Sep 01, 2014 19:28

Title: Possibly, Maybe
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/D.O, Yoora/OC
Rating: G
Length: 2800
Summary: Chanyeol isn’t a fan of blind dates but maybe this one is worth pursuing.

Yoora frowns, the gentle creases in her forehead and chin doing little to make her look older; her face has unfairly been blessed with endless youth. Instead, she looks like an upset mother. “Did you stay on the couch all day?”

“It is Tuesday,” Chanyeol replies, not even looking up from the large flat screen. “I don’t have work today so yes, I stayed on the couch all day.”

Yoora huffs and kicks off her heels by the door, storming over to snatch the bag of chips right out of Chanyeol’s hands. “When I agreed to live with you, I didn’t know that I was agreeing to be your maid,” she huffs, marching into the kitchen and throwing the nearly empty bag of chips into the pantry.

Chanyeol whines and shuts off the television, rolling off the couch and onto the floor. He stays there for a moment, deliberating, until finally he sighs and pushes himself up, dragging himself into the kitchen. Yoora’s pulling things out of the fridge and placing them on the island. Chanyeol sneaks up behind her and removes her hand from the bag of carrots, shooing her away. She leaves with a smile, going upstairs to change out of her business attire and into something more comfortable.

All the vegetables are simmering when Yoora returns, willowy body swathed in a too-big basketball jersey and shorts, both of which are probably Chanyeol’s because Yoora is like that-she’ll steal Chanyeol’s clothes because her brother has too many jerseys to notice. She sets the table and hops up on the counter when she is done, audibly admiring the almost-ready food.

Dinner is a cacophony of noises, as it always is, chair legs scraping on the ground as they reach for food and appreciative moans filling the air instead of conversation. Yoora groans with the effort it takes to reach for napkins without leaving her chair and Chanyeol grumbles when he sees that the food is gone.

“Did you know,” he starts as Yoora finishes up the last of the stir-fry, “that our Chief Secretary is currently touring Europe?”

Yoora’s eyes shrink into half-moons. “You watched my segment!” She says with glee, moving the last of her chicken onto Chanyeol’s plate.

“‘Course,” he responds with a shrug, popping the piece of meat into his mouth. “Although, the camera man’s angle was way off. He should be fired.”

Yoora offers a small smile. “He’s coming over Thursday.”

Chanyeol refuses to be deterred by the change of subject. “Great! I’ll have a gig so I’ll be home late.”

“He’s staying for dinner.”

Chanyeol grits his teeth, debating between whining in despair and launching himself onto the ground to show his distress. In the end, he does neither. “Yoora, you know I don’t like him.” He pouts, folding his arms. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“He’s my boyfriend and I like him. I really like him, Chanyeol,” she states, clearing away their dishes. “And if you care about me, you’ll do this for me.”

Chanyeol should probably be used to Yoora bringing home her boyfriends by now. She’s gorgeous-perks of the Park genes-so she’s had quite a few. But they never last all that long. Chanyeol thinks the record is two years, and that was back in college. Yoora is a very particular woman, and Chanyeol can’t fault her. He admires her determination and firmness.

But this new guy has lasted six months already. Chanyeol has met him now and then, but he’s very sure that he does not like the man. He doesn’t exactly have a reason; nevertheless, the man has earned his distrust. Somehow.

“So, dinner Thursday night?” Yoora asks plainly, hands on her hips and dishes already washed and on the rack, drying. Chanyeol must have really been out of it.

He sighs. “I suppose.”

Yoora grins and musses his hair. “You’re such a good baby brother.”

“Another girl left me her number for you. You gonna take this one?”

Chanyeol sinks down into the bar stool. “What do you think, Yixing?”

The bartender shrugs and smoothly deposits the folded paper into his pocket. “When’re you finally going to pick up one of your admirers? You have been single for entirely too long, my friend. Unless you have someone on the side you’re not telling me about.”

Chanyeol sighs. “I just played a full setlist after having worked all day and you’re going to hound me over my nonexistent love life?” He complains, going for a hurt expression but probably looking more annoyed than anything. “In what universe is that okay?”

Yixing gifts him with a small, apologetic smile before he ducks behind the bar and reappears with a shot glass, paper umbrella thrown on top for effect. Chanyeol leans across the bar to stick the umbrella behind Yixing’s ear, who waits patiently until Chanyeol has the stupid thing aligned, and then downs the glass.

“Right. Well, I better be off. I’ve got a dinner date with Yoora and company.” His nose wrinkles in distaste and Yixing laughs.

“You’ll have to tell me how that goes.”

