Real treasures aren’t sought for for notyouraveragedramaaddict

Jul 29, 2015 22:30

For: notyouraveragedramaaddict
Title: Real Treasures Aren’t Sought For
Pairing: Chanyeol/Sehun
Rating: PG
Length: 5.7k
Summary: The one time Chanyeol tries to spoil himself with some free time from being the eternal sunshine and model boy next door, he finds it hard to have fun without the company of his strongly characterized friends.
Author's note: I’m sorry this is so slow, spacey, unamusing, and a lot more Chanyeol-centric than I would like for it to be… This probably isn’t what you were hoping for, but it’s what came to mind when I read through your lovely prompts. Hopefully this will somewhat fit your interests ;;

It takes several rings before Baekhyun picks up his phone. Chanyeol doesn’t care to check the digital clock on his nightstand that reads 6:17 A.M.

“You better have a damn good reason for calling me this early on a Monday. I’m already dreading going into work.” His friend yawns loudly through the speaker and Chanyeol hears sheets rustling.

“I’m leaving,” Chanyeol says nonchalantly, nearly flipping his room upside down looking for his wallet. He swears he left it on his desk yesterday, but he has “Chronic Lose Anything in My Possession Syndrome” as Baekhyun calls it.

Chanyeol reaches into the abyss of the unknown under his bed and lets out an “aha!” when his fingers latch onto the familiar leather of his wallet. How it got there, he’ll never know or understand, but when he stands up, he realizes that Baekhyun has yet to say anything back to him. “Um, Baek? You there?” Chanyeol traps his phone between his ear and left shoulder while he pockets his wallet and tosses essential things into a large duffle bag. Things like water bottles, enough clothes to wash and rotate throughout the two-week period, a notebook for boredom, and portable toiletries.

Baekhyun sighs, “What do you mean you’re leaving? Leaving where? Are you eloping? Is there someone who’s willing enough to absorb your daily 400% energy capacity that I should know about before you-”

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol rolls his eyes so hard that he hopes Baekhyun can hear it through the phone. “No, I’m not eloping. I’m leaving, as in I’m going on the road for a week. I already called in with Joonmyun last night.”

In fact, Joonmyun was more than willing to give Chanyeol time to himself, away from the busy shifts at his cafe. It’s kind of an unspoken fact that Chanyeol works too hard because he’s always smiles and laughter, never one to be let down or discouraged by negative vibes from irritated customers and the general people in his life.

“Wait. You’re going to leave me to be Kyungsoo’s little helper? How could you?!” Baekhyun whines, muttering something about Kyungsoo’s piercing gaze and hot hand when he needs help in the kitchen.

“That’s what you’re worried about?” Chanyeol laughs and grabs the duffle bag, putting in down by the front door on his way to the kitchen. As awake and excited as he is now, he’s going to need an energy boost for on the go. He grabs a thermos from one of the cabinets to fill to the brim with coffee. Of course, he can’t forget to mix in the cream and sugar. The only person he knows to genuinely enjoy plain, black coffee (“It tastes like poison-” “You’re too young to know Jongin. As your roommate, I will help you learn to enjoy it.” “Count me out.”) is Minseok, the head barista at Joonmyun’s cafe.

“Well, I’m trying to think if I should be concerned that you haven’t invited me or Kyungsoo or anyone to come with you. Should I be?” Baekhyun asks in a voice that Chanyeol is all too accustomed to. It’s the soft I’m-your-best-friend-so-you-can-tell-me-the-honest-truth voice that he uses whenever he thinks Chanyeol’s feeling lowkey emotional or has something he’s hiding.

As his best friend since middle school, Baekhyun knows Chanyeol better than the script of Mean Girls - he could recite the entire movie as a one-man show so that means something - so of course he knows or at least can detect every possible caveat that Chanyeol shadows in his words.

Chanyeol sighs, screwing the lid onto his thermos after he takes a long sip, letting the warmth permeate through his chest and limbs. “Nope. Just want to go on my own this time.” He leans against the kitchen counter, tapping his feet on the wood floor. Baekhyun stays quiet as if he thinks Chanyeol’s giving him bullshit for an answer. “Look, I know we travel together all the time, but I want to do things by myself. I mean, I don’t really have a plan yet, just a car, but I think I’ll have fun.”

