Graffitied heart for jongdaesm

Jan 15, 2017 15:34

For: jongdaesm
Title: Graffitied Heart
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Chen
Rating: PG-13
Length: 4k
Summary: Chanyeol yearns to hear the words that appeared on his wrist nearly six years ago.

The world is full of possibilities.

To close himself off to any of them would be foolhardy. With so much to explore, so much to learn, so many experiences just waiting for him, Chanyeol finds himself at an impasse. While he wants to put himself out there, there’s one small thing holding him back.

It’s not that he’s afraid of diving into the wide open world, but there is an inkling of fear that whispers at him that he may be leaving something - or someone - important behind.

In a world where soulmates are considered the ultimate happiness, Chanyeol hasn’t met his yet. There are words etched in his skin, a stark black print on the sensitive underside of his wrist that appeared the morning of his sixteenth birthday.

nice save

Those words will be the ones that spill from his soulmate’s lips the first time they speak to each other. Chanyeol has spent so much time dissecting those words, trying to figure out what situation he would have to put himself in to hear them. He so much wants to hear the voice that will speak them, wants to look into the eyes of the person who will accompany him on all his adventures for the rest of his life.

At twenty-one, almost twenty-two, Chanyeol is still waiting, hoping. He feels a little lost, like he’s not entirely himself, which is ridiculous because before those words, he’d never given thought to not being anything other than himself. He’d never really thought about someone being there with him through everything.

But now that he’s older, watching his friends find their soulmates and settle down, Chanyeol is filled with the desire to do the same. His wanderlust is tempered by the longing in his heart. That isn’t to say Chanyeol is unhappy. He’s never been the type to let something get him down and keep him there. Without optimism to guide him, he’d be in danger of losing hope. He will never lose his hope.

He’s not idle either. Chanyeol keeps himself busy. He’s taking classes for a music degree, although his heart isn’t as into it as it was when he’d started. It would be a waste not to continue when he’s so close to finishing. So he keeps up with his courses while taking on the odd jobs that will lend him more experience, and will perhaps lead him to what he’s truly passionate about.

Which is why Chanyeol finds himself wedged uncomfortably between the wall and a large oven, awkwardly laying on his side as he finishes the last of his repairs. His arms ache, and he’s sweaty, but he’s almost there. He’d had to build a replacement part for this particular oven. Everything is automated these days, and parts for the outdated machinery are hard to find if they can be found at all. Chanyeol has a knack for being able to reverse engineer a lot of what breaks, thankfully.

“You really are a life saver.”

Chanyeol grins as he wiggles himself free, sitting up with a groan because his back protests the movement. He’d been in that position for the better part of an hour. There’s black grease on his hands and he feels damp from sweat. He’d pulled his hair back out of his face, but his neck is itchy. He scratches across it absentmindedly as Kyungsoo, one of his best friends, holds out a hand to help Chanyeol stand.

“Might want to test it first,” Chanyeol comments. “It could blow up,” he teases.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, but reaches over to turn the dials on the old convection oven. It’s an obsolete model, but Kyungsoo swears by it for his bakery. Bakeries are also a dying breed, but Kyungsoo is obstinate, and he refuses to let everything come from a machine-run conveyor line in a factory.

He does well enough to keep a spot on one of the more popular downtown strips, although it means he can get quite busy and one of his ovens being out can be detrimental to business.

Kyungsoo ushers Chanyeol out of the kitchen and into a smaller backroom, brandishing a towel threateningly. Chanyeol laughs as he takes it, dabbing at his neck and face before heading for the bathroom. The grease takes longer to come off, but by the time he’s finished, Kyungsoo has a bag of food for him and a hug.

There are a line of customers when Chanyeol sneaks into the front, bag clutched to his chest. He waves at Jongin behind the register on his way, earning himself a bright smile and a wave back.

