Not love, spring or cherry blossoms for everyone [2/2]

Jul 30, 2015 21:44

“501 not implemented my ass, luhan”

when chanyeol woke up with a throbbing headache, he was lying on sehun's bed, the younger sat at his desktop, talking to luhan, the real one, over the phone.

"ninety-nine little bugs in a code, ninety-nine bugs in a code. take one out patch it around, one-hundred and twenty bugs in a code." sehun laughed loudly, not really helping with chanyeol's headache. how could he be up and working on codes when they spent the whole night drinking?

“I’m just gonna hardcode this and hope it doesn’t come back to bite me. I swear- oh, hyung, chanyeol is up, i'm gonna have to call you back later.” he threw his phone on the desk and turned the chair to face a disgruntled chanyeol on his bed.

"good morning sunshine!" sehun crooned.

"fuck off sehun, what time is it and why i'm your room? how did we get home?" chanyeol tousled his already messy hair, he looked like a kid being waken up early to school.

"calm down with the questions. one thing at time. it's ten in the morning, you're here because you're heavy and my room is closest to the front door so i just threw you on my bed. i got us a cab".

sehun left the room and came back with headache pills and a glass of water, handing them to chanyeol.

"kyungsoo called", sehun sat back at his desk, turning in his chair.

"pixie didn't slept at their dorm" he stopped the chair, feeling dizzy. chanyeol sighed, he knew baekhyun probably wouldn't want to come to his dorm and face kyungsoo.

"jongin also called" sehun yawned.

"why do i need to know it?"

"pixie slept there".

there was something not quite right about baekhyun.

he didn't called and acted as if nothing happened, his reaction surprising chanyeol. he decided to write the lyrics by himself, ditching completely chanyeol's attempts of helping. he smiled less and talked less when chanyeol was around during their outings and he was also always next to jongin, ignoring the other's existence when they were out together.

he ignored chanyeol's existence, but became closer to kyungsoo.

chanyeol wasn't surprised when weeks later during jongdae's birthday party, he saw baekhyun on jongin's lap fervently kissing him.

he felt nothing watching the scene.

the pitter patter of the rain outside emitted a relaxing sound, marking the start of the autumn. people were running on the streets, trying to find a place to hide from the heavy rain.

baekhyun dyed his hair, the honey locks now replaced by pitch black, as if a sunny day had gave its way for a dark night. he slowly sipped his coffee, staring at chanyeol, but not saying a word. the silence was suffocating him.

"this is so funny", he started. "how i'm here about to break up with you when we don't even have a relationship to start with", he laughed coldly.

chanyeol stared at the cup of coffee he had on his hands, somehow it was hard to look at baekhyun

"kyungsoo is lucky i'm not the right person for you. look at me, puppy" he gently patted chanyeol's hand, smiling at him when their eyes met.

"i wanted this to work out, me and you. but i've always figured the reason we never really had a relationship was because you were waiting for something"

"this", he said, pointing at chanyeol's bracelet, "this is what you've been waiting, has been for so long, yeol. you can fall in love in an instant. It’s letting go that takes time, and you'll never let go, believe me". he sweetly smiled.

"don't let him run away from you again. he loves you" he took a sip of his coffee as chanyeol blankly stared at him.

"come on, don't act like you haven't noticed"

"wait, you haven't?" baekhyun muffled a laugh with his hand, chanyeol still staring at him as if he was a ghost.

"kyungsoo says things when he gets drunk" he stared at the rain outside, it was slowly stopping, the night was falling and the lights were being turned on, the sight was melancholic

"did you know that he never dated nor kissed anyone because of you?" chanyeol pressed his hand flat on the table, baekhyun soon covering it with his.

"it hurt, when i found out how much he loved you and how much he wanted to come back because of you, because i loved you too"

"and i wanted you to myself, i really thought i could get you to myself. then i saw you guys kissing. that's when i knew you'd never really love anyone else besides him"

he interlaced their fingers, he was going to miss this, but he was already moving on, chanyeol was never really his, his mind pranked him to believe in it, but he knew better.

"i've been going out with jongin", he played with chanyeol's fingers, "he's great. we're complete opposites and it's working. he's weird, but it's his charm" he said dreamy, letting go of the other boy's hands and staring at his eyes.

"you're great, baek actually, you're kinda amazing".

"i know"

"now we actually have a shot at being friends for the rest of our lives".

"tell him you love him".

that night, chanyeol texted jongin.

i don't know if he's told you this, but baek used to make muk bang.

and received one in return,

the reason why kyungsoo rejected me was because of you.

the venue was full of important faculty people, teachers, friends and family as everyone waited patiently for the concert to start. It was the most important assignment for people who studied music performance and it was held every year during autumn. three people would be chosen to gain a scholarship to the most prestigious post grad school in south korea, and everyone was cheering for baekhyun.

baekhyun was a talented pianist and vocalist, everyone knew this. he once told chanyeol he basically lived for this scholarship and that this was his biggest chance. when he was nominated to participate on the event, the boy cried so hard chanyeol was afraid he'd dry. this was his biggest dream at risk, everything had to be perfect.

"I hope one of the debugging tools is holy water because this is going to need an exorcism." sehun shouted on the phone, standing up and receiving glares from people around them.

chanyeol facepalmed as the younger boy furiously turned off his phone, looking defeated.

"what's wrong, buddy?" jongin asked, fixing the tie on his neck.

"debug. more like debugging my life.” sehun sighed, crossing his arms. "i bet it's luhan's fault and not mine."

"why isn't luhan here anyways?" chanyeol chimed in.

