
Sep 14, 2014 22:50

What does it mean to be a fan of something? I have friends who aren't, of anything. They admire things sometimes, but they don't delve in like I do. For me, it's an easy way to be happy. I read about the exploits of Jared and Jensen, I look at photos, I watch convention videos, and it makes my life better. It brings me joy. I expect actually going to a convention will be even more so. But that's a superficial kind of fandom, entertainment value only. I'm sure they're lovely fellows, and they do a great job being Sam and Dean, but Misha is something else. I am quite frankly obsessed with the man. I do actually love him. I will joyfully do the absurd things he tells us to do, and I don't even know why it makes me so fiercely, furiously happy that he exists. It's similar to the height of my obsession with Michael Stipe, and maybe even surpasses it. Stipe could make a silly teenager version of me feel such things, but Misha makes an older, wiser, more cynical and detached version fall madly in love with a mass media figment of my imagination. Damn him.

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