Chanyeol steps out of the shop and into another world. Kyungsoo’s bakery is a pocket of time kept secure, but outside, everything is more modern. Sleek replaces worn and the sheen of metal covers most everything where Kyungsoo’s bakery is filled with warm colers. Chanyeol squints at the blinking signs atop metal fixtures, advertising the latest in interactive gaming, or flashing pictures of models in the newest fashions.

With his fingers curled around the top of his bag, Chanyeol heads toward the corner to wait for the next transport. He lives just far enough away from downtown that walking is too far most days, but taking a transport is quick and easy. He stands under the shelter, watching the few cars that pass; there aren’t many. With the government regulations on emissions, and the international accords that are in place to fix the ozone layer and reduce pollution, cars are a dying breed, and the only ones that people own personally run on electricity. Most people choose to take the transports.

Chanyeol lives in one of the many apartment buildings that rise high into the sky in the housing sector. It’s not much space, but Chanyeol doesn’t need much. He has his small kitchen, his living room that serves as his bedroom too, and a bathroom equipped with a shower and a sink. There are splashes of his personality along the walls and in his choice of furniture - pastel blues and yellows to give the place a calming atmosphere.

It still feels a little empty. Chanyeol used to think about getting a pet, but he’s not home enough for that. Instead, he sneaks food down to the momma cat that lives behind his apartment building. She’s just had a litter of kittens and Chanyeol drops by to make sure they’re safe at least once a day. Chanyeol likes her because she’s a fighter. She only has one eye, but that doesn’t stop her from living her life even without a family to keep her safe.

Chanyeol slips off his shoes and heads to his couch, flopping down. He stretches to grab his tablet off the other end and powers it on. He still has an assignment to finish before tomorrow morning.

Chanyeol used to have dreams of being on the stage. He wanted to write and sing his own music, playing the guitar that his father had given him on his twelfth birthday. But as he grew up, more and more music was being written and sung through computer programs, edging out the real people with their inhuman abilities. Chanyeol saw it as a challenge, which is why he began his music degree. But now he harbors resentment toward the industry while longing for a way to accept what it is and move on.

Today, the closest Chanyeol gets to a stage is helping his friend Yixing tinker with his new holographic system that creates an image for the artificial artists, as Chanyeol likes to call them. They use one of the empty theaters on campus for testing. Yixing has poured so much of himself into the project, and even if Chanyeol dislikes how impersonal music is becoming, he encourages his friend.

Besides, Yixing keeps going on and on about giving music a face again, and that’s something Chanyeol can get behind. He also finds it amusing that the face Yixing is using as his starting template is that of his husband.

The pair of them work well together - Yixing with his big ideas and Chanyeol’s ability to figure out how to bring them to life with a little experimental tinkering. He sits on one of the seats in the front row as Yixing floods the room with music, the hologram crackling to life. There’s only basic programming so far, but it’s clearly the body of a person now swaying to the beat, their mouth moving in perfect sync with the lyrics. There’s a lack of emotion, but that’s the next step in the project. Yixing rocks back on his heels, beaming at his work. Chanyeol slaps a hand on the back of Yixing’s leg, grinning at him.

They celebrate together, going out to a nearby bar for a few drinks. Yixing clinks their glasses together before they tip them back. Chanyeol manages to keep himself from drinking too much, getting Yixing onto a transport safely before he takes another one home. His fingertips are tingling and his head feels light. He drapes himself on his couch, staring at the ceiling.

It feels like he’s always involved in helping his friends achieve their dreams while he can’t even manage to find his own. At this point in his life, he’s supposed to know what he’s doing with himself. But he doesn’t. He feels lost, floundering in an ocean as the currents swirl him in new directions, only to pull him back before he can reach out.

Chanyeol falls asleep like that - fully clothed and with his neck propped on the arm of the couch. He dreams of a faceless partner and laughter that echoes in his ears.

With the completion of the newest addition to the research base on the moon, the advertisements for open job positions are everywhere. Chanyeol is faced with them on the news feeds, between his favorite programs, on the billboards that line the major roads, and even at the mall when he passes the mobile kiosks spread down the aisles.