“If I survive,” Chanyeol mutters, standing and leaving with a wave tossed over his shoulder. He gets into his beat up sedan with no issue and drives out of the full parking lot, all of his equipment already loaded into the backseat. The drive home is short and easy, Chanyeol gets there in five minutes flat. He frowns when he sees that beside Yoora’s cute little bug, there’s a shiny Prius. He parks right behind it and scowls, slamming his door shut and walking up to the front door. It’s already unlocked, so he walks in.

“Hey, Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol bristles and nods instead of greeting the man back. He removes his shoes silently and drags himself into the dining room where Yoora’s already set the table. He tries to take a seat but Yoora breezes over, shaking her head and directing him into the seat to his right. He shoots her a glare when, a moment later, her boyfriend takes the seat across from him.

Lee Jungwoo isn’t a bad person. From what Chanyeol has gathers, the man had done extremely well in high school, started working for the news station where Yoora works when he was still in college, and has just been promoted. Since he’s dating Yoora, though, of course the man is inherently evil.

The food is good so Chanyeol tries to enjoy that, though it’s hard when his sister and her beau are chatting right in front of him, like he isn’t even there.

“Chanyeol!” Jungwoo says, wide smile on his face despite the displeasure radiating off the man across from him. “Your sister and I wanted to ask you something.”

Chanyeol looks up only to fixate on their clasped hands and glares, eyes locking onto his sister. “What?”

“We realize that you haven’t really been out much, so we decided to intervene.” Her eyebrows furrow and then she adds a small, “Sorry,” before Jungwoo speaks up.

“So we decided to get the ball rolling,” he states with an elated grin, obviously pleased with himself. It’s like he’s oblivious to Chanyeol’s growing frown. “There’s a very nice guy at work and we decided it would be great if you two could meet. Maybe you’ll hit it off! Anyway, Yoora told me that you don’t have work on Tuesdays, so we were thinking you two could maybe have dinner together next Tuesday!”

Chanyeol narrows his eyes at his sister and mouths traitor and she smiles apologetically as her boyfriend prattles on about the blind date until it’s time for him to leave. He takes his time in doing so, kissing the daylights out of Yoora as Chanyeol glowers at the pair from the kitchen.

As the Prius pulls out of the driveway-having to pull out onto the lawn to avoid Chanyeol’s car-Yoora stumbles her way into the kitchen, dreamy smile on her face. “Chanyeol,” she starts, “I just want you to know that I came up with the idea for the blind date. I don’t want you blaming Jungwoo.”

Chanyeol’s jaw drops. He is appalled. “Why?”

Yoora shrugs heading over to the dirty dishes in the sink. “You need to get out more. I thought a blind date might help. Oh, you can go to bed if you want. I know you have an early day tomorrow and I can take care of the dishes.” She offers a smile and Chanyeol merely nods, heading upstairs.

As he crawls into bed, he thinks of how unnecessary the whole thing is. He doesn’t need Yoora and her evil boyfriend to play overly concerned parents for him. He can go out on his own, find a sexy, rich counterpart by himself. There is no way he is ever going to lower himself to a blind date set up by the most worrisome couple he has ever met.

He ends up going to the blind date.

At seven on the dot, he walks into the restaurant where Jungwoo oh-so-kindly reserved a table for two and promptly has someone walk right into his back. He turns and stares down at a confused brunet.

“Ah, I’m sorry,” the man apologizes, voice soft, “I’m just trying to find the… bathrooms,” he finishes, wandering off.

Chanyeol frowns at the strange encounter and continues forward to the front desk, giving the girl standing there his reservation name. The girl nods and dons a professional smile, leading him to his seat. As he sits down, Chanyeol admits that the restaurant is nice, dim lighting from hanging lights and pristine, embroidered tablecloths to set the mood. Chanyeol notes that he’s alone, though the napkin across from him is disturbed, though probably at the fault of a busy waiter. He picks up his menu and tries to decide what to get, wondering if his date is a no-show. Upon deciding, he takes his phone out to text Yixing, who had been rooting for the wrong side ever since he’d heard about Chanyeol’s dilemma.

“Oh. Well, this is a little embarrassing.”

Looking up, Chanyeol spots the brunet from earlier. He stands and smiles because he should at least make the effort to start this date off on the right foot. The man continues to apologize even after he’s sat down and Chanyeol continues to wave him off, smiling.

The man’s name is Do Kyungsoo. He thinks Jungwoo and Yoora make a cute couple-which earns him a negative mark-and had been friends with Jungwoo in college, and the man had helped him get a job in the lighting department at the news station, because Kyungsoo had gotten a law degree at the worst possible time. But, with years of stage management under his belt, he was quickly accepted as a member of the full-time staff. He’s the smallest of the bunch, so whenever a light goes out, he’s tasked with using his nimble fingers to change it out while he crawls along the narrow gangplanks to the faulty bulb. He’s actually terrified of heights, but he keeps that a secret because none of the others could hope to get the job done quite as quickly.

