Title: Stop Watch Rating: PG Paring/Focus: Yeoljong (Sungyeol/Sungjong) Words: 3000+ Genre: Romance, AU Summary: A decade later and Sungyeol still remembers the boy who played with time and stole his heart. ( Read more... )
ASFKJHFSKL; omg words cannot describe how amazing and beautifully written this was <3 the concept is amazing too!
i love the light, poetic and flowy quality you have to your writing. i find it so lovely~
omg the characterizations in here were superb! i love how sungjong is so timid, afraid of how people see him which is why he was so hesitant with sungyeol at the start yet they gradually fall in love being with each other while time is frozen.
Then there sungyeol who's just so lovingly devoted and falls for sungjong so hard and so fast. The part where he's reminiscing about sungjong whining about his muscled arm yet now he's withered away ;~; aww gosh my heart really went out to him.
the ending, is what puzzles me though >.<; i have a feeling that it's meaning is important and reveals something central about the whole fic but i just cant decipher it at all haha.
thank you so much for writing this lovely, lovely fic~ i ship sungjong with everyone tbh, but lately yeoljong has been especially catching my eye since their cute interactions on kiss the radio :3
jdfkjd;afjdskl your super long comment makes me so happy *A* and it means a lot to me too since I've been trying to better charactize my characters instead of making them legos bricks O3O
omg beautiful Sungjong shipper, I ship SungjongxUniverse (屮ಥДಥ)屮 and what is this interaction you speak of? I'm not too update with all the things they do :d
oh oops I forgot to mention the ending, sorry if it was confusing I have this thing where I love open endings. The last few sentences mean that no one really knows of Sungjong but they know Sungyeol who appears to vanish and reappear with a boy (Sungjong) meaning that at the end that was Sungjong who called his name and now they love each other and spend their time together in where time doesn't exist.
omg my shipper heart is dying, these beautiful gifs and pictures *A* let me die happy now lol thanks so much for sharing these lovely pics <3 I feel a new fanfic coming on O3O
haha I don't have much posted on here and my other yeoljong fic isn't that amazing xD
omg words cannot describe how amazing and beautifully written this was <3 the concept is amazing too!
i love the light, poetic and flowy quality you have to your writing. i find it so lovely~
omg the characterizations in here were superb! i love how sungjong is so timid, afraid of how people see him which is why he was so hesitant with sungyeol at the start yet they gradually fall in love being with each other while time is frozen.
Then there sungyeol who's just so lovingly devoted and falls for sungjong so hard and so fast. The part where he's reminiscing about sungjong whining about his muscled arm yet now he's withered away ;~; aww gosh my heart really went out to him.
the ending, is what puzzles me though >.<; i have a feeling that it's meaning is important and reveals something central about the whole fic but i just cant decipher it at all haha.
thank you so much for writing this lovely, lovely fic~
i ship sungjong with everyone tbh, but lately yeoljong has been especially catching my eye since their cute interactions on kiss the radio :3
omg beautiful Sungjong shipper, I ship SungjongxUniverse (屮ಥДಥ)屮 and what is this interaction you speak of? I'm not too update with all the things they do :d
aaand im gonna go off, and read more of your amazing stuff too~ so expect more comments!
well there's a few things :3 i hope you dont mind~ Err sorry! i tried making it easier by coding the image into the comment but i so noob D: LOL
and then THIS especially: http://i49.tinypic.com/2ppe9m8.gif
these are just a few, there are way more now-days hooray!
haha I don't have much posted on here and my other yeoljong fic isn't that amazing xD
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