It doesn’t appeal to Chanyeol, but Kyungsoo tells him that there are a lot of hopefuls who come into his shop, wanting the chance to leave the planet surface and be a part of something bigger. That much Chanyeol can understand at least. He just doesn’t think it’s for him.

Chanyeol finds himself witnessing first hand the excitement that it brings some people. A group of them walk into the bakery, their chatter loud and laughter louder. Chanyeol sits in the corner and watches, nursing the strawberry milkshake Jongin had made for him a few minutes ago. The enthusiasm of the new customers is far more interesting than the way the red from his cherry is bleeding into the whipped cream.

They look to be around Chanyeol’s age, and most of them are in the newly popular trainee uniforms for the school that transfers into the various programs that then lead to getting a job on the moon base. It’s a handsome uniform, if a little bland. It’s steel gray, embellished with a darker shade of gray, but it cuts nicely across the shoulders and doesn’t look too uncomfortable. Still, a little color couldn’t hurt.

“I still can’t believe you dropped out,” one of them says, his hand resting on the shoulder of another.

The other man merely shrugs, leaning against the counter to wait for his order. He’s in civilian clothes, comfortable if not a little warm for the weather. Chanyeol watches the way his fingers drum, his eyes taking in the man’s slight form and casual demeanor. His hood is up, blocking Chanyeol from seeing his face. Chanyeol spaces out, lifting his straw to swirl some of the melting whipped cream into his shake before taking a sip. It’s really good, and really cold.

“I was hoping you’d be shipping out with us,” another of them says. She’s pretty, her dark hair pulled back and a pout on her pink lips.

“Admit it,” the guy chimes, “you’re glad to be rid of the competition.”

“Only a little,” someone else laughs.

Chanyeol tunes them out, sighing before taking another swallow of his shake. It’s not too thick anymore, and the taste of strawberry bursts on his tongue. He vaguely wonders if Kyungsoo would give him a job here; not just for appliance repair, but full time. He just can’t see himself in the music industry anymore.

Chanyeol runs his fingers through his hair, glancing up to see the group of people now picking up their orders and heading for the tables on the far side of the room. It takes them past Chanyeol who only blankly watches, his gaze focused on their shoes. That’s probably why he sees it coming; one of them turns around quickly and the person behind him doesn’t notice, still walking forward.

Chanyeol reacts, his eyes sweeping up to see the pair collide. Only one of them goes falling back, and Chanyeol stands just in time to keep the guy from hitting his table.

“Whoa,” Chanyeol begins. “That was close.”

The guy blinks up at Chanyeol, his eyes wide. “That was dramatic,” he laughs.

“Nice save,” comes a voice from beside him, and Chanyeol freezes.

The guy he’s holding wiggles his way free, but Chanyeol doesn’t notice. All he knows is the echo of those words in his ears. A hand waves in his face as the owner of that voice draws near. When his hand drops, his face comes into focus, and Chanyeol really can’t breathe.

“I think you broke him,” says the man now in front of Chanyeol.

“I did not,” the guy Chanyeol saved asserts. “It’s because you keep flashing your megawatt smile at every unsuspecting victim, Jongdae,” he snorts. “I’ve told you that it disables the weak minded.”

“I’m not weak minded,” Chanyeol mumbles.

The effect is instantaneous. The man before Chanyeol now freezes much the same way Chanyeol did, his pretty mouth hanging open and eyes wide as they stare at Chanyeol. “You -” he begins, swallowing and licking over his lips, “you’re mine.”

Chanyeol barks out a laugh.

“I mean - you and me, we’re - it’s -.”

“Yes,” Chanyeol cuts in. “I’m yours.” Chanyeol takes stock of the man, of Jongdae, to find that he’s the one he was staring at earlier, but now his hood is pulled down, the disheveled strands of his dark hair now partially sticking up from static. There’s a curl to his lips that Chanyeol finds irresistible and he mentally shakes himself free of his surprise. “My name is Chanyeol,” he offers, licking over his suddenly parched lips.