“I sure hope so. We both know who provided the entertainment between the two of us on our road trips.” Chanyeol can hear the smile in his friend’s muffled voice and he smiles too. “Well, if that’s all you have to tell me, drive safe, don’t talk to strangers, don’t get lost or mauled because you don’t know how to distinguish shady from ordinary, yada yada.”

“Thanks, dad.” Chanyeol snorts, checking his jean pockets for keys and his phone, with causes a brief moment of panic until he realizes that he’s currently talking to Baekhyun. On his phone. Anyone who is his friend would snort if they witnessed his moment of forgetfulness.

Chanyeol’s about to say goodbye and hang up, but Baekhyun cuts through and says, “We’re going to talk when you come back, yeah?”

“Yeah, sure.” He already has an idea of what probing questions Baekhyun’s going to direct at him. Maybe he’ll bring back a souvenir to distract him from starting a confrontation. “See ya, Baek.”

“Good morning to you too.” Baekhyun yawns like he did at the start of the conversation and promptly hangs up. Chanyeol removes the now heated screen from his ear and shakes his head, putting the device in one of his empty pockets before he gathers all his things and heads out.


Due to lack of entertainment on the road and away from urban civilization - Baekhyun would be so smug to hear - Chanyeol purchases a small notebook - there was a limited array of choices to pick from so this one says “Strive for Happiness!” in fancy, glittery calligraphy on the cover - from a gas station a little through his first day. He digs out an old, but still functional pen from under the car seats and decides to keep a log of his adventures and musings.

Along with forgetting the placement of tangible objects, Chanyeol has trouble remembering what he ate the day before, so he figures he should write out his travel experience if he wants a story to tell.


Day 1

Dear Diary (Is this even appropriate for me to say? Oh, who cares.),

Tried my best to stay alert on the road! I think it was a good idea to stock up on coffee this morning. The sun was up high all day, thankfully, but I have a feeling it’s going to get extremely hot in the next few days… I should’ve thought to bring frizz spray because lord knows how my hair gets when it’s hot and humid.

I skipped lunch for the sake of getting more miles behind the wheel and was grateful to find Joe’s Grill within walking distance once I settled at a motel after sunset. They had the most amazing steak fries and the portions were so huge I almost couldn’t finish my cheeseburger. I also met a really lovely old woman there (her nametag read Sally) who was my server for the night. She was nice and loving and reminded me of my grandmother.

On the flip side, on my way back to the first motel of this trip, the guy at the front desk was taller than me and had scary eyebrows. I felt his eyes following me while I was trying to walk to my room on the second floor.

I think he hates me? Although I don’t think I did anything wrong? Maybe he’s someone like Kyungsoo - broody on the outside, sensitive on the inside. He doesn’t look very friendly so I’ll avoid him unless it is absolutely necessary that I ask him a question.

I wanted to take a dip in the pool before I called it a day, but I was still digesting dinner and the underwater lights were broken so it felt a bit sketchy. No one else was outside to swim, so I didn’t want to drown without being heard. Haha. Ha. I should probably stop watching scary movies on Netflix.

Well, I think this trip is going fairly well so far. We’ll see how the next few mornings play out. Goodnight, Diary!



Day 2

Dear Diary,

- My soft bed
- A showerhead that doesn’t spray my back with the force of a fire hose
- The smell of fresh baked goods every morning (courtesy of Kyungsoo)
- Netflix
- The cute kittens in the pet shop down the street from home

These are some of the things I miss. I would say that I miss my friends, but I don’t want Baekhyun to think that I’m dependent on him - which I am… he’s my best friend - but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking so if he ever chances upon this journal. He most likely will wriggle the existence of this log out of me and get his hands on it.

And speaking of kittens, I found one huddled under my car this morning, probably because of the shade protecting it from the sun. I checked the weather app and it’s supposed to reach ninety degrees by mid-afternoon.

