(no subject)

Sep 04, 2004 12:35

I'm in New York! Whee! Which, given various issues and misunderstandings in planning, is an accomplishment of itself... I ended up not getting a ride as I'd hoped, but Greyhounding for most of Thursday night and arriving here yesterday morning at about 7:30. Under the direction of a rather sleepy typhoonboy (I woke him up, sorry!), I successfully navigated the subway for the first time (the 6 train, which I hear is one of the nicest, and really it is nicer than most Pittsburgh buses :P), met Mike and acquired his keys, and found his and Mark's apartment, where I promptly took a nap. I wandered around their neighborhood a bit later, and had lunch at a Moroccan restaurant a few blocks away. Sadly, most of the actual Moroccan-sounding food was non-vegetarian, but I had a tasty sandwich nonetheless. On the map I'd bought soon after getting off the bus, I noticed that they live fairly close to Little Italy, and I couldn't pass that up :) I took a quick trip down to Ferrara's, then came back to the apartment to meet Mark as he got home from work. Once Mike got home and ready, the three of us headed to the famed Neutral Ground for Friday Night Magic. Despite much attempted coercion, I opted to read and spectate rather than playing. If I were in any sort of practice, though, it looked like it would have been fun. We came back to the apartment, watched the Daily Show and bits of Pulp Fiction, I was reminded yet again that my watched-movie repertoire is woefully limited, and we went to sleep. Now it's Saturday and I'm stealing Mike's computer. Plan for the rest of the weekend: have fun, watch SFU, come back Monday :)
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