"he can’t; we have a programming assignment. i shouldn't be here either, but pixie threatened to cut off my dick if i didn't"

there were only sehun, jongin and chanyeol from their group of friends at the venue. kyungsoo had to stay behind to finish assiginments of his own. the things between him and chanyeol had become awkward since the kiss, chanyeol was postponing their conversation and he was sure baekhyun was soon going to threat to cu off his dick too if he kept like this.

the lights turned off and the place became silent and soon numerous performers were on stage, singing, playing instrument or doing both. the ending was slowly approaching when they announced baekhyun's performance.

he entered the stage alongside kyungsoo, to everyone's surprise. they were both wearing black tuxedos, both looking impeccable, not a single hair out of place.

baekhyun assumed his position behind the concert grand piano type after bowing to the audience, receiving a loud hoot from jongin who received glares this time, sehun whispering a "whipped" after. kyungsoo bowed and assumed the position on the middle of the stage.

the lights dimmed again as a spotlight was put on both of them, baekhyun's delicate fingers started working on the piano keys, filling the hall with the melody recognized as the one he had composed and gave to baekhyun as a gift, the older male was making it justice just like he had imagined.

chanyeol was nervously waiting for kyungsoo to sing.

when he opened his mouth, the most magical sound came out. chanyeol took a deep breath and observed how kyungsoo's strong and powerful voice harmonized perfectly with the melody. he felt drugged, hypnotised, like the voice was releasing some sort of enchantment on him.

the lyrics talked about first love, and how unforgettable and important it was, and he knew baekhyun had made it for him.

kyungsoo's neck veins showed as he held out a long note at the end, his face becoming slighty pinkish as he tried to catch his breath, the most beautiful of the smiles on his lips.

chanyeol's heart was pounding so hard he thought he was going to have a heart attack.

the audience stood up and showered the duo with claps as they exited the stage, the last performer taking their place, a girl who played harp.

the wind was chilly that evening as it was the middle of autumn, leafs fell around them as they calmly walked on the streets near the dorms.

everyone had gone out to celebrate baekhyun's victory, including luhan who couldn't refuse a free food invitation, codes be damned, sehun explained. surprisingly, kyungsoo won a scholarship too, the faculty members were impressed with his vocal abilities and said it would be an honor to have both him and baekhyun to study with them.

they were walking side by side, their hands brushing softly, both smiling nervously. this was the first time they were alone after the kiss. as they approached chanyeol's apartment, kyungsoo abruptly came to a halt, holding chanyeol's wrist and staring directly at his eyes.

"just tell me you love me too and get it over with!" chanyeol said, smiling. kyungsoo's eyes widened but soon softened as they both chuckled.

"i'm so happy i'm going to cry" he said instead.

kyungsoo kissed him. he smiled into the kiss

chanyeol had a hard time deciding what he liked the most, kyungsoo's voice while he sang or the melodious moans he let out as he nipped at his neck, their bodies connected, chanyeol chanting i love you's at the younger's ear as they both reached their peaks.

cuddling kyungsoo was one of chanyeol's wildest dreams, he was feeling overjoyed just of having the smaller boy sleeping in his arms.

"you should check your email, just in case you've missed some of the one's i've sent. they're important and maybe we'd be together way longer if you hadn't ignored them". kyungsoo whispered before falling asleep

picking up his celphone from the bedside table, he dialed sehun's number. who promptly attended the call.

"what do you know about hacking e-mails?" he asked, staring lovingly at the sleeping boy in his arms.

outside, instead of flowers blooming, the wind blowed strongly and took away leafs from the trees, and maybe chanyeol should pick a new favorite season.

the flowers were blooming outside, the weather was pleasant and everything was colorful. kyungsoo was patiently waiting for chanyeol to get ready, watching a frustrated sehun type furiously on his laptop, rubber duck beside him.

"What did you do today?" he asked, receiving a soft sigh in return

"10% bug making and 90% debugging". sehun answered, taking a sip of his coffee.

"i have no idea of what it is but didn't you do that yesterday?"

"yeah, it sucks." kyungsoo opened his mouth to retort but was interrupted by sehun.

"it was just working what could have possibly gone wrong in 13 seconds?" he closed his laptop and got up, extending his arms, pouting at kyungsoo's direction.

"hyung, i need a hug"

walking in the oversized kid's direction, kyungsoo hugged him tightly, softly patting his back, receiving a kiss on top of his head in return.

"what are you doing to my boyfriend, sehun?" chanyeol walked in, searching for his keys.

"he's so small and cuddly, it's not my fault" sehun said, letting go of the hug and going to the kitchen.

"yeol, sehun said i'm small, are you going to kick him?" kyungsoo said, enveloping his arms around chanyeol's waist from behind, resting his face on his back, smiling. chanyeol turned around and pressed his lips on kyungsoo's temple.

"depends of what you have on your lunchbox today", he said, making kyungsoo pout. he kissed his pout away, leaning in for a deep kiss that got interrupted by sehun.

"okay, okay you are childhood sweethearts bla bla bla, enough pda", sehun said, shoving his keys on chanyeol's hand, pushing them towards the door.

"enjoy the sappy flower festival, kiss a lot, make out but not in front of me, i'm sad as it is, don't need you guys to remind me that i'm still single", he opened the door and pushed them outside, closing the door on their faces.

they chuckled, kyungsoo taking chanyeol's hand on his as they walked to the elevator. the door opened again and sehun popped his head outside.

"hyung," they both looked at the boy", "i'm glad you found your missing end bracket". he closed the door again.

Final author's note: sighs at you, puppy.

rating: pg-13, 2015, pairing: baekhyun, pairing: do

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