I tried to lure it out from under the car, keeping my distance because of my deathly allergic reaction to cat fur, but it took a few minutes. The little kitten looked so content lounging in the shadows like an orange fluff ball. I wanted so badly to just reach under and carry it in my hands because the soft meows were making me weak, but I held back for the sake of my health. Eventually, the kitten crawled out the opening opposite from where I was crouched and padded away.

So that’s one more friend I made along the way, although temporary. I drove some more and found a bar just before sunset. I was invited into a group of older men, maybe in their thirties and forties, to play a round of pool and drink shots of tequila with them. It was actually fun, gave me more names to remember: Ben, Jack, Hyunjin, Lady Jane, and Chase.

But that Lady Jane. I could tell she was interested in me - no, I am not narcissistic… she was merely very forward with the intentions behind her words and actions. I felt terrible to disappoint her, but I had to let her know that I didn’t quite swing that way. I should’ve let her know earlier than I had because she looked a bit miffed, but shook it off within minutes, flirting with the other guys. Hyunjin told me not to worry about it; she was always looking for new blood. He was the youngest of the group, most relatable for me to chat with.

I walked out of the bar feeling lighter than I was prior to entering the place and realized that having company to hang out with really is something that I need in order to be as happy as I usually am. It makes sense though; being alone is no easy chore, and walking around as a one-man show isn’t easy.

Before I hit the sack, I can’t help but wonder when I’ll find someone to spend forever with. Not just a friend like Baekhyun or Kyungsoo, but someone special, a significant other, a soulmate. Maybe someone who fits all of the above?

I haven’t been on dates in a long time. Should I ask the guys back home to hook me up with someone? Nah. The last time didn’t end very well… and I’d rather not be reminded of that night. Haha.

Conclusion: Today was a very engaging day filled with new experiences and new faces, but at the end of the day, I realized how lonely I feel. Not just on this trip, but I guess in real time too. I just never really acknowledged or noticed it.

Well, it’s almost midnight and I haven’t showered yet so. I’ll be back tomorrow.



Day 5

Dear Diary,

So, uh, I lost you for a couple days. Or “lost” since I found you five minutes ago - in the “space of doom,” as I’d like to call it, between the driver’s seat and the center storage compartment - and now here I am… Haha. Old habits never die I guess. As usual though, nothing especially life-changing happened yesterday. Woke up each morning, ate motel lobby breakfasts, drove some miles and ate along the way, and ended up at another motel. There really isn’t much to see or do out here and I’m feeling more lonely than I am bored.

I’ve probably seen at least thirty billboards advertising incoming casinos and adult shows within the past two days, none of which seem particularly interesting or fun. I’ve never been much of a gambler or… one for risqué.

I should probably start heading back today. Baekhyun called me a total of 22 times so far and I still haven’t answered or called back. He’s probably frustrated by my lack of response, maybe even thinks that I’m dead, but I’m trying to keep my lone zen until the end of this week. Even Joonmyun and Kyungsoo sent me a couple texts. Joonmyun asking about my whereabouts and Kyungsoo saying he misses me (wow, I know) because Baekhyun burnt yet another batch of lemon zest muffins.

For some reason I’m starting to feel adventurous, like I’m holding an adrenaline rush waiting to burst. (Baekhyun wouldn’t be pleased to know, even though he’s the most devilish risk taker that I know to this day.) I wonder what it means, but hopefully I’ll be able to sleep it off.

I decided to sleep in my car tonight, because I’m running low on cash that I’m willing to spend, and it actually feels cool out tonight. Pray that no one tries to break through my windows and mug me in my sleep.




Day 6

Dear Diary,

I was driving at 80 mph today and almost broke my brakes trying to stop myself from ramming into the most massive tumbleweed I have ever seen. Now before you or anyone can say anything about me, I know I shouldn’t be speeding, but there weren’t any cars and hardly much scenery to distract me or be seen as impending danger. I’m still alive and that’s all that should matter!

I found the most adorable creamery called Frozen Dreams in a plaza by this rest stop I pulled into for a tank fill. This is where I discovered heaven for any taste bud. I’m going to need to pull people along next time to try this place out because they give FREE SAMPLES!!! I think I fell in love with the Triple Chocolate Crunch to the point of nearly melting into the floor. The employees laughed at me, but I was too lost in the moment to care.