At the end of the night, Chanyeol decides that Kyungsoo is cute, but not cute enough for a second date. When he gets home, despite Yoora’s incessant pestering, all he’ll say is that the date went okay.

Yoora plans on ruining the days even when he has work, texting him during his lunch break to ask him to come walk her home because it’s cold out and Jungwoo bailed on her. Chanyeol sighs at the use of too many sad emojis and texts back an ok, trying and failing not to smile when Yoora texts back, THANK YOU!! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

It is cold out, winter winds mixing in with the chilling realization that autumn is coming to an end and the Christmas decorations will be out in mere days. Chanyeol zips his jacket up a bit higher and shivers as he troops down the stairs to the metro that will take him right to Yoora’s work.

The wind is harsher than he remembers when he exits the train, and Chanyeol is once again thankful for his down jacket. He jogs up the stairs and heads over to the news building, just behind the station.

When he gets there, Yoora is nowhere to be seen. The only one there is a shivering figure, curled in on itself and leaning against one of the main pillars. Out of curiosity, Chanyeol nears, only to see a familiar head of brown hair. “Kyungsoo?”

The man’s head snaps up and he offers a wan smile, still shivering. He greets Chanyeol, voice reduced to a stuttering mess. He’s got his bare arms wrapped around himself, tee shirt billowing in the wind as he ducks his head against it.

Chanyeol sighs. This guy is an idiot. “Why are you standing out here. You should go inside where it’s warmer.”

Kyungsoo shakes his head. “J-Jungwoo told me to w-wait for him here.” His he licks his lips and shifts his weight, almost bouncing in place.

Chanyeol groans. He’s been duped. “I don’t think he’s going to come.” When Kyungsoo raises his head to argue, Chanyeol continues, “Yoora told me to meet her here. I think this is a set up.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widen and he tightens his arms around himself. “Oh.”

“Let’s get you home.” Chanyeol reaches out and grabs the smaller man’s hand. Together, they walk away from the building and down to the station. Kyungsoo points to the line that heads his way and Chanyeol decides to ride with him, seeing at the man can’t even stop shaking enough to hold up his pass to the barrier. Besides, the line that heads back to Chanyeol’s work-where his car is-has the same stop just a little further up the line.

Kyungsoo won’t stop shivering as they wait for their train and Chanyeol begrudgingly sheds his own jacket to give to the man, who objects and even puts up a fight, punching Chanyeol square in the gut as he tries to coerce the smaller man into the jacket. Kyungsoo stops to apologize and Chanyeol quickly works the jacket on, sighing in relief when Kyungsoo doesn’t strike, leaning back to appraise his work.

Kyungsoo has a tiny frame, something not entirely evident until now. He’s drowning in Chanyeol’s jacket, fur liner up to his cheeks and mouth completely covered. The tips of his finger barely graze the sleeve hem and he looks like a toddler. It’s completely adorable.

Wordlessly, he exits at his stop and begins to take off the too-large jacket, struggling with the zipper. When he finally has it off, the doors close behind him, and he stares in a mixture of awe and sadness as the train whizzes past and Chanyeol struggles to keep in his laughter. The kid is too cute.

When he gets home, he’s freezing. Yoora blinks, asks him where his jacket is, and Chanyeol glares at her before trooping up to his bedroom.

“Did you give it to him?” She shouts, not a minute later.

Chanyeol’s silence is enough. She screams about how cute her baby brother is for a full minute and Chanyeol’s frown feels ingrained on his face. He can hear her talking to Jungwoo on the phone, judging by her boisterous laughter and excitement causing her words to run together. He rolls over and thinks that maybe, just maybe, the guy isn’t that bad after all.

The next day, he gets a text from an unknown number with the words, Yoora gave me your number. When can I give you your jacket back?. Without thinking, Chanyeol saves it and immediately texts him back with a date, time, and place.

Chanyeol swirls his glass before taking a sip, frowning at the sweet fruitiness. Yixing should know by now that he hates fruity. He looks up to voice his concerns, but Yixing is otherwise occupied with a bleached blonde who keeps throwing Chanyeol glances before handing a piece of paper to Yixing and leaving.

“She seemed nice,” the bartender muses thoughtfully. “It even has a heart on it. You gonna take it?”

Chanyeol shakes his head. “I already have someone.” Just as he finishes the thought, his phone vibrates and he grins into his drink, thinking that he’ll wait an hour or two before replying. The angry emojis are worth it, and Kyungsoo is positively adorable when he’s put out. Plus, he can always beg for forgiveness with a warm hug. Despite the grumbling, he knows Kyungsoo loves him.

Yixing smiles at his friend and places two umbrellas in his drink.

rating: g, 2014, pairing: do

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