Let's not fall in love for starlinialm

Jan 16, 2017 09:54

For: starlinialm
Title: Let's Not Fall in Love
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Kris
Rating: PG
Length: 3.3k
Summary: It's not until college that Chanyeol breaks his own promise.
Author's note: I really liked this prompt, a quote from Neil Gaiman: “Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart ( Read more... )

2016, rating: pg, pairing: kris

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starlinialm January 20 2017, 21:41:08 UTC
yayyy a krisyeol, my fave chanyeol pairing! first of all, your writing is beautiful! i love your use of words and your descriptions and how you made a simple college campus seem like such a magical place. i love what you did with the prompt and how you portrayed chanyeol’s thoughts. like i could really understand where his fears were coming from and the background of his experiences with love really added to it. i really liked the characterizations, especially yifan’s. shy, adorkable!yifan is the best! and i have the scene of chanyeol playing guitar while yifan plays basketball stuck in my head, like the imagery in this fic is so gorgeous and I just really adore the overall feel of this fic. like it's slightly melancholic, but still hopeful. and the side characters were simply amazing! i love how you incorporated the small tidbits of them, like the sharing clothes, kyungsoo’s headlocks, joonmyun knowing everybody, chenyeol taking care of baekhyun and just everything else really added to the fic. and i liked the ending, how chanyeol’s still hesitant and still not over his fear of love, but he’s taking a chance as friends and it’s super realistic. i love it!

all in all, the fic was absolutely stunning! thank you so much for writing this! and i look forward to reading the other fic if you finish it. i can’t wait to see what prompt/pairing you used. thanks again!!! <3<3


canadaphile February 5 2017, 15:51:26 UTC
;;w;; ♡♡♡ You said everything I could hope for, so I must have done a good job with this! I wanted that kind of ethereal-ish feeling, because any romance movie taking place on campus has that sort of feeling, like everything is perfect and will just fall into place without much trouble. But that doesn't happen with Chanyeol, because he doesn't let it. He's not blinded by attraction. So I set up those lovely conditions but shut Yifan down. He's not gonna give him up or let him down, though. I wanted him to keep some hope. I'm rooting for him. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

Characterisation is something I struggle with, so I am very very pleased you liked them. I tried really hard.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I felt infinitely better about this once I saw your approval. I have no idea when I'll finish the other fic I'd started from your prompts, but feel free to nudge me here on LJ or on Twitter. I like the story I've got so far, and I want to finish it, but I'm not the greatest at focusing at one thing at a time. uwu;; Sometimes, I need a push in the right direction.



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