I looked around the shops in the plaza and found some cool souvenirs. A beagle plush toy for Baekhyun - I’ll leave it to him to figure out why - and a penguin plush toy wearing a chef’s apron and hat for Kyungsoo. A nametag that reads ‘Junmyeon’ for Joonmyun - I’m sure he’ll love that heh - and a special brew of Cuban coffee for Minseok to try.

It started raining amidst the humidity in the late afternoon, so I was forced to find a place to stay earlier than planned. It’s no biggie though. I ran a marathon of Criminal Minds in my room until my eyes burned with the image of pixels and blood.

I’ll finally be home within two days. I feel a bit sore from the travel and constant air conditioning blasting on my face throughout the days, so I’m happy to be going back where I feel most comfortable.




Chanyeol bobs his head lightly with his left arm hanging out the rolled down window of his car, other hand steady on the wheel as an entire playlist of Snakehips runs from the aux connected to his phone.
It’s the last day before he’s back in town, ready to work and smell like coffee. He’s been driving to be on schedule to make it back by the end of the night, so everything is smooth sailing from here on out.
In the midst of driving endlessly down the nearly empty highway, Chanyeol sees a figure through the heat waves, standing roadside a couple hundred feet ahead. When the distance shortens, he decides to glance at the face of the man and something makes him ease his foot down on the brake, slowing down until he hits a complete stop next to the stranger.

The passenger window slides down and Chanyeol leans over and out, getting a closer look when the kid - he looks younger than Chanyeol, wind tousled black hair, graphic muscle tee hanging largely over his shoulders, and ripped skinny jeans. “Need a ride? You look like you’re stuck out here because, well, it’s the middle of nowhere.” The yellowed fields of tall grass around them are enough evidence to prove the lack of discernible location.

If Baekhyun were here, he would smack Chanyeol’s head so hard he’d knock himself into the glove compartment. No, he wouldn’t even allow Chanyeol to stop, and instead tell him to keep going because what did I say about shady people. Also, if Chanyeol thinks about it, wasn’t the whole point of this trip to be alone so he can have some time away from being so giving to other people?

“Yes, please.” The kid looks so relieved and quickly gets into the passenger seat, buckling his seatbelt and sighing as he relaxes into the leather seats.

Chanyeol puts the gear back into drive and starts moving again. “Where are you headed?”

“I should be asking you that.” He doesn’t mean to sound rude, it’s just the way he speaks, but Chanyeol is starting to regret letting a stranger into his car. “Sorry, what I meant to say is, I’ll go wherever you’re going.”

With a brief side-glance, Chanyeol can see the guy biting his bottom lip raw from nervousness and pushing his black hair back away from blocking his vision. The slope of his nose and distinct jawline makes Chanyeol turn his sight back to the road.

“I’m on my way to the big city. Downtown. You live there?”

“Actually, I do.” Chanyeol hums in acknowledgement. “I’m Sehun by the way. Oh Sehun.”

It’s always nice to have a name to connect with a (pretty) face. “I’m Park Chanyeol. And you look a lot younger than me.” He chuckles, squinting when the breeze roughens up and blows through the window, probably making a mess out of his hair.

“Not that young,” Sehun mumbles. “21.”

Chanyeol whistles. “The ripe age to do anything and everything because you think the world is in your palms. Been there done that. I’m 23, kid.”

“2 years older, wow.” Chanyeol smiles at the sarcasm dripping from Sehun’s voice. What he would normally consider cold and distant, Chanyeol thinks Sehun is an interesting character.

“What brings you out here anyway?” Conversation. Chanyeol hopes it will get Sehun to open up a bit more, even though they are strangers. A face as youthful as his is bound to have a soft side.

Sehun clears his throat, possibly a sign of mild discomfort at the subject breach. “I was on a road trip with my friends, since it’s summer break and all.” Chanyeol nods, unsure if Sehun sees. “I got bored and ditched.”

“You got bored,” Chanyeol repeats. He swiftly looks at Sehun beside him and holds back an unattractive snort when the younger man rolls his eyes. “That is the worst excuse ever for being stuck out in the plains by yourself with - let me guess - zero money and source of transportation.”