“Jongdae,” his soulmate replies. “And it’s about time you showed up.” One of his hands props on his hip and he tilts his head. “I was starting to wonder if you were even out there.”

Chanyeol snorts a little. “Me? I’ve been here this entire time.”

Jongdae clucks his tongue, rocking back on his heels. “Well at least it was worth the wait,” he comments, his eyes dragging over Chanyeol from head to toe and back. “Can I join you?” Jongdae doesn’t bother waiting for an answer as he slides in on the other side of Chanyeol’s table.

“Good luck!” calls the man Chanyeol rescued, and several of the others yell out their congratulations.

“I hope his dick is as big as the rest of him!” someone else shouts.

Jongdae groans, head falling in his hands as Chanyeol laughs.

“I’ll leave that up to you to find out at your leisure,” Chanyeol tells Jongdae. He’s mostly teasing, but the sparkle in Jongdae’s eyes when he raises his gaze makes Chanyeol think it will be sooner rather than later.

“So, Chanyeol, my handsome better half, tell me all about yourself,” Jongdae begins, leaning forward to steal the cherry off the top of Chanyeol’s milkshake.

Chanyeol watches as Jongdae’s tongue darts out to pluck the round fruit from the stem before it disappears into his mouth. Chanyeol gulps, fingers curling restlessly around his drink. He thinks that maybe, he’s finally met his match.

As it turns out, it’s not easy to have a getting to know you conversation when Jongdae’s friends keep shouting across the room to interrupt. Kyungsoo comes over once to offer to kick them out, his eyes narrowed unimpressively at Jongdae, but Chanyeol tells him it’s alright.

Instead, Chanyeol asks Jongdae if they can go someplace else, and Jongdae is only happy to agree. He latches himself onto Chanyeol’s arm, all smiles and cheer. It puts a bounce in Chanyeol’s step as he veers them in the direction of his apartment. Jongdae, currently, is crashing on his friend’s couch after deciding to drop out of the academy so if they want to be alone it needs to be Chanyeol’s place.

“I stopped and thought about being up there, looking down on the planet, and I felt sad,” Jongdae explains. “Not sad because I missed anyone in particular, but because I like being down here with my feet on the ground.” He laughs. “I should have figured that out the first time they put me in the Zed-G room and I threw up.”

Chanyeol laughs at the wrinkled expression on Jongdae’s face, a warmth blossoming in his chest as Jongdae clutches his arm tighter, knocking into his side as they walk. There’s a chill in the air, but it’s not enough to damped their spirits. Chanyeol tells Jongdae about his love for music, and then the decline of it the further into his degree he got. He tells Jongdae about all the little things he’s been doing to busy himself, only pausing when Jongdae grabs his hand to inspect it.

“You have the hands of a man who could do anything,” Jongdae proclaims, then laces their fingers together as if they’d been together forever, letting their linked hands swing between them as they continue walking.

It’s too soon when they reach Chanyeol’s building; habitually, Chanyeol rounds the side and heads toward the back, Jongdae in tow. There’s food in Chanyeol’s pocket, just a bit of meat that Kyungsoo was going to throw away, that Chanyeol pulls out as they reach the back.

Jongdae releases Chanyeol and takes a few steps away. “Uh, this isn’t some plot to kill me and rifle through my clothes for credits, is it?”

Chanyeol stops, a guffaw echoing in the small space. He winces apologetically. “No, this is where momma cat lives,” he tells Jongdae, holding up the bag. He shakes it, and only moments later, the momma cat comes rushing over, meowing and rumbling with a purr as she rubs her body along Chanyeol’s ankles.

Her cream colored fur always clings to his pants, but he never minds. He bends to scratch his fingers around her ears, and her purring grows louder. Jongdae crouches beside him, cautiously holding out his hand until momma cat notices him. She nudges her head against his knuckles, and Jongdae grins.

