie's little brother. It's like Myungyeol second generation! XD
Ugh, Yeollie is just... the prettiest guy on earth! :D
Lol, I just like to eat overall! I like noodles and eggs as well, and meat too, and cheese and sweet stuff like cream puffs and muffins and cakes ;A; Is roasted duck tasty? *never had one before*
:D Our grass is green only two monthes a year, hahahahaha!!!
Just say thanks for being blessed with your nice weather!
I'm sitting here in my panties, sweating like a pig and drinking cola with 5 ice cubes It's just... so, so, hot!
Ah well~~~~ Beijing is just...(well, they are Asian.) I need to stop stereotyping.
Oh? I didn't know that Daeyeol hung with Moonsoo...xD That's news to me. I guess they're friends too ^^
I remember when I first saw Daeyeol, on Sesame Player, I was really jealous that he looks like his brother. They might as well just pass off as twins, really. Because my siblings don't look like me at all. *cries*. Do you resemble your siblings?
Hm~ Roasted duck is my fav. type of meat, but I've been sick of it lately, you should try it when you get the chance ^^
I really like to eat too, there really isn't anything I don't like to eat. LOL. But I just prefer sweet things over everything else. Ah, but meringues aren't really my thing xDDD
hahaha, our grass is green a lot more. Usually, when there's rain. ^^ Otherwise, usually it's just too dry.
OAO wow. Must be really hot. It's cold here, still. But today's weather was rather nice, there was sun, little wind ^^
Whatever you do, Asian do better! :D That's why western music could never get close to kpop! :D
;A; I didn't know until a while ago somebody posted pictures of them talking in the back-stage and going around the stage during rehearsals together. They're basically the same age, both of their older brothers are in the same group... so why the hell not. :)
I can't help but think of it as cute... >__<
Ah, I also think Daeyeol and Sungyeol look very much alike as well! I don't think I look like my sister at all, but sometimes they catch us in strange angles where we look like alike. Does that sounds strange? Although she's older, she looks younger and she's also shorter, so yeah. She's also a lot prettier.
I'm fat and really tall (176) and tom-boyish, and she's so perfect ;A; I'll forever look up to her. *big sister issues*
How about you and your siblings? :)
Ah, I wonder where can I get roasted duck in my country... :D I'll be glad to try it out.
I'm trying to think of things I don't like to eat and besides certain kinds of soups, I can't think of anything ;A;
My favorite weather is when it's windy and there's no sun. Even though I get chills, it just feels kind of nice and full of feels.
But here we get that perhaps twice-four times a year lol.
I want to live in london or canda, or somewhere where it's rainy and cold and nice most of the year. :) Besides, winter clothes always look so much better on me. They hide away all my fats, haha XD
What about you? Do you like sunny weather better?
oooooh~ *nods* I think that it would be cute. I really hadn't imagined that they'd be let backstage though, since it's already so hectic with just the performers and what not. I wonder if they talk bout their brothers a lot. haha.
LOL. Yes, it does make sense that you can look like each other at certain angles. ^^
Ooooh, you are very tall. 176 is like average Asian male height isn't it? (it is I might be 175 actually...or possiibly even shorter) My brother is around that height. I hate standing next to him, I feel like a midget. I remember the days where I was taller than him. *sad* He grew up so fast.
I'm around 163cm. You're more than 10cms taller than me ;A;
My sister is...a lot cuter than me, and she has the prettiest eyes every even though she doesn't have double eye lids. (They're big and long, I really, really like her eyes.) I think if she did have double eye lids, her eyes might just look too big and may sometimes look too overwhelming. haha. Oh, but she seems to have them sometimes. haha. Strange, right? And when she smiles, she is the cutest thing ever. *squeals* But she likes to make funny faces more than smiling. She really is adorable. >w< My sister is 159cm, she always complains how she only needs 1 more cm to be 160. She's a tomboy too, probably because she has an older brother and sister. So she ended up liking what my brother and I both like. My brother has the smallest eyes in the family. He has a dimple on one of his cheeks, and his eyes are occassionally double eye lid, sometimes not. He has pale skin too. But like me, our skin is really bad, we both have eczema (and seems that my sister is the one without nothing, not even allergies so far...) TT__TT And he has asthma too. Poor brother. *pats his head* Actually, I take back my sister being the cutest when she smiles, my brother is (Sungyeol can come in at #3 after all. sorry. m(_ _)m). He doesn't smile too much at me, so I really feel like dying when he smiles at me >w< ahhhh~~ both my siblings are cutest! Ah, now I sound like I have a sibling complex, doesn't it? (I admit, I sort of do have a really small, small one.) Ah...and they both have neither long nor short eyelashes xD So yeah...typical?
LOL. Perhaps we're both gluttons? *A*
Roast duck, go visit a Chinese restaurant?
Nah, I like winter more than summer. I rather wear more clothes than wear barely anything as I sprawl across the floor trying to cool down.
I don't like wind messes up my hair (and then I can't see), and since I'm usually wearing a skirt or a's annoying sometimes. (I need to start exercising more T^T)
Hm, London is probably too rainy for me...and Canada is too snowy for me...I'll go crazy with depression in both places I think. hahaha. I want to live in a country that is constantly in Autumn. OTL
I know I'm really tall. It one of the things that makes me very, very shy and insecure. Usually the man I like are lower than me.
You should be happy to be 163~ It's a perfect height!!! :D
When men are higher than you, they usually look at you with interest. :)
Aaah! Your family sounds so awesome and cute!!! :D
Imagining the both of them like you described them, made me feel that you're a very beautiful family! Dimples are the cutest things on earttttthhhh!! :D
It also sounds fun being more than one sibling in the house. ;A; makes me want to go back to the times where my sister still lived in the house with us. *sighs*
Asthma sucks! I used to have it when I was small and sickly... but it stopped for some reason when I grew up. I think probably because we moved to a warmer country, where there isn't much temperature change most of the year.
We don't have much Chinese restaurants, but the one that we have, have fitted Chinese food to Israeli taste buds... It's like before Chinese food was disgusting to us... so they changed ingredients and meals and made it more... common-taste fast food stuff. :\
LOL, I sprawl across the floor as well! It's the only thing that helps against the heat ;A;
I like depressing weather, I guess, haha O.o Oh well, whatever gets me inspired! :)
165 sounds better though...only 2cm more! T_T
To be honest, I don't like guys who are a lot taller than me. I feel intimidated. ;A;
=_= really? You think dimples are the cutest things on earth!? *headdesk* It's like someone took out a chunk of your cheek! OAO I don't know why people obsess over dimples so much. I don't find them especially attractive or anything.
*patpat* so long as you still have memories, it's all good! ^^
!!! My asthma stopped when I was really young too (my mother tells me me swimming got rid of my asthma...but I don't know how much I believe her.) It's troublesome, asthma, have to carry a puffer everywhere.
I wonder what it's like to live in a country without much temperature change...>< so curious. I wonder if I'll adapt well. lol.
ahhh~ yeah, a lot of restaurants adapt to the country they're in. I once had McDonalds in Hong Kong...tehy put PRAWN in their burgers, and I was sooooo shocked since we don't have that here *laughs*
Yup, just lying on the floor and waiting for the heat to stop buggering you. ^^
I guess, you would crave for cold weather since you're living in such a humid and hot area. xD It's been quite rainy and cold here lately, so I'm not so fond of it at the moment.
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