“I wasn’t the one paying for all the expenses.” Sehun sighs. “And fine, I wasn’t just bored. I agreed to the trip in the first place because… I was into this guy that recently joined my group of friends.” He pauses as if waiting for Chanyeol to react strongly to his choice of interest, which he doesn’t, of course. “Turns out he’s straight as a board. I thought he was flirting with me at first, but he was only doing it for the chicks, since I’m close to them.”

“Hm. Typical playboy douche, nothing to be upset about.” Chanyeol throws a grin at Sehun who looks surprised at the older man’s nonchalance. “You’ll encounter a lot of those throughout the years.”

Sehun seems to hesitate when he continues, “Are you…?”

“Well, I’m sort of in the middle, but I guess I lean more towards testosterone attraction.” Chanyeol muses seriously and Sehun laughs.

“I’m glad you won’t be tossing me back out and calling me a queer then.”

“Oh we’ll see about that.” Chanyeol smiles mischievously, “It all depends on your behavior for the next few hours.”

Sehun scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. Chanyeol stares at the pale, skinny but toned arms in his periphery and exhales shallowly. This is going to be an interesting ride.

“So what’s your story, old man?” Sehun asks, sounding every bit not sorry.

“Hey. Don’t make me stop the car,” Chanyeol warns, but he’s too weak to actually do so. He’s kinda starting to like the kid and the genuine company he has to talk to for the rest of the trip. “I just needed some time for myself. Wanted to figure some things out.”

“Quarter life crisis already?” Chanyeol sniffs in response, clearly miffed, and Sehun chuckles. “Did you? Figure things out.”

“Eh,” Chanyeol shrugs, tightening his fingers in pulses around the wheel. “Somewhat. I just realized the obvious that I never really took into consideration before, because it’s normally so routine and ordinary.”

“Like what?” Sehun asks. He actually sounds curious, like he wants to listen to Chanyeol’s problems. If anyone else were in the car, they would think Sehun and Chanyeol are long-term buddies.

“That despite people’s judgments that I spend too much of my time and energy to make others happy, I personally enjoy it. I’m a happy guy and it doesn’t hurt me to want to spread my disease to the ones I care about.” Saying it out loud makes it really click in Chanyeol’s head. He hopes Sehun doesn’t think he’s some nostalgic hippy reaching the tipping point of his existentialism.

“Makes sense.” Chanyeol’s shaken out of his thoughts when Sehun agrees with him, rather calmly. He suddenly sounds like an old friend, completely understanding. Chanyeol can’t help but grin to himself at the rapidly growing connection between them. “Whatever anyone says to you or how they worry about you, if you’re sure of yourself, then tell ‘em that you’re fine. You do you.”

“You suddenly sound so wise. Good going, for a 21 year old.”

Sehun shrugs, leaning his head back on the headrest. “I’d like to think that I have at least half of my life figured out by now. You and I, we’re pretty relatable. You seem to know my struggles and vice versa. We’d make a good team.”

Chanyeol laughs and turns to glance at the younger man again, but finds himself unable to break away once he does because Sehun’s staring at him too. His long fringe has fallen back over his eyes, framing the softness that in them and Chanyeol tries not to twitch when he watches Sehun’s eyes shift down to his mouth for a split second.

Of course, the moment is ruined when Chanyeol doesn’t realize he’s slowly driving out of his lane and Sehun bolts forward to steady Chanyeol’s hands on the wheel so they’re moving straight again. Sehun’s hand falls over Chanyeol’s due to panic and the touch is electric. Chanyeol’s spine snaps straight and he’s back to all eyes on the road. He can feel the tips of his ears turning red and doesn’t dare to see if Sehun’s just as affected as he is.

“Well, uh, I’m going to take a nap. If you don’t mind.” Sehun asks shyly. Shifting noisily in his seat to get into a comfortable sleeping position.

“Y-yeah, go ahead. If you sleep it through, I’ll wake you up when we get off the highway.” Chanyeol flushes more at his own stuttering and is grateful when Sehun doesn’t outright laugh at him.

