Finders keepers for mutantbic

Aug 01, 2015 11:07

For: mutantbic
Title: Finders Keepers
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Chen
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): language, gun fights, criminal activity
Length: 10.2k
Summary: Chanyeol was supposed to raid the abandoned ship for food supplies, not bring back a stray that may not be as innocent as his smile suggests.
Author's note: Firefly/spaceoutlaws!au. To my recipient - thank ( Read more... )

rating: pg-13, 2015, pairing: chen

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mutantbic August 3 2015, 10:11:18 UTC
Let me say first of all that I thoroughly enjoyed this! (just when I had been about to give up on exchanges, this gem comes my way) Thank you from the bottom of my heart /overflowing of hearts.

I'm glad that you liked my prompts, seriously they were all over the place. haha

Ahem. Let me give you the full blow by blow on my feelings as I read this. (I want to give a long and detailed comment because you put so much work into this and I'm reading it without you. I feel like you deserve a huge comment.) I made sure that I had a cup of tea and a snack and that no one was going to bother me. (or die)

So here goes:

Baekhyun wasted an entire job’s pay on beef
You say wasted but c'mon BEEF!

or a violent attack by a species waiting just outside the airlocks
I love that Chanyeol is a wacky pilot. I can totally picture him like Cowboy Beebop but less smooth... haha
His over active imagination is great too. I saw him startling at every little noise and then later when Jongdae says he was watching, I had a little giggle.

“No, thank you.”
Pretty much the way I feel about creepy space stuff sometimes...

“Why did you take the one box I told you wasn’t very good?” Jongdae asks, hands on his hips as he stares down at Chanyeol, amused.

“Are you kidding me? What did I tell you about bringing strays onto this ship? Didn’t you learn your lesson with Jongin?”
I would pay cash money to hear that story... /raptures
I'm serious. My mind is running away with Jongin as the 'Saffron' character and /grabby hands/ give it to me now!!

“Great!” Baekhyun claps his hands once. “Then we have no problems here. Let’s get our stuff loaded and go get paid.”
Straight to the point Baek. /heart eyes/

The whole description of Chanyeol's feelings about living in space. /swoon/ I really like it.

And the balance between Baek and Soo haha omg

Jongdae stares at him for a long moment and then smiles a little and nods his head. “Okay. Just us though. The others ruined it so no star-gazing for them.”
/SQUEEEEE/ oh my heaRT

The co-pilot’s chair has become Jongdae’s chair and Chanyeol finds a little part of himself agitated whenever anyone else sits in it.
goddAMn mY heART!

“Pancakes.” Jongdae confirms with a whisper. “I know we’re about to have dinner but, please, pancakes. It’s my favorite food, favorite everything.”
OMG Dude I know how Jongdae feels about pancakes. Yus

Jongdae closes his eyes and leans forward to breathe in the scent and he looks so, so pretty with his eyelashes fanned softly across his cheeks and hair a mess.
My heart again. And Jongdae's stupid handsome face. /die

and his fingertips ghost across Jongdae’s cheek before he pulls him just a bit closer and kisses him back in a way he’s thought of, wanted to for awhile now.
There goes my soul literally leaving my body. /waves farewell to soul/

“I already had you. I want pancakes now and then afterwards I want you again.”
I'm actually screaming into my pillow right now.

“I swear, if he gets hurt in any way over this I will personally walk you to the nearest Alliance officer and not look back.”
Looking back on this, Chanyeol just waited so long for things to come out. I wonder if he ever would have asked if they hadn't been caught. (I think it really suited his character though). And protective Kyungsoo really makes me happy. I can imagine him taking care of everyone (even tho here he is the maknae? haha)

The fight scene was great. (don't be worried that there wasn't enough action for me.. I'm not a junkie haha They had guns and had a bar fight, that is totally enough :D)

I caught that little look that Kyungsoo had given Jongdae when they were coming back from that first deal and I was just 'ooOOOooo'

And the fluff. Just drown me in it I CAN TAKE IT! It was just fantastic. I was hugging myself reading it.

I want to say thank you again. This truly made my day/week/etc and I'm so grateful for what you did with an idea I just threw out there as a wish. I feel like you caught it and ran with it and made something special.

I can't wait for reveals now OMGGGGG


endlesstars August 5 2015, 00:07:12 UTC
I'm so so happy you liked it! ♥ I had actually decided to give up exchanges too when I went to sleep, but then I woke up to your comment and it made me happy so thank you so much for that. I hope you don't give up on them either!

Also another thank you because I had never watched Firefly before this and I'm so glad I watched because it's such a good show. ;~;

Also haha yes Jongin the Saffron character. xD My friend said the same thing about a prequel, so maybe, maybe.

Anyway, thank you again for the lovely prompt and letting me fulfill my dream of writing space!au. I'm so happy you enjoyed it ♥


mutantbic August 5 2015, 10:45:39 UTC
OMG you know that I need to read about Saffron!Jongin like I need AIR! (absolutely no pressure tho like i'm totally cool with torturing myself with just the idea in case you were wondering-/screamingggg)

I'm glad you liked firefly! I didn't want that universe to be a burden and so I threw in the Cowboy beebop and any old space thing.

Space is something I want to write too... I'm super into space stuff and yet I just haven't gotten around to it... /sad

Anyway, I'm going to lowkey stalk your lj and read everything. In a non creepy way ofc...

I don't know if you want to read filth (because that is pretty mush all I have time for these days hha) but if you like you could read me too /an awkward turtle leaves the pond!/ haha /wheeze/


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