
Mar 05, 2013 00:06

Warning: orgasm denial, snowballing, p. much pwp
Summary: Baekhyun thinks he has a problem, Chanyeol’s not so sure

Baekhyun stares blankly at the mirror, water running over his hands, and pictures Kyungsoo dancing. He sees his face scrunched up in distress, bladder heavy, and feels a swooping of joy in his stomach at the knowledge that he’s the cause of Kyungsoo’s continuing physical discomfort. “What is wrong with you, you sick fuck?” He mutters as he idly considers clogging the toilet, leaving Kyungsoo no choice but to use the sink or tub. He knows full well Kyungsoo’s germaphobic tendencies would never allow it; he’d be forced to waddle through the cold to reach the corner store three blocks away. No, that would be a bit too much he decides.

This, spending fifteen minutes after reaching the bathroom first and closing the door in a frantic Kyungsoo’s face, is enough. “Baekhyun please,” filters through the sound of the running water and he savors the desperate tone. One more longing glance at the toilet and he shuts the faucet off, turning slowly to dry his hands. He takes a breath and opens the door.

“Hey Soo, sorry man, but I accidentally clogged the toilet,” Baekhyun dribbles through a stony face. Kyungsoo’s resulting wail sends pricks along his spine. “Just kidding dude, it’s all yours,” he winks, clapping Kyungsoo’s back. The other man huffs, sending a glare, jeans already popped open, before shouldering Baekhyun out of the way and slamming the door. He leans against the wall, taking a moment to listen to Kyungsoo’s sob of relief, before he pushes off and makes his way to the living room.


Later, as he’s stroking his dick, waiting for Chanyeol to finish prepping himself, he imagines Kyungsoo beneath him, eyes watery, throat hoarse from the strain of being unable to relieve his aching erection. Before he can banish the image, he’s shuddering, cum seeping over his hand. He stills completely as the pleasure from his orgasm flees as quickly as it came.

Chanyeol’s eyes are squeezed shut, and he doesn’t notice anything until Baekhyun lets out a shaky laugh. He opens his eyes in time to catch the sheepish look Baekhyun throws his way before he crawls in between his long legs, tugging at his arm to dislodge the fingers Chanyeol still has working into his own ass.

“You can fuck my face,” Baekhyun mumbles, giving a tentative lick along the side of his erection before engulfing him whole. Chanyeol eyes him in confusion. He knows the brunette never passes up a chance to actually fuck and prefers saving things like deep throating and face fucking for “special occasions”. He’s not one to pass up a gift, however, and he begins slowly lifting his hips, giving Baekhyun time to prepare himself before he grabs his head and gives up on all thought but chasing pleasure.

Baekhyun feels bile rising in his throat, certain he’s going to puke- a feeling which is most definitely not caused by the dick hammering up into the back of his throat. That’s a familiar weight and slight comfort; unlike the guilt seeping cold through his veins. He knows his throat is going to bruise in the morning, but he allows the rough treatment, praying for a quick finish. After an eternity, time innumerable in his state, his boyfriend releases down his throat with a grunt, fingers carding through the smaller man’s hair as he basks in euphoria.

Baekhyun leaves his aching mouth still firmly attached to the now flaccid dick, face pressed into the hair of his crotch, breaths stuttering through his nose. They stay like this for a minute until Chanyeol fidgets, gently lifting Baekhyun’s head and peering at his face, thumbs brushing along his cheekbones. “Fuck, was I too rough?” he panics, seeing the dazed look in Baekhyun’s eyes. Baekhyun just shakes his head no, pulling himself up to bury his face in the crook of his neck, as Chanyeol rubs soothing circles over the sweat slicked skin of his back.

It’s later still, Baekhyun laying on his stomach staring at nothing, Chanyeol’s soft snores cutting through the dark, that he takes time to ponder over what it all means. He knows he’s not actually interested in Kyungsoo that way, but it still feels like betrayal. This wasn’t like beating off to some interchangeable dude in a porno, or some chick in a magazine. Chanyeol had been right in front of him when he’d blown his load to thoughts of another- a friend and bandmate no less. Gray light is filtering through the curtains when he finally manages to drift off, Chanyeol’s arm thrown across his back, head still in turmoil but decision to come clean solidified.


Things don’t always work out as planned and the next week is a blur of late night vocal practices and early morning workouts, crime still unconfessed. Baekhyun had meant to tell Chanyeol about his transgression the very next morning, but when he’d come back from showering and seen him standing by the bed with a mug of honey lemon tea and a goofy grin plastered on his face, he couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth. One doesn’t have to share everything in a relationship, he’d reasoned as he'd accepted the mug and a peck on the cheek, ignoring the stone in his stomach that screamed otherwise.

Baekhyun finally cracks during their Sunday Sit Down. He herds Chanyeol into their room, pulling him down to sit on the floor, side by side, backs leaning against the bed. He starts from the bathroom incident and ends with his self-inflicted torment and hesitancy to broach the subject, waiting for Chanyeol’s verdict.

“Baek, you’re over thinking things. It’s not a big deal.”

“I thought you’d be mad or think I was weird or something,” Baekhyun fidgets, looking down at the fingers he’s running along the carpet.

