Things are brighter with you for happyxings

Jan 18, 2017 12:01

For: happyxings
Title: Things are brighter with you
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Lay
Rating: G
Warning(s): Un-beta'd
Lenght: 2k
Summary: Things start to become better when Yixing is involved.
Author's note: This fic is short because when I had tried to make it longer but it didn’t turn out very well, things became very repetitive. I hope you enjoy it even though it is shorter than you might have thought it was.

"I hate you both!" Chanyeol exclaims before he buries his head into his arms, and slouches on the table.

The red-haired male across from him laughs at Chanyeol's reaction. Laughing along Baekhyun, Jongin erupts into another fit of laughter once he sees the looks Chanyeol's act draws.
"You knew this was going to happen." Sehun tells him as he runs his hand through his hair exasperated.

Chanyeol lifts his head, and props himself up with his arm as he faces Sehun, blocking the two giggling traitors out his view. "I didn't know they were going to blurt it out for everyone to hear!" He glares at them both while saying the last part, but it only serves in making them erupt into more fits of laughter.

Chanyeol looks up at the ceiling in despair, and questions why he befriended these people. Sighing deeply, he glances at Sehun but he is typing away at Jongin's phone once again. In front of him, Jongin is taking pictures on someone's phone, probably Hunnie's, of Baek's face that contours into weird faces. Dragging out another deep sigh, Chanyeol buries himself into his arms and closes his eyes.

Someone in front of him pushes their chair back and gets up, followed by another on his side. Chanyeol's peace gets interrupted by a finger instantly jabbing him in the arm. Sitting up he glares at the last person remaining at the table. Jongin smirks at him, glad that he has Chanyeol's attention. Leaning on the table he asks, "So what happened after?"

Chanyeol stares Jongin down, as suspicion flickers in his eyes. After a minute or so of running through all the worst case possibilities in his mind ranging from publicly embarrassed to being kicked out of yet another store (he was starting to like this one too), Chanyeol lets out a deep breath and says, "I hung up on him."

"What did lover boy say?", Sehun questions as he slips into his seat and takes a sip of his drink.
"Before or after I hung up?" He blurts out tentatively.

"Before you made a fool out of yourself." Baekhyun answers as he comes back from oh god knows where, and sits down (they learned to stop asking after all the vivid details they had received). Grinning his huge rectangle smile at him, he motions for Chanyeol to start talking.

Taking a deep breath, Chanyeol tells them what happened.


Blindly reaching for the blaring phone, he slowly starts to awaken. Not recalling setting an alarm, or even when he had fallen asleep, Chanyeol squints at the offending device that had snatched him out of his dream. Sliding the screen with the intention of shutting the device off, he places the now quiet phone next to him and buries himself back under the warm cover. Sighing happily, he slips back to dreamland.

A warm, chuckle echoes from outside his warm blanket; disturbing Chanyeol from a (possibly) blissful sleep. Mumbling incoherently, he wraps the blanket around his head. He opens his eyes and looks around the room, for the source of the soft, chuckle; giggle even. An airy "hello" comes from right next to him, and Chanyeol stares at his pillow bug-eyed. That warm chuckle appears again, followed by peals of laughter. Sitting up and dragging the blanket with him, Chanyeol shuffles to the end of the bed and stares the pillow down. The laughter dies down by the time Chanyeol finally wakes up as he shakes the last remnants of sleep away. He scoots closer to the pillow and grabs his phone, smiling softly. Yixing grins brightly at him and starts to greet Chanyeol but stops when he notices his bed hair. Grinning once more, he points it out to Chanyeol, who automatically runs a hand through his bed hair to tame it but only makes it worse eliciting a laugh from Yixing.


"Please spare us and just get to what we need to know. "Baekhyun groans, placing his hands on his head. He mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like, how can two people be so oblivious, that has Jongin nodding and whispering something back. Taking a deep breath and ignoring them, Chanyeol starts again.


Chanyeol blinks at the screen in confusion, and tries to let the information just thrown at him process in his head as he reached a conclusion. "What?" He asks dumbly.

Yixing smiles excitedly at him - Chanyeol likes to think it’s reserved for him - and leans into the camera a bit more. "I wasn’t going to tell you at all but since I can’t keep my mouth shut, I guess I’ll have to tell you now. Lu was right, I can’t keep secrets." Yixing pouts. Chanyeol does not want to kiss him, nope, not at all.

"Hurry up and tell me thenn." He whines

"I willlll. " Yixing says while mimicking him.

"Your dragging it out. I’m gonna end up dying trying to extract this information from you." Teases Chanyeol.

"Fineee, I’ll tell you." Yixing begrudgingly agrees. "I’m coming to Korea on Saturday-" He gets interrupted by someone that stands outside of the range of the camera and talks to him in what Chanyeol assume is Mandarin. Yixing turns to them and talks to them and eventually gets up. Chanyeol dwindles with his thumbs for a bit and decides he might as well get up. Hanging up, Chanyeol gets up and makes his way to the washroom. When he enters his room he grabs his phone and texts Yixing to call him later, and texts panicked emoji’s to their group chat.


"I haven’t heard from him since!!" Chanyeol says glumly, as he eats the pastry in front of him.
"He’s coming tomorrow isn’t he?" Sehun questions. Chanyeol nods in answer. "Then you had better start cleaning. Especially that death closet of yours, who knows what lurks there."
Mumbling an agreement, Chanyeol bids goodbye to his friends and strolls to the nearby store.