Instead, the younger man grunts in reply and leans against his closed window, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought and eyes shut. Within a few minutes, he’s breathing softly and Chanyeol lets out a sigh of relief. The quiet buzz of the music on his phone is the only thing keeping him company once again, but Chanyeol doesn’t hear any of the lyrics or the beats.

He thinks about the kid dreaming beside him, his first impression of a seemingly youthful and reckless guy who, with a bit of talking, is actually quite the opposite. Chanyeol would be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little bit attracted to Sehun.

Chanyeol shakes his head and wishes he wouldn’t be left to fall into traps of thinking about his quickly spiraling feelings about the younger man for the rest of the ride home.


“Wow, you actually live kinda close.” Chanyeol pulls up to a complex, softly lit up internally.

“Really?” Sehun unbuckles his seatbelt and reaches back to collect his few belongings. Chanyeol looks away when he catches a glimpse of pale skin following the rise of Sehun’s shirt up his lean torso.

“Yeah. I’m like less than half an hour away in the neighboring city.” Chanyeol smiles when Sehun drops his phone by his feet, grumbling to himself as he leans down to retrieve it.

“Oh, nice,” Sehun looks back at Chanyeol, right hand resting gently on the door handle to lead him out of the car. He looks like he has something important to say. “Maybe… I’ll run across you someday in the future.” His thin lips quirk into a crooked smile as if he’s feeling several emotions simultaneously.

In a split second, Chanyeol makes a choice to do something he never does. Something he’s always been afraid to do.

He takes the leap out of his comfort zone.

“It could be easier if I just give you my number.” And then time freezes.

Sehun opens the door, but stops short to turn his head and look at Chanyeol with wide eyes. His mouth slips open as if he’s in awe of the older man’s bravery, which, truthfully, Chanyeol himself is too.

A few more seconds pass in silence and Chanyeol begins to laugh nervously, about to say, “Just kidding! We just met so that’d be weird… right?” but Sehun beats him to it.

“That’d be cool.” Sehun hopes Chanyeol can’t see the blush rising on his cheeks in the darkness of the night. “If you wouldn’t mind hanging out in real time with a kid like me.” He fumbles to hand his cell over and it’s Chanyeol’s turn to look surprised when the cool surface of the device hits his fingertips.

Chanyeol worries that the rapid sound of his heartbeat can be heard, but he hurries to dial in and save his number on Sehun’s phone. He’s feeling ridiculously giddy and embarrassed at himself due to the sudden turn of events, so he doesn’t notice when Sehun closes some of the distance between Chanyeol and him. “Here, I-”

Chanyeol whips his head up and barely has time to breathe before Sehun pecks him on the lips, bangs covering his eyes pinched shut. He pulls back, taking his phone with him before he moves to get out of the car. “Um, thanks. For driving me home, for listening to me, for being an okay guy and not a serial killer. I’ll call y-” Chanyeol shuts Sehun up by tugging the younger man by his wrist and pulling him in by the collar of his shirt for a proper kiss that lasts a lot longer than the first.

There’s a light pop when they part and Chanyeol feels proud when he sees a glimpse of Sehun’s dazed expression. “I should, uh, go home now. Call me when you get inside safely, if you want, and… yeah. Night, Sehun.” Chanyeol pushes Sehun’s long fringe back, like he’s been wanting to all day, and behind his ears. He already misses the smooth, plumps feel of Sehun’s lips, but tries not to think too hard about it as he stares into Sehun’s eyes.

The younger man looks at a loss for words again, but he manages to nod his head. “Goodnight.”

Sehun finally gets out of the car and waves at Chanyeol one last time before he heads into the building. Chanyeol smiles at the tiny twitch of a grin on Sehun’s face before he turns his back to him and pulls out of the driveway to head home.

Tonight, Chanyeol feels like he can finally take on the world without a single doubt.


Baekhyun whips his head around and blinks like a hummingbird flaps its wings, as if he can’t believe that Chanyeol is here in front of his eyes. “You’re back.”

“Yes, I am.” It feels good to see the variety of mixed feelings contorting his best friend’s face after a few days away. But then again, Chanyeol is generally feeling very uplifted today. He was refreshed and ready to start the day this morning when he woke up, not just because of his comfy bed.

