Feb 10, 2007 23:43
Ok so today was a mix of insane and FANTASTIC!! Danny and Emily came down today and it was just 5 hours of MAD fun. Em and I have a lot in common, including our friendships with Danny. EmYeoDoubleD!
I went to see Lauren today, and that was festive. I love that girl. I was able to call her last night at 1:30 just to chill and chat. I didn't get back to my room until 3am. My body and mind went on autopilot. I called her, and she automatically knew something was wrong. We don't see each other near often enough, but every time we do it's like nothing has changed. She has seen me through everything in the last 3 years, and she was the first blessing of the last 24 hours. The Lord has granted me such a blessed group of friends. I really don't know where I would be without them.
Tonight was basic at Linger Longer, and we had a great turn out. We laughed for hours. Literally. To top off the night (after great food, good music, lots of laughs and some sweet pictures) we purchased a book so that we can actually write down ALL the amazing things that are said. It will be our "Letters from Burminham" as the three of us will be in jail! HAHA. This was seriously the biggest blessing. Last night and this morning were rough, but God knew just what I needed so that i would remain the Yeo I have become. Ladies seriously. Thank you sooo much. It has been one of the best nights of the year (all things aside). I couldn't ask for a better group of friends. Or a better night. Danny...these colors are in honor of your future son and his cute outfits.