Placing the bags full of cleaning supplies on the ground, Chanyeol fishes through his pockets for his keys. Once the door is opened he grabs his bags and closes the door behind him. Kicking his shoes off at the entrance, he dumps the bags on his table once he walks into the kitchen. Sighing as he looks around the messy room, Chanyeol mutter to himself, "Better get started now."

Collapsing on the couch of his now spotless apartment, Chanyeol opens his phone to check if Yixing replied. Chanyeol smiles happily as he reads Yixing’s texts. Chanyeol replies to the frantic messages, assuring him that it’s all right. His smile grows larger when his texts get responded to instantly. Pressing the video call button Chanyeol waits until Yixing answers. He doesn’t wait long as Yixing picks up after the second ring.

"You should be asleep." Chanyeol points out. "You have a flight tomorrow. Can’t have you missing out on the once in a lifetime chance of seeing Chanyeol, now can we?" He teases.
"Anything but that." Yixing says dramatically.

Seconds merge into minutes which blur and becomes hours and Yixing is waving goodbye and he is now staring at a black screen. Dragging himself off the couch, he changes into the two-piece pyjamas Yixing had sent to him on his birthday and slips into bed. He dreams of the beach, strolling along the bank with Yixing hand in hand, the twinkling stars keeping them company.

Chanyeol drags Baekhyun to the airport with him, to nervous to go alone, who brings Kyungsoo with him. Chanyeol drums his fingers on his thigh, the sound tapping his foot made bothered Soo so he stopped, as they wait for Yixing. Kyungsoo is reading a very boring book, that is extremely thick he may add. Baekhyun is tapping away at his phone again as he ignores the pleading looks Chanyeol is shooting him.

Chanyeol's attention gets pulled away by someone in front of him clearing their throat loudly. From the corner of his eye Chanyeol sees Baekhyun looking up from his phone, eyebrows raised up high as he looks up at the stranger.

Chanyeol is a hundred percent sure he is making a comical expression and his thoughts are confirmed by Yixing's growing smile but he shoots up from his seat regardless and tackles him into a hug. Laughing, Yixing pats Chanyeol on the back and says,"It’s nice to see you, not through a camera."

Chanyeol mumbles something into his shoulder and Yixing pats him on the back while he asks him simple questions that Chanyeol answers shaking his head furiously. When Yixing suddenly says,"I feel like you should say something to your large-eyed friends."
Chanyeol lifts his head from Yixing’s shoulder, even though he wanted to stay like that forever, and looks at Kyungsoo and Baekhyun whose eyes had turned the size as Soo’s. It was too hard not to laugh, so he did. It broke Baekhyun out of his stupor and he pulled Chanyeol down to his height as he questioned him.

Yixing turned to the other friend of Chanyeol’s who was putting his book away in a bag. He turned around and smiled at Yixing, but once he glanced at Chanyeol and the red-haired males antics he muttered something underneath his breath. Feeling like there was no time better, Yixing waved to the male and said,"Hello, I’m Yixing!" The male looked shocked for a moment but it disappeared and he smile kindly at him. "Hello Yixing. Chanyeol there, talks about you non-stop, so it's nice to finally meet you."

"I do not." Chanyeol denies as he breaks out of the shorters hold and pouts at Kyungsoo. The red-haired male walks up next to them and slings his arms around Yixing. "I’m Baekhyun. Your Yixing, so do tell me, what is your secret?" he asks.
Chanyeol stares at the ceiling of his bed as he thinks of the past three months, a month pinning helplessly over Yixing and another two of bliss. They had spent forever together, always attached to each other at the hip, and he can’t believe that he has to go back now. His thoughts get interrupted by the door opening slightly by Yixing, who slips into the space in the bed next to him and wraps his arms around his waist. Chanyeol turns around and looks at Yixing. Gently caressing his face he says, "I don’t know how I’ll live." The rest of the message is understood. Smiling gently at him, he rests his head on his shoulder, and mutters a soft "Me too." before he drifts off to sleep.


Baekhyun comes to visit him, a month after Yixing leaves, and tells him to clean up and stop dragging his feet around. He tells him to talk to Yixing and leaves when he finally gets a smile on the giant males face. Chanyeol hugs his friend before he goes and whispers a thank you in his ears, and sees him out of the apartment.

A long flight, and an awkward introduction to Yixing’s friends who laughed at his attempt of speaking mandarin later Chanyeol was on his way to Yixing. After what felt like a decade later, he was finally going to see him again. The world suddenly turned brighter at the thought of it.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. The door opens, and even though he is sure that four months have passed it doesn’t feel like that once he sees Yixing. Chanyeol nervously waves at Yixing, who ushers him in the apartment. Once Yixing brings him a drink, he asks "What are you doing here?"

Smiling uneasily, Chanyeol stares at the drink in his hand. "I missed you. So I thought I should come to you, so I wouldn’t anymore. After you left, it seemed as if the world just lost all of it colour. Like there was no purpose of doing anything. So I came to you, so that there could be."

Yixing smiles at Chanyeol, who peers up at him from his curly hair as he gets up from his seat and hugs him. "You wouldn’t be the only one."

Final author's note: I hope I did this prompt justice.

rating: g, 2016, pairing: lay

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