Chanyeol sighs when Baekhyun barges out from behind the register counter to knock the wind out him and bury his face in the taller man’s chest. “Good to see you too buddy.”

“You big oaf. You better tell me everything and never leave me alone with Kyungsoo ever again.” Kyungsoo walks out of the kitchen wiping his hands on the front of his apron as he squints menacingly (“I have astigmatism.” “Excuses!”) at Baekhyun before he waves at Chanyeol in greeting. Chanyeol laughs with all his teeth and Baekhyun lets go, patting Chanyeol hard on the shoulders while running a check over the taller man’s body, making sure he didn’t break any bones on his trip. Chanyeol waves a hand at him, “I’m in one piece. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried. I’m just trying to find a reason to say “I told you so,” but it looks like you did alright.” Chanyeol scoffs and Baekhyun coos and pokes fun with an overly sweet babying voice, “Aw, little Park Chanyeol is a big boy now.” Chanyeol pinches his stomach and Baekhyun squeaks, but continues smiling nonetheless.

“Alright, Soo.” Chanyeol walks towards Kyungsoo hovering at the sacred entrance of his beloved kitchen, arms spread wide to smother the patissier with an overdue hug.

The smaller man doesn’t turn away like he usually does, although he doesn’t look particularly thrilled when Chanyeol wraps his arms around him, squeezing tightly. Kyungsoo taps out when he reaches the point of near asphyxiation and rushes back in to make pastries before the shop opens.

Chanyeol smiles. That’s as close to a sign of emotion and care as he can get from Kyungsoo. “Kitchen assistant Park is back for duty!” He thinks he hears an echoing “thank God” and Baekhyun scoffs from behind him.

“But before that,” Baekhyun heaves himself up to sit on the countertop, ignoring Joonmyun’s cry of I just cleaned that! “Story time.”

Chanyeol can feel the grin on his face stretch into a million watt smile, but remains composed when he says, “Nothing worth mentioning happened.”

Baekhyun raises an eyebrow because he obviously knows something is up. “Then why are you grinning like you saved a kitten - yet again despite your horrifying allergy to feline fur - or won the lottery?”

Oh what the heck. “I met a guy yesterday on the way home.”


“He was hitching for a ride so I offered?”

More silence. The only noises heard are Joonmyun humming by the espresso machine and Kyungsoo’s distant tinkering and clanging. Chanyeol feels like he might burst from the excitement that still hasn’t died down.

“He’s pretty cute and I gave him my number? We’ve been texting all morning. He’s like, two years younger than us and lives fifteen minutes away, but he’s cool and pretty mature for his age-”

“Oh my god.” Baekhyun smacks the back of Chanyeol’s head and squishes the taller man’s cheeks with his palms before he can even shout at the pain. “And you didn’t think to call and tell me about it?”

“I’m telling you now.” Chanyeol can barely speak properly through the fish face he’s forced to make from Baekhyun’s touch.

“You have a lot of explaining to do. As your non-biological best friend father, it is my duty to listen to your falling in love experience.”

“Stop. Just - stop being embarrassing.”

“Chanyeol, put these trays in the oven! The moment you stepped back into the café is the moment you’re back on kitchen assistant duty.” Kyungsoo calls from the kitchen and Chanyeol takes the chance to escape from his best friend’s prying gaze.

“Forget the damn croissants and come back here!” Baekhyun argues, but is quickly whisked away by a helpful Minseok who winks at Chanyeol. Everyone is probably going to expect the full story later.

Chanyeol’s phone vibrates in his back pocket as Kyungsoo relays all the horrors of singlehandedly dealing with Baekhyun’s inability to assist him. It’s a message that Chanyeol later sees to read:

7:02 A.M. From: Sehun
Have fun at work hyung. I’m going back to sleep. It’s too early. Hope to see you soon. <3

Final author's note: If you made it through to this point, hurray! Thanks to the mod for running this exchange so smoothly ♡ Can't wait to read all the rest of y'alls fics

2015, pairing: sehun, rating: pg

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