“Thinking of other people sometimes is normal and healthy, I think. Also, we shared porn before we dated, I think I know what you’re into...Mr. Glass Jar.” Chanyeol snorts out, shoulder nudging Baekhyun’s side. Baekhyun’s head shoots up and his ass clenches as he turns to scowls at Chanyeol.

“I’m not into jars up people’s asses, you ass! I only watched that out of morbid curiosity.” Chanyeol doubles over, shoulders shaking in mirth at the offended expression on his boyfriend’s face. He finally collects himself, becoming serious again, and places his arm around Baekhyun’s smaller frame.

“I know, I know. I’m just saying. Look, if you want to try something new out, we can. My heart’s yours and so is my body. I trust you.” They stare at each other in contemplative silence, the weight of Chanyeol’s words filling the air.

“Okay,” Baekhyun breathes out before pushing himself over to sit in Chanyeol’s lap. “Okay,” he repeats and Chanyeol’s leaning forward to capture his lips, arms tightening around his middle.

The kiss becomes frantic and they break apart to shed their clothes. Chanyeol has barely gotten his boxers off, shirt still on, when Baekhyun pushes him backwards and he stumbles, hitting the bed. “Leave it on, we don’t have time” Chanyeol raises an eyebrow but complies when he sees the set of Baekhyun’s face.

Baekhyun fumbles around for lube while Chanyeol takes the time to actually wrench his shirt off. He leans back on his elbows, eyes following Baekhyun's agitated search. He finally finds it, skittering across the carpet, unveiled after a dirty pair of boxers is kicked aside in frustration. “We really need to clean after this, ew,” Baekhyun grimaces before swooping down to pick it up, leaping onto the bed, landing hard on Chanyeol’s calf in his enthusiasm.

“Shit, don’t fucking break it, Baekhyun.”

A kiss to make it better, several fingers, and several minutes later has Baekhyun knuckle deep, caressing Chanyeol just the way he knows the other man likes it. Chanyeol makes a small noise, legs beginning to shake and Baekhyun is quick to clamp his other hand firmly around the base of Chanyeol’s cock. Chanyeol throws his arms out from under himself, bed bouncing slightly on impact, “Goddamnit.”

Once again, Baekhyun feels that swooping in his stomach and he lets out a giddy laugh as Chanyeol begins to squirm. He has the taller man bucking up before he finally stills his fingers and slowly withdraws his hand, making sure to keep a steady hold on Chanyeol’s pink, increasingly darkening dick.

He quickly lubes up his own cock, lining it up and slowly pushing past Chanyeol’s ring of muscles. They stay like that for moment, Baekhyun’s tip barely in, eyes admiring Chanyeol’s scrunched face. Chanyeol is completely still, breaths flowing harshly through his nose, allowing Baekhyun to call the shots.

Baekhyun finally, finally, begins to move when he sees a tear slip out of the corner of Chanyeol’s right eye and Chanyeol immediately begins pushing down to meet Baekhyun’s thrusts. The pace is frantic and sloppy and a fire is burning in the pit of Baekhyun’s stomach. As it builds in intensity, he deliberately slows his thrusts, making them long and hard, changing his angle until a strangled rumble rips from Chanyeol’s mouth. Chanyeol stills again briefly and Baekhyun continues to deliberately strike at the same angle.

Chanyeol remains taciturn, however, and Baekhyun whines, “It’s no fun if you don’t beg,” hips coming to a stop in frustration, “Channie please.”

“I’m not gonna beg,” Chanyeol grits out, mirth somehow still evident even as his dick throbs in pain and thighs quiver in exertion, “You’re begging enough for the both of us anyway.”

“Fine,” Baekhyun growls, redoubling his efforts, hand clenching a little tighter around his base until Chanyeol is once again quaking beneath him, orgasm within reach but unobtainable. The light fluttering of his muscles and the soft sob Chanyeol lets slip is the final straw for Baekhyun. He releases with a grunt, tendrils of pleasure threading their way through his veins.

He collapses on top of the other man, before pulling out and glancing down at Chanyeol’s dick, taking time to appreciate how cute and red it looks. He finally takes pity on the weeping member, its his second favorite thing about Chanyeol after all, and releases his hold around it, scouting down to pop it in his mouth. A light suck and chanyeol is crying out, finally finding relief.

The milky liquid sits heavy on his tongue, sweeter than any honey, and he surges up, pressing his mouth to Chanyeol’s. The other’s mouth is already parted, halfway through a pant, and Baekhyun pushes the load into his mouth. Chanyeol splutters, but allows Baekhyun to tangle their tongues, swallowing the majority of his own load. They eventually pull apart and lie there, vibing in each other’s presence.

“That was gross, Baek,” Chanyeol finally grumbles, breaking the silence. “The other stuff was cool, but how about we keep my spunk where it belongs-in, on, or around you-and out of my mouth.”

Baekhyun laughs so hard he chokes, chest swelling. “Maybe you should have just begged,” he manages to get out before Chanyeol is flicking his forehead and pulling him even closer.

A/N: ugh i keep writing sweet chanyeol and that’s like the opposite of how i feel abt him, lmao gross. I meant to write a baeksoo but then. idek what this is. i just wanted the bathroom scene and some snowballing. Constructive criticism more than welcome :3

nc-17, baekhyun/chanyeol

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