“She has a kitten around here somewhere,” Chanyeol tells Jongdae. “There were three in the litter,” he adds sadly. “It’s a rough world out here, isn’t it?” he coos, eyes wandering to see if he can spy the kitten. It’s darker in color and more skilled at hiding.

“Would you consider this a hobby or . . . ?” Jongdae teases.

Chanyeol wrinkles his nose, smiling softly as he rips the open bag and sets it down for the momma cat. “I don’t go looking for strays,” he comments. “But when they appear, it’s only right to help them.”

When Chanyeol looks over at Jongdae, Jongdae has a fond expression on his face.

“Come on,” Chanyeol whispers, standing and holding out his hand for Jongdae to help him up.

Chanyeol lives on one of the top floors of his building - not by choice. It was the only space available. They take the lift and Jongdae doesn’t seem to mind the silence between them. It feels odd letting Jongdae into his small home, but it also doesn’t. Chanyeol is aware that just because they’re connected, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be an easy ride. And Jongdae seems to be on the same wavelength, smiling broadly at Chanyeol as he sits on the couch.

Chanyeol has absolutely no idea what to do. He stands there, staring dumbly at his guest as the smile fades from Jongdae’s handsome face. They stay this way for a minute, until Jongdae cocks his head and raises an eyebrow. Another moment passes before both of them burst into laughter.

“This is ridiculous,” Chanyeol announces, running his slightly shaky fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Me either,” Jongdae offers. “But we don’t have to do anything,” he adds with a shrug. “There are no rules. This can be a first date, or maybe like, two people first meeting as friends.”

Chanyeol nods, finally moving to join Jongdae on the couch after he steps out of his shoes. “Alright,” he breathes. “I can do that.”

“Good,” Jongdae says cheerfully as he takes Chanyeol's hand and laces their fingers together again. “You work on the comfortable friend vibe and I’ll pretend not to cuddle against you. Deal?”

“Only if we can spoon after,” Chanyeol deadpans.

Jongdae’s eyes widen as he gasps. “You are perfect. Can I be the big spoon?”

Jongdae stays the night, taking the couch while Chanyeol sleeps in his bed, only a meter away. The night had been quiet; the two of them had kept it light and easy, conversing mostly about the movies that continuously played until it was well after dark. The idea of letting Jongdae leave wasn’t one that Chanyeol liked, so he offered his couch.

Now that it’s morning, Chanyeol is expecting the spell to break. It’s been a little too good to be true, a little too perfect. Jongdae isn’t loud, but he’s not quiet either. He fills silences that need filling while leaving others just as they are. He slides into Chanyeol’s personal space without shame, and then backs away just as suddenly. Chanyeol isn’t sure if Jongdae is trying to make him want more, but it’s working.

It works so much that Jongdae spends the rest of the day at Chanyeol’s apartment.

And the next.

They’re almost like a pair of friends who are dancing just on the edge of romance. Chanyeol thinks about taking the plunge, but he waits. Jongdae sticks around, opening up about himself as Chanyeol does the same. They pause long enough to go to Jongdae’s friend’s house to grab his stuff, bringing it back to Chanyeol’s place.

“You sure you don’t mind?” Jongdae asks for the third time. “I know we’re supposed to be together, but I don’t want to rush you.”

Chanyeol laughs. “I’ve already told you I don’t mind. Besides, I’ve been waiting long enough.”

Jongdae stares up at Chanyeol for a moment before surging forward. His hands are on Chanyeol’s head, bringing him down. “Me too,” he whispers just before kissing Chanyeol for the first time.

They have a long way to go - Chanyeol and Jongdae. They have their entire lives ahead of them, for better or for worse. But now - now they’re going to figure it out together. It’s a weight off Chanyeol’s shoulders, one less burden to keep him from reaching for the stars. Well, for the rest of the stars because the brightest one is already in his grasp.

rating: pg-13, 2